Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1963, p. 2

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Th nnnml medlnl ol lhn Mull uululmu will be held nl he liorlnr gull ll rant Ju1y An mém ol nu 0mm llnvIvulvr Councll will be In IIu rpm Mr Cown Ml Cm Junlnr Swimmlnl Imlnnllnn Al Edgar In cmnpmy lln ulna nnrrla Mull whn hm lmmvl nlm owr lb mm lwmllu IL nu annu nl lllnh mulldy nu uldul mmer ml erwnlrr lllvlnl Innlmrinr In CA lulu MI nqunllllnl lnr 0an finvlnl Eoclfiy nmm MMAIIIM Mn Can um wnn lho nwml rglfn nqa murm rhm hlemhndn 0m nIh Cvlvu mm Illltl my Imy Club can up an Imamn dn mm rm In Io VI Mn Am Ilocll CHI in Junta Trlbcl nowmnll Ill loll luau luaumm dnln llllh up U01qu dawn II mlom IIDCI anan Inn lndulhhll dawn ul 0014 up dawn on dawn Ln Cm cnmlm rm Con Inn 5m gnu rum Forty Years Between Tests lubum Ahluhl 4N Mlnml sml 5w numlnlum 21 Mbqu an 2m Anu mi Arm PM lulu Elnl so In or mm an Inn NA 1m In an Ilnxxl Mull in on no ram an om Com Thé finiUIbohnd scrvlca will be supplemented by lruck scrvlte The new syswm wlll mini great deal mar work or the Barrie pas omce Postmaster Tom Kerr said today Purlme helpers will be taken an or lha mmmcn The noun lraln whlch amcrly snncd Byrrleflll bclng rcschml ulcd la nrrive at 912 ln the mamlng The who mall hclng replaced by one hall the lizc The limlnuln slap wlll be will one minute said ML Kcrr Southbound mnfl dlspalch Is also to be spcedcd up Mall droppcd Inln ha past omen be for six In the evening will to anuhnt same nlghc new procedure or sending and receiving mail will be ln illnled Ill the Barrie post at lice on Monday Hours for the collection and delivery of mail will be affected The new service will make ll pmsible fur Barrie rcsldanu lo native mall ram Ollnwn and hlunlrcal on Illa day ll nrrlvu Previously lhey had In wall un lil lheppxl day dot Mbcrl De Conkey mLL tented ha certificates to Group winners Susan Handy U3 Oro and Murray McFarlane No 15 Sunnldah tied for first and second prize $50 and $35 Eusan Webster No 15 Sunnldnle 325 Ann Aldridge Na No nwésaga $15 Jaines farmh The candidate came rom three groups of schools Group which made up at schools ive teachers or has Group consisting at ha large schonls In Simcoe County and Group mm the public and separate schools of Barrie The Educallnn Commutea uf touncil presented awards tn winners of Scholarship mnmllh ions which were writlen May NemyIive Grade eight slu denls 1mm Simme County re ceived scholarships during caun Ly Councils session yesterday Barrie Post Office Initiates New Procedure On Monday MEMBERS OF the Mutual Fire Aid Symm watch de mnnsiratlon by pomble AT COUNTY COUNCIL 25 County Students Receive Scholarships Cumvllrd by TODAYS STOCK PRICES gnu i6 ernuh ILL Hum Mlnlnll Nulon InK Arrrpl mum Mu Mel Nlrlll lulu UIIHHM In Irprov I191 Int Club LID lvnhllnd Mu low my Mum nu 14 mm hula mm Amt llneuull lot40 lam inumt mi flan mu llddlhy lam on In Mu Inn mm munrun Immm The new plans will change the hour of 51m lellcr box cullccllom Inld Mr Ken Thu 1230 pm collecllon will be de layed untll 430 pm The night colledlun Iormcrly pm will be put all unlll nlna oclock We ask people upcclally buslnm limu not to wait until six oclock In bring their mail In the post office Inld ML Kerr wlll Increase the speed nd emclnncy of he operaan rfizclelye lha mail as soon pa eh Truéfi sérvlcas wm IE cany mall to Midland New Lowell and Mcalard xamhbaund train will come lhrough Harris 541 pm ruck will leave for Torontn at The min will be an expreu stopping only at Newman an Its Way from Toronlo The Barrie pastal authorities wm be respoluihle lnr deliveran mail In the comm yhere Iha rain farmerly slapped These Include llnwkestone and Bradfurd nrrIvlng from Toronto 650 in mgmumlgz Mnyor Les Cooke presented ccrllflcales to Group winners from Barrie schools Martyn Slollnr Codrington $54 Rum Freeman Hillelest $35 Hllnm Rowe Oakley Park 25 Undo Grlersnn Hillcrcsl $15 Linda WooMn Oakiey Park 310 Phyl Xvi Katherine Brandon Regent Midland $50 Mary Lou Mont grain Sacred Heart Midland 335 Robert CryslerScnlor Pub llc Colllngwood SE Ede Du hnls Dunn School Camp Borden $15 Paula Feclenu Sacred Heart Midland 310 Roberts Hutchinson Senior Pub llc Collingwaod 5m Robcrl Dempster AVM Ripley Edgnr $19 GROUP WINNERS ARE YOU pump at last nlghln meeting menu In the ornnlzalluh al at Stayner Fattysix men represent 13 depart med the New and nu IN IN Jil No Essa $10 Dlnne Tuck 0m 10 Judith MacNJcol Natuwnsagn Uuunul amwlh omxvlunltlu lwfln In full munummt mmmlblllllu Ilvmmh lulnlnx prnlrm will manna In 11ml uvl In July TMI position cum nmllml ulnry And wwluulllu or the mm hllh Drool udnnu Inlmmd In manila mm um In Inlemukmll mummy llovly In Idler II1 Ml pullmlm lo up nluutlan and plum numb lo MANAOISII Im 301 mun ONTARIO lilrfinll In munuhu yuur Mr Omk ll lHEh flrhool EmuIn II nan MIT SALES MANAGEMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Nu Hum Nwnunn NUMII Norm own rumm Ila Allnu urnch Mm 7an Unllod 0H wmm wulny du nayI nun Ilonlnll Lou Nullndl Nor on N11 Mum can mm Pom rum rm Im On ol the mod lmporinnl nlnm would be In bolnl ublu la obiIn md Allard lap mdl chlol mnuwlc nnd lmlor nlflcm In Ilva bell ludcnhlp nml dlrmlon In II definitely with modrnl c352 In wllll lnlc tnndlllonl mmcm are un able to Allard he lldlluu ul llafl Imlnllud brunchu luck dmdlvu marllly by mlorccmtm IIIHIQ and cam munlullonl Inch ndlnl and lulomollvc equipmnnl wen mhm muorcyclu And no or Counly loflco Form do no ml an lha Invlns of money ll may ln Ind dv Io lhrmmx ham or gnnlmum and Lllupmltlon per wnncl Ind nlpmenl but In mnln luxllflm on In lncmw rd Hltjpnq Thu brlci In war of nrnnl mum r9 peaking an this councillor W1 Downer uld Wn my low mm the mummy ln xmall mmklpnlillu hul In lama ca would be bulk Ion In Iq9nony Member wcra prmnlcd wllh mm by In Honour Jud Bruce duflrmnn he Ontno loljce Commmiun Counly Cauncii vulcrdny de lenltd motion that the ward nppoinl menial committee invcslinic iha mommde llnn In lhe Eimvnia resolution Ind mm in November leuinn Thu moiulion rcmmmcndcd that Numil nmniznmnio all small police arm in Simeon Cnunlh Following the presentation winners and Ihelr emul were taken Ike River Garden re tmmxl Iar lunchcon Be gamnllnmju mu disturbed at the small num Izoysjn tglsnmqup ya lo do We rgymmng Macklem School inspec tor said On May 83 wrote scholarship examinaflonn The number hn nearly doubled since 1961 when wrote Ichnlmhlps This the 201 yen they hnve Man held MayorCoaka salt It would be remiss not In say something uboul WulInm Bell cum the Year very lpeclnl clllun 019 yang Warden DeCunkey said We have group at children who will play large part In the huxlne of outcammuully Mayor Cooke said We are happy there are an many cir cumstances that the county and the city have chants In get together are proud of what the WW has dune In the mu scum We curtame Ilka keep in touch with Banle back ground Its pleasun make tho FEW Waxdun Aiben DeConkey sald This the highlight the year Ifcedfd In ope Council Appears Against Joining Police Forces Wihher of JeIIerys Memorial Tm by In Cathy Harrison Parrivlewtmrdlnnd gonn Muldxlnnck Codrinzlon 10 Bert Snelgrova presented the Jeffery Memorial Award and Mary Memorial Trophy in the absence of his brother Ralph Snclgrover Winner were Murray McFar lane No 15 Sunnldale Cathy Harrison ParkVIew Midland and Ruth Freeman Hulcrcst Barrier film on lamina fire in bulk Ilnrnxo lnnks had to be shortened due la lnchnlcnl dRIlL culuu The delegam rclumcd la the Slnyncr no hall or the busi ness mulan ha Mutual Flm Md Syalnm The mlnulu ol the last meeting Cook Iown on read fix LL Finn minexl meeting will be hrld lannubnumcnn Septembcr Thisnaule hru been used by he Barrie dcpnrlmcn or WE iiescmblinx vqriicnl lawn sprinkler the waist curtain in pinned between two buildings contain he re cnmlant spray is directed on Ihe undam ngad building and another lire lighlur L1 spared or nation on iho lire For some the assembled delegates it was he first or ponunlty la vlew water cup min nozzle dcslznnd by the chch the Barrie in depart mam Holy lrwln rkx at onethird capaclty so that than no daze strain the speaker REINS DESIGN The last were conducted In the winter In tempcrntmfl rung lng tram degrees below zero tn 10 above Mr Fitzpatrick said By the lsoth hour the pressure reading was at 190 ward pressure The pump was developed for use during the London blitz In 1910 With modifications in the sumo engine used In Caven try racing car compelln In international gfapds Ix Mr Fitzpatrick lold the 45 repmenlalive that 17 of the pumps had been said the Royal Canadian Navy They had undergana lest 200 llmm dumllon 1n whlch he only muss In the molara operation was to Insert all were attached and Mr Fitzpatrick supervised Ilia demnmtraunn ol sevenpl nozzles at varying wa ter prusuraaln order to show poitabla pump capable supplying nine firefighting base was demonstrated at Stayner last night Representative at 13 of the limemher lire depart ments oi the Simon County Mutual Fire Aid System were the guests oi Child Cul ham and the Stayner and Notti wasaga fire department Under the supervision Jim Fitzpatrick oi the firm oi Wil son and Cousin in Toronto the impound pump was iiiled ha side pool in gravel pit to the west oi Stayner Just the mad la Dunkonrl DEM 5mm NOZZLES LIVE ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN THE STARLIGHT LOUNGE Fire Fighters See Displays 0f Equipment Ffaslratinm Examiner Phw 12 Noon to pm dilly Chilled lrull lamIIo Ic lllml told him And tux MM MIMI hcll lull hunk nr moo II Irwin lllml lonulm rvluy Rm mind plrllu he rhlckrn In km on um Coulilwnla 91 HIGHWAY 400 AND DUNLOP STREET Hunpd Indl lhcno DINNER IIUIIC AIR CONDITIONED SERVED IN AN ELEGANT SETHNG BUSINESS MENS BUFFET 50 International Bmsme Wlndsor St Thoma London Kitchener Mount Forest Wlnxhnm llnmllton Trenton Klllnlou Muskoka North Ilny Sudbury Earllon Saul Sta Murio Knpuskmlng Whlln River Moosanco Tlmmlm law mum m1 may erlne Forecull Lake Huron Georulnn Bay Noflherly winds 20 to 80 knoll becoming mrthcul 20 knoll night Mostly cloudy Northern Georgian Bay A1 goml Timaznml Cochrune WhIla River Saul Ske Mule North Bu Sudbury Partly cloudy and tonlinuln cool Ffl day Northerly windl 10 la 20 dlmlnlshlng lo 15 Lonlzhl Enslem Laka Ontarlo Hull burlon Partly cloudy and cool Friday Winds becoming north erly at hy eyenlng St Clair Lalm Erie Lake Humn Niagara weslern Lake 0mm wulham Geor gian Bay Wlndsor London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy and much cooler lonluhl mly cloudy and continuan coo Fri day Wind befomlnz northerly Synomlsz vlzarmu storm movlnx caslwml Into southern Quebec mm antral Omanlo Cloud Ind much cooler temper nlures wlll sellln over lha lawn blag lnnlghl of death was presumed lo be heart agtack Th dammed man told Mr fireman he was bean patient so By the time comer Dr Furrlngton arrived lho Irena Mr Conklln wax dead and tho ugldenulléd man had disappear Wed llketo thank that man ukLChIel Txchlrhart That was alen thinking and he cenalnly deserves credit or his ncLIons Innlsnl annshlp Police Co ral Ronald Crone Identified dead man his uncle Chlel Tanninhart and Con subla Gordan Selwood mwer ed can that there was dead my at ling interseztlon Lawrence Brennan Iold police that the driver of second car mrruwly missed by Mr Conk llns car stepped nut removed the lgnllJon key lrom Mr Conk 1111s car removed his denmrel end Inserted heart pill under Lime Pollen Clue Ed IIchlrhm ll looklnz or heart pnllenl who lded In vain to save another hem patienll Illa yesterday lermon at tho corner of Brad lard andqugh Streelg Accordlnl lo police report car drlvtn by Georg Conklln about 70 of to Thnma Cres Toranto went out of control an Bradford Itmt veered toward gas station pnd than north west lo come to rest on the Cell Cgflegqua Lawnt PoliceWant Thank Man For Efforts znm BARE mm mum mm to 1051 Foncagt femurum WEATHER Major itupie manled with time children was born in Mncr leod Aim in 1918 lie took his grade school education in Mac icodund received his Junlor mntricuintion at nenrby itionin iit senior matriculation was rcccivcd nt Binirmom it was while teaching school that Major Gillespio took his first real interest in the Sniva tion Army lie took the training Major Glllesp mplaurnem Capt Donald Randall wIll nr rive mm Sault Ste Marie next Tlhunday Mr Randal mar Among Mnjur Illuple mny notable nahievementa in Barrie wumearhendlng me drive for the new $5000 Citadel on Call ler SmcL It was ollldnlly Ja 19 gflastyenr three children When we Vnskea or help he citizen rcally came wrough lll neverloxgcfi ha and MamGillespie made no at tempt to hide the act hat th aving 113 cm was nolr with out little sadness pa knew will no my doing that the Army wasnt Included In the United Appeal he nld CAME THROUGH Three happy and pmduetlva year ln Banlo wlll end next Wednsday for Malor Jame Glllesple ol the Salvallon Army no major L1 leavlng to become an accountant with the Sally Ann Trade Department in Tor onto Barrie wonderful place said Major Gillespie Thu peo ple areexcellem lhey sup ported our cnuse lo Lbe limit Ill never gorge them Calvert Old Rye Every drop at Cnlvon 01d Ryo must anI on rigid qunllly control chocku before leaving ourdlatlllory Your Into In the 07m chock Try light Imooth Culvert Old Rye Majgr Gillespie Leaving jBarrie mum um um mu maxim his mnfiy From at 13 Muriel Your taste is the 97kbcheck This In pho unmx 1A Euler l5 rarer Mn He was married 1n Regina Sash In 1m 1112 Glllesples children are Bundt 13 who has grade piano Muriel and Margaret 11 taking Made piano to make the Iusa my We he said In be of real scrvlce FAMILY MAN course ln Toronto fllflinz in 1937 and immediately went more than Iva year during the Scound World War with the auxiliary Sally Ann services with Amy and tom nations in wgalern Canada He has since nerved with 51 ly Ann corp from Quebec to British Columbia Major GllI 951312 and he Jolned the SA be cause he wanted to wark or the myderprlvflgled wanted IT COSTS ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS Takes Only MlnuleS Ask For MiniLoan CORPORATION 26 DUNLOP ST raaaanf NEED 5000 Tlll PAY DAY Gulespla Brfin Miriam 11 Finance Bob Mulln The meeting will be at pm In the county admlnlslrallan bulldlnz announced mnnmul director Jackson Board of directors nf the Chli drens Aid Society Barrie and Simon County will be held next Tuesday CRS Meets On Tuesday 3d Major Gmespla New Flmlh Avallablo If LIMITED HARPERS PHARMACY Yaur Friendly Nellhborlzond Phflmudll PENETANG AT 51 VINCENT PA 85401 PA H203

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