Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 5

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One group was mm the are lmmcdlnlely ndjncen lo the home at George Parsons 10 had requestcd Hunt dancing be allowed utter midnlghl Sunday on lnng weekend and conun ulng Into the Mnndny holldny Thu dnncc would he held July Augusts and Septemtger Al lhu regular council much In Vodnesdny nlght lwn dele gallons wm pnscnl wiih pell uons ngalnsl midnlghllodnwn dnces in lhe summer rason areas They asked that nu changes be made In the v25 byan which pmhlblls dnncm alter midnight In Innlsll prnmlse that hue dance wéuld rm cnanua Inter than 230 am did not nppense lhn dclegnlinn headed by Mrs Dal sy fleanlh An group representing the residents along Ihe loin lino between 25 sldcmd nnd lhe lake clnlmed to have major ity slgnaiures on pellllnn pmlesllnn that any changes in the bylaw would make or file comior to the residents pro tesied ngnlnsi sioekndelype or fence which had been erect ed around lot at the inke The 101 lmd previously been open an plcnlckers xlgn Manl Beach lhny eomplnlncll muld mnke people leave lhc VMs SMexle headed Ms cl mnHon which was supvmmd by 12 namgs on chM ship Lainnf invé 66 considerHun tovchnngln Hm 1925 hylnw Five rnlcnnycrs mm Inc 7nd Lino lunk nunrly an hour In dls cm lhclr rond pruMlmA which they loll should mvo bun alvcn Mmdlon preference to porllon mud across he mnmp whlch has no midcnls They Ml but Inigo crack on road Imnlnnu Muould he bridged hy the lnwmhlp lhu prop erly owner nmlcd nn entrance There Will same dlxcuulan nhoul pultlnu lhmuxh munl dnnl duch Ono deluulc nnkrd ulmul mmlmz an hln furm whlrh hnd been rrmnml They wrm rmurcd lhnl mlnar rcera would he dam on lho mad and mm the Mxpervlmr uuuld lurk Inlurmullnn In luwnlhlpl Iupnmlhllfly nr Irrldge lo lhu 1mm Lauh Nell Inked My re orll hmc lmn mndo ml the athlun ul he dmlru In oann lnr the rnlnrnrmcm or III ynmlm Ho uLm Inked about uhlnlnln nn mnulnlng mndwny which now In clam lle quulrd ml the hrhln In II mm would mnkn lIo enl Bobby Moore relaxes In hospital in Prince George r9 cnvcrlnl from bile inflicted INNISFIL NOTES Many Delegations Httend Council TIII lmllrlln wlll rnnlnln lull lrlnlln on park Mhlllvs nml nwlmmlnu Innlnlullon cuurnos mm nmmlug July lnlurmnthm lmllcllns and roulalrnlinn arms or II 1mm Park and Swlmmlnu lruuram wlll lm Illnlrlhulul lhmugh lhu ICIIOOII In all Harrie urhnul chllllron Monday nnd Tuesday Juno and 20 NOTICE RE I963 BARRIE SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM TNE BARRIE RECREATION COMMITTEE ATTACKED BY COUGAR By RAILS Dcclxlon wn mm to adver tLu nnd obtain prim trom building cpnimcturs lar hauling nccdnd or the bulldozer at the township dump Electric wiring to be installed ulthe lownsiilp pnrk will ho done by Walter Corner at LE boy as it was télt his bid and capability were the bust of three oiiers rzccived He will be paid $250 per hour pill is per cent on material invoice nl wholesale prices New out lots or trailer in the vnmplux rounds are to he installed rune culvert mcnlloned by he 055ml mgmm Council decided Hm speclnl meellng wouid he necwuy which nu delemlnns would he hanrd chum Snmule host to TimnIhy Plumber Huwkes Bay North Island New chl Ind 51 hose ham he called when down under 1m wlnler Mr Plumber sheep and cul lle rancher has tale ad venture lo tell He had workzd way across the Pacific on Germmn freighter Inndlng nl Vnnmuver and mm 11 111p lo Senllle he purchnscd car For the past three manuu he has been vlsillmz rnnchex and other plums Icrms th United Slate and Canada Asked what he hauan nboul whnl ho hud seen he stated that many IN hlg western ranches compared tnvaralfly with some hi cnunlry We work our cattle and Hnlsh Ihcm completely on graze with no Insldu nr grain lccdlnl ho anld young mnn In hls lwcn He has thorough arm cul III ranching Iln snld flu but hreed was crass SIIanmrn and Angus rnnking hyhrld slack Ho ntcndx to purchase bull he mm it pnmd under hcnllh regulnlluns of New Zenlnnd Ho wn nlhuslnsllc nhoux xhe recepllon he had received In Canada He especlnlly liked nmlly Inrml Onlnrlo Ilmllar lo the Spmule establlshmcnl by cougar The boys Young broth and finer beat all the nnlmnl which was later mot SATU RDAY JUNE 22 III Clllllflrd rm Tlmt Ml pm Admlnlnn $100 Fm Pnrklng PARI MUIUEL WAGERING TWILIGHT BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS ELMVALE sum Reev Alex McAuley returned from the Simone Conn union in Bar rIa 1m nlgh In all Elmvala Council county palm om prawn had been detailed 15 11 He mud lha mun to neck nurvay of the leuletfv Mn up county pollen arc to up ac nmnll munlclpal lore Al follow Mr Mb Auley was Io omen mother mollon todny counly councll uklnl the county lo mm small munlclpallllu by lubsldlnllon ol com Innunlly for lhelr pollen urvlcu Elmvolo councll unan lmouly med Mr McAuloy to pm the luua When the vole woo lhal clone wu should no lel ll dle counclllor Norm In Crane aald Cnunclllor Lynn com mented Jun becnuu our vlk Elmvae Reeve Presses County To Subsidize Police Services Fecelle Royele 31 tissue is limez softer and stronger because its 77 thicker than ordinmy 2ply tissues Sodts up moisture twice as fl1st and saves you mom because it goes so much farttar FACEILE ROYALE LI Illllply lluuclhc only rcgulnr Ilzc lluuc made with lhrcc Inycu lnllcnd of lwul limit In IN Iurln bcgln will And lnctllc Roynlc nlm you nu ulm mm Iqm bald lxnaxlne huw wonderfully Infl le nnd nbmrhcnl llllll II lnrlnl lluuc mu hr And how tmnonmnl nr hulk Koynlt dun Ihc job cf uvrml mdlnmy duurs Once you by Inc In lncorporlled II no team why we Ihollld luv to pay lhrmh the nose when Ihe ad JoInlyIl ownahlp pm nelhlnl Dfllllnl reava Mn Ixabel Post wu mentloned by Mr Me Auley on of the opponent lhe county area Idea 0n the whole howaver lha pol ll wu Ivorah melw Mr McAan laid Wu mm or the luppon he received from Sunnldale Townshipl deputy rem Wilma Downer laid lhem Peel County WI already tryan out hu counLv police oxco letup Mr Mo Auley Added TOOK MANY YEARS The Mum xnterAmerlcnn Highway mm the United States Mexico border to Panamarcny look 34 your to hulld out LEARN 10 COOK since opened Ichoul food service In 1954 the RCAF has lrnlned 1800 cooks mun jet of mull III xm II Ilmvulh In null nuy dune Mlgnlfltd le Ihnu null ry Iluuc mull lu hm mecdy mm ALEX much softer Hull WNIV WIND MA IM Ilmlnm Wu WM MW In um MN MIC McAULEY much stronger youll neterase mdznaiy tissuas again STEELES CORNERS clnl The third Dnlu nun on took place June 16 tbs Hallow Community Hall Owing to poor wualher the Itlendnnco was down from last your uuuuu umlnywn Cookslawn Beelon Bolton Tub onlo Plekerlnl Weston Mlmlco and Bradford THE DARK EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 20 1953 Guula were in mm Lin jlrnmplon An nhemoun spam and vlalllng was lo pad by picnlc lunch nmnze by the lunch cammllm The mcsldenl Elwood Jame welcomtd the gum and thank ed ma executlva or caopem lion In Iha pm two years See retary treasurer willlnm Hun 3rd Dqles Reunion Features Picnic lIullc RoyI ll made dlflmnl le77 lhkhr llun 2ply lllluuwhh mun llvc In II It wflmu ofulhmm In much mun mile Io yuurlllxu lmllen unnuh mull INC fleuule WI Jply uuue dmnl tome up cvgn jug yell Now yaur mn Mun you Now mg hull uvllz ll Ier read minutes the m2 re union and the 1m execudvu meeting hnld In Aprll and the financial report Olllcerl for 1961 are past on president Mrs Isabella Gibbons slmud vice president Earl Main Mlmlca Iecrclary treasurer William Hunter Wes nn relialrauon Mn Jenim Hunter Weston Ipom conven er Rudy Jlmu Brampton lunch convener Mu Jeann Hunter and pm reporter Mrs Eva Dalu Sizelea Camera Elwood James mm the Innat ed prize and Earl Main the door prize Prlza or ha oldest lady went to Mn Dam mum oldest man Ernest Rcmave Klunllnl rrnm wllh In mdlmry lune IIuw Am may Jub wt murhfllrlhrrl Faccllc lluynlc nhmrlu 50 mm IIun or am Ilun qurrmlllar he llgme Humilim Ix lum um Dnnnl Ihm lull up On Furl dun Hun Jul of mm mdln ly Iluuu Dales Rndfnrd ymlnfles CMd Terrllec Adams Weston larg est family Mr and Mrs Don che Strand lnmlly from the longest dlslance Mr and Mn Em Heywoad Pickering EDGAR Special The Ed garUnlted Church Women ml at the home of MIL Gordan Lauder with nine members and our visitor presant Plans were made or lha strawberry upper in in held ai Edgar Unlled Church July Wednesday niicrnnou lo pm admission Wiil be $1 adults and children so cents Salads cold maul alrnwberrles pla calm and tart werepianned ior he nup per Tickets will be sold lhs Church we The Sunday uhooi will have bazaar labia on the grounds including sewing bak ing and fish pond Strawberry Supper Planned At Edgar

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