Some mo planclnry re slrlcllom mum that you bu cxlremely tacllul 1n personal rclollonshi now Do your pnr lo malnlun harmony In busi ness mntlm do nnl consldor any decisions you make as Hnal Some later revision mny be sary Jig nu mMunAY tgrmrrow Is your blrlhday your horoscope Indlcolu lhot while you may be faced with lama lnnnclal problems 01 and on during lho yournouny In July and Into Oclobcryou can eullr solvo lhcm you cm one your Inherent good dgmenl and scnm oi rcnllxm go no nllow worry or pass lsm lo interiors with the no headway you can make durlng lha nul Iwclve month desplla mpnrnry setbackl Butwccn July and Scrlamher ro ls trout posslbl lly Ihal FQUOMIRROW vam ndvmn Tho cclcbranls were mauled the ham um bridel par ents Mr and Mrs Luke Shik mvnMayJflJm The hrlda is An upon house ceiehrallon was halting the hum of Mr nnd Mrs Waller Sutton Shnnly Bay on lhe occasion their silverwedding amdmsary More than 100 friend and Ma flm attended he annlvcrsary celebration rur lie with someone cl grenl morlancc and Interest In tur lherlnx your aim could he consldcrnbly Ilrcnglhcncd to your Advantage Job advance men and lncronud pmllxo an lndlcnlcd lrom Sc lemher on Jgkp early 15m Ma lhn most business npparlunllln lndl cntcd In 1110 Dcccmbcr mm 1ny handled hey could let you of load mm In 1m child born on lhll day wlll be endowed wllh no lnleL In and will be cxlrcmely per mch In purwll al hII high at goal Shanty Bay Couple Celebrate Silver Anniversary At Home THE STARS SAY IIy ESIRELLITA MR AND MRS WALTER SUlION wt atural You Eitill CanT Beat Among the many lavcly um received was an upholstered chair and hauquet 25 red rose from the brldegmoml molhurrund brothers and sister Present or he speclnl occas Ion were thecouplcs nllcndnnls MrL Marley Schnndlcn Mid Iurst and Alex shaken at Shroud the armer Elsle Shake The brldagranm L9 the son of Mn Thoma Sutton North St Barrie and Ihe late Mr Sutton The cclebrnnu have hm thildrcn Donna Dennis and Douglas all home The lea table was ccnlrcd wilh threMlercd wedding cake flanked by silvercandelabra Mu Can Worthy and Mrs Rccvlg yaner tea The bride chose meet lenzlh rock Dlnk lace over mm cursnu whlle and pin Srnntlnm completed her ensem OuMItawn ESL ware un rum Slrnud Thornton WII Iawdale Kilchener Mlnnslng Hawkeslane BunIo Mldhum Amswm WINS THE BET BUT EATS STEAK LONDON MP You know lancy banners llnk usual Derek Galslard IBM to Ms wile Why cant you urve hem once in Milk7 ll llu bung you wum lll bungen youll havn uld hla wlle Florence lll be you quld you cunl an through pound lhcm every day lor lb next year Bel Mld Duck lhnl wu Junn IDOL Lul Frldly 31 yuuwld Derek downtd hll moth bung mllccled lhu quld Ind mlehnlcd lhe vlclary by pollMpg of desk But do not wrnnl ha IaXd or hnnn lllll lave blfllll mam by nun ma BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 1091 Dur Ann Linden 1mm be trunk Then II no other ax plannllnn or person who hll spent hundreds of dallm an dunclnl lessons and Itlll cant dance My husbands humus mlkel ll necessary or II to In place when there dlnclnl Mm 20 year of manlane wa hnvl worked out anmelhlnl lhll looks Ilka dancing but Iddl up to nomlnl morn khan walk lnz lo music Ind lVOldhll nap pin on each other am sunk when try to dance with anyone else And Ihll my problem How do reï¬ne wflhnut looking Ilka snobi am seen dancing with my husband no cant fly dont dnnce It Is ure agony when atyemn go ance clignt who wants to be nice to an bosss wile Please tell me what to elmOUT 0F STEP Dur om ll It Ls pm agony to dancc wlh nnyona other than your husband dont do it When asked to dance lust uy lhank you but Id rather In this one all Ind chat wllh you Do you mind 11 an Ivnll able escaw hatch which may even be Interpreted cum pllmunl ANN LANDERS tuch royals shill centsand howl mm medlntcly ram leorllu LI bor party lendtr Arthur CAlwell nald lb emynlcflecleu In 1966 term more lullnbh to colony and Labor omn mrnl elemd In the lulu would change 1L HEARING PROBLEM Dnr Ann hudunx am years old and my last you school was the worn ya Im fairly good ntudenl but an problem In my hearing Im not deal but have pct cent hearing loss The doctor any dont need hearlng ald but ho thlnkl lk would help lat up Irnnl Ln school have Asked my Iudl crs or permlsslan to up Iran but they men It They Icll me they Ipuk laudly enough in be lizard nnywherc In the room When asked on teacher Ihe heilnnlnl ma school year In repeal hand the mld wasnt paylng Allen llan or would hnvn hard her the In Hm never hiked acnln alter that am having trouble with some of my mudI loo They all know about my hearing prob lem but sun set dill like dont chew my cahhau twice and sin Ilka that Please lell me what do do next ytnr ll lke Ihlx Int one thnk Ill quit IchoolMAW CELLA Not my rell name SHUN COIN NAME SYDNEY Austral MP Auslrnlla announced mm new dcclmql comfy unlLI null WI extramer llu Shes OutOf Step With Two Left Feet ll HAIRCUTS $106 In Ill son wnmn lly IVWLIIIIIII Olly PERMANENTS EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE lhum IA 08571 550 Alllnalh wlu dilllcult for me lo helluva unchen are so unlympalheuc Elmer youve lulled lo expllln Idequllely that you hm hurlnz problem or yau up In Ihe handlcnp an exam Injqol all Balm school start In the all your doctor for writ ten notaaddmsed to your teacherl you friends there will niwnyu be lnconslduale people in thin world Quilting school to avoid being hurt would he mistakeand it would wiv nolhin Youve not to learn lo roll wlh ha punches Honey PAYING BOARD am happy to have him home but urlclly Ms ideanot mine do his laundry llx him helrly breaklut every morn Inl and he rarely misses mp per wllhlhe family Once In while he buys somelhlng or the ï¬lm Ha hu naver spent more an Delr Ann Lnndam Our enrold Inn was Ilcky and Mod good job close In home um he lradualed from hlzh Itth lwn yearg nah Ivo hinted that could surely II low dollar week he uuu Ihere an our younger chlldren and we are Ilruullnl to make ends met once men lloned $5 week would seem Ilka mllllonI but he Ignored the remark Should come right out and halal Or would this be too needy momefl My hua hind am Its up to be but mixed emotions Please ElvinMISSOURI MOM Dnr Mom Slnce Mlssaurl Ir Ihr Show Me flat mng your son thaw you about 25 per cent his pay cheque This the Ann Lander Inrmuln or un married kids who live horn And enjoy all the comfort their ch So stop hinting 909 uNES VANCOUVER CF If nu younu Ind Canld an chums ynn an better dressed hen women In the rut the world 1m Willlnm Ghenender of Mummi widely mvelled held one 01 lhl Imus Canadian munullcflr an of rendyInwear luhlonl think the avermtnnl dlm woman It bellar drained as rule UIIleomelI In tho ml due world he Id In an lutervluw hm Ex Inlly thoyounu Mylo They In more perillenllood cam and hem some cqlor Mr Ghenender npeuds 51mm 40 weekq yaarjnvelllnu enernlly ln Europa But he use Vlncouvtr mun ground or new Ilyles much inlarnqq yearly think To olVIncaIlver and If lofnoullnl noes over here gay allagllongg 1¢ Ha lay the shiftcut up and named into as man place In poubla wlll pr omlnm In hll lyghloqg year an llghl wool broadcloth will be papulll wlll the sweater Ind veal looks There will be more tulmd lmlu Ind lmlu comblnod wlth lwgeds He predicts favnred colan will be bulges old and brnwnx pine green dczp rcd or comes mlnlmum my as rather than blue and more combhmunm or colon HES TMllll BOUND Telavnlnn personality Jack Pm Ls going to Tnhlll this qummer Ind later move on In Mrlcl Cahadian Woxnen Are Best Dressed Only turrler who mud iid lull In exclusively knhwl how to care of your un dudna mmmeu Inquire about our low nummu prices on repnln and modefllnz PHONE WIGGINSFURS muses FREE STORAGE 0N REMODEL JOBS CALL TODAY AGAINT Moms HEATJIBE Amman Eon FREE PICKUP DURING nu on EVENING FREE GLAZINO AND MINOR REPAIR PROTECT YOUR FURS WITH COLD STORAGE Whit and allow Ihuta dais ducala Bcthenda Unlted Church Don Mills for Ike wadd In 01 Min Hominy Ann 5mm nl Coontown and wflllnrn Brew 9r ol Toronto on Biturdny arm noon Rav WV AMorrl officiat ed the pclocx ceremony ugwuop anoCApE The hrlde wu lvenï¬mn rimDy per er For her upzclwl day chm tradit Ionll floor length gown an qua while brocade hxhloned with Med bodicelhor Ileevu and bollahuped shin come 01 nylonpmln and and pearl held the hrIdaI lux er ll vel of nylon net She carried remade of rod Swam hem role and Ilephanvllx Bridal nttendmls were MIA mu mine of Coohlown mild ol honor Wendy Brewer Wuhan young mm flu brldemom and Mlsl Am Ar mm or st Catharina bride maids ThuInendanu lawn were deslmd sun of lime green shear nylon ovcr talfm mur Inz matching bolero 1mm trim medwith while lace Coronet matching mater III and trimmed wkh Nsebvda were Ishluned into heAddreuns male 01 honor clrrled umIcaxcnde yellow sham lulu and the brldumalds curled lamcascade ol white shuts dalslu The bridegroom was alluded by his bmthervlnluw Arthur BevérleyiAnn Smith Weds WilliaflifBEWér At Teronto Robson Tomi 1119 when warq Norman Human brother lulgw aha brldelmm and Lloyd Wade cousin the bride both of Tomla nrelhrlda In the dnulhler of Mr Ind Mn Mills Smith Lem Farm Coomawn The urldearoom In the um of Mn Brewer Wuhuo Thu Inlolll Mrl Frank Jack wn mea Onllrio uni orenect Love Ind Lord Mon Holy In Ewrinan Don Milk wu the omnllL WEDDINB RECEPTION The weddlnl reception win new Variety Inn Monte when thomolhar of ha bride melm gums wearing an mar noon Area of chumpaznc bro cm with chum ma Iceman lea men pink 110qu ha lug um mum of deep pl at me complmd The hrIdemama mower niledwemIng men linen am with matchlnl cont White FABRIC 16 COLLIER 5T LOIS ROBERTSON SAVE 50V° ON RED TAG ITEMS ALL HATS GREATLY REDUCED BRIG 25 OFF ICCtllarlel dud corms we pink Sweethaark mes need he comma Fe wgddlnu lrlp the Southern Slnlel the brlda won Iheuhadren of caprl bin linen with mulchlnl Jacket Ind whlla Icrassorles Her cumin was 01 Tammi rose On their rtxum the newlywed will mlde al Woodvlew Manor Apgknenu Ecclemn Dr Tor an Outolcilyzusu were pro mn lromKenmore New York Vulcan Ohm Guelph oakvlne smmvflle Ind Rochester New York WEE MORE WINE ISTANBUL manteln Tur new wine producer are urging authentic In allow wine to be wld in not houses The move aim to counter the low mm Iumpuou ol wine In thin cam try com ared WIUI European n5 mh mrkex ha Ego fourth largest vineylrd no the world PEG MORE SHOP of Barrie PA 37