xiii qunmv Jun MI sm nmm Wrulllnl mm mm Tn mum Bum Auden Iulnmlnu Thunder mum in No spam Iwulnl 5mm crv Annual 5mm IImDAY JUN Um Mu munu mu upmmm non lquAn Jnunul 38 233238 moo 1100 uJu 1110 mm lLlo 1110 IAIUImAv IN By MRS ERNEST DALI15 Congratulation to Is Doris Griffiths who graduated from Royal Victoria Hospital Harrie last Vcdncsday cvcnlnx Those aucnding the graduallnn excr clse were her parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Grimlhs fllll and Don Mr and Mrs Lock Jack and daughters William Grlmths Mr and Mrs Norrdan Davis and ML Mm Griffiths attended In hmsday aflcmoon Ihe nuls yuslgcnce Fiiénds or Mrs Grant Britten nee Sturgeon will be pleased Fowllnl Qunnl PM Bull Bunny Them Tim Th Lucy Show BIVIH qunuuu gum STEELES CORNERS Weekend visitors the hum of Mr Ind Mrs DAngla were Mr and Mrs Mun 0K Toronlo and Mr and Mrs Coleman and son Larry 01 Bee um Vespra Horticultural Soclcty are mldlng an lrls show Nes dny evening June lï¬lh in the Rclnreslry lunch room Every oqu welcume Friend and Mellon met the Anglican Parish Hall Pri aay evening and presented saw an Camlmn with shower of present Miss Cameron to he myriad Jgno ZZ Mr and Mrs William Day and flmlly Toranlo spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Chr Kirk Mame vlsilcd Dick 39 Emmy II In um By ms MONTEITII Mrs Alexander of Detroit Visited week with Mn and Mg QAygla And Copy mu DeIImM 1m not THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR YHI IIRVICI AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY MIDHURST STN DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS To Tell Th Truth In Gun W01 Tn amt Movlu SDYIIDI Sud IELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU CFTO CHANNEL VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 Ammu nw nu your mum IMO LTV Inn Mum II II IN hum lulu mun UNI II an Inn 1am IIM Hm no IUD IN ruinw Drill um um ur IIII mm mva was In MON 00 3833838383 33 mo mu non nu um Kddn Immn oul Kd In Com helm Al You Mann Cluh mamy Anan Kldd Wu lun lllwlllln In llki nmu 11mm emu nu your mum noun LTV Nm In mul hum nun Nun Wumu Spam mummy Ball Mum Iï¬ï¬‚ Dlnny Thom Shaw Gley Moo Show we Syk Show 1000 Came Clrlldl um one TV New 1m wmm Spurn Nm mm mud tummy wNB ll 00 Ten hum ll Gm Mnrnlnl Ina Eludlo Pmy um Poptynl Pmy 11m Nuondu 1mm 106 Mam lDoanl Conluuenl m1 Ya Show Wm Ink mum Am 11 Ana N0 Walla In Trill mm Mm mm Plll Chllllnll Iona Nuun Emu ma Conn lunch on CBCJIV Nm IL Wumel Spam Nu IIJI Huihim The Inmnl Home And School meetlnzwns held recently whlch Mrs Gordan Mllls pm rented ll slate at nllicera for 1963 lollnwr presldent Mrs Flemlng vlce pml dents Mrs Ken Guthrle Ken hlcCulchcun corresponding rec rctnry Mrs Karl Bukcr trea surer Mn Rm Cole record lnz sacrclary Mrs Paul Raw al cxecullve members Mrr Frank Archer Ros Hulchlnson Mrsr Lynn Mn lvlson Sprlnx Mrs Harold Townes Mrr Whlflleld conducted the lnrul TERRY FOR AND SCHOOL Mrs Jiacmn wn Sunday guest with Mr Ind Mrs William Johnston 1mm Guam on Sundly with Mr and Mn Willim sturgeon were Mr and Mrs Ros Fafllolt Jon Maxgum Ind Marilyn Mu Marshall King City Cum Roth well Richmond Hill Charles Mt nheson and sons Schambm Cullen wcre Mr and Mrs Grant Bqllnnlhroglo Rev Rusxell Sela an furlough mm India was the pelker II ch Presbytcrlln church Cwl IonHllIl Sqndng Sunday vlsltara with Mr Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Harold Dues John Ronnie and Heather Tomato Mr and Mrs Archie Adams quyl Am and 19 Wennn 7M and Mrs Herb Wen Bah do were Sunday vhlton with m5 qudeuer lamjly know all has passed hér course at School 01 Nmmn wlu hugoup Itlomninm lymlly mun AI You Mann Cl um um ruwnm IlMu Wnum 1m mu lul III um um um Mn 71 rum mun Ihm mx1ia Dlvm manur Janna LTV NI Hlm Mum Hm Mll Pnnnl mm 1mm Mound World Grul Mull mm cmqu 5Mlhl on Haullnl 311 mu In noullu 11mm Nolan Donnl mm not My 5m Mo yvngg mun TORONTO Pram Mllmuh Slut mu Manna rmndly elm Lann Yuuu an Tm nmy sumu mu Pom Pm mm mm 9n ELMVRLE Openlnl leadIncl of clubs Running long xull when you no the declarcr lrequenlly prom embarrnsslng Io lhu de nnsc llnl there lha chnnco lhnl one dclcndnr or the other not knawlnz your exact hand will make mlslake In discard um umd lhern ls lhe chance thal one defender or he other wlll llnd ll Impulsihla to clrd Inltly because he cannot zunrd evtry Iull lhlt need to guardcd Far example lnka lhh dual when you upon wllh prtcmp llvn hld of five dlnmundl which Eu douhlcs WuE on club and of tour you 0n lhu hlddlnu II clear lhnl 12an prohnhly win mm Jun Null II 31mm Ammu DAILY CROSSWOHD élnir Alphlbd mum to 13mm ll Oumdo cl brad 21 hrfvnn 10 um nIuL 11 Dormlnl Klnd l3 mi Null IO Thu The wedding oi Miss Marilyn Lyncil oi Port Cradit and Law rent Henncsscy Vandari took place at St Dominics Catholic Church on June Mrs Heicn Miller acted as matron of honor and Patrick Stone as grnoms man with Michael Stone as usher The reception was heid at in Skyline Hotel Toronto Attending tile wedding and re centinn were Mr and Mrs Ger nid Stone Mr Ind Mrs James my nu Humuulo l0 hmuu Obcun mun mob II puma Iguassu LYNCH Mrs Baker Sone Siren is palicnl in Penelnng General Hospital Her lriends boon to no her home soon WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrn Ros Usher were compiclely when by surprise on Saturday evening June nt their home when relatives join td them an the nccnslpn at their 25m wedding anniversary lo wish them many more years of happiness Cumin to attend he function were reinllvm iram Hamilton ro Dakville Richmond Hill Bnrrie and Film vale Mier much pleasant rem iniscing and film dellciou lunch was served Mr and Mrs chk Campbell Iona Cameron and John of Springï¬eld Mm returned If ter visiting the lumen mother M55 mm Among guests at the wedding of Miss Beverley Hannnh and Petu Slecla Fergus hunch ly of Elmvnleï¬ ware Mr and Mn Maxwell Skcela Sn Mrs Jack Steels Ind Mr and Mrs Mgwell Sggele 7111 lotion of niiicers Chairman Ken McCutcheon Introduced the apes ker Mrs Steele innn lhu Emergency Measures Organisi tlon Barrie Mrs Steele illul trnted her talk with slides show in medical oi nuclear testing She later distributed literature on this timely sublect for anyone interested Principal Rose thanked the speaker inr her In inrmntlve address This months winner the and magazine wns Mrs Patchcll and Roam won the stlendance pen nnni which they have won reg ullriy each meeting The eve hing concluded with lunch serv ed by Mrs Bob Stacey and her locini cammlttee South dealer EulWest vulnerable mi 31014 JQIOD met AOIIDSI CONTRACT 1mm KVQVIWV gunner NOB am AJBZ om 5K5 ihbn 11 mm 51 Ram all Win Scotty 13mm mm Mill 1mm mum Ann 71mm DOWN LED ILI Mu 52m mind By JAY BECKER manMm man Irhall MIMI Iypo whim WP 31 Air II mud 20 MI cumin 1mm Ens cannot discard luccm lully Obviously he cannot spare Iho ace of clubs he is Iorced to discard spade or henrha poilnt had every high card that is missing You would like to lead twice towards this KQ4 of opadu and In that way mako two xpnde trick and the con tract but unfortunately dum my has only one entry So what you do lead nix round at diamonds brinxiol about this allowing position with East not yet hoviol played to tho last trick The United Church Women met at the home oi Mr Gord an Gilien Wednesday afternoon wiih an attendance 12 mem bers and one visllnr President Mrs Sage prasided Roll call was answered with verse of scripture containing the word Iailh Mrs Gordan Giiien and Mrs Douglas Gliien were In charge of the program Mr Bun ner spoke on Communion in the United Church which was followed by question and ans wer periad Mrs Gordan Gliien mnducled questionaire Hos Icssc were Mrs Gliien and Mrs Grnydon Giiien lho VIE Mr and Mrs Arthur Walker and lamlly are taking up ml dence In Duwneya house on tha 1211 We welcome them lo the communlty Mrs Douglas Glflcn and Nun cy attended roussuu tea or Miss June Bales In Slnyner Squniay Mrs Frank Malay spend In some time with xelallve Sn Montreal Ottawa and Kemp vllle Mr and Mrs Glen Maw Ind Cnlhy Ann Welland am holl dnylng this week with the or murs parents Mr and Mn Hi Maw By MRS MAW The Mad Church heldvan nlversary service Sunday at 11 mm Arnold Crease Maven lay sues mlnlster or the serv ice spoke an Things that Keep Us mm God Guthrie Presby terian Junior choir supplied moo 13 music alonlwllh Eduwnla Mylo Quynet inumber from hm attended Mlnesing Unlled Church annlm verfaryLSunyaLufening Mrs Harvle Eberhard lien Rosemary Temple with her In fant daughter born June In Penelang General Haspllal arl lVllslllng her mother Mn Temp Stone and Eileen Mn and Mn Larry Slmpm all of Elmvnle Sï¬one Montreal all onus 1n the Imam Mr and Mn Howard Grier and Bert Mould EDENVALE Mme It Donluy ca mm um IJIII mci Cuckoo Nahum ï¬rmly Mlhltd Wmlfl 41 Min of was Pom gunk1mm EMU gXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE 15 1963 CASE WWW Di mm 201nqu sums mm mm 35mm on mm r31 MARI HAN qnunr