Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 22

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5CANADIAN NEWS IN BRIEF BHND GET CENTRE VANCOUVER CHA $150 hpu rccrnallnn centre lnr lha provincsa 2600 blind person wlll ha opened at Bowen Island lhls summel by the Cnnadlan National Institute or the Bllnd snnmn ALFALFA LWILD HORSE Alta CF Practtcally all ltlc Grtmm at lalta grown In Canada can be traced back to the send devot apcd by Victor Hcydlnufl who arms In the Wild nurse are near the United States border When Heydtantf began opcrat 1n ht farm he ohtnlncd ll nunda of secd tram Wendlin rimm wnnse ancestors duvet qpcd the cccd tn Germany COMPUTES PIG DIET ISASKATOON CDA $40000 computer at the Universlty n1 baskalchewan is being used to figure out nutistnctary dint for lgs The animal science dc partment wants accurate knowl edge about the minlmum nu trient Intakes that an animal must consume daily to produce tunnnaxtxnum rate gain In Nnmr we lnur llallun pmm hlVF lmn mrnllon In lnlk almul llvl IIer wp mu rum at he nomun lnlhullc 11mm Lulll Cant Innl TuaIIn Alhmno Cu hul Cnxlnldn 72 Arcthle Napln lelnnl lenlona lm Ind lldelmndn An lnnlulll All hm CantuMa ur an anun Cum njd Innu cuurl IM Vur GET FILM LIBRARY NELSON EC CF Nolro Dame Western Canadas first private unlversily has rccclved $50000 from he Knlghtx of olumbus to set up mlcrnlllm bnratory It wlll he used to gather selected lllm ram Illa lerary ol Congress Washlnx ton DC GET FILM NELSON 30 Dame Western unver5i am health CARDINAL CONFALONIERE lllFlllANl0 ANTONIUY LUIGI CARDINAL fllAGLlA THE BARME EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 1m CMIDINAL CASTALDD CONSIDERED flundy Invite tlncclled In June 11 lmlmr mm nllnn Day II mnqu Cunt lm Mr IIan 1m mu nml Inmlly haw mnml In Elm valv winm Ihny Ium lmuKM Imuu Itrnl VIIHOII II II xl wm Mr uml Mu My mum Ind dnulhlrn Illa Mn Lu na Tlmmln Mr and Mn Glrn Maw um ulnuxhur wrlluml wenl Run an ml 1le lnlull 6qu Nevin Yunxvnlulnllnnn In Slmmn HI and nnymnnd Ilnwdm who wry 1mm mini hniylncil Hm RCA Ind In nuw Illlllnllfd In 23mm nuém mum Frunk nulhllnl um Mr and Mn II lunh Mrl Julm Grill and Inn Mu Hunnu Mulmy It Tnmnln Mrn Iulm Inhmluu hump hunt Ipenl lhn wrtkrml Al Ir Srnlll Mr nml My llanry lilllrr nl llmnlllnn vlnflell nvrr Ilw wrgkrml lnlyhrlnvrrlfnu Mr and Mt fill Adam II lrIl mrr lhl vurhrml IIUI ML Iml Mn Hull odd ll lnll llrdil Entry Futon ol Tuwnln ll mmllnl Ink MI 10an wllh hlu palmt Ind Mn ill vlnll Mde In Kmlutkl Mn Mill Nylon 01 You villlrd or ml MONTREAL ICI Mn Surnnnu Fondue lmdinz ro hnbllirnllnn worknr In Frunre has hccn named woman the your by HI wnmrnn dfivlllon he Manlrenl Chamber at Corn mom Mrr Poncho hcrc la rmch her award Inld rlnrlrd rchnhllnnllnn work nflcr she cunlruclcd luhrrculnnlr are And rpm the nu l7 3an In bud CLOSELY FIGURE PORTAGE LA PEAIRIE Man CPlA surplus oi $1410 was recorded by iiIo city in 1962 Mayor Henderson de clared it was phenomenal Tnu surplus came imm lain manna oi 315180346 JUST ONE FAMILY WEST LDRNE Oni CF Wesi Elgin District High Schooi hm might become just one big happy family The school claims studean who an related as aunts uncles nieces and neph ews in grades tanning from nine io 13 URGES EDUCATION VANCOUVER CPI VIn cauvnr Council 01 Women prcsl dent Mrs Belrnel he urged education In alert mem bm lo lhv needs nnd problem the community She listed lhe and ncniur citizen or subsidixcd hnuslng problem narcotic nddiclion nnd nlr pol lution cnnccm over obsccnn lllnralure and he nnnd ur ln lelllzcnl appraisal 01 civic ov ernmenl problem RUNS RADIO SHOW MONTREAL CPI Manl nnlcr Mam Anlhany lha cllyl only woman In charge an Illmm rmfin show Tho allrncllvo blonde bmadcnflcr II on lhu alt mm 06 um to nm and my the hm lull of Ideas or lho nhow CARBIES HIS AGE REGINA UP Henry 5th merdinu at 101 year of age Imokes Al cigars day and lakes an occasional that candy He enloya playing mmmy or cribbage He brought his wife and children to $55 katchewan as pioneer from figgland when he was 52 years sold or but can siva as FIND ANCIENT T0015 ASCOT CORNER Que CF Stone unmet unearthed on nearby armn gauge lwo spearheads and fireplaceam believed data mm Stuns Age selllement more than 10 we years ago Rev Rene vnsque prcsldenl the Sher bmkq Argheologiqfl Soc fruit canning Industry in Nova Stella use about 30000 Ions of apple annually slightly less than twoAlhlrds of years crop Apple cannlng started nnarby Aylnslurd In 1880 HONORED BY WINDOW 1Acxsons 119m Ont WRITE EXAMS IN JAIL LONDON Ont UP Na local hlgh chonl sludenla will wrlle lhelr final exam In Mld filesex County Jall The two youthv both 13 are each serv ing mnnlh or lhclr art in teenage gang clash whlch Innth yaulh was wuunded by slwlxun WHO DflANK COFFEE MONTREAL CF Cognac but mm was just expan siva as it now Is accordlnz lo menu discovered here The 1904 menu was discovered In the SL Gahrlel Hotel bum in 175 Much now is being demollshcd vasque prcslde brook Archeo says the loo of PalmIndian CWA memorial window to nulhor ano do In Roche has hecn dedicalcd St George Church in Ihis Lake Slmmn town Miss In Roche dled In 1961 and was bured In St Georges churchyard The win dow rellccls her gnat Inlmsl In animals and dcplcls SL Fran cis with birds Animals and flowers GIVEN AWARD MONT ICI years ago Rev Rene nsque prcsldenl the Sher mke Archeological Sociely ays the loo are characterich PalmIndian Implements MOST APPLES CANNED KENTVILLE NS CPLTh HNTEN MILLS NTREAL CF Cognac or In cent glasan 1904 count was just expan as it now Is accordlnz lo fly MIKE ECUTT By J10 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD AF RichV ard Chamberlain inns whn have grown accustomed in his part in Ieievlslona Drr Klldara are in iar surprlse or two They are iealur movie Twilight of Honor in which he plays micntlcss defence lawyer who represents client In an un writtng law murder lrlal sperm uch nnbunn Grub Parllhl nllkel 11 mm mm pm mm lhmn upggm mm 15 For un wnh human Mldn 01 Ana mm mm sln Ibnul 31 129 nuns Dellnloll AT THE Moms MINI hlh MI summud ml mlrle nl mm qullfly runner 5m boul Nh ma colour wmu nr fink 129 uundu num Surdlly oven nl WM Mllow uh Ilrnnl urryhll hundlu Ahulfl 21 mm ml Next scasan Dr mldare Heres Ehterjainmént switch TV Doctor Beqomgs Lawyer my man 29 129 comment yum yum 9n ol huh cu per munrd no Included MI mall wlre hnldx in pep 32 129 clunazll Culde Cu be mad In my hold en Help mu lmrcu um plenum mm afiiix 129 lluvmm Enlmallcd mm with mm mm Allan 10 11 And Max armI L29 100 of cod Ianlily wln round with hllow opnqu plum Slurdy uly lo Ilun my 29 cmnu Llnu Unilkc um ammbly Dr Een Casey 4Vlnca Edwards fill counterpart on another network ChamberlaIn seemed like Aman at pcaca wlllr he sliow wnrld he plungnd Into mere five yep ggp In which halwillgraduale Iorcs ldenl physician and be ablu lo stand up logrufl nld Dr Gil lespie Tomnwbnm Raymond Massey Her dlfiilv even seem terribly apknlll In omy EATON mm scum mu Imumly In undy dllyennr can Folm ulhlul cullD711 Gnudl Run Your own clun Gulrdl nu cl lluml mum in mm under each In ukflllll Aha IW dllmeler 1535 129 Dull purpas lar Inn IIUHI cold or hell 0m Mb Ind Iwn Zlh Illa in l29 TECD Thumb Plk xIm humnu Emmellm mom nlm Irult maul Aboul In puny 223 129 29 The work doesnt bother me but have been Ilule worried about my Inability to grow as performer When youre In aslr flea WI about all you can do to gel the work done without mak lnl somu mm In advance your capghlufl concededme omwork 71nd exulked in almost full week vacation between the film and Mar his third season In tele vision character can he mum inronly ha is allowed gruw he rcasnned would have been pretty fired to play Klldare the same way did ha first lwu seasnns es eclnlly In hlifelnngahlg lo 105 Now Ill get chance be maxfirm In my Judgmcnk and 30 have out with Ray Mam no no lllhecuu Rnnll ll hnl doll ll once Lockl an Apll Mm nl melll mlnnr med About lpeclll uch In El hm su at nummum cm Plnl uch nboul rx clun Efflfx L19 llunhalrdl Wall pldfll Ind covend an Ildl filth Whfll cullvn Abnut II DI lun qullly uhulul Janna min Id Ilnlnl Mumnu lbla leren lrll um HIM hlnd npulu mu 129 nubmn mm 129 TwLHkh Lllhll HIMII limp Mb mullll and III III bowl covered wun mm muh Help dlsgll in ucll Ive lull IIL 533 129 need he dont mean that would he diarespecllul One at the things found lnm aenrch at UCLA the Unlverslty of CIlIlarnIn It 1413 Angela was Ihl he veteran daclars always commanded the ulmosl rstecl of Ihe newcomers on the Ideally he aald would like lodn Just one more season then make another feature and then do play If someone would he Inollsh enuugh la hlm SERVE THE UN Altogether some 12500 Swedes have surved on United Nation duly since he wnrld body was armed HnWmuch langerwlu he can Hung aKlldgre7 nullified Tumult llelvy plull WIUI flownInd hullerlly de xun mmyed In Gold nlnur mfg L29 Ill mun nl mamin RM Blunt Yellow anqunln 553 29 lllmvmnd uul llnlnh rllln About mun orn Culllnl num limped Polyclhllme round lied wllh Enlkhrlorl bonnm An chor lrcurtly In round About 2r nun 5111 129 Lau comm Heavy plullc ullh llawerIndbullully da len lumped In Gnld tolaur 333 L29 luluhled Maxi In NIL mm mm 13 L29 ATLANTIC CITY NJ AP nutrition researcher todny de plored lhg flipci lendingon children and said might lead in deliniioshorlening at the nvemgeJiflspan wiihlniihe next Mr Dr John Youman Nash villa Tam laid the posslhlllly exists that supernulrltlonfln the United Slates cspcclnily among Infantsmay fmake the blalaslcal clock run loo fast and thus ultimately cause ur lIcrflmnnurmul ash and loggevltx lier 5E1 this at press can tennee at the annual mccllnz the AmErchn Medical Associa Subéréfeefiihg Blamed For Ills Tncn Ila Mm Mn 01 load an Iy mm and vent Illunln slu bout II 10 Lalbun nm Walk or Yellow sign L29 Conlourzd PNVIM uler Tout cl Io Polyilhyline 1110 or mmuom Aboul 11 11 lZ9 in Indies About annular 11 mm 533 129 wlm mm mm gmnlly wa yll PLUS MANY NOT ADVERTISED SPECIALS Wlkh for vham In EATONS Hnuuwnm Dlpmman MAIN FLOOR tion prici In acceptinnn award Ear outstanding nutritional search mans larmer direclol of the AMA dMslon men till activities told repurlem would queslion lhe lend one hill country In eedln ants earlier and Earlier on solid loads undirlo give Infant and children mnrcnnd more vlla mlns and higher andAhmher lev e1 01 energy ravldlng nunlulu In lha arm calories He said there increased av ldence of degenerativu disease selling in at an earlier age than In lha past and same avldenu that more people are dying younger ram such Ills my EXAMINER WANT my mama mu lumber avmd wln wuh mbbur tut Ynnow lumubll Abel lbh Dnln mm Ilium nth OIEN CONVENIENT EATON CIMHGE ACCOUNI 5mm win ml with on dual 511 About Is mum dunblt 23 129 lhnpplu am l29

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