Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1963, p. 11

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mm nan rrnurlun munu FIGHT RESULTS uuwxnipll ulluu omcu yuklrday afternoon vlle Red look llma out In he 12 Examiner Pholo Yanks Take 2Game LeadInAmericanLoop llmu um nulllrll llw uul nlumllnl mldur In Ull anhmnl Lrnlur In 079 when Iw Wm lnmr Includan Imlullrr wllh Mn Frnxlrllm ilnnll Am MIN 10 MIIFT MUNTIIILM1LMuIrllmn so lrHNNIMIHI hum Hull 54 umuu IIUIIKIHIIII nnunm Ill rmnlml hvr llw lnmlh nn mlnl mmmllnn IF 0er Amuu Anotlkllfln npmiu hm lmla in Anulrwulmny FmIII Anulm knmlml ml mum Audlm Hmmx Am fly Hlli ASWNMIFD Illlifl Lcnl rmrnl mnnnurr Frnnk Pollock nnnnumrd ulxn an layer luulu oulllcldrr Hum Fink 141 Mlnnlll much In lnr rmr Ilnb Tirlrnmwr Ind In cnltlvrr Inn Hannah 1711 null Ilw Imflic Sum qunr lnr IIIIKIIU Jnlm Anxlrrwn The club Acquml lfllhfl Phil on from Denver ma Inclnc Canal Lruue nnnlhvr Inn Huh the Mn ymmll Mllwnuku IlrnmL The Mytnrnld rummmm hm mud 51 mm ml vrtnrd Mlh the bran lhln Dawn and hflllllrlk0ul lnnlmuv TORONTO ICP Tnnmln Maple Lcnls the Inlrrnn llnnul nuthnll 11mm hnvl mid velcrnn pitcher Sm film Jamx In SI Lani Cnnllunlx he Nntinnll mm Dal eys sharp roller pilchlng dropped While Sax two games hack the irsbplace New Mark Yankees who edged last 11am Washington Sennlors Thu llral lwo US finishers In nth ul lhe 19 evcnl wlll be named Io lhe us learn whlch mull Hussll In mm In Mn mw July 30le Crolnm unlcrcd in the yard run will lacs Wu Ger manyl Hamld Norporlh mtel regard holder Bruce Kidd Crmhcrs Toronlo mminl mule had In wilhdraw mm lhe meal hecnusc at heel Injury plckcd up ll Compton NONI la be out compo minn lnr lead munlh Acquired ram Cleveland In lllans or 0000 the wyearold rlzhthander has turned into an lhe Amlrlcan Leagues lop lireman since he altered his nrlde award the plate early in the season In the last 16 lamcs slrclch ol al In nims Bailey has allowed only three runs Thn figures out la 0M egi run average T151 LOUIS ANOnly one Cnnadlnn Toronlun Bill Truth in he malhlcle Held In Unilzd Slalns Amnlcur Mh acllc Unlnn twoday champion Ihlp rack Ind chi me open luR lndny gone Canadian 31s Entered flu heu llme one mlnula 11 second clocked arllcr this month lhe Comp ton Cnm rtlnyn wan lhe has lime In he world lhls year and the lamb axles cm Toronto Sells Sad Sam Jones By MIKE RATIIET Illsoclnled Pres snarl erltr lack Bill Dalley 10 year via find home but hes finally Irrived Home is the Mlnnesola Nina bullpen but as often as no Dulleys been creed lo leave an huslness He no the call agaln Thursday or the 23rd limz tched xcoreles ball for our Mugs and preserved Nins triumph over the second plgce Chlgagn WhlLe qu Young Dlvld Beasley of fiarrie was In The Examiner omcu IIday afternoon wag DAVID BEESLEY MEETS BED Ynnim nwuml ivy ll Mnn ml Kmlhuly Onl and mm 511mm Lflllllfll Um moo nIHn mm In 201 ml pnld um II tlrlml by linu mm In Ic luly nrr Nlnxm lllmru Funrrd lvr Dlllun nwlml by Tnnzn hlnhlu nl IHwn hum Unl II no pm In 1m null lrlunvrd 17 Tmlncr HAMBURG NV CIF Three unndlnn MVan Ilnnd nnlbrrflx um wlmml ll IIIIL lnln llnccwny 11mm 6th Ht Buffalo Back Up Wins And when WM All nver hr Mtll hnuxhllly Ilnlkrd on lhr nlmlium In DIM huuml Soma 50000 rw heed allowed Ihelr NnHmnI lugue mh pllca horou lnlo Hm Mule lhnl Ilulh bulll They howled nnd yelled nnd Illlmpld halr lea Thcy dunkd Ind chum and but ench nlher on ma held MUI prnxrzms They lomd nom llrrcmkm and Had In mine lhl pcnnrml and sums of them go collred by lb copy er or Ianar Jim Rani 66 aiitr Nina had pulled ahead wiih them iiiih inning uprising keyed by Zuiln Versnllcs bases loaded iriplc Dliiey chukadv While Sex on We hiu iii mi oi the way siriking nut iuur and low ered his nvcrnii earned run av erage lo 221 Harmon Kill mnyarl charily ulmc Thuu day night whcn Casey Slcnnl Ind his New York Mel across Harkm Iver In do bun with American lunua and chumpinn Vlnkm lor he bmefll New York Iandlnl hnsnbnll progyam used lo hrnw crossre shy he stAlool lhreelnch Vir ginian bul Mall me sup ping toward the hmer ThBll given Dailey beler leverage He also has more cmlidence NEW YORK APlMI bu what beamilul night it was 01 Case came homa his new breed Followers almost ripped up Ynnkte Slndium lhe Mala beat me Yank and Jlmmy Picrnll hll tap Dalley hurler who has spmt 10 years trying to crack the majors failed In Lrles with Indians in sudden nbllily lo ahul the door on the opposilton after he was well taggcd ln his first seven ap pcarancu is credited to pitch Ing conch Gordon Mnluherger and maquger Sam Mela Fans Cheer Mets To Win Over New York Yankees Boston Red 50 rider in De mail Tigers trouble 33 with homers by Dick Stuart and Chuck Schilling sending leers dawn lr their lmh straight sel back Cleveland rode Max Al vis grand slam homer lo an victory over Baltimore Ori oles Kansas City and In An geluflwm nolhschcdulcd on Bobby Richardsons lwwun double in he ninlh Inning and ran their wlnnini streak Io games 11911115 gasp 10m when New York Rlnlera mach Red Sullivnn pald vlle Red look llma out In Etrrate Room lnnllgt QUEENS HOYEI llnIlllIl VISIT Mr Jon nurprln wln Mr by Md In won min In In umn xy Cum Incl 0nL with ry 0pr dvlm lnlnrr Mr Jam pnld 30 and cumrlrled lhc ll dmlhlu ul der Fl Arlhur had In nlm WTOMAIIC DElIVERIES Nu mnl damage wu done The rlh wm In and Jimmy a0 MI hi Irk at back In time lo unal la rlm and launch dean Ivarun hurl unlm mu Mul Yankee pllchnr Slnn Villllml behind with six runs In the seventh in ning to beat Orioles Jerry Kin dalls lwnrun inxie tied the score then Alvis put it out reach Joe Azcue hll lwa hom eu lur indinns mid Woodie Held chipped inwilh one Jim Gen tile and losing nilcher Dick Hall 21 connected or Bulli mnrei Jerry Walker frl was the winner Dont nut lhrough lha lronl Yankee euipmenl man Pele Previle 9d Ihem In he dresslnl room ulter ward Slum15 17th honArr driving in his 43rd run ignited Elva run Red Sox raiiy In the fourth inning capped by iwwun double by plicher Arnold Enr iey and Schillingl homer Ear iey 32 got Ihe vicwry whiie Jim Bunninz 47 was tagged with lnr ins and 350 line by umpire Hank Soar when he hit Roman Mejia with pitch aiierfl Schilling wnhtcicd an world champlnn wilh Iclory over lhe wmrlxed chairinedt Yankm who had In ISM by hncly exll Richards rejoined Yankees amr tnklng luv to altend his fathers funeral Jnlled Jim Cute pitch lo right or the run that made eight lusses in row or Senn lors Castes 24 look the loss with Marshall Bridges 24 the winner In relief Ynzl Berra llnqulsned his coaching dullu mr New York donned his ralchinz gear and hit tworun hnmer brew and Earl Haney hommd or Minnesolm John Buzhnrdt was he loser BEEN HTS HOMER chat briefly with Dnvld Ind lavnred Ihe beaming young mr wilh an autograph befon he 12 Examiner Pholo PA 82563 SlMCflE PETROLEUM Su LTD rm llam lmluIry Pmldcn Fred nullorlleld ma rluh 1m vmk lo nur INHII lhu NOIM Imlnr ma ml II rxrru ma lullnrd II IIKCIII mm Inl Only on member ha noup would Ira uny rluon or lhl reslaunlhml uyhux mrrtly lhnl lho link loo hlnl dell wflh KAPUSKASING CWConch Hull In mnnlnr Lorm Cnduu Ind lhe enllra III of nfllcul Klpmknalnl Ham unlor club In lha Nonhrrn 0n llrlo Hockey Auodnllon hvn mllnrd flungll Almn Mllwwkee Ind Flood Louis 55 Run BINM lnH Alrnn 51 Ill real and whim 9L DnubluJIVIer 5L hauls TrlpluIlnwn Cinclnmll llolnl nunH Anon Stale BnnRohinwn 31m tlnrull II INchlnl Mllnney Clncln ML 104 KlrlkroutpDryldala Lon An lelu uz Davis LA Gml SH WMIL SH Wills LA Clemente mu Officials Of Kaps Resign Malzone Bo Wagner LA Kaline Del Robinson CM 17 78 Pearson LA 243 35 415 munAllison Minnesola 46 Run lulled lnKllint and Wagner la llilnanner BL DouhluJnwer Ind Vexul Iu Minnesota ll lrblel Hinton Waxhiuv Inn 10 Name RumStuart Dalton l7 stolen BunnApnrlclo Balm more 19 Pllthlnl Rndalz Huston and Walker Cleveland 057 sulkzoutlBunnlnx Dena By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jacksonville Sun enloyed their mnsl productive night of the season belting Bullan BIA son 157 and knuckinz the BI son uan all ha Roches er pace The secondpllce Syr acuu Chiels rained out The Balllm 0rlole larm hands India the Noflhern DI vlllon th lnlermllonnl League stretched lhelr wlnnlnz olruk lo 11 games Thursday nlzht when they edged Toronto Maple Lent It was their fourth vmory In Ihe lasl live gimme by the narrowest ol mur ns Winning the close one un to be hub with Roches ler Red Wins In ml winning hem all getting to he Red Wlnu ugdynlrk By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Plllamn wn man enough to live me chance for the um and heI got mum com lnz which hell get even though Es bfen held up couple um Ilnlllr Tlm HI Im Thai boy for me all right said the worid heavy weight chlmpion In ielephona interview with buxlng writer Lesier Bmmherg oi ii New York WandTelegram Ind Sun mayday Bill got an agreement In llth Floyd Pallerson lnln and thL me befon mylhlng else SATURDAY JUNE 22 NEW YORK APJ= Sonny Llslon says he has some unlin lshed business with Flvyd Pal mun and then hell take can CISSIMS Clay Ind his big mouth Red Wings Extend Winning Streak PARI MUTUEL WAGERING Admlulon 00 hot Parking BALI LEADERS IKE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 21 Tho WonPatterson light After Pafiérfién It Will Befilciv TWILIGHT BARRIE FAIR GROUND mum lune AB II is LA IRS 21 86 SH 270 40 SH 27 91 LA 192 Amerlun Lune ll Pd ll PCL ker powered ninth Ind mu human forklch mnvlllu Inddrove In six mns lh Sun jumped to In 111 lend nuer lwn Innings givan len hnnder Jack Curtis all the cush Im he needed Io coast to his second victory Tornnto 51th or three runs In the bottom at the eighth on pinchhit home by Lou Jack son and Frank LeJI Reliever Alex Castro retired the Leaf In orde tn the ninth In preserve stuler Buster Namms second vlgwrg in my decision lefll homer 1n the eighth liming by Joe Allobelll pmed In be he decisive blow that key Rochesterl mm 01 Vla lorlex lnhd date with Richmnnd Virginians tel one um behind When xomeone remnrked lbw this Faunion had In nlher lurprlu He and he has bunvuklng flying lessons In Piper 01b Ind alrudy has wloed lwo hours Pfilurson Iold press cohfer ence he willfly Friday tn Lu Vegas where ha will complete Milflllnlnflfi 1th aumdaedsome report an who knnwn that Pallersan has preferred no In an by air nlhe put Patterson cllnzd la mike any prediction Thursday on the outcome his lclurn fight with Liston except Io declare Im no going to get knocked out in 11 Hrs mund scheduléa IIIzrgLvasl Veins Ne Jujy 22 Whats your pleasure M01SON MEASURE PAK mxvomq rm ozoz rmmm wmmmv TwafinahmwsMolxun ExpurtAle and Mnlsun Canadian lagerheer in one Mnlsun Pleasuw PakSava money lunl Casts lessthana12hnlllecananolaacMitkuM MnlxonPlaasumPak ludayandgnllha pleasuranl hfllh 11 Al Johnston of Montreal had 371976 and veteran Stan Leonard of Vancouver awoke from nightmare to find hn had soared In HZ82 It was one Leonards worst rounds at pro in 7613 big strokes behind the leaflet Palmer and Player wgge also In trouble recman Cana dian cnnungem was Balding Toronla wlm fired 343973 only four stroke of tha pace and very ch ln the rugngng Nlckhms he deltnding cham qddedqmu9d ue goprsu The 4yearold bachelor from Bloomfield Hills Mlch dlrdcd Iizzllnz twounderpar 69 in the Int mundpushing guys like Jack Nlcklam Arnold Pnlmer Ind Gary Player to the Ildellnes Hut golng Inlo lhc second rnund of he annual go clas alc thday Gajda wha had In all pmple his name is pro nounced Gaydab was looking overhjs shnulder the bl namgsn BROOKLINE Mass AP In the Ihausandspl words writ tenin advance of Ihls years United Stale 0pnn nobody homered to mention the name afrBah Gajda an obscure club pro mm erchlgan Ale ngqrites Falter In First Round Of Openfi PA mm BAYFIELD FREE Hakim and Delivery 0AA NAL SERVICE TUNE UPS WASHING LUBRICATION ZLHOUR TOWING Repair to all mgk 3f Enjoy both in STEWA RTS GA RAG In 70 Is Jncky Cupll only 25 but llbbed one pl he hrluhl new stars lhe game II are Tully Lama lnrmer charm plan Jullus Euros and vclcrnn Lionel Hebert along wilh 23 ycnhold Dav Love club pm my Chaglnl There are 43 players ahead of the Open defander and I9 nlhlra fiedwilh him It was my worst round in the Dim lincu 1959 and my wars any kind In long long lime thlnga bothering me hul mys farmer Canndlan and mer aniunnl Huckcy League ElarnBlll Ezlulckl that 34138 llll haw 10 show 68 or 67 to elhuck um 11 sald dir can and Nicklaus For all seeking professional Accountinl Career in Admin islralion Commerce lnduslry and Civil Service he Certi iled General Accountanls CrGA Associaiion oi Onlnrlo oiiera year Univenily course specially desixncd lo meei the needs oi businesa and government service leading in In highly recognized degree at CGA lniormailon and applic aiions may be obtained from Cerilllod General Accounilnn CGAi Anne of Cumin Exuuiivn Sureiary 67 Yong $9 Taronio Oni UNIVERSITY EVENING LECTURE OR CORRESPONDENCE COURSE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 67 YONGE STREET TORONTO ONTARIO Lager cmmd Ganorll Accountanll PLAN CAREER WITH FUTURE ASA WINS CUP ASCOT AP Twlllghl Alley uwned by Lady Sassoon nnd rid den by Lcslcr PlugolL wnn lhu Ascnl Gold Cup Thursday over French challenler Mlsu 1V and Talne flc knocked In Whaler or hirdle on he lllh run In hlrdle pull from feet away on lhe 5ixlh Ind lhen hll mm Incl away or another blrdle III the 17lh He payed Ihc Jul xlx hole In lhreu under par at ml Player In IIIEHEI mm 74 early bclnre lhe slurm clnuds gathered and the wind became real laclnr wilh it swirling gush andn fired mnsccullve pins was one am an the difficult lzlh then mad hls run WW

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