Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 4

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Portable Pension Schemes Not Necessary Federally Aulhuum Full 1mm mm mun 1mm MM an mu urnqt on ml unin mm ruqu unnl All mum Mumh mmnnu un Inkemu mu null mo mu If In amm mm mum to flu Hull m1 mu mum anl cm III mm dimnon run In num on uumu mu NM In 001 nu Mum rm am mm hum mm 1311 undam hman SEPARATISM FATAL Montreal Star There was lime when the old French isiock in Quebec province hml marvel Ious capacity in absorb and ex and lo riake In its embrace Wolfes ili under vihe irish amine victims and otber stran fgers Today we fear certain elements tor this slock have become Ingrown sum picious and xenophobic However put ll any way you vlll the Incls are Ihcm All ol 1000000 pcoplo of lhls provlncc arc Engnsh Cnnndlans This Is no llny mlnorlty hnvo Ynnld belorc we are hero by right Hero we shall slay and our vocc shall be hcard We are pcrlurlml when we llaten lo Alnlnmunls about Innfodvratlons In whence the vrllvr conllnucsl What are Lllm nllcrnnllvcs llnvc Ilmy been dlmugld out ll seems In same us that an Independent Quebec unless ll jollowcd Cnslro Inlo communlmm would 17 unable rndlcalli to alter Ila own ccon omlc balnncr Ixc Incl nwnmhlp Mould nut clmnnr nor would the llml Ilnullsh In llw language of com uurcu Jusl ll Is In Mcxlcn Juat ll ls largely ln lhc markcln nl Ull erlll Pae Barrie Reform Assoelatlon an nouneed Liberals would be welcome to get election returns at its committee rooms over Monkmnns drug store In his sermon at St Andrews Church the minister referred to the practice of late Saturday night shopfiing and the conse quent evil effect it ad on siore clerks and delivery men This was excuse for not attending chu hSunday mqrnlng Barrlc DElrlct Aiclllodlstemel in El nual conference at Colllcr St Church and passed rcsulullan or abolition Barrie Examiner June 11 1908 Rev Dr Allan Findlay superintendent of Northern Missions for the Presbyterian Church died at his residence in Barrie in 68th year Thompson re elected liiPP or Simcoe Centre defeat ing Richard Graham Liberal Simcoe County Council adopted new plan at equalization Hampton Jory elected president Barrie Aquatic Club Bar rie East Enders deleated Allandale Rail roaders 4A3 belore big crowd in town league baseball attair grounds on Eliza beth St Umpire called game in fifth inning after list ii ht broke out between players Barre Collegiate cadets praised by Col Galloway inspecting ol ficer Corps commanded by Capt Dick 55 VEARS AGO IN COUNTY The profit last year or the average manufacturer after he paid his taxes the cost of his operations and dividends to his shareholders was only two and onehalf per cent for every dollars worth of goods that he sold That is only two and onehalt cents with which to buy new equipment and build new giants develop new products and pay lgher wages His federal and provin cial income taxes amounted to 42 cents If these were reduced the amount 01 money hed have for reinvestment would be correspondinglygreatqr Ontario has established portable pension scheme which other provinces are expected to follow Quebec has al ready said that it will introduce sim ilar scheme British Columbia and Al berta are working on theirs Portable pensions that is an arrangement whereby worker can take his pension rights with him from one job to the next are necessary in an economy like ours The provinces are meeting the nee Industry Does Job Better Tficra Is no reasoh now or the federal Whats more iihporlani ltwwoulii help The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher ifiarrie hammer OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Bayfleld Swat Baffle Ontarjo DOWN MEMORY LANE sher Brlan Slalght Genéral Manager WEDNESDAY JUNE 1m mn maxim filialng HG 51mm Ii InlemUnu la nnw llml lhclr mlrm has lcanl aomelhlnz In common wlm om II II re cried lmlCommunlnl Chlnl morrle beraupe Ila bcunlkl and Am inflhu meantime we 11 harp wander lnx lho young lrlvrr In Iho car nhrnd and lha girl huhle hlm am uxlnglho nmo ml bull Vlclorla IInm In Iho Inlmala uI pnhllc mlcl only and WM no nnhnosnf Io Cu Id oulsla Iorl In Mlnnexolnn mm Ilcprcfion hum wrcnIlIng wIlh blll which wnuIrI keep drlvcru nn nwny Irnm lho sImnldrru III Icmnlo passenger In the Iron ml The Io lxlalnrs or nanm of Ihmn bollnvo that rIvInu lmlny In Inllllme all In leaves no apmr lnnlly or Inn NICO by he lIrIvrr wxllo the var II In mollnn Wu wlnh the kiln Iamrl aucch In drnlllng Millall Hll Aml In lin nnnnnunul Inn II Possibly the nnn nn cumprumlso needs in be revlstd undoublcdly En llsh Canada nccdl In mend Ma nmmm Hm Where Inn Cnnmllnn cxnmlnnllon conscience come In Unlcsx lhu ox nmlnnllon ls comluclcd honestly wllh mil oratory hunt or Injude on cllhcr Aide cvnn ml 115 cmnce doonmd We dont belleve most of us that an Independent Quebec could survive What had been Canada would tumble by two slugex and In two parts into the Amerl can meltlng potl lndepcndcnce ls more than setnnnhcs nnd symbols as he young oralors Quebec should lenrn All the geopolltlcnl and economlc actors nrgngnlnst ltt Therefore the last chance ls mylh unlil you turn ll around Cunimlcrallon ls Quebecs last chance All that L1 unl quo more most of all that 11 worlh wre scrvlng can survlvo only under the Inn ndlan com romlso Without ll lhc land would be are sllll nml the pen but the pcnplu wouldnt k11qu what them cigarettes George Gooderham presi dent of Canada Motor League is ikel to be elected in South Toronto to loo alter interests of automobile owners and manufacturers Centre Simcoe should elect Richard Graham farmer to the Ontario Legislature to assist in securing protection from the automobile pest Vith the circus coming to town watch out for lightfingered gentry Three country people attending funeral in town ilned $2 and costs for hitching horses to shade trees Gessllng cooper has opened his newsiiop next to Thom as Rogers Barrie Planing Mill on Sophia Stl Stroud beat Churchill in South Simcoe baseball 4446 Nenty young ladies from Scotland stopped at Allan daie station or lunch on way to the West to meet prospective husbands Thomas llobley is returning to town to take charge of ill Bot vells store in Aliandaie Mr Brown of the Gllt restaurant is around again having res covered from being struck in the back by street car while In Toronto Trin ity Church YLPA will hold an Al Fresco bazaar on grounds or ltlrl and Mrs It ii Cresw eke Baytieid St Rev lleeney delivered address at graduation ceremonies of live nurses at lloyai Victoria Hospital Money spent by industry is more care fully spentgand the results in terms of new production and employment longer lasting than for the money spent by government We should all kee this in mind whenever we hear polilcian calling or more government spending More government spending means more taxes and less chance for productive jobcreating expansion by industry The proper role at the federal overn ment ts to encourage each prov nce to act on its own Gtven reasonable de gree of uniformity In the provinclal pro grams the effect is the same as if there had been federal probram but at very much less cost to all concerned create new jobs The trouble is that people in government think that they can get better results when they spend money than those whose money tt was in the first place And its sometimes tree but not always government to also provlde portable pensions In fact if the federal govern ment goes ahead with its portable pen slon scheme it wlll destroy some of the yenslon programs already in effect and nhiblt future programs The Ontario program is sultaple or all Erovlnces OMETHING IN COMMON Hamilton Speculum II II feporjed um Communlnl Chlnl USING SAME SEAT BELT Thm Inc mo uxuy uvnvduum In nllllnn fill rnmlllunny mnlnulrh In oHlu lhm palm nyln duel and mnhlhulloul lo ml lunrlnllnns aml Inllhl muw mullu lclwhnnn um and umllnl elelumn And My Innnlnlnl llm llllll dillm pInllllu 1m MI mm mo mmmurncy Iml um you lnr um would be In mmblu gnu 1min Nu or Job No um Uu hm mum Colin In pmvld mnnd homl hlmull Ind hll ully In 01 In Ind unlc Ihe la mm mm Imelllnl Ivy min on parllnmtnllry pun nllm mml my lnr hll own llr lure hemen MI mn ulllurncy Ind 011m Tho lvmm hrlwun MI ruwnnhlc pull and Ihou at Jun lllchlm In an IIIXII mhl Immml III 000 yrnr Am IM Ilumld In Alluurd Dr MfllJ MEIIIIN HEWMH Conlrnsl lur example Colin Ynmtmn MI lnr Nnnnmm nn Vnncouvtr Inlnnd Ind Jenn lHtllmd MP for OlanI End 11 mm cnn llv tnmlml ly and conwnirnlly In NI nmhy home all llw ycnr Iaklnl lln Iomlnulo wnlk lo lhu menl mud to Itlrnd lil Imn Ind nun olng hon lo rany hln cunlnl mul wllh hII llmlly dunnl null mln ry lupper hr Mini uprmnd llml pclnl ol honor do nol hulluu la ml lhnl the present rules at my and expense ulluwnnte lor Mll lmlnl 38000 and 52000 mu mpccllvcly nu Imlh llnly lnndtqunle Ilqully however dcmnnd mun rcnllnllc np Ihnl 01 pcmu Ihnn hnl cm hem nlvrn hetero llnl to Mr Ill nclum Iraaonnbln nor Inlr About L000 candldnle pr xcnled lhcmselvu or elccllan MPI an Aprll They knew the rule pay altered or lha Jobs they sought Thclr muslan and paymnslers whn are lho llccloll Ind lnxpnym Can ndn mlxhl Imamny cxwl lhnl hm Iclcclcd would no he wmk or which hty Dlun med lhcmsclm he rule advertised or the Job nnd fur up In the normal nunyuur mu lurlihmnnL Ml have All lmpllcll rtspnnslhlllly his Ilncu lhcy nra In lhe unique pn nillon being able In In lhclr um was 1th pnymrnl being pm Iurcd oul of he government by the constant and undiznlfled lobbying already beln exerted by newlyelected MP Ior an Increase in lhelr own quIrIeL IAY WAS ADVERTISED Dy PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAHon Waller Gor dnn Introducing Hrsl budget mlnlsler of finance look un derstandable pride ln annuunc In hut his csllmnled damn or this your Lx nearly I100000 000 less Ihnn lask ynnr how not tried to mlnl mlze 0r conceal the vnrlou Emblcms we on lacud wlfll old the House or Com munsr Bu lhl loss than he wholn lrulh and Iha dcflclt will be greater than he csllmalcd Th because In additional paymenl 0000 per your or every MP ond Senator Is now Icporlndl plnnnnd by the gov crnmcnl but was not mcnllonrd In the linnncu mlnIslarI bud OTTAWA REPORT Favors Higher Pay For Canadas MPs In War One Must Take Ones Allies Where One TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH The Ihnllow pack have newr lunml out In be mmlntr rlully wath whlle lhuuah Al out um Lawrence llehl hrme Ind dimly In the 11mm nl Trnllllllvlrm mummy lmldn nr nlmm drllllnl mm on 220000 nrm ml or Ioulhwulal Tlull lllvinm leubnrn Ltd hlu madn lhc mm dclermincd mm larl to Ind oul and ucllluu Hu mu mmuruinu mull lho vnlluyn mycur hilury or drllIInl 1m Iprlng Ijiummm duhlrd In no down deep Fmlrl Promler Nlllln KIHL mm Ippalu nl awn mullnl mum tnmmlllrc hvm Communln Pu The pockus an an IhflllOW home owners lup them let Incl The in uacd In hul evorythlnz ram molll to Icmlnnrles Barnum he vnlIry pup ulnus rcxlun dew101ml nml grawlnu Induslrlully lho Ihnl low porkcu have lumd duxcns olullirma Irlo AdrllllngAmnm Glam Ilka Impcrlul oil have prolml lhe vnllry and round prumismn All um has In be done their rrvurll lull in Ircl la 11nd Hm mum pool lfrlhm one QUEBEC CPLThe MW rcnce anley hn burned natural 61 ollcn Ipcclnculnrl rom tlme immemarlnl 01d llmm who have un geyser of naming tour out all mntrnll heslpulc lq grlnd II has dnznn pruduclnu well In the PninlcrduLuc rulnn on lhe norlh side or the rlm Thounh they flow II tnnrmuul pressure Lndubum sllll doesnl knuw he exlnnl he Ihnllow ILSLIVH 01d llmm who have un geyser of naming tour out mntrnl hullch lo grlnd rllmuc bull IMO the mile earlh or ahvluug reasons Cmadl Qullllled man and wnmcn are worth mm lhan $6000 yur What we ay now Is cqulvnlcnl la oller daylnborer rate or Illa skllled Ind vilnl Ink per larmlng an up endcclomy could be nntlcpalcd lhe pn llcm ll dylnl under lha Inade qua cm nvlolr long pcrlad reasonable resdluslmenl would be lo pny every MP baslc 012000 year plus $3000 luIree expense allowance plus repayment ol necessary and subsllnlialed llvlnz and travel ypcrlcnge ghillly npd lralnlrji Valley Holds Pockets 01 Gas Flaming Geysers Are Produced Finds Them NIKITA ADDRESSES SOVIET PARTY COMMITTEE 11m larlhcamlnz well will cml nlmul 175000 uchnnl Inmumnl cumpmd wuh hr run Vulrm Cnnmll erII mhlhom ruluirrd lho Ilcm and dlllkd In Low Ice and mtll to la L500 bum Ml Mnn urnnlln Pmldrnl llenrl Duhord um Itrlu wall um he lunk duran lhc Inmmcr lo drlrnnlno the II he llrld ll flutre II llcld good mtrrntr II louml Hm Qurhcc Cily promulm wlli lny rlrh The rruplltm mm Iboul 2600 ml lullcvcd to be the Poudnm Iormuliun dnmnunl lhu drlll mm nnd cmhulcd Lnduborn dirtdun run of Qurbcc Ylly lmslmas an pnflmlonul mm DRILLING COHTH LES invcxnmcnl aunwrmu uy lhr dun alrlko uncuurulnk Iy In meow ulnmc MI Lnmmunll ldmlnllul Leo nlul ylch who also ndrlmt ommlmo ud 1M Our sln deserve bnnlahmenl 1mm III presence forevar bul the Lords ltndQlME and love suns Him In bleu ul ch ny IX Inltsl drllllnu pmmm look II in tho south side dlaznn nIIy mus he rlm lrom Trnlr nivlms or min deep lusts Nnminn hanpcncd unlll nenr mldnlxhl April when Lnblle No cnme In In plully wlld vullcy huhlon bowing mud and gas 70lmln lhe alr It II Ihe Lord merclu Ihnl comumed he nun III compmlunu Ill nnl Thry In new every mornlnn rut lhy hlmhlmmLm enmlnnl 82213 expenses up to $5000 year wllh higher scales lth pro cnl or Ihase In exacuuve poni llonx wlhln he pnrllnmenury lrumewark But such readjustment would remnany be made by om Parllamcnl to com me eflecl Intr the ensulnx ulccllnn thus ensuring not only um MP1 get lhe pay or lhu Job but lhnl Inxpuycrn not he nblllly or the pay BIBLE THOUGHT Wplcnl wn the experiencl In X951 when Wnllzr Thomson mndo up platlorm win union during the election Olga limo obvious to NW comcling ll hccnmu per mm For real We case olynur old woman was almost In cum whm aha mch the hosnllm She was than but me welxhud our 200 pounds She Ild gm dlmcully In brulh Ill She was put on dirt and by lhe llmfl she had lost unds her blood mume rowed mm mm in mom she be cnmc acllve Ignln and her brulhlnx lmprovtd loo By DON OIIBARN TORon Look or con siderably mm Icllan mm the when Thu inrly hudl hm pretty wall decided on the prolrlm my Imfllha clounlry Slum than About Ill flu Pm come om the puny In lhle 1m has been tome IMth elec Mon pletlorml whlch Inverl 1ny have been the product of mm In mlnule thoulhu by mama Intelleclunll on the IrInm nl the party They have hm neither vmlicnl nor pre cise constructive or even co horcnl TYPICAL EXPERIENCE During the pm Iwo yam HI parly has at lent given lame sound thought to policy And lhn pmzram ls ntlonll Ind III on mm dun whhlul Ullnklnl By JOSEPH MOLNER MD mu Dr Molur have hllh blood pressures In there my cum 0r wlll lo lake pm for the rest at my 1th also hm rlnzlnn mine In my em MRS High blood pmaura ll one mm cnum of nukes The nulm wont hurt you In noylnz us they are but high bloyd yrnssqgeQgcldedly cm You hva old me your In your welm nr whal your doc tor has ubserved about your candmnn Someflmts Ola cause of hlgh blood pressure very dlmcull even lmposslblo In lracc Ior Duly aflemlvo on Mull lo lulu mum ul llll Ind wmim Flnnhlnl There will he Mmementq But to Inn of policy he been let The program now being put In mm to dlslrlbutu In pmy pand Aworkpu wlll be drum than for Liberal worker to hm Iomu lhlnz to talk Ihnul It more Hun yuu Ilnce Ith mord Hun mu lines they my Ind pronm an lump All Knnuhmv in MM Pr By THE CANADIAN PRESS QUEENS PARK anpclin In Dculxrhllnd wnl hunched 53 your aria lndnyln mo Iymbo Gormlnyl men In lhll Ileld 11th lhnl was to Ilurm llrlunh uulhorillcx Brluln cnnalrudcd he alrlhlp Mnylly bul ll mfl wllh dlmller on In um 1th and with lha oulbruk of lhe Hm World er 0th mnny mu Wt In Idvnncc 1n nlrlhlp oomlrucllon Murh Gunnmyl lumu In nlnhlpl wn dun la lho work 01 Caunl nn Zeppcl numher ol lull Inn at Inch bl crnflincludlnx Iho 11mm 18 Ind INN the Humn lllndcnbflrl and flu v5 Nnvyl Akron lrd Mncnnllmlly dwmtd imLimIn wu lnmr pegged clly m1 lanxifior Mul mlllnn 01 also wn ul Illcd June ll 1m Look For Action From The Liberals Weight One Cause High Pressure TODAY IN HISTORY lhould mun In In the Grlu particularly to the Allhn lul whn hlva been lrylnl to bufld partywlghgul Inylt common reason In lack cl ndtqunle calcium Mllk lh but qum of It green luly valuables Ire molhzr VHI mln dclldency and do uun In blood plllcm Ira olhrr cauuL tompldo blood Itudy In order but Dr Molnm Our yumld daunmcr hm dlahclu zry bud ll hn born Illd um Iha has It became Ihc never Mo rlzhl Ind had loo much lweell thll mMfls No WIUI child dllbdrl uflm appean the age lufl brlure puberly bul no bee or dch In Inkr life dlnbnlu more aim much people who or hnvu been nvtrwellhl but that In lnnlrltrm consid zrnuon and IWlcll or In um um cuusn exert may contribute lo overwc Khl We know ddlnllely Hill um wllh dlnbclu on bolh Ich ol Un llmllr mmr and II thzr or per up ltnndplrtnl on one or holh IIduII much mnrl likely lo lulu dinbdu Therm In ynur qurnllan Idvlle lwo lhlnw Hm lxnnra any wlld talk lhll your duwhlcr dvnl MI warmly Il nu no Marin Sewml why dont both ml Iml your hunlmnd hnu lhor mm mu or dlnhdu fieneffo epnryw be to cm nee the public lhnl don hava program Ind Iv prolrnm which Ihould bl 1mg urlounly And thI wont be only F0 long valor have been wed in 1min on tho Llhenlr drmlnx IhIp pmvlnclnlly um they hlve bl In it mined men Howevar It good pro znm whether you mu with ll or noi In that mm iot oi mund and mu com min and construcflva proper Ill And lo work ml thought has been WI Into lull then ll wnwuzlnx than to tell Shhglime kidney delecla ll hull and surgery brlnu Pml Execs1v lull Hunks an Ill mvah but does no necesurlly angle the condition Sometimes mm these won in mpnmlhle Ind It possible to ulablhh specific cluu ya the pressure to main high In Inch case med cullon my be necessary or In extended period of lime 0m Ilannlly medication can slapped and Illa pressure mains nnrmnl and Im lusl fluxyour daclnr has told you to lusc weight than do so The mull an be ulrcmvly Imponanl In yuu Dur Dr Molner hrulsI anally even from ulluhl bumpx Do you lhlnk might be lackj In nmelllinu In my dlclh MllS IL Heredlly mm lo be In Ilrunml Ilnzlu Indor 1n d1 btlu II poulbla or pawl rrlm In lhe mm Du My may no how dhbclu lhcmlclvtl but Inmmll lhl lendcncy lo lhclr chlldrrn 100D IDEAS wu lunm From Ilma Io llmn 1n the put lho pmy hu com with lama good Ideal lioi Infinite Ivi 01 95 Ink pl In propole on would b9 made Ivulllblo or vzfy low down payment Th1 wnuld havev Ippul lot pm la they really be Um It ut go nowhere lvllllh llhe lpalm belglun lb pub lm won 11 pu mm lnpn TM altitude will hm bi overcome Won the promni 235 elfecllvely help thn puny Weight on nun blgod ppuurgn nnd Mlhhlll mum number at In leel lmdlum MP WInuhnm ClblI lnxn Mm Mam lgfl

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