Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1963, p. 4

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16 Bwfleld Street Barrie Ontario Walls Bubllsher BBBBB aaaaaa 5va JUNE 15 The government will have to do end on the fullest cooperation from usl ness and industry in the scheme to pro vlde employment for the older workers The intention is to give bonus of halt months wages or $75 whichever is less for one year to private employers hiring and training longterm jobless workers 45 or older between next Nov and Jan 31 Mr Gordons obvious intention is to et these older men backpermanently productive employment There is little doubt that many men will get jobs under the plan and probably will con tinue to work as long as the bonus is in ettect The test will come when gov ernment assistance ends Will these men go back on the unemployment rolls again or will they acquire new skills and conlldence which would make them desirable as permanent members 01 stall Time will give the answer Finance ltllnlster Walter Gordon has accurately described his budget as lac ing the facts His address had no thrtll for the people in the form of income tax cuts but It holds out promise of better things to come in Canada Probably of greatest general interest are Mr Gardens plans to help the mlddleaged jobless man and to encour age the cstabllshment of new industries in slow growth areas Much could camp of these two pmppsals MIMle mum llm rnI olnu mummy 01 um nymml n1 mun In um mun hand no lumen MIMI emu mm WALL Minn IAN ILAlnm In Mtfllllllm Mu Milli Anal mu mun mudl ulnun MNMMJ mu luMann nuly um now null Ilnllt can llly nun In mun mo Mn mam ml ulth mum mum nunn mama my Imu um my new mum TWIN llMuC mm flow nu dum an hum mum on cmam Nunm mum nodum cmam run and nan mm chmnon cmam rm mum mum mumm 1mm um um mum mm um am an bell um yumnod than Barrie Examiner June 1948 Sim coe County was girdan ior provincial election In Simcoe Centre there were ilve candidates Mnhion ileach oi Barrie lndependenl Jerome Charlebols oi La ionlnlne Social Irellli Charles llenry oi Thornton Liberal Georvc John aion oi hllneslnu Conserval ve John Laugheerl 0i liarrle CCl in Shncne East the candidates were Lionel Dion oi len clung CCl William Moore of Orillla Liberal Dr Mclhee oi Port Mc Nicoli Conservative ln Duiierinslm we lhe cmulhlaies wererllev Downer oi Dunlnmn Tnnservailve Maiilaml ii Collin vonil Libe Arnold Gllnrllwtk qi ofillngwoqd In hklluwr rough Karrie Tnxl mm am Stewart Lloyd op encd rltllnl 511th on Highway 27 Dr Inrvle Cnllingwootl elcclcd 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Budget Holds Out Promise Of Better Things To Come The Barrie Examiner fiatfir Examittrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bwiield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE But we have not had the fast growth In the Toronto or Montreal sense nor are we likely to experience It without the he1 Promised under the govern ments olday plan Mr Gordon promises threeyear in come tax holiday for new manufacturing and processing businesses in slow growih areas Politically this could be very hot potato indeed no matter how laudable government intentions are Evefy communityoulslde of the big city orbits could lay claim to flow growth and perhaps put up good case Here in Barrie we have made satis factory ndvances industrially but this city needs new plants and businesses It has the facilities both in land and in ideal economic conditions Barrle should and rehany wlll en deavor to enllce lmustry under the scheme We should start work today not wall for tomorrow Every smaller town and city wlll try to get on the band wagon Barrlo should pick out seal early and take advantage of wonder ful opportunlty to get more industry Thu Gordon bud at may hit the hous lng Industry Buldlng materials will now be assessed 11m to ulnr 11 per cent sales tax but lower nlercsl rates on nrlgagcs may help to balance things president Simcoe Medical Association succeeding Dr ii Bigeiow oi Barrio Simcoe County Council opened Juno session with main item of business what to do with $175000 ourplus lour Ilarrio Collegiale track stars John leltis Iiiil Craig lernld Patterson and John Laklng set new record for Word relny at Western Ontario meet in London Osborne loison nl Washington DC ed with liarrie Arenn to bring his Sum mcr lco School here for July and Ang ust William iii Thompson KC oi Ienclanx appointed nssisiant to Crown Allorney lIrank liannnnnd lreald ent Dr Jeri Church inducted ll new memhern into llnrrie iayeeex nt luno meelimz lion Dana iorier ililuisl er of Planning and Develomneul addres sed Conservativo rail In lOOF llnll hlidrena ward nl loyal Viclorin lion pltni completely nullilled by his lnlh or Charles llohlnson in memory of llaipil iiohlnson CNil unveiled new nirealn lined bedroom builel loungo car lremier Georno Drew In iinrrio lomor row Mn and Joan linher twin linughlern Mr and Mn Allen Fish er awarded music scholarship Jun ior Lea of Toronto and ilnmli on John ll Ramsay received dr ran with tint ciaso honu at Queens nivernily Inccrillln anflllarrliMnmrn hm TE Pm AMIGOopumljm hogan pow bu Roller Inmunh murlvm litgm mm VMerlon Callrgn nlllllnlnl wilh WulmL In mflor mmmll Hub Anuvloff manager or lrymm irlll Innln unvcllml new mulhlmw lvllchlng Innln unvcllml new mulhmw vllchlnfi um fiddle Elansscr Hamlt Ink Hg hm in Wuhan hark Altlmmm hrrflckal ann Cmmcn km Hm wmclhlng be innoflalmui ruiqu lurrlhé mw nmu being opened Brian Slalght ngeral Manager Over so rm mm bymlde IIdo wllh Adela Whth Flei cher mild Hitdenarde was always anxinus to have peapin natieo her Her mother was the musician and started to teach her to play the ienu when she was seven Lke many children Hildegalde enjoyed music but hated to practise it took her many years to learn that the nnly way In get any where was to ply hemeli dill zently tn the sk Even an young girl the author had an overwhelminl desire to better herseli and the witimprovement program that she started in those early years continue to he gratifying part at her the Hildeznrde has travelled wid eiy in America England and Europe and has met many well known and interesting people and ram them learned many valuable lessons Thu author or this bbok well known entertainer and very Ilnrnonus woman Hilde arda relalu many hu Ional experience and also ndvlcu women who wlah ta became mm aluncflva The aulhor stresses lha lm pollance diet exerclsa and grooming and malnlaln that any wnmnn can hecoma belle and more allrncllve person by lol lnwlnz lhu old maxim that aha hzrxell has lollowed that Is Make the Mask of WWII Youve Goll This cnlcrlnlnlng book mixture advice and anecdote making llvely and lmerest Inl book to mid Art In Clothing Sclecllan by Ihrrlet McJImny In Art In Clothing Selection Mrs Mthnsey show how wa men can develup hair um and their personal style in clothes and amssorles Clothing considered csscnb In body cuvering and Eroieciion against the elcmcnls in nunsncialy great deal oi nltenilnn is given to making clothing hcauliiui so that the individual has an opportunity In expreu her understanding and appreciation in her dally Hi Is she loci he waxdrobe Whenavcr possibly the author btiicves Ihal attention should he directed towards individual useu mum lhan toward iia hilities When Ihcse um um acccnlcd he raai or imagined dated are usually minimized and so become unimportant Becomlnfl clothes are Ihosu which flutter the figure and har mnnhe wllh the total persunul Sly of the wearer Tho author develops lha Iludy of personal lly lype to llluslrnle how harmonious rclnllonzhlp ol Hnu lcxmren und colours can be used lngrcate flnlggrlnlz costumes many awed of clalhcs selec Ilan Sam lhcm are the Ilznllicanco clalhln Ind xuod lnfle fashion and In personal rllracllvcncu understanding col our chooslnl becoman coluura Art In mum éelecuon should be txlremcly uselul In Ihe win lelccllon wnrdrobe Pmlllel the Future by Clnke As early at 1945 Arlhur Clarkn wrote paper on cammunlcnlg lans wlcllilu In this book he make many daring gllmpsu In to Ihe fulurt Tho nukhor llmlu hlmsell to cchnoloxy no tho aoclcly which Ml bu bnsdd upon II sclencn will dominnlv tho luluro even more Own It damA lnglcl lhoAprqan Mr Clarke dlscusscl lrampnn Milan he lulure llu aha plays with lho Iourlh dlnwnshm rnd wllh wclghumnm and lhn nhwlcscenco of mo law of grav ly lhv cxplarauon he znliro Lalnr lymm Ind the colanle llun mm 01 Ha Inuenln that mechanical tducnlou will Empress hnowlcdxu on the hu man hmln In one my know without the 1mm ltnrmnx Mun may he bred Imnllar lo be morn tmtlen on as land Ter mlrlnl dhunca will morn or If ctnxu lo exlsl but lnslhnl communlullnn wlll In In Ilmpln lhnl trawl mny bu unnmlnl AT THE LIBRARY Mr 3111ar well known wrllrr In Hm old IPMG Aml Irlrnm Ilcllon and mnku one lrcl lhn alman Anylhln In wulbln In um Improbahlo wnrld 1M In nellrrmrll Monty Guido cdllkl Dy TM llrllremcnl Count Int In orxtr In hm Ilnnnclnl tnrlly In rellrenlrm imponnnl 0mm vwnnl Invlnl Iml luvrll maul mml ha llhtn rmly pnulldc In my wnc rarn ern clrtrr Now unrymly lhlnlu Ihmll Hrrmrnt lrtcluu he rhnnm lhal mud AM min In NIkllr Il lruxvlr IIH Hvlnn lnnurr In mlmnrnl wo lhlnk ll In ma lur lruvel iur mwd Hum nr or duvrlnp irl lmhhy Thrrl many prmlhlllllru ml Ilmn um mm In up plan Ihcatl mumr ulewr mlr le Inmru Inrlr or mm rlnrmrvI dlvrrllllrnllnn II lmpnrA nnl Tudnyn nllumrnl nlnnn lumw um 1m wm ml uh In Hm hunk In mrrl rmrr rmlul nlmlu Hal mm In munlrml uflnllnu mnllcnl lnmunu lo wilecl llxrmrlm um MyIIcnl Irnhlrlnl ulnl Immll ur chr rmurrv Ilva Imullnrnln ln llvu hum uh rolumron lhvlr mnury MM llnnnclnl romlJnnl Inm II In mrrunry In lmn haw we Minn IImI Hmlfiln ll nlm lmmvlnnl whrlhrr l4 Imlld mull lmm ur nnl pail at your lulu Mme buy Noted Entertainer Outlines How To Be More Attractive raller or vacatidn colts use allyear around Rellremenl careers can be for fun or pmflL Many alert re tirees reluse wee mire ment as tho and the pmdub um 111 but the an op portunlly for new andnumul lung ruled Th1 hank nflm mm long of durum wayr In which retlrees can add um Incomes Retirement Money Gulda wlll bu most uselul ln plannlnz or lnlnr years SAID VERY RICH Estimate nl treasure alley edly buried by pirate an Coca from $20000000 to momma By JOSEPH MOLNEE MD but Dr Molnm have read that expectanl mothers should not take any sort of drugeven asplgln haw had on normal chlv cry and two miscarriages be lieva am pIEKIlln again so want In be carclul havu deferred going lo the doctor he wuw know he will want to put me on dieL dont want any plll or shot hava heard they have been blamed IormgIeIonnlng babies othrerr womenwilrll tn know about this tomMn ER Ind Irendl Such repercusslnns mm tho thalidomide tragedy an on Ind on Where tn some cases women areso frightened lhat lhcy put 01 going to the doc torwell have len5 Keel lng that this can do mare harm than would come from any nfidlcatkm they might possibly Yes too hava heard Ind read wnmlng about medlcl llonx But perhaps WA sun hug for another hrasa which you may have mused have heard some nulhorllle any in essence It would be safer 11 women look no medlclna It Ill early in pregnant except un der doclurs dlrccllnn very emlnant physiclau said In recent lecture that over use druu could cause wme dclormllics This docs not mean that tha resqu would be the tragic and mm dclormlllex such Ls were caused by mulldm mlde must also be remem bered that allhough lhalidamlda caused great many web cam some pregnant wnmcn uscd and yet had normal bablcs One reason 1110 lime llclnr The great danger In Iho Hrs three months lhc period In CORNWALL Ont CPLSco lrg flown mun bucklnz unl opinn Mighlnznnd ztnmlly mnklng like horse on mlth he unused or lhlnkinx Whnl Jig Iumo klnqola nul TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Bu one uoud be won llurslnx nmund has been made an by 59 yenr old Jenn flnptlm nclnnd Quchec Cfly Iel hctn doan or live yum Thn hrnwny Htland mania hlmsrll up hone Im llnlor the ynunlaltfl oi Cornwall hes oneman qum tummy To the adults 112 lnurlsl nllmcllon an he pull chlldrcn nlxml ln hll arta mgmlmj 3mm Ming Iqlky Tho my hnlml mm with he mmculnr Ici Iny he do II or his hhlml III well III the money and IIM nlhllnhcd him ull ml only In lhh Suwly clly bu ln mnny ollwrl The daily run on In lronl nl rmlul maul uh dl pay to lo ma human mt nlxn lnkcn allver lmlnn 1mm your plum germ Mr lldlnd any wrkrd In lho hmh Qurhoc bdan uk Inn up cm mulling He II In av pmnlly period phylml condi linn Hr hm IIMlyl Ind low hunt and my Ulul In Ml youth In run nlonulde 0m nnhnnll Al lmru thaw Inll mm In lulu Almw harm Gallops Neighs Pulls Cart And Hes 59YearOld Man Ho rrrtnlnly hm alumina Warns Drugs During Pregnancy IHJAIM 10 ALL MAKIJI 0F AM H010 TILLHM LAWN MOWHIIS OM MUTOIIH I7 MM RD PA Mm ll Nu MilIv We Ill Ill KITCHENS thlnl TIIIIII whlch lha mm Is In It Ilny Iormallve stages That Is why Iur example German measles Is cared In In Ilm Iew months but teem Io larva In II aw danger In the as Ilve month do not undernund um Merv enco to pill or IhMl In to dlyl leuer unless tie Into the dietum Mu ER is over weight and nntlclpalu drun to curb her appetite Sensible dieting isnt going In bun her at the baby But would be caulloun About uu ol dlet rimming drula becqu they 11 Among mm nlalnz Iugglclon The same applies to cold preparation which nilan con tain anlmlxknmlnes And some others hemlly Agree with the pmenl enuUnn especially In In early month at preznlncy Much ullmadlcuflon ls unnec eswy Anyway The least amount which wlll do what needs In be dons Is the best amount Check wilh your daclnr belore liking medicine 11 but way of phylum ag1e No with he exception lhnt liner may be considerable dium This must be Avoided by reapie on low all die but perfectly humieu In myane eise Some dont like ha lam oi softened wnlor bul than en lirgly miller oi preierenge neu Dr Molncr Illfhirm In to drink water that mm mcrclllly lonenadlJAa Dear Dr Moln have chronic leukemh the are my three Hula grmdchlldren one baby aomuloufl wouldnt hurt them for anything Gmdml of coma you wouldntand there L1 no Indielion lhnl leukA emh ever has been tnnlmlllcd lrom person Io pcnon the Mun Cum was and Al Runnymeda on lhu Blver Thunu 14 Years no IodAyln 1215 rm underlylnl princi ple wu um the manual humid keep the law Ind wu forced on Kl John by him at En Ind In 1de Ilan com1m of clung embodying pmvaou at the protection file rim or will die and against the use of the slnrflnl uvonlng Iboul mm and worklnz throuuh dusk Durlnz lho lourlll mm In work cvgn longer One Ihlnz he wunu In mnko plulnmen no ccnuur just wear the hams Ind act like hargex ly ha Candin Pm Jun 1m 1m British nym Brown Ind John Alcock mlde he In nonmp lrnnsaulnug Iljzhg Beninmln Funk lln demonmnled emuIcky by menu 01 kl TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA ll 9Brilllll dont have horu held TODAY IN HISTORY Natural GAS Cant Beat OIIAWA Two Important new developmenla brlngm Jobl nnd wealth to Canada wera ra nanny lira window by this column Both hm mw been al liclally conflrmzd Followan ylsll lo the mat deposits Iron lo the Lab ndor wlldemeu was able to mum that we would noon ur new of the negotiation Canaan lnrleeluver olfahora he 10 leadlnl eleel com pnnlu In Japan raveled were ecllvely nelollellnz to buy 7000000 Ian year from the Iron ore mine mod by Cn mdlln Javelin Th eon uecl would run lor year he um lustnee with opllou to locreue ehlpmenle to 10000 000 tom your end to prolong them to OTTAWA REPORT Mr John Doyle pmldcnt Canadian Javellnnnd amel md companies Ill now can llrmed that ha nezoumlng with Japan to sell are from mine In Labndor and Que bec operated by Javelin and by its Inbsldlary company Ju bllea Iron Corporation Th In teljest allmuhled by this pro used sale has been reflected the tradln In shares at Ju hllee on the stock exchange in Montreal Mnkn New Yark Incorpor Iled he Nath American nub aldlnry of Japanese steel compny has announced de lnll ol lhe planned construnliun mammoth Heel of eighteen ahlp lo curry the ore from the part Sept Isles on the St Lawrence Japan via the Pan ama Canal The announw menu by Canadian Javelin and Ann confirmed the accuracy 01 the 11mm In this columnl oflxlna stn Ne oundlnndx premier Hon Joey Smallwood has greeted Lth new IndieUna that leahprint lhln letter ad very strongly Ibaul lhl may our children For Iho pas iwo rainy day ive been watching iour Ind nomeiimes Iix men dining and bmkinl up heauiliully iinishnd rounded sidewalk comm in north end Barrie it seem that lhesa are being changed to ours cornen am not quen ionlnl ha reason or this change but why on emh rebuild there when lilere are so mnny streets in Barrie wiih broken ornciud Ind dinneron sidewalks one on Si Vincent where tripped skinned my knee and lore new will Ind may with no line walk Ii Iii Den Sir Am taxpayer and have been In Harris My one you For exampIc Ihe Slcel Slmt candIIInM hive not chanzzd one bit xInce came There Ire twn Ichnnll on um um Ind Ihe Ilml candlllons Ire dIy rncaI Our chlldrcn must walk In mud Ind wllcr or on the meet waving In Ind out be tween traffic result In we wulhur they mudd and Iplnshed They Ire Also danger olhmlllpg ed urnly men very 10M or budgel breaking amount mntcrlnl hulld Idewnllu when they are loderfgntcly IMch hlva mmc Iclinn Id 11k lo us our hirdnmzd money Ipenl wlstly llausewlh By Mmxcx mcuouon New Developments Will Bring Iobs You Still LETTERS TO EDITOR RAP STREETS thre wll now be Ill urly mg on devalophu the 1mle on deposits at Jullan Lake In Lab rador and of the nearby 118 Nice property In Quebec Prou Ince MInlnl pelletlzin and tum poxUna mesa huge qunnullu are wlll pmvldo mnny yam mund jobs for Cnnadlana at despite the cllmnte the mine and the special Imnm railroad and the port 51p 11 ncei 10 be cloud down by the Mn er thhln the broad plctIua the Canndtln economy the Im Wrtnucn of KM on contract in that It mnld gteld on much IL Ive billion dollm over to yearn or $115W000 yen The Ilznlflclnm of lhll Innml earning II that It woutd utlca about 15 per cent of mu prey ant ndvem balance or lntunl ttonal payments More than month ago hf column umd Iha curlaln secrecy which concealed the nudy helm made by two bl French car makers Rennult Ind Peumt ol the prospect or uremth and mmularlur Ind planu samewhera In Cln an ha amhuudor France Raymund Bousquut has publicly confirmed this In Qutbcc Nollher these maul French firm has yet reached any decision learn that they are still studying possible loca tions In thren areas Canada The Province Vuebec Dn larlo and the Mulllmcs One of mclr major re nlremcnla Is part than an equate labor NPPIY Ind ad um transpor mlon to the mnrkeum Cnnada alther Renault or Plum or holhdeclde to local ln Clnada the link slap would km or plan to assemble car cnnslstlnl largely of lmporled Frenchmade components Fm grosslvely It In anllclpnledl would be poulble Io ullhllsh Canndlnn mannlaclurlnx laclll or to buy rum ulsllnz mnnulaclurera lo um their product would hnvo more more anadlnn rconlenl Th nlmrworuld irnvlde many yifif round jobs or Canadian filmed II he mun hut nul elh ln llu Land and than 1hr Ihe Lord hammm Thu happiest mnn ll ha that my and hope In God BIBLE THOUGHT You phonl Ill AI Your Ilomc Gznml lnlnmu Monty DONALD mam PA 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE

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