Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 7

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any lhlvmrgh Itwénmu mm mu mmmm palm mum murh mlrr In plan and The lmmnlo Ilnqvln wan rrlwd lvlr IIIl Ilnl llnnlr Imk nlvy Tntu Owl hum In In 1qu mm lur Hm um llnubu dmluumy hy upmm imru mlinn Vulunlulmlrr hmry NW pllulfllll unme nm rllllNrnlrl In llu IIINIIV ul MNHIIIIIN III 94 Jnllua mhuhmrv llnl HM mum Allhlmnh II II IHNIlnlrlfl lhnl erma um ml hm um mm mum Ilmnhlnl nu I1 3mm numb m4qu II hm Ml that mmlo mu zlmn Mir mum flul AmllrmM vwnm mlhmm In ml the llnnl INIIFIm wn rrnrlml by cun Imlvrlnu Ilw mun lhr uuml HHII MIIIIIHINL Jmlm Ilulmb NI Mn inlllr Noll nnd my mm gumnm 11 ml ho filmhm rrnrlml by mmmum mull lhr wlnnlnfl mull nml rulnxmny by Mu 7mm whu unlnlnml hill Judghm or Hm nunnh lIml lxrrn Ilrmr Ivy nmuhnu oIlho mm mva lmlnn mpnmlun mm TIWNN Mm punmm winnlnfl puck Imd rmnpnny hn Tnflcr whu unlnhml Mlu mum gum maker Mu pmrnmi mm nlll mm lhr dhlnlon hy Jnnrl Irnklnl Xmu runner Tl Ilnhrl mm and Turn Vlslllm nlllclnlx far he went lncludcd In Mllnu nullernchnrge of lllc provn clnl mmpsilu nl Due Lukc Imrulun Arm Cmnmlnlonrr anlnr Major Mnry Mnrkln ol llm Snlvuliun Army Mm In In rhnrue nll Snlvmlunlwl guide nml lmmxllrn lllrnuglmul Cunan nml llrrmudn Cnxllnln lmmlhy lhuwn div Irn rrulnnnl dinc nl Snlrnllonlsl urmlps and Hrlufly Alln 4Illlllllhlnllrr 3hr ll Ill Worshlp Mnyor Cook look lhn alllclnl mlulc an lho mnrrh ml at he wnr mom nrlnl Fm Grunt Squaw The llrsl parade Iho nuch mid brownlcs th dlvlslan took place June with named nfllndnnce tram most nniln Led by he Kcmpcnlclt Trumpet Band lhc processlun moved mm Ciy Hall 130 pm progressing down Mulcuslcr 51 west on Dunlap St and unnh on High SL lu Qunnnl Park when program was hcld PEMDEI HIGHLIGHTS News Of Kempenfelt Divisioh Of The Girl Guides Of Canada Miss nu mnnc Green was installed as presidenl with Miss iiinrizarei Gondielluw as past resident niier serving Iwo years as head oi the club 0her cxcculive members ln ciudc Mrsr Dun Campbell iirsz vicepresident Miss Sharon Hay second vicepresideni Miss Lin da Daiiey mrrcspanding were lary Miss Cnral Mcchn rc cording secretary Mis Gladys Hurl treasurer Club dunclnrs are Miss Mur Ilyn Caldwell Miss Evelyn Hun lcr nud Miss Margauxct Good allow ENEERTAINMENT gNenturists Attend 75Instc111c1tzlon Night Venture Club members mm lnronlo and Pclerhomugh Ira vcllcd lo Barrie last evening to hltcnd the annual installation dlnner meellng of the Battle plub Mare than 65 persons rlcnded Including Venturisls and Miss Kay Yasunaka past president Ihe Barrie Sornp limist Club conducted Iha in stallguan ceremonies the Barrie Venture Club are plotured allowing the Install atlon ceremony at the Com EXECUTIVE MEMBERS uf Turn Hm EDMONTON Il HHIII ljlllu nl lnluuly mu Iv My wmnn In ll 11 ulmlying nullmllme at he lnlwvnlly Mlmln wlwn llfldunlrd Ml Tm nrnlnl rmln wllh prny rr mu an aml unullm Imul surlmlul lmnruul will lung be Irmrmlmnl by all prrwnlv Mmgnm ronuh nml Lynn 71mm lmlh wnlkrd lnln uuldq lmul mm Orderly hmlzcl wrrl nwnnlrd In Sulnn Hmnlmmk Kim Dr Sllm anmfl Trlmlr Hnmnlw Hvllr 1qu Zrllm IImI Ellinlwlh Krlly whiln Nuirlry MtKrv uHhnl IHI Ihhr hmlLl Ml um ma mmllmml brun lvlu um nlm NHllrnh at UM rn lmml Ivmluru lnmmllnlrly In lair llvtl flyml Mm Humr 5mm llumhrmwk Shlrloy MrKro and Klm Du 51le nll lrlt mnlh llnnle lnrk IN Iho mum dmllrunlnu 1m purl unillu while llwnn Mm Ilrw nun Alxlh PM hwhnlrd LIMI Dnmrlr nlhy Illmll Zlnll mm ltllwhdh Krlly MN Map Imp Vhlm wry rflcullvo fly up um mlmy wm huld Mm Illunrr wllh lhe llmwnlcn lrnvrlllnu lhmuuh lunnrl mmlc hy the blllrrl In Me Inch homlnu nloll Old Mill hruwn paper urcnmm rndlnn rumlmlodul Irrllll Inul ux Hrundn McMahon and lil rinn McKte slllh llnrrlo lnrk Ilruwn Owl Ilukcr lnwlly Owl McAuky nnd lncklu Nnncy huh of nine HunIv Puck nnd DI lslon Public llrlmlans Sec rI ry Mnric Mnrfln ALONE IN ILMH lleINngfl ll Gum nl IIEfld lnhlc Included UMsIon Cummiuloncr Grnccy District Commlulonrr Crnlg head Mrs McCunn pre scnlnllve mm lhe Cnlhollc Wo mnn Lemme Captain Corri Kall or 1th nmla Guldm nl and mo Thu uh nnd ultraLb nnrrlo nruwnlc hold Jalnl mother hter banquu qn Juno conmm 17 among Olhcr 13min gucsu includcd Mrs Georg Caldwell Miss Among the Pa or arnugh mom hers In Bflnndanne were me den Miss Manila Ecmley Miss cs Jasic Hendrcn Marjorie Cuflc Sandra Dawson Lola Kemp and Edilh Mulch To mnlo members auending were Misses Loulse Murdoch Judith Evans Roberta Little Joan Lynch Nancy Wanan Agnes Couper ancrie Mclklc Daphno Acheson Mlu Audrey llallynrd gogncr presidcnl ol the Harris cu However the iiiiic girl who arrived wiih Ihc gentleman in question infnrmed Miss Luis thai it was quite all right The squirrel turned out to be pup or one Inc yanng man had cut an in Sunday Schml One one occashm she recall ed when the youngsters were permitted to bring their lavarila my to 1he program une liltle gentleman arrived with large paper bag in whlch he said he had his pet squirrel Prior to this he hnd told Mls Lois about his pet and how he lived In the balhrnom So of course the teacher was prcpnrcdfor any emergency The speiké Helighled her and lance with behindhesccne Sn cidents numusullrfl 5qu Ina speaks Mlu Luis has three new chi dren appear on her program every week and In dale she has never had problem chili lNlflE BAG Rumper Roam ls upccially dcslgned lo prepare chlld In school readiness It Is especial ly helpful to chlldren living In the country where there Is no klndergart kl Ihe speaker last evming Standing lrom len In right are Miss Gladys Hart Miu Linda Bailey Miss munily House lumnto SL ol honol l233 BRADFORD 75E lie Burnflnld Mrs Marjorie Eyera Miss Myrtle Good win Miss June Fleming Mrs lsan Campbell Mrs Ruth Lea Mkr Donnn Bailey Mrs Cora McKecn Mrs Llewella Maclnncs Mrs Amy Sargent Mrs Gillharn Mu Albma Cxfl bcrl Miss Edna Gordon Mrs Mary Han Mrs Ward Good fellow Mrs Helen Byles Miss Mary Herrinan and Miss Flnra McGrcgor and Miss Wilda Culhm ol the Soropllmist Venture Commlltec Carol McKcen M15 Sharon Hay and Mrs Dan Cnmpbcl Seated are Mln Margnm Goodrellaw past president and newly installed presidcnl In sun lo sea Bonanza on Um CDCTV nalwovk oach Sunday Mlss Hulhmnrle amen Ex aminer Photo Inquire about uur lnw summer price on repair and modelling FREE STORAGE 0N REMODEL JOBS CALL TODAY Only misi yo PHONE spams ANVVDiTHEFT ran FREE mcxur DURING DAY on EVENING FREE GLAZING AND MINOR REPAIR Only Ilmmlrl ullvra you uml willn rlmim nl quullIylmilt rnm rnrll will ilw uwu tlilincllvo pmnnnlily nml oxrilvnwul hvl younwl ulnmlnnl ul luxury nml um llmv llm lwuulllul llllll0lll llmvrulut mum llmn Inmuum up Alul llnin yvur lmvmlvtn fullvaiu luxury lmnnIa new llulr with now Humrhpun vorulnn our Ill lnukol twain muwnirnl rvuln rnumlc Ililiuvlivr rim llmtngunrnnlml to keep your wirlta wnrinul llwu lmmn lu thrifty Hwy lumlml will IIIMlllonfllllfl lrnlurnnuml prlrml In plvnm nuy luulgvtl llm lnuuty Turvnlr will qultkvn mlr luulm will nxvilouwnllmlxl llm pulvIlllwrlurmilm llmvrulnl Corvrun hlinn llny ruty nuwrlllrlu ur lunlvak ruulw uml yuuw not rlmicn llmln wmuvl In mum in any rur lvnglml Nu lnlm your pick from Imiliux wnvn lu Ru llwmn junt nun mum lu nu IuIy Clmvmlcll Hm yuur Iocul lllllllllllflll th rulvl llllllfh PROTECT YOUR FURS WITH COLD STORAGE CHEVROLET WIGGINSFURS Vow Chovrnlol Oldmetal Cldlllu The men and women with lamllles usually end up with the soup and sandwich lunch ho sald ln her has plckcd up plenty ol lnlormatlon ahaul pm plus eating lwbllsA substan Ilul lunch she says is soup snndwlch salad and mllk But It was gentroll people wlm lived alone wh tank lull cnch hot meal pt noon TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 5241 dlreclor 01 um Canadian chleflc Assoclallon now hold Ing its annual mavcnllon here Miss Shanlz said she super vises the toad preparallon and making some 84000 meals =a Industry hospitals and universi lles In Canada Nulrll anllncss and economy are her mnln con cern as execullve dlcmlnn of Tumntobund industrial mer lng cqmpnny MONTREAL CF Turunln dlbtiuan Durnlhy Sham mum Quins that th12 you can lend person In good nulrlllnn you cagytnnlnkc hlm eat Dietitian Studiosi Our Eating Habits PA 84868 Envoy uni Chovralol Truck Dulu NOTE mum Mum VALUI Check your local llrllnn to channel and lime Mrs Dnlgles comment came as lunal newspapers were being besieged wilh leum to the cdllm 1mm folk eager to nlr The wuy Australians tuik dim and uni is very similar in the American way she told roporlor Auslruiiuus should he Individuals with lhoir own nu linnnl character not Just pcopio copying another counlr Mrs Dnlgle who now lives in Nashua NJL is an holidsy in her home lawn Brlshune Her views are shared by number of Auslrnllnns wbu have entered Inln local contra vursy on the subject BRISBANE Australia AP Mrs Elnr Dnlum whu Brlshnnu or the Unlled Shite in HM as war bride say AustrnlIuns today are becoming too Amuicunhod KAYS 71 Dunlap SI PA H072 Slan Pencack Imp THE QARRIE EXM NEH THURSDAY JUNE The American Way Of Life Causes Australian Controversy rams 499 to 1250 In Heel mum 0ytiunnl nlrl nut cuawiu manm NI Inertnu lhcir vlews on the current toplc Thu Amerlcun spulllng and pmnunclnllun Ihruulun In take over ch English lxlnguuga In Australln ll all began thn Premier Frunk Nicklln of Queensland Slnle told Inlevlslon vlowers or plan to develop the Illu mlnum Industry In An lrme cormmn Hunt the ward 51m minlum nthc In Auslrnlluu 15 16 COLLIER 5T FABRIC LOIS ROBERTSON mu lpduslry In Auslralln cormwndculs wrote ward should be 11n athe isnspollcd SAVE so0N RED TAG ITEMS ALL HATS GREATLY REDUCED PHONE PA 66527 ms usuilly pm mas mm MPSE OTTAWA CPIHeuflh Mlnls mu Mnrsh snld In theCom mun Wednesday there la gap of six In seven weeks between no me milk 15 sampled or strontium 90 and he llmu the Ishgg shy gave no reason or the lime lknen Program la spelled lhul way In rnsl Auslrnllun newspnpm bul lla pruarumme nl school lnnlle sz nnly ln enlnrlln maul dverllscmenla elsewhml lls lunighu ununccd aIumnaurd 0n Ameriéun words such us Lm mutnr and coukuul and snclllngs such as lonflu mi ovrnm should be mm PEG MORE SHOP of Barrie PA 87

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