Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 3

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v15 MILLER left fish m1 tumllst wih the Deparlmenl Zni Lands and Forest at Spring Hm Wink fully wnh lhc Hum luhl llunnl Ind Ilm Nlmm Ctmnlr Ilwurnllun Cuunrll our mlln hvmlhm ummllm npmlnl In My lnumfl In man my wonhwhl mu IlulMllnn hu became an lulpnvllml ml vllnll nmmry tummuully mvlrs Nr up mum Wm mull rlrwly will llw prlwlmlll nvrrnmrnt or ulnnl nml pwluuu Ther II nl prmnl nu lull Im rem Hun xllmlur lar lhe 111m mi he at nun ml nlhr he Inn Ivlnl um mm rnmldernllon or flu mum 5mm vrrmllon project pnrl ly wpporlrd by mull mm lur rlc HurtHun Commlllco arm Royl Cnmdlnn lulon mlnnr Imrkrl and huchull Onlnrlo Mlnnrlloclu Lulu rlly lrnml mm lrll harm lenm Ilumnll Speed Sann Club Kcmpcnlufl Tmli Hum Brnlur qum Cluh 1mm Trnnll Club nelnrdod Chll lrrnl Clmp Danlu Illrltl Munro Dulce Graup rhlldnnl nkl rlnurn nnd overmlnl Tun Twnl Lu ycur Ina cnnllnulnl hll nunAmer lhu commlllu pmvhlu Illuunnln lnr Johnson film lunch Llom Com munlly Pool and Ihu Klnlmtn loml In winter mumer nu mvldtd ur public an bny Ind at our my path Twn ncw oulrlour rlnkl are being comldcrrd or next wlnltr IllOJECTfl MHFI Llpp lulcd um lhu Bur rfiu nccmllon Commlllce pmcnlly commuted came Inlo arm by mum at hyan pus ed by Town Councll in 1mm From very Imlll bcglnnlng lhu bud Ml year now amount In 1226 whlch In cludu $1100 pruvlndnl lmnl nay Burgess chairman oi ihu Kiwanis bnyl Ind girls com mluce was in churn oi lho prozrnm and introduced Im Quinn Darrin junior Innis champion 1961 winner oi ihe Ki wnnil Trophy Nat pmldcnl Willim Crnll Mrodnccd the weaken who wore umnked on behnll he club by Tony Dmrle DYLAW PASSED 1m mecunz anday in Communlly House unr nny Law chairman Harris necrcnunn Cammluce and Ron Mono BIrriu Dlslrlct Central Collmnla maths hither and summer swimminl and play raunds dlrccinr wm gum xpcnkm Cily oi Barrius recreation pm firm was outlined or member at the Kiwanis Club at the week Nurlyall numbers ol Com 1y Column travelled by bus on Cqunly Counclls annual road tpur yestordBJ that covered more than 175 mllu and lasted 10 hm Recreation Heads Outline Program County Roads Tour Termed Educational Whtn three year nu ma mmmllleo wu uknl la twnlldtr Hm ponlblllly Providing Mo Illrdl wn eunlllnhtd nl Ill ervlod MI Mr Manon You have In undenluml lhnl may mun he Alnflul by pmqu wuh pwlllr qunllllcnllanl Md nwnrdl lnr Illa Invlng Wu luv bun nblnlnlnl more and mm lhm by holdlnl qua Ilylnl clum Al RCA Edgar pool during lhc wlnlm llnd ll mall Inlemflnl murdlnn Jab wotllnl wllh nunT people My ml enlny urn In relml lunllon Im concerned wllh lM my ll It In mu my Ira ml lyolnl Illrnclm They Ilka ball lllml and In not much lnlrmml mlnnhrd lem churn Last year Mr Mnunp lukl more than 300 lemmm look lull and many mused In Ilnl ed Um lhu lnrnul pcrccnlnuo drawnlnn unordan lo Honnl Ilullxllcl wtrc In ll 10 30 no my II II no uluul ly lho yaunnlcr wlm ll liable In don emu lilunllonl In lho water ul mm mm NJth who In most nucepllblc lo duh and loulhnrdlnul Imuurznumm 11119 tummcr Mr Mmsop explained we will have up wnrd of 10 fully qunllncd In nlnlclon under lhe Red Cross Wnlcr Snmy Course Clam wlll be conducted at lhm arm Johnson Btnch Lion Com munlly Pool Ind Klnsmcn Pond Each day we upccl to hnvo 52 clams In opcrnllon nvurullnl Is puplll In each Mr Manon lulIy nulllncd Ihe numrnnr uwimmlng program minlnt and like mvlng under taken by he recreatinn comm lcc Formerly ml was done at 0m Communlty Bench wllh wn Inslmclorl plu Mm volunteer nsxlmnu flannl groups sports Ioclal muslcnl or cullural Many that lhl commllm maer cw year ago no on their own not wllhnut having to depend on nr help RON MOSSOP Some Irlvclled by car and met the main body when the bug 013M Oné 6f HIE llrs points In terest was lha Sltvcnson Mun grlal Hospital Alllstou It water Park Ind 111 humanelyenfllm min park transplnnllnl operation 511 mu hum luluho uni In dimkl ml oft 31 if 2561 for 533 =II If rl 31 vi ItsTI if Whamlynmluunnl MumMaw mm WWIIL MW lv Evor Hour at lhhi Mm nlltnuon mun Ira nlvrn lo Idult nlnlnlnl clnlly lo Iho pmnna In vacnlnnnl lypn wnrk 5H mm In Incmml hul lhry may Mm chnnlu II wnn Intnllonul lhnl In the UM mm wlhlo Hm mun may hm In be rrerlan In mm Mm nlmllon muul Klvtn lo be lullulu or he rrlrnln In al ndulln lmr rnum or nlrllnlnl Mn lwcmm nhnnl Homun In uhlunwlonblorh morn lulu Speclnllml lrllnln llmulfllm mi to llxm Ivnu In hll ma Na II who IIIk notth Wu RM fill any Mth MA limlk nth kHmIvml liby Illlfl Ind 01 mm dilln 354 saw3qu ugly lcnm Ind lo mlan hlnucll to mm Illunllom 11m Ihould bo dune ll Hm lxlxh Ichml luvcl 111a linden mun Iurn lllnl cd ucqllon ll conllpunul prqcu r0 luflwllil mm 1an lain lndr Idlooll Ind lcclmolm urul InlllullmL Thu nobnrll Plan wnl ln lendul In lncrmo ho human war Ichooh over under relnlnlnz llmlr lnlcml 1n cducnllon Marty cmphnm Ihould ho plaqul on up studenuAnhllllyr Snld Mr MarcellusY found lhnl he conlercnce has provid ed new Inccnllvo Io camlnun wurk Ind also mum at the lnlcst Mann and lhouzhh 01 lhe depnrlmml Our Hm dlscuulon was led by Dr IL Crispo whn had am dual to do with he no port of lho Selccl Commmtc on Mgpmwc Trnlnlnul no filiicd name of Dr Crlspol lhounhu REPORT DIUREIIC Marcellus Proxrnm mordlnulor rcporled la nurrlu Dlslrlcl Calleglnle Board New day night on lhu Spring Conlcr cnce Coordlnnlarl Fur mm Passengers unloaded at Tossormuo Township or breuher and lo lmpm lhn luwnshlphcd Several members council mngralulnlcd Vun Lorne reve Tommntlo Township and umd lhnt he MM out on llmb to his shed bullL Sanford Page Move Essa said Before relomslnllon ml was simply bmdlnz ground aLmosqullo llle infirm hmuxh New Luwcu Into Nonawasaza Town sth and Cmmorg Alrred cage néevé ot Penal lung was the urlglnnlor ol the P15 Flrs point of Interest In yes lcrdaya tour was an example of reforesmlon at he corner of Essa 1bwnshlp The leurs are designed in close this gap in oplninn Ind zlve members council bet ter undersinnding ol the prob lems lacing the other townships and other pali oi the couniy was aim pointed out that lho new bridge at Ailktan had just opened or tunic WHY THE TOUR Last year in Counly Council there seemed to ho up In opinion concerning county wads so it was decided lhnt they would Ionr lhe noth part oi the couniy last year and this yer in soupn part SaYs Robarts Plan Intended To Keep Student Interested will 7000 Iran flocked in cmks In York and chl counties this spring Exam Iner Phnlm Tho pnrti haardirnherrhi he mu midu Mn mu mm My am my We must make um um every nludcnl Klven flu or potlunlly lo recelvn III much educullan he can Mlucllvely nnduqully Ahgom Thorn musl be router mounl Innnlnu nnd caordln allon overall program of cduruflon TUNA GROW BIO nu known among hum nru the hunt Mucun which may wclKh up lo IMO poundl was Important hut mild mco ltnChtll must he he but anqu Thcy should be zlvtn udcqunlo limo do lhnlr wnrk proptry onn prlnclpnl alnl rd They nhpuld ho man than Momcr Common Thom must be mm and hellcr manpower research and vaullonal guidance Vacullonal uuldaaca was Ilmscd as hclnfl Important hath ho secondary lhalal level and at he adull eve cle upcclnlcnsc lush In lmmlzranla Ona deputy Neva anld he had been on eight roads tours and yesterdays was the best all bolh In the llzhl of enjoymml and In guinan knowledge and understanding of ha road In dmcrenl part on Iho younlyl County Councll menu exaln today and Thursday and will mko In tho erdcna Plcnlc In Orillln Thursday Illernoon Mler vlsmnx Mrs MneMIll nnl house near Bradford he tour went lo Cookslown and slapped the Town all when the woman Insmuko of Cooles uln slened Iupppr Sevcrél mind ihat ll been the mast Auccuslul to date Hla bus armed back the County Building In Barrie about pm alter tour lhm hnd mvnred nearly zoo mllu and lnsled 10 mm 0n the mad In West Gle lmMry lhwnsmp Deputy men 01 West Gwlllimbury Mrs Vl ola Macmillan painted on lha dmlculUu the maxim garden lumen in her am had am of the lack of Improve ment In roads HARD WORKERS Sha said Tim people are hard workm and you can see them now out than worklng In the fields men women and dandre Royal Canadian Leglan Hall in mtemavm SIX SFECIALLY damned Ink am used by the Fish and Wildllie dlvhlnn of the Department at Lands and For Wu luvn mule tholcu ground level Iron coming avnllnblo July Isl Ilsa upper floor npaccn largo or am nrcnx hlul or mnnulnclurlng or Ilorlgc at very rcamnablo um heated Iprlnklorcd SPACE FOR RENT APPLY KINZIE PA 6650I llnl had BLOOD DONORS The Red Cross Blood Donor Cllnlc slnned at TrlnHy Pur bh llnll Collier Slmk day at 1104 mm for donnllnl blood are uy In pm lhcn mm la IMO pJn GRASS FIRE Tho nnrrio Fire Department wnl called out 1015 lhla mum Ing io dcnl wllh mm Ira at 14 Dunlap SL West DIRECTORS dlrccflm ol the Barrie Azrlcullunt Soctoty will meet In tho office tho Dopnnmcnt of Agriculture on Coltlcr Street June II It etth oclock SAFETY CHECK In tho tlnl our hour of tho cur minty check Elven by the Ontario Dcportmont 01 Trans port on Monday afternoon 71 cm went through the tulx Nesdny mo corn pnmd through tho tano III the Barrie Plnzn TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA LOCAL GENERAL tll be hard but one you gel lhn Informnlon about var laus halls he numhcr French speaking people In urea and organize law Icllvlllcs youll llnd your club wlll xmw slowly but surrly he mid Abnul 25112mm met ml in home of Mr and NHL Albert Morena to henr liaison oiiicer oi lho Association Canadian irancnil dEduculim Oninrio mm Ottawa monk on the val ues sugh club Olhor nulcera eluded were 110an Blain 7B Mulcnsler SL vlcwmldent Mm Marc Bonu chnmp unowman Am mu my Doug Lmux 51 Strnhanu Am treasurer and three dlr actors Mrs Albert Morenu so cial Mrs DMlmn 25 Napier SL autumn and Larry Cnm mu 106 Rodney SL liaison om Romeo Asselln past president lha Penclnnl Soclnl Club mid Youn have to organlu your wives assess lhc city and para la clod locullon or meet Mn Marcel Racine 89 Queen St was elected president the Barrie French Social Club ll lgn meellnl lug plight em to trumped break 1qu to Ontario Ilrenmx Vlc Mller In chum at sh kin lumlng demonstrnles oxygen mum French Club Votes Executive In the put row week mom Venrllnx Ipeckled Iroul hm removed mm the pool at thl Department of Land and For ms ll Mldhuutlor the re stocking creeks In the counn lies York and PM Wu mehmnklnx pcapla are in general minority in many pan or Onlnrlo Wu wan to manila Aim serious and lengthy study number social clum hm been ormcd new the mlhern and part mo nonhum section nu provlnc Iald Mr Yella Among clues wllh Hench clubs If lhndllnn Nlnznrn Falls Welland Toromo St Catharina Penetnnz Sudbury Nonh My and Pendant manlyIve nersonl reprb sculan about 60 Frenchspeak lnx pen In Barrio and am when at the home at Mr and Mrs Albert Morenu as sunbana Avanue lo hear Mn Yelln speak about lurmlnz suclnl club or Barrio IN NORIIY Mr Ytllc In Enrrlo wllh Romeo Asselln past pmldcnl lho French Social Club in Penn lnnl strmcd the Importance of he Punch people becamlnl known and ldcntlnod or muz nltlon In Onlnrlo The English mllht becomn blllngual and um hunch mum speak only one lunlunge anld Mum Valle Halsun omcar for the Association CnnudlnnFran anx dEducnllon dOnlnrlo Inst nigh In Barrle Victor Miller In churn llsh and wldllfo at Sprlnzwnter Park has landed the rout Ilm hey wm uwned 1n lhe hnlcherlu in la Thu lsh worm year old In March Slncn lhen Mr Miller and his mlnanl John Ham hm Mlled the llsh In their pool and transferred them to npecInlly deslmd tank for lumporlnflon to new wntera AnotherJMm will he Iran nlnmed to new water baton this lpllnll pmlram has been complaled FRENCH ARE TOLD PISHERMENS DELIGHT ML Yclle said that English STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT Far elderly and convales nnl pallenu Excellent Incllluu or prlvnu or Icmlprlvnlu lot and cold wnlcr ln room Register ed Num ln ullcndlnco MONTREAL mm ronomo 0mm ammo mum on mm mm mm Imkmxonouuhr000mm wmmrm mom wmnv mmmun VANCuumn vmmnn mm JOIIN rnwnmcmn MONCTON mum rlzw wmx wunou mnwn 60000Tro1it Placed In District liStreams Wont Regret Forming Club $200 or More Than $200000 In One Or More Many Trust or Mutual Funds BUT WHICH IS BEST FOR YOU FREE HOW MUCH SHOULD YOU PUT AWAY FOR EDUCATION SHOULD YOU HAVE HEIIIlEMENT PLAN HOW CAN WE REDUCE YOUR lAX SHOULD YOU IN OCKS AND BONDS Am snouw YOU TAKE our AN msunzn mm wmcn FUND Gnows msrm ANDon PAYS mvmmwsz wmcu mcome FUND mmnms BEST wimucu CAN YOU PLACE IN YOUR wwws NAME TAX OUll ADVICE HHIOUUII OUII MP Til DEPARTMENT 15 THEE AND CONI NTIAL OUfl DAMHH OFFICE OPEN FROM In It too pm on APPOINTMENT mmmang or THE TORONTO morwrnm AND CANADIAN 5mm EXCHANGE MARSHALL Rog PHONE l24 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU IN All SECURITY MATIERS NESBITT THOMSON mm mm Illmm SUIIE 103 69 DUNLOP 51 EAST BARRIE ONI PHONE PA 82412 Why Wait To Find Out Too late WE HANDlE All QUAUTY FUNDS AND COMPANY le50 dont want my chlldren to lose their language In said and Im sure you dont wnm Your to 1m them Mr Yella nld Youll chve cooperation III French spellan Canadian In this area onco the club founded More fidfnon peoplo will want to You fiav l3 Mi am but once you get olnz youll never rem II Motrin to advantages or soda club he mentloncd that club can make mum to authorities perlalnlns la the study French In various school Ila said the 25 club In 0n lnria have formed ledmflan speakhlg people are more re aponslva an more receptive to he Fwnch Ith they ever were In Ontario Wu have much lo EIVE and we have much to receive but ll youre ulna lo arm aoclnl club dn It now ha empha sized Wher we aka the Iran from the poolswe cannot nllord to all nrnmd said Mr Miller Evon when we work at maxh mlm speed and elllclency we mlnm lake alx or alum hours fur gay dqllvefles Their lmvk wllhlu le tanks oi trqu ii olten called upon to mako six or seven flop during trip Enchunk is equipped with an oxygen apparatus and man tray or canfins wnound kpep the wulurat the approximate ump ernlun cl tho llshl natural sur mgndlnusu Aimuun The new dnvulopment In pre vrvlnu mo lh 1n circumstances as elm to their natural envlmn mun an posslhlu are necess ary the restocle program In wn HM ARE YOU Unmull lrnwth oppoflunluu ludlnl lo mlnlzcment mponllblllllu thanth lrllnlnl pramm wlll cnmmum tn Bmll urly In July 11m pollllon oflm excellent nlury and apponunlllu or lhl younx hlzh Ichool mduale lnlercsttd In nwrdm career with mu lnlemallnm company Illply by Idler giving full pullculm to no education and phone number In THE MANAGER P0 BOX SID BAHEIE ONTARIO Iiieksled In managing your own Ilanf Grade 11 Hlah School Gradual ID yun In SALES MANAGEMENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The to ow nl mmcncy ha ulres Orlaniullnn erxannel wlll participate quilary pnllca usually Ilmulallan mm mm munkntlonl ah mnnllm resC Ind wgflan Interlm cenlllcales will In presumed to personnel who have Iuccess lf complcled pm of their traln n1 Addresses will be alvnn by Al bert DeConkey warden Sim coe County he Cooke mayor Barrie Ray Alklnson Elm cne Barrie Emerzency Men will pgganhnugn coordinator Clly and County Councll mum ber have been Invited huh old Registry Bulldlnu pm today fur an In ecllon ol the buildlng which ll become the ameraency xavcmmml hund qumeu for county and muni clpyl governments demonstration and impec Ion equipment and personnel of Slmcoa Barrie Emergency Measures Orluulznllun develop ed over Ihv past lwo years wlll be allowed by lllm mad by Slmgqe Barr VEMO The Job sh cullurnllsl gives me In pleasure snId ML Mlr Although Ive been with the Department Land Ind Forest 101 33 you 20 of hem wllh lhe Ish and wildllm brunch than always some thlnl learn In fact lbs beglnnlng of Ihc md when you begln to lhlnk therel no more up learn abaul lhe Job Einbnrnle care is taken oi the pond lhal keep the iruui ovu the winler months Beiare ihuy are stacked with minnow in lha all hit pools are drained Th Mano WI and bolioms nra aerade clean of biological qual The pools are Ilerluznd with TH much cnsler tn neutral ua lhnn copper sulphate snld MEMuhr The boltum or p001 given fresh coal gravel Mr Mlller flxc thn dams and screens and then randy or new yearl crap Iron mln nuws L015 or PLEASURE loin gunman hq ponllquqd let Officials See EMO Display fim

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