M33 Cam McPhce Hand qunrlm Central Onfarlu Am mid Conccnlrmlon In Grown Cnmn Pctnwnwn wlIl mm mmldnmbla Inving 1n Imvnl costs and mnko nvull nble HMqunanIle lrnlnlnl nrcn cqupml wIlh modem nr Mary and tank ranges norlhcrn mlIlllnmm will nkc aver barracks and quarter madn vncnnt nl Panwawn by ha nnnunl move Ilezulnr Army noldlm lo llcld excrclm In New answlck The camns lmgcsl concen lrnllum ol milllla soldiers ln Canada will nunln be held In Nlagurmnllluanke bu Norm em Onlnrlo mlllllumcn wlll lhll year move to Camp Pclnwnwu Capt Hams Smlo Squadron will be in chmo the mlllunmcn mm Dnrrle More hon 40mm and ï¬ve olllcm Squadron Gray and Simon Foresters wlll be among 6000 saldlLra in Control Onlnrlo to swap civilian dress for army hush clothng durlng July for me unnunl trek to mill Ia summer camps July 714 There are about ads re lnllng the Municlpal Act In Ontario at the presan limo he cxplained the commlflce is now In its mlm year of mum pro BRADFORD lSlnfl Slm cue Centre MPP Arthur Evan ukm on Sunday on whirlwind weeks our Cnlilornla and Jirillsh Columblrr Mr Evans member the Select Com mluee an lhu Municlpul Act and related acts will be accomp anying the other eight members of the cummlllcc secretary uni legal advisor on the lrlp Our Job to rev ex ng acts bringan them untodale and to simplin Lhoh wording to make It enslcr or municipal tie to gain Intermullon Mr Evans said The committee is or new ideas to apply to in work in Oniariu Hoih Cniilorniu and EC committees are engngcd in studics similar to those In prqgrcs imre Mr Evans said Grey ï¬nd Simcoe Foresters To Train At Camp Petawawa MUNICIPAL ACTS of he mm unndini Fund are executive HIle Hoping for wlde salt of tickets In Wednesdays sol lournamcnl and dance in aid MPPs To Look For New Ideas LIBERHLS PLAN DANCE FOR Ila th bcgn Escrvod hy Con unblo Ralph Deny of he Barrio The Court was told by Crown Allarch Jnhn Murphy that he arcum had rccclvcd nnllcu lhe Iuspcnslon of hll drivlnz ll ctfltn on day 21 Herbert Lemuy of Du crln 51ml Harrie was fined $100 and cost $3 yesterday when he nppnnrcd below Maxis lrnlu Foster In nnrrlo Mullslrnlcl Court on dmrxo of having drlvcn molar vehlcla whllo hi licenco wna undcr rm ncmlm In nddIllon lo ha llnc cm mm ho was driving wxu impounded Ior period thrcn month Again this year in bodl camps um scope ruining will emphasize national survival and individual coma training 0an McPhue said They mum home In weeks Lime on June 23 This may not be me nd the committees travels however Mr Evans says heres chunca they may be sent to Mbany NY tho slam cuplml In July other cities on their Mnemry are Sacramento In Angeles and then northward to Seattle bclnra reenlerlng Canada In 130 the mmmiltee confer wllh thal provinces Select Com mittee 111 Victoria and Vanch vcrr Starting mm Multan the committee goes by plane to San Francisco with stopover In Chicago Monday at Slnnmn Unlvexsiw the commluce mem bers meet the Select Cnmmluea lhe shit California or consultation Cdr Impounded Three Months lent Recently ï¬t submitted In second lnlerlm report to the Ontario Muislatum conlalnhuz many suggestion or stream llnlnx the legislation under shad ol the Younz Liberal Asaeln don From the lell Allen Cowan honorary president Ruthmarle Green secretary In Um Illunllan tho amused had mum In an lnsflnulvo manner and hnd clunnmi lhu tmscqucnccs Dclcnso Counch lhflld Counsel Living ston snld lhnl the accused hnd nmmgod or drlvcr to take him to Alllslnn on the any In quullon but that the drlvcr had failed In ancur Mr Lemuy had bccn unnbu lo 1m tax be cause hm was necessary equip ment to be lukcn nlnng on Lhu call ML Livingston old tho Bench Clly Pollen Force as he was driv lng we car nong Innis it on Junu TIIISTLE CLUB PICNIC Barrio piper Gerry Gibson will be among guests niimdlmz the ï¬rst social outing held by the Barrie ihlsiie Club tomor row George Huiion who oper ate iiolidny Acres on tho ninth concussion oi lnnlsill has oil and mo use oi his ground ior the occasion lira Douglas MacDonald mxciury says ev eryone ls Welcome Th only admission is picnic haskuii GRADUATES Barbara Beers daughter Mr and Mrs Bum 158 Fuel and has graduated from the Moody Bible Institute Chi cago She completed three year of mining in the sncrcd mush course majoring In piano Miss Beers Wm dmnn by who null ty ho sacred muslc depart ment play in the annual com amusement concert ire cama to the Barrie Fire Departmentycsterday eve ning mma foreign ear its rear seat smouldering was brought to the station Fiiieen minutes later the department received anvther call car on Anne St between Brook and iiiiin strets had caught on lire Them was mnsiedrabis damage done to tin mater VANDALS ACTIV Vandals this week lashed white paint on the floor oi Chris Bakoxeorges ooilage at El Shanty Bay Road Thu incident was reported Barrie City Po lice last night Last week all the windows were broken in the same cottaze Mr Eakogeorze is from Oshawa LOCAL GENERAL treasurer Bob Torrance Hrs vice president and Don Campbell president Exam lner Photnh FIRE CALLS ind lhlnk lhnl lavmmenl ul pnmihllity In no dlflormt Ihrmhl In dlmud Inward lhu um null be old lhc Com mnm My lulhrr unuhl mo Im lluvn lhnl mnnn Hnl pulullc rtuIy wu In MI lhm who um Innl AM In LB lhrmnlm Nullllnl lhnl ma ltnrnnd nlnce lml rlmnml my mlml lml um my lurnlu Mr smu lhnuihl Hu cnuo he mu udmcnllnl wan nuurnl mummu Cunmvn llvz phllnmpl do no lhlnk Hum ropln would him In hmnlllnlnm InInl pmnnwnl wrllm wordl Thu rundlllnun wher mm lMIr unemfwlnynhllny nra In ly comp my Imynnd Hm mennn ol wrvrcljnq II pp um Mr Emllh ltll lhnl hrIv people new nmr mnnnl lo bu on ma MI ho Uncmploymrnl In lurnnm Cnmmlulnn Walnut dulxncd lo lhlu people nvmr lrmxmrnry dmlmlllal nnrl Irm pornry rmhnrraumtnh In nohd Mnny Hum people an per mnnml mum on mu 1ch ml nl lhu pruan hu mum ued Some are drmlnu rum job In lob lrnm day to day doing Illllo ell Hum dlMollln our line axmenl Ilnllmcl DIIIFIIND Some 01 thcm became mcnlll or mychololicnl candl Ilanl IN unnth la wnrk In lhn mmpllcmd industrial mmy lhnl we Ind lodny Ihry 1m will not Into nn nmmhly llnc All lhcm nm It be hlnd ha Inld nwlr yllcnl condlllon mny ha fucker all may be Umlr luck or cducnllon and ltchnicnl raining Ind lhclr lnnblllly In Iwrh lurlhcr cducullon or lmlw IIK Mr Smllh wcnl on to dellnu wlml he consldmd to ba In uncmploynbln peron They are usually ln lhu age group ol 45 lo 65 and an lumtllmt lao old lo bu tnnsldcrcd by pm pcfllvlo cpploypn than llmo we had In new dullnlllon lhnt broader Ind lake mm mnsldmuon morn 01 ncflvltica nonnnl llvlng he continued PMUN Inrly refer to th unem plnyme Barnellmu ln lb vlnlon Ind new Inlcrpmlc arm Hvlng considered lo mean lho nblllly to perform ucllvlllcs such hyalcne cdlng dressing wnlklnz alnlr cllmhlng use of hands speech hcnrlng vlslnn qnd rpndyng her lqld introducing his private mem berl hill iiir Smilh said that lhe terms normal living wguid hnva to be rMssesxcd At present the Act rcqulrc that person be sullerlnz mm major phyalologlcnl analom lcal or psychological lmpnlr ment These condltlon must be veriï¬ed by oblcellvo med ical finding and must be llko 1y to conllnue lndellnltely wllh out xubstnntlul Improvement severely llmlllng tho octlvlllu ï¬lllhe person toward normal RASSESS TEHMS Mr Smith Conservative member oi the Hanan since 1957 asked the government comic der the condition oi nermancn uncmpioyabillly actor in the inan dciiniiion dis ahied person Factor leading to the permanent unemployabii My man mixhl be age physical or meninl condlrlnn or combination of my or the three be wide bill designed iu widen the term under which peupie are eligible or pension under Iha Disabled Persons Act wagin trnduced iulo he Hnusu Common ins week by Haber Smith MP in Simcoe Norih Ive heard of people who were Isked to bu chairman and lheyuluscd They felt that be causu ol the amount 01 tha YMCAYWCA capital pmgram it might be some hindranco to the success of the United Appeal Wlllard Klnzle last yearl enmalgn chairman said when he hem Mr Davey had amp led They couldnt have £0le better man The only thing Im concerned about is that they are overworktng Run Davey am ready to ofllr any nsslslanca from my experience 01 last year In making the pmgram success made report to met last yearl cam paign and avallahla to his yenr commmee REFUSE CHAIR persnnally do not beiieve thlm am sura the In of Barrie ally realize this Mr ODonal yald ha board was given power the last meeting 14 make an appoint munu ihere wu jubilation among member oi in United Appeal Cnhincl and board today iollnw in the announcement that Run Davey director of Ina YMYW CA had accepted appointment campaizn chairman Rory ODnnai han agreed to continua n3 publicity chairman Simcoe North MP Asks New Deal For Disabled Davey Head Appeall DriVe nu cxnmpld lhnl hnn mm my nllrnunn rnrcnlly In llm city In uhlrh In lln mo ol urn nn lo rllu mu rum len rhling which unphnl hrfl hl pvln ML Smith mlo luwynr told In Common lhnl Ihcm was In urlhcr mp ml lhould be lnlun nlllmuuh ll xlld nnl cnmo wllhln Hm term M1 prurnl IIL TM wnn In pmvlnla mlxb mm In people who would unl lIy umlrr cxhllnn louhlnllun ex trp lhnl lhclr wouln wnl enm lnl more manny Hmn wnl Irr nnllml under he very lnw cil lnl lncnmo uvelltd am In lhu Dllnhlcd lnnonn Act II It now Ilnmh EXAMPLE Man provldu nuislnnce la widow and un mnmcd waan under the vhlom ma Genrrnl Welï¬lrn Aulxlnnca Ad WIdow and un mnnlcd women ovu ho an co ha lmvn nn mean nro t1 lulblo or pension 11m cav crl rmscnnhlo portlan the people with whom have come In wnlnct he mm Th year gnvemmcnl Prcmlcr Rubnm has lukun atop whlth answer the rob Icm gm many Inc proplo Mm wqud camp wllhln lhu cnlogorlu have mcnllon ed hn nucrlcd llc mod at inillnl had In puulnl lhu pnscm Icllslullon forwnn had bccn taken by ha government of tanner Premlcr ngll Onlnyln In mu Thu HP or Simcno Norlh Inld Hm ho dld nm oresco any It surmounlnblo dilllculuc In con aulllng the province on lha nor to opmuvu lexlslnllon lhnt mlth bo hrnuxht In to widen ho terms ho Acl ripsr TOOK mm They are not Ihc people who would benefit mm the New Dcmocrnuc Partyl alry lulry prnmlsc lull employment bo cnnse they are uncmpluyablc glamour bl all emhruclng wel lare schemes lhls rule and la Ion ls lorgollnn The people talk about are not those whn will beneï¬t from conlrlhulory pension Icheme Thlzy do not earn enough he an man We Ila ireinmnnnllyudi in am noun mm Bum mm separalo drive or capltalfunds and lhal the United Appeal funds will be needed much as ever or apuraung costs of all organ lanons including the YMCA YWCA Tho Board Director ha Unlled Appeal for lhl year can slsLs ol the lollowlna Mc Kay nhalrmnn Gordon Lelghl um vlcu chnlrmun Mrs Belly Shler recording seculary FOIL mnn AV nvlcl AI Ihll flu IIII mm Innm Callu mu IMH 0th on lamï¬n TH PA BEER 51mm RUSS DAVEY no me had been hoard pmvloul mm 01 he Cour Sentcnw vuu hold our to ycs anlny pending rtcclpt at pro unlenco report mm lho Proba lIon Olllcn anmam Glnnac 11 an up pronuco waldzr was placed an oneyear suspended unmm by Mnglslrnto Fosch ln Magistrates 3mm Dnnlo yo lcrday He had plenum gullly charm taking In car with out permission mm the pram nc at Jackson Molar on May on would can In clay er pcnanal Iouch wilh thelr com Ililuenclca than now possible with IHUHKI every Monday and Ilmllcd number of air ram partnllun pnsm It also ask that murbcrl be pravlded with two return nlr puma hclwccn Ollnwa and tho anw rldhgz mums that the House should not all on the second and Iouflh Monday each month The lost dme would be mlnIm zed by nddlllonal Aiulnu hour much Wednesday Mr Smith has nnolhcr motion on tho Ooxnmons Order Paper whim will come up ior debate later in lho union However member is permuted to mom sor only no motion at time The Imnd moiion which con cerns the hours oi silling oi the Common will be introduced the House by the pmirio Con servative MP iii Ormisioni Magistrate Feels Youth Fortunate inbled Hi drugs bill is $55 jmnnih Ha and his win have two boys in this family The wlia is endcnvurlng in keep the home logelher and she com 345 week By mason ai his earnings lha husband is disqunlllled or he DPA pension and yet she is Expected to do tho lm ussihle of keeping the bum gn ng and buyan his drug an 845 week In cases when onu or the aiher sgouse is disabled Ilia ceiling ould be llilcd substantially no that in 865 or whatever the amount oi ha penslnn may be from time to time could be used int the necessary home care the disabled apausef sqgouï¬ monoN nuppuu uo not dup cute or overlap the work other agencies are being carried out effecther and eco magically The Boards work also in eludcs Ecvlowlng flu pro posed budget of each local agmcy or the coming year with he rcpmsenlnuveso tha agency or the all campaign Reviewing with each national 84 gency such Red Cross ha objective of the mug1 pro vincial or national to REVIEW To review with each agency lens once yes pm 2mm 01 Inca activities and their cost mlst the Com at lhesgaclllvltk are Worlhwhlla and deserving of unity mppgrt no noi To eonslder all agency up pllcallons or membership In the United Appeal and lo recum mend for accopï¬nnm to tho Board of Trustee only those agencies whose program de serve and will attract wide pop ulnr support Main topics toi dismxlunv al the April meeting of the Board were Tn pinned all properly qualiï¬ed national and local aw ucncles to Join the Unlled Ap PE Greenhnizh secretarynnd Hurry Ngtkr rtaxurer Urglnn patience on the mnller of ï¬nances he spoke nhaut coll ective bmalnlnz alrlkwen pon clvll servanll dn not want nnd du not nnvc Woteel dis putcs can be resolved by arbit rallon and should bu about six to seven months More we have any nmwer from the Govtmmenl Mr Bush arrived mm Ottawa the afternoon few hours after he and uthcr CSAC om lals met with Finance Mnlser Waller Gordon We were exceedingly well received In presenllnx our 11 age hrlel he unit In l3 gognqlcxjuhjegt Ihuhnl The Imporlanco of unity and not panning the buck wnn ï¬rmed by Carl Best national president the Civil Sorvlnl Association at Canada at dinner In Camp Borden Ian nlahl TB BARR mm IAIURDAY in unuwvu uy piicaiions hu ggesi response cum from sprayin in the evening The use liquid icrlilizer is grow 15 and more and more armors nm usin these hig analyses of liquid fertilizer of 1020i and 220lii ii is onifv icw years ago that this liquid icriililcr wns in reduced to Grey and Bruce counties nnd farmers who have been using are well sniisiimii Refrain Prom Passing Buck Federal Civil Servants Told HE vs the grain froth 34 pounds more per bushel Grain also sprayed with this complete liquid for tilizer nitrogen phosphorus and potash also shows higher protein contenti Farmers usin this meth od oi icrtilizntlon are advised that est results are obtained from evening application Tests con ducted showed very little response from morning nrpllcntions iair responso irom into nitcrnoon ttp plcntlons but the most response cnmn frnm 127 Hold crop checks were made in 1082 in Grey and Bruce counties From these crop checks and crop checks made from grevious years it has now been proven that profits ie results can be obtained from spraying 102010 liquid fertilizer Increases of 12 to 20 bushels more per acre were obtained on grain crops from this method of fertiltzntion One the most important features of this type of ferh tlitzation is that it is applied when your rain is tit high This feeds our crop as it is grow ng and weight tests show at rain sprayed with this ncrcases thewetght 01 15 ML Ho mid that tendency Mr Real 24A Cllppcrnn 59 Bullnm noun PA M451 Relldencn PA New TOM HOWLETI SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY SPRAYING lIQIIID FERTILIZER IN THE EVENING PAYS OEE CANADA FOR GRAIN FARMERS IN GREY AND BRUCE counnes 0F Then you will be Interested In Sun Liiaa Anticipated En dnwmenl Pulley which will provide you with cash in 10 15 or 20 years and give you Insurance pmlectinninr 20 years my give you details oi this practical plan ward ctroperallun and am ment wu naw trend In general aflalu Municipal employees have had It since 1944 and Ontario has campy lung wny he said Career Girl CARL DESI