Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1963, p. 3

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In AllplnJMm llnhlm 191 Mm dlml yum In in uleva IN MUM ulmlml un qu would run qu IflRfi 74mm Jrnnh lercr or mva yrm Ymml Wmnml lulllnn Alwlnllnn znnnul rrrrrlnry Am ulllw va wnvkvr DvlmllJnlm anM Hm min nrcveinvy II the mu mu mum and llml mk TmnnloJnlm lTvlc hawan 51 Tnmnla Onluln ulu murmur or II Callry lmlllluy lellM BalmMilk Onl Erlc Hardy upmll tar MIMIlull and dnlralni llnIIllllVl nw mvulln mmlmnlu In ll lull rlerllnn InJmIen luluml Mnlulny In flash ll Manual ml lmk lhlllr Ionian Slum Furnhnm farm chlrl II NINA xkpnrlmwnl nl lnllnl mrlnllmllcnl Illvlslnn London Vhrounl Alu Ilrmkt 79 larmrr rhlel the mpuln gentrnl dull and and lhu Mrl ornnnlm nl um ulnl Scrum WmM Wnr Ilrm nmmn Tlmnm Kcllh MmInclule ha 111mm TlnmJoumnl and TnvnnloJnhn Raymond run 11 writer lnr rhihlnnl Irl pmgrnmy My Flnl prlxo In lhc keenlycum lultd cvrul lho Hun Trophy And can award $100 wcnl lo laycnmld Bdwln Hahn film IEthI Iludcnl lrom Ham on Mr Simpkln retired from the dim in 1960 wilh the rank at uwienamfimunandcn During he Second World War he was fin dunrge of Cnnadinn Volun utccr Firefighter Unit slullomd jIn soullmm England at thu height or the blill Andy Maicomxun Battle made nirvn bid to cup lhu min of Ion ternnu driver in Onlnrlo when he cnmpclui ngninsl nearly 60 nihnr ynulhiui cnndldalu in the provincial itemize ml driving rhnmnion nhlps held nl Nlnknn Fnlll Sn This year more ihin 2000 chil dren and teenagers will take jiwimming lesson to quailiy for ntadpoie mlnnnw or fish awards Simcoc County Community Rc creation Service beginner Jun jior intermediate or nior nwards End Cross brunle me daiiion and award of merit vRoyai Liiu Saving Society WilIInm John Simpkln 63 or years organizer of firefight mg scrvlce acres Canada for Ilha Royal Canadian Nnvy mod 11 Ottawa Civlc Iosrpilal June He was born on April 13 1900 near Bond end the son ol Waller Simpkln and mm nle SlmpkiIL Ills wllc ha lor mcr llulh Mildxcll survlvns hlm He also leaves lwo bro Ihcrs Exnmlner colum nlsll oI lnnlslll Townshlp and Howard ol Lundnr Manitoba By THE CANADIAN PM Swimming lnstmcllon held areas an Cooks Buy Wasaga Barrie Lad Made Strong Bid For Provincial Driving Crown Simone County Communlly Re creation Service commence Its childrens and ynulhl nmxram July was announced today SWIMMING William Simpkin Organized Fire Fighting Plans For RCN No crew 01 Barrie Yacht Club shown prefiarine to sum an inlarmal lnlraclub YACHT CLUB MEMBERS PREPARING FOR IMPROMPTU COMPETITION START JULY Sccnnd wmd Wnr mm Simcoe County Tells Of Recreation Plans DEATHS Wlurn ll mm In dvlvinl nrcldrnl IlnllIHu thaw Ilml Hm an Inqu unlch 25 could Illaw Impruvrmrnl Mr Tum MI lull rnr In Onlnllv vrr rrnl at an llI mm were In Mn In rnlcnnry Th mm mm arcmmlwl lnr um 71 por rrnl III nrrldrnt Mm llm comprlllllm ho nml nlher ronlulnnln were mall Nlaznu Falls Junlur Imm IKI nl Cammcrcn lmnqurl Ilrm ll rwnlll of lmpainl Oil lellrd Turnnlu nwnnlcd prlm lo llm WMNKI nml Ipnku an the lmmrlnnm ul mnklnl ynulhlul dnvcrl ner nuny nnulnm Andy Mnlrammn made mm mrmlnhln Illawlnn and wan nrnnlo mm Um pnnll 1mm which lncludul pollco nml cnml alllclnln rampart and my nulhnylllel The Ilnnllsln had all previous ly wnn rcuinnnl 0315 In In dccldmu oven or In Onlnrla chnmplonnhlp My Wm roqulr ed In do balh wrmcu and Irlunl drlvlnl ML The lnllcr was man rlzld or II lnrludnl drlvlnu rnr In um lhc wheel wcul hclwccn two mm uh Llnclu Icr nllna lrsl on wnrd and bacrchrlwccn Illllld nrdl hnrklnn Inln Inhl Ipnco Ind Mher lnlrlmlo mnnncuwn Tho compellllnn wnx Jalnlly lpamnrld by he Ninnnrn Full Junlm Chnmhrr Comment and the Imperial 0H leHcd and had lhe hnrklmz Gorrrnmrnl nulhorlllns clvlc ulllclnh pollen and rcpmcnlntlvn my mum Prior to assu IS posl Ion wikh the RCN ML Simp kin was member the Top onln Fire Department He was ncllve In the Orange Order Ma4 sonic Lodge Nnvnl Velemns Club and he Russch Curllng Club During his liidime hr lived in innlsiii Township Tomnio Ollan and Russell Failowing his retirement he look rm wivn part in the viiingc life oi Rush oil serving on the gown counc Pndre Mnclenn rccl he tuners service whldl was held under Ihc nusplcc the RUN nk lho North Rum Ccm cry He enlisted In the with flat lnlion Toronto during the First World War the age or 14 Later he inined me am Bab luliou on active service Ten lessons are glvcn In the advanced nwlm mlu clnssc whlch Include lnslrucllon ln ln lermcdlale and scnlor Red Cross bronze medallion and award of Beach Orr Lake Tuiienimm Miiipnnd Kcmpenieli Bay and is condudcd by the Simcoc Cnnniy Community Recreation Service In cooperation with he Ontarin Red Cross Snciciy and local swimming commiilccs Seven lussans plus an examina tion lest lnr Junior Red Cross puplls are pmvidcd or than an mlcd In the tadpole lo Jnnhr Red Cross classes race Banla Yacht Club members well compet tlng In weakly events and DEMONbTflATION nw Hanln Hm llrpnrtmenl will lvn llrcthllnl dcmomlm llum lomormw nl MunHeld Nuer Compnny Chlel IlnXIy Irwln Inld lhnl lhu drmomlrm IImn mm um ml nl mh nhlll would In About an hour and ball TWO 1E ATIONH Mlu Urlcl Kcha who hnl nuzhl lwo Ktncrnllonl MI drrn her at year cach tr Ctnrnl Cnllculnu hm lrmlrml rrslznntlun mrrlinu of mo Hnnln nml IIA lrlrl Callcxlnlo loan wnl lnld In nluhl Iho hul lvrrn on lllo Ill Ilnre 1929 slmm Cmmly aunrll It lhn Cnun Bulldlnl by bun lhll momma or laur ho counly II will he an all dny lour nMrh will wind up In Cnokslnwn nl 630 pm lur Iuppll TENTATIVE The Ontarln Dopnnmnnl ol Educnllon has xlvcn lenlnllvu approval or Spcclnl Vocnnannl Grnnl purposes for the proposed mmlllon nltcrallms Io Unr rln Nnrlh Collulnlu Estimnlcd lolnl coal 31009714 of which tho munlclpnmlcs the dlnlrltl would be rmulrnd to pay 25 per cm or $256090 The mum scheduled or June TI and 28 Al Springwnler Park and the course content will Includn lnsmmllon In such plus cs he Rule of the Lender Playground Program Plnnnlnx Day Camp Prournm Plnnnlng Understandan ChlIdrcn Firs Ald An and Crafts Spcclnl Event and llnlny Dny prugrnms LOCAL GENEBAI leadership nng course will be conducted iar lhc sinii whn will organize and conduct the day camp and swimming programs us well as slaii rum YMCA in the county and Ilnii from other organimilona These camps are operated by Ihc Simeon County Cummunlty Recreation Scrvlcc In ctropera llon wilh the local day camp commillm In the area man llnncd LEADERSHIP These cnmps apexale or lhn nineday camping period and the program includes um nnd trails acllve games and spartan quiet games and circle games music and singing games nature crniis cnmp crnils hikes special av unis overnight sleeps and swim ming depending bn he area Pupils must first pass pre lul examinniinn by their own instructor huiaro being eilgibia or final testing by quaiiiied IRed Cross or Royal Liie exnm flDl Swlmming offered at most the day camp operated by ha Simcoe Community Recrcnllon Service DAY CAMPS Four Hnfaamp will operate lhI yenr Palnswick Glen calm Slaynor and Elmvnle mum Royal Llle Saving Sneler classes many interclub companions keep their skill at peak level with lmpmmptu races The club also sponsors classes CONFOHAYVON mwmr IT COSTS ONLY 47 FOR WEEKS Tnkol Only Mlnum Alk For MInlloln Erancnnr finance NEED 5000 Illl PAY DAY COUNTY TOUR TRAINING nah Mulln AWE MHIWINGK Barrie and IllMr Callrxlnln lhmnl holy Innl mum mm lnl lnl ulnhl unlll Hcplrmlwr Thu 1mm decided in wnlvo n1 ulnr mtcllnfl durlnl July And Mllull LnIlmlnmn purchnml Ic km In rllhrr nr holll IM may rnnlncl Dun Cnmphrll M75 nr Hullunnrlo mn Al IA OZlML Thu lournnmml will cammencn ma lomurmw mamlng he Gull llnvcn Cluh Prlm will In rmcnlm nl lho dance which mun the Emmy Club nl no ln lhu evenlnu nmo nro IHll lama Ickm nvnllublc lnr lho null tourna mrnl and dance hran Ipnnaond by lho Young Llhcrnl Amm llnn In Ild nl lhn YMYWCA buildlnfi lund Graham 11 IL of Willa wlll bo xolnn la ha 61 low Caunly Strundnry Bnyl School In Wlann Lnncnahlrt In exchange with Tom Bruhor Inn of 0m Ichrml LONDON Llsll hava hctn Issued by the League 01 ha Brlllxh Commonwealth and Em plre which spansors anther ex change hclwccn flrllnln and Cnnadn 50 teacher who will ha gulnl to Canada mm Britain In Augusl and of Iha 50 Cann dlnn leather rum Canada cam lnx Io nrllam 22 am from umlm Columbia wllh ll of lhasa mm Vancouver Ichools Unllrlo rankn accnnd In ha 11 with leach exchanges Mnn flaba hu thrte and Albmn and Due pmvlnce Quobec two each Sgt neg Nnilfiway and sun 52 Alec Mchlrick are inves ugnung Incident radio was lound in the buck shnumd to place by hammer real punler ac cording to Mr nclaign The from off desk had beul ransackmt bottle 01 mar dmndlso were shattered on shelves and bubblo gum and pcnnut dlslrihulinz machine wars broken Over 50 was taken mm cash box kept In the desk and the remnlndcr mm the cigar ette dispensing mnchlne No da mgca skimqm wcm avqilgblef Tickets Available For Golf Event rear window was used the method 01 entry Whoever was must have known about gas stntlons Ho shut on all tha Ugh awflchcs mid Mr Sinclair Paris Sinclair said he canto work about 130 this mom ing and noticed he from oilice was shambles Peanuts and Nbbie gum were scattered all over the floor thief or thieves made with abom $150 In cash and about 50 package clgarcues from Sinclairs gas slaklan an Bradford slmet sometime dur ing the night Orillia Teacher Going To Britain Gas Station Bansacked And Looted for yamhs and prom lnem In the growth yacht lng 1n the county Examlncr Photo By MCIMYIKE 00D Speck To The lhrrla Examiner LIMIT IAW To riunllfy or Federal Grant unit mun employ or have money nullbin employ banelino Ilnfl han on popu Inllon 111m till on the nrnnll mm for mu Itrvlm and any amount um um ctlllnl mm be paid by the unit Example In can rhyllcnl htnlh mute the ct nu 11000 nnd for mum rd Hum 015 Any Inlnry pnld nvcr lhln nmnunt mun ho pnld by he upl Tho commlllco mat with Dr Martin ho Dcpnnment Public calm and dilcumd with hlm the aunt available of llwllh Unlu Dr Marlin polnlcd out but hcnllh unlt an autonomous body and such can ellnbllah hl program In hm Itrvo Ihu pcofln of QM nrcn Same hcnllh unH make no nllampl lo ranch hnscllna Ila nnd thus 1030 wk on Federal Gran lhn Flnnnco Commllm rcpnrlcd to County Councll yu lcrdny our com4 munlly lend lo say that Emma is averorganlzed already Bald Mr Davey prevcr these are lha people who am lnvnlvcd and who know what nullel lhera are 101 rclnxnllun and Icll cdu callan Only Iva per cent £110 require lnIUativa or you to be creative ha laid So many lhlnxs are glvcn lo pcopla and It so easy to buy Auch Ihlngx enlcrmlnmml that peoplo lose he dcslre to use even he lhlnz with which they Irehmyldcd he suld Adults must lake mm to ornlizv Lhemsclves they wish to Income Involved In recru nlonnl activities the weaker continued OYEIMIRGANIZED Recreation to be fully enjoy ed demands that tho partici pant devola all his enerly at the time involvement Mr Davey continued it demands that your whole being be in cussed right there at that time Ynur 100 per cent involvement will serve to put other concerns in your liie into pmpccilve and to lessen the tenxinn that seem an Inevitable part nl modem mainly its said Bun1m have rlscn in our clely that have prevented mm recognizing tho great vnluu that we can receiva from re creallonul activity the accu rcqlar hp manned Recreaunn In no mnllned physical activities the weak or said Readlng drama an and muslchave role to play In the Informal education and sellImprovement the MM dual Rbcrenllon lxnwro than tho mere pursuit nl pleasure or lghlhearlerl sellIndulgence sald Mr Davey execullvn director of Burlla YMYWCA The llturnl maanlng ol the term In recrca llon or rclrcthen Recreation nhould Involve bulldlnl new of the physical mental and emotional prncenu and re serves In man he continued The significance of racrea tion In becoming more and mare ahvicus and Important he laid Thu everincreasing ace oi automation remov mg the rhyulcni ciiort from our daily lie There is general aiam peda away from participation snd lnio spectatorshlp an the part oi the general public he continued Health Units Lose Grants By Having Insufficient Stafl The qulckenlni pace and ten sion our mler has made npparanl the need for recrea Non aald Russ Davey yesterday In an address to the Kiwanis Club Kempcnlelt Bay Twenty members loe club and their guests me for lunch at the Cummunlty House N0 comNEb flN TENSION 0P SOCIETY Need Of Recreation 15 More Apparent For Um SimcocBnrrle Unil or Iho pcrlDd 1mm Aprll ml to April was haiellnc mu would comm three and hall doclofl levtn unllnry Ins return 15 nunu In le clcr The cnmmlllw rcporltd Wo hAvI been advised that name unll mako no aucmpt to truth bunInc In and hence dl Thus work are mlaslnl ma den rlchnm through zlving Service club can play useful min by looking or lap rcznrd lcdcrhi Grin lndxvldual service part lho can 01 living and mu be acceplcd as Inch Many pcopla spend more In weekend nilIndulgence lhnn they do on year charitable donations he geld Thu rich joy service will compensate for he hlghly ganlzcd world In which we llvc The Ban1a lcrvico club an mung In example that Ihu rest ho community could well lollgw he annucd Family blckerlnl adolescent gangs increased patients for mental hosglmll and doclon hlll might reduced If people could be discouraged mm he cumlng 193nm and lmplrzd tum the live into consuuc llvc flort he said clllzenry In providing the lead ership or 95 cr cent of com munlly achliex ha old the guests For aver wper cent of our population to II bl biank lrom week In week he laid They have nothing to lhls lruslrallnn and listless nesl create all sorts of prob lems More ollcn than not lh cummunfly hal to pay or thll boredom because turns Inld destructive channels RUM DAVEY emcullve mrctnry of tha Barrie YM YWCA was guest speaker at the meeting the Kiwanis BlfljflhlfliWfiHS mum COOUEIEL9Mnlv mu troll Nah 1091 Tm cunumu docnu ml lunde my lwould lnh you to lull CODUEIEL ADMCOY wllh II you Ilp It min lull 7cm huIl you wm mm Wllh gul vab Sequelel Abricoifll Gomez W00 moi Mos IIgnlllcamly tho apcakcr added lhu club must have lhu couraga to recognlze when not has fled to perform the mrvlcn gunsUm The challenge of lookinu fur unmet needs 1n the community talk worthy of tha best and busiest among us he con dudcd Will the project need 1hr cluh 3111 provldu Ilfllh flcant and 01110an leadershlp and has 11 um finances to ensure that the project will be sunnin ed1 Finally Iha agency must manllcs strong and consistent dqslre Io nerve In our community effort and assessing how they might best be filled Mr Davey laid He suggested eight lest this might be applied by member oi service club to see whether they are best qualiiind fill specific need They must evai mile the program and wheth er it all within the skill oi the club They must ii lhe praise can be shared with an £19m 155er BnfitsWfim club of Kcmpenlelt Buy yes terday Alter the main he chatted with two members the club Jlm Greenhalxh And on In nbln 1th MM loch Io dullnuui In In and In plln Why do not Ivy COOUEIEL CEEISE IMAM It In Ina mon ml The llmdv Chm may ll COOUEHL DENISE 1mm llnulhlng you Ilp WI co Van COOUUKL In It dinI ymg an Mmfllmll 31001 DONOR CLINIC Alnrnoan Evlnlng 130 90 pm lo 830 pm For Inlormatlon Call PA 84134 Eequerel Cerise quil tantallsel CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY TRINITY PARISH HAll DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED WEDNESDAY JUNE I9ll1 IN nlmul nu MCI II II mh madam you mu In IY you Will In nu hahmam dmnm ha yuu will mm pl II uYIuvlaln Oull Winn you II IL ynu wlll uyx thII II II Inch obvlnu Innuv llmtolnll no In mm In dlmu upping you wm no My mum Bu mu you conuml CACAO WIMDL nunNut anflhr ll wnl In mlan Coquetel Cacao 45 oui ou mm Ion ahd Ralph Frmklln Ex Imlner Photo SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED Dunlap St lllrrla MARINE INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS YACHTS OUTBOARDS RUNAROUTS CRUISER tumult

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