Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1963, p. 2

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Am Ann 5qu lino mm mm mu Plum on he Pawn Cdn Imp Ill um Cdn umm cm cm lenl Cm mum1 cum rum Con Mk Sn gen ngcr Amun mum Alum 5m munum mm on MIMI Much Inc publlc ll brary project ha been pressed he snld That year In refer endum the people Bradford unanimously volcd to build puhllc llbrary But the ownl tax slmcmre made Impossible to add capllul expendllurn wtll thls so the money had he rnlscd by publlc suhmly lCllL lxir Devlin complimented Lhu people 01 Bradford and district and urvlce orgnnizalions for their coniribuliunn to the and campaign which led to in ii PROJECI PRESSED Library board chairman Devlin told them Eradlardl first library was heated over the Flu Hall and or many year the Ink llhrnrlan was um paid Later um book were mav ed In quarleu Above what now thchlun slate and even ually came to their laxmar lo catlo In In Town Hall Mayor Cooko do hereby pmdnlm Wodnw day Juno lolh 1903 ll Kinsman Club of Barrio HOSE DAY In tho City of Barrio and call upon all mum to lupporl the Kinsmen by Iho punchm of mm ho emblematic flower of our city HELP KIN HELP KIDDIH COOKI About 100 spectators gathered on um lawn the new 320000 Lulldlnz at the Inlersecllon of Moore and John streets for the ceremonies BRADFORD Slum Mayor Joe Magnnl snipped lha ribbon men opened door to usher flue nests Into tho new Bradlord Publiu Library officially open ed here hlasday night FROM THE LEFT Junior member DaneIda Schelp Shaw Davin 16 le Stew Bradford Its New Illrim not 11 um um dnwn llold dawn ll TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compfled by Flynn Dunlap mm KINSMEN CLUB OF BARRII ROSI DAY ml on Am llocll Culco Konvmm Nb Com II Clnldl novNoNlI luv you Avmnu lmiInulII up Io lulu up 03 uuuuu down mnom Ill qu mun Am iiu I190 PROCLAMATION 435 nu final gm gym lahrldor All Dunn huh mm Am hncourl londo MummI NICKlulu IL Mum mum NOIIM mi Ihrfle rum Illwk Elddlll Ham on Hun nu Inn can InL Iner mm Ma mm mm mm uumm nllrwov rm mm cm hm mnulnul on Gun Board mreiarwreasurer Dun Blnkn announced that the libr arys circulation had douhied time 1965 In 11000 books Num ber oi books on hand has risen irom 1800 in 1955 to 4000 now Another feature oi the library was described by bonrd mem ber IL iii Suwcnl who in Him vicepmidcnt oi in Bradford branch of in Canadian Red Cm This is loan cupbon of sick room supplies which nra OUm lptnken Included Henry Goebel past president of he Llon Club and John De Valk Rotary Club prcsldenl Bath lhesa club raised many or the Alhrarv lund Mr Davlln drew bha audlenml allmllon to plaque Just lnslda the librarys Iron dmrl honoring many of lhg dnnm Gun weaker Roedde Toronto director provincial llbrarv services was Introduced by library board member Cecil laxmain Mr Roedde laid Brad ford llhrnry supporter had found hi key to lhe Incceu com munity librarylocal linen5 Ind mperntlon hrary construction He also commended the librarian Mlss Webb or her patience In pulling up with the yuan of inconvenience working In the librarys cramped quarters 1w hlnd the Town Hall art In and Mn Money View flowers the Innunl Vespn Horllcullunl Society Opens Library Mayor 1m ID nu Mum Im nod mum on wmm wuuq Nut Hm Nwnmh man onhnh ovumn rmm no Prom rm mo gm non on mm Pm gldflu Pill sun Ehlwlnilm EllI 01 CHI Tnhbom IL Tum cm Trm Ml mu mm Unlnn flu Wllklr 1mm Hunk loco or IN IN in 1x1 119 Forevil Hampertux Low mum hm Thurme Windsor St Thom Mndun Kitchener Mount Forts Wlnghnm Hamilton St Cnlhurlncl Tomnlo Pcturbomuxh Trcnlon fi82833g N011th Gmralan Bay A1 xoma wulhem While River Tlmnznmi North Bay Sud bury Cloudy with shower Ind unaltered lhundcnlonm sunny wllh law cloudy Interval Thursday Cooler lunlghl Wind Ioumwcst 15 lo 10 becomlnz northerly no lo 15 lonlght vuuyuls um uu wmsm Lake St Clair Lake Huron Ningurn th Geomlu Bay Lake Onlurln Laku Em llnllburton Wlndsnr London Hamilton Toronto Sunny Ind wnrm Cloudy WIUI Ihownrl Ind stalker thunderstamu tonight and cur Thursday Sunny In lcrvnll Thurld ay Illernoon Southwest winds Increuinl to Is Iaduy bccnmlllz northerly 10 to Thundny Synoplla iow prmnra aw lam approaching Laka Superior ia causing ihmuah northern and central animal he mvinca Cool air in aiowly mu nu southward In than arena and will be noticeable to night alien clear with large high pnsaun cell moving Iouiln ward mm Hudson Bay In lower lake areas anoiher no warm day is iorecast but show era are likely ahead ha ad vnncing £001 pi tqnighl Member ol the library bond were Introduced lo the audiance In addition In those I111de manUnned lhuo Included Mn Blackwell Mm Dolph Kneeshnw Mn Yeoman any RoyUCalnnKeh Alter the spectators examin ed tho llbraryl apnkllnz inlan lor and lumhmnxl they Ind ro lreshmenu urved bullemyh by library bond membm John Zlma representlnl the library commm Luxury Home Bulldm mauled he key to um new um 10 or elm 11 cut loaned out the public of charge or use by convalu cents quny 135 night Mn Manny In him ha minty Elm lner Photo1 Shuy jeldnln Mldhunk HAROLD FORSTER 00 98 BAYFIELD ST altocllvo lmmodlllely the roll 01 mnlrrlnll WEATHER mwufiflmuwwuw BULLETIN Thm hmnu lulu llclnry hull lilrhrn cupbomh And plea III mama bodmom humu Clmlco unnluluw fipllunvol or run any Inrhmm In hlvlnl BRAND NEW lIOUHM bulll by are Dnvlol remuar lmmodlm occuplncy wllhwl any lncmu In price unlll Jum MAXIMUM Mamamu LOW DOWN rumm BUILT BY GEO DAVIES CONSL IJD Exclmlvo Agonll about the new 11 Tax Increase SPECIAL Sha been lining or as long can rcmcmbcr nld Mn Wudle and hope Aha keep up thn Iho sun at RIVEan Plan In Tvmnlo Jack Klngslon gluing hor and ukod hcr Kill Inning with In Orillin orchestra when she was 13 and Ilnm then has nppcnred on many radio programs lunl ho Palace Pier and the Wgsgcm ambarco In Taronlo Shirley known now as Kitty Kama Inzlng with the Jack Klnlston Orchestra cntcnatnlng Canadian armed forces In mm ope She tell for Eumpe on May 30 and will return about the tnnfiugnst tin wmm WHITE Bnnh her mother said Im quit fraud and thP about her nan nighow buslncu Shirley Wardle 19 lormerly lo Cumbrrland SL Ban1e timed nineweek slnglnz coir tract In OErmnny recentlyL 5th 1AISprfiwimer In Iris IShow Barrie Girl Makes Hit Rs Singer PRIZE WINNERS 1115 Nw winner wera nuy flakes or the Overall Appemnoo comes may be ob tained mm secretary Mrs Ruswll It PA 89505 hetero July 16 Mineslng mldenl wild call Minuluz coo for Thu 11 xlvn my firm ownexLIn Vtspla chance In STEEL smear OTTAWAY cnicLa MELROSB AVENUE short bushes period to owed he presentation or prim It wu decided to chmle me Home Improvement contest to cool5 Amenonce contegl Larry Whltby Barrie kid of the lhow gm the ex hlum Mounnuon on tho care and trlmmlnz ol Iowan and Vlrlous pnparnuonx necessary logVa flower show Mrs Money medent of the society uld mb inlormm Ion should make for better shgwlnomlyng years Ihclnnual Vmpra Horticul tural Society Irls Show was held at the Mldhurst Forestry Sla dog last M53 REALTORS SHIRLEY WARDLE ON or houxo bulldlna wlll lntrenm 1e mi mu named Mrs sewn Mn Mow cflh Mrs Olkley 17 Dining room table arrange ment IrisMu Oakley Mn Slamst M11 Shem Best Potted BelemNo anemicauom Mm Shelp Mrs Noble ll Basket of III with 00m lawnsno entriu 15f mm of Irh bloom rm Slewm Mn Ndblo Dish of PunksMn OakleyMn Noble Mrs Thompson 107ng Pot of Alrlcan Vim lets In Bloom IInzlc Noble Mm LIIlluap IL Em Pol cl MIICIII Violets In Bloom double Mn Stewart Mrs momma Mu Oakley 11 Best ooIledIon Ooleu III In septum pomMm pink and mumn pure pink Mrs Hamill bl eolor Mrs Oakley Mn 5mm humidb blcolar no first prize Mrs Stewart Mrs Russell plumn my other color Mn lumen Mrs Dotson Mrs Oakley Mantel Arrangemant at 11 Mn Stewart Mrs Red ud purplaa pun nd Mu Montelth Mn Russell pure pumle Mn LIHIcrap Mn Oakley Mrs Miller pilcats red Mn Montelfll blua Ind whima pure blue Mrs Shah Mn Miller Mn Ullkmp pura violet Mn mum Mrs Lullmp Mn stew while while mid llzht or semi112M color Mn Dobson Mn Russell Mrs Miller yellow and ormzel pure yellow Mn Shelf Mrs Momllh Mu L1H cnpp pure orm0 Mn mum to vim For MIMITau Pnknh in by Appointment hloh Tun 1A0 Bug Barrie Doctors Prescription Accurately Filled II Collier SI SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS PA W53 PHONE PA 6889 NEW OFFICE of Toronto OUR Ground Chuck 94 May MW obs huh would CAI Beef liver luvs Inly IIle Short Ribs Round Steak 5c Highest number or polnll In Irll allowMrs Stewart 19 Mrs Onkley and Mn IL ap1le each Door lid Mrs MI Graves Max Man and Ms Enzahm Shelp MIME hEVinfi Incs named vaflnlu lqu 1n the show Mrl Ogidey 15 Rest rprlng armament lo mgfchfm entries In Novel muzemm or spring flowersMrs unL crap Mrs Shelp Mrs flwmpm 3951111 In mowMm ummp sggqm mums mu awn Operators enllng establish ment In In beach areas will be given the same trealmenl ll their premises and nperltlnn do not meet our requlraments Wo feel um tomIsl bl busi nen and lb Auyulh During the muxzlh total of 122 CI were made Routine In 111 walla mhand WWW menu so am complnlnts were lnvcsllglled nsljunnta Hsmme Caunly mry condition dur in May naveny cum was mud to Im fmvepondlunna In hes estalr lahmenla but Ihe aperamru chose lznm our demands tar Improvement repurla DI mu director ha Slrncne Coqu 31 91 um Wa lee um type operator Ihould not be In business uny wny when It becomes necessary for us in lake luck dmlic ac thr my Dr Scott upmanlyunuWAvMWMMM mamas mes now no mo svm Beer VAR Hgalth Unit Forced Close Restaurants mpm DRINK at IONA PEARS 3m Boneless Point SHoln Rush Boneless loud Steak Roast BEEF ROASTS WATERMEION 79¢ GREEN BERNSWNZ29c mm Cy Alrv nan ammo no cum VWNIA NEW 10 INDIE ITEINGLIM NO MAD RHUBARB PIE won BONEIISS RUMP 59240 MMMMMflm l09¢ Wienefs Mod mm89 executive column at 51 nylon prealdanl Daua Slaw nrl and Clank Surzenor vica pmldenu Willard Everlon Izo mary Ted Sloan runner Ind 11x dlmlorl All Dick Dan MacDonald John MAnnl Kan garner Ron Carter and June DunnJohn Dnnlelh leading figure In thnmuzhbred raginx In MumPedro Armen don 51 movie who ap Rurefl II no lllxqsljn his fll ilile Mexico mldde ullenin Felunhl Wllel Ynhn Cowper Po no author poet and lover niacinIon Trumhnu CamCI Mc Carthy In adveflhlnl exco uuvo who made the Inth E0 mum to mfluwl Sydmy Am mvld Mm mm ea owner and publisher the old film menu Selkirk MunWI am Scol Uel Bryce 74 format mill le member 01 Pullman tar Selkirk rldhll Dmrlct pruldont Murray Hadgldmn ol Auma will ln Ila the smells emullvn Ind Blll Bynllhwnlto pmldenl the 1113 annual lnycea Presldenla Ball will be held marrow nlghl nl Bayslalra Lodge The new ex ecullva lor lhu 1065 season wlll be Installed helm the fu Willem THE CANADIAN PRESS In Iriétall Officers At Jaycees rlBal BAR EXAMINERWEDNESDAY JUNE NM MWDIMMWMW Nadinlmflntml DEATHS rawunw Miami wm79c re no call onflu service the Barrie firewo partmenl or the Bune Detach men 01 the 0mm Provincial Pallet WWII04h 32mm79¢ Burle my Fallen wereLln formad by Robert Reid ollll Gown st thnk his hicycl land begn Ikolen The Jaycelle executive bon alsla 91 Mm Dang Chick pru lden¢ Mm Warren Trlmlm mt vice presidenh Mn Dan MacDonald secretary lnd Mm Arnold Neal treasurer An evening of hlrmonyruul touting was mm on the1w tron by lha the of oneubl cycle 2wath Jayce wllUnstall the new reg excputlve One Bicycle Said Stolen 90 Collier PA MM For ha Final In Em Dun ind Imported PM Candi etc nu carry IIle loads compul flu vflcu OPEN ALL DAY WED OPEN FRIDAY Ill pm BARRIE DELICATESSEN bud SOON EAsz $93

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