Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1963, p. 8

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mk IllHuIlnh hum Ilnhhh Im va1 lmlml um Ht IM th 1mm Pnhmluy NM Yuri nl huivmnll lhflnddpmn Al Mllwnuku Luul Imhvmuu lll IH IL m1 In nr IM ml hmmm IMun Nuv mk 1minqu Mmmmnu mm And he wrung ancmlu him InI hy he sulprisc 51m gmg of steam hascmun nnmla un mum Hp mmHmr nuch lhursduy My dumping Kansas Cfly lhlirs 63 lhu luins HOIII ri rnur by the drastic union the Halup nixII look it nut on Nuw uxk Thursday niuhl ith vicory um snapped ire game losing slrcnk rum mu week draught hich llwy lnsl ll of 13 games uul knuckud he Yanks mu In place lly IUII KHICHLIIH Ausnrluml lrmfi 51m Vrllll SIUD mu IN ilflllilhl Jim Uruhlv rm Innlim stern lemme Iry mznmucr Hilly Iliuh cmk lhc Icsl If he Rullimom lvnm Imd Hm slumhcring Uri Its fluppim llwir uings again lmluy 11 IrmvH 1mm Iurh Jacktc Pmkcr lripIclhrcn quzlrurhuvl uupmlud by he Ldnlonluu mos he FirmUp Birds PoSt 54 Win Over Yankees Mmh llnlmwlr my Ammmn numw tln nllm lllhy mun um 51 uman lmml HI III mmmm Im rum tun Mil mm mm HHUy mm nr vnln mmvnnlh lIIlkr rm ny HLII 11 Ih lhumlay mum 1n1y BASEBALL scomas rum Xx mk Ilnmuuln whululuh MI HI IM llll lllnt Tndly Huan fill run h1umlr mu lhII MI Imqu HIIHHli Amtllu Illumluy hmm mnl Hymn mm wk humm WIA Irl GIIL WM VF Mmmwnlu Mlnml Flt1 mu Mnmmnl mm IHmmuh warmed Haul Flam nlu II III HH lmrlrl my ImumlHllnIm lllvwl In Tunan nml Mu um MK Iwhvrn lu mu Hull1 llul All In Hum IM ler nmklnfl It rnKlml IMIII II IM he m1qu mm In llm M1 Arman mm lnnkrn Iuvldn AmhmHL 7l1nmul mutu nln nl anfilmrdrin UnImHy vlau Hywlnulwr ml rlllll In Inn III llmv wavml wiHI hv mu mu Fnur nlldnr Ilr II nml lhn In lullIml rmnnm Inn 24 mm nlml In Tumnla plum rml mum 1m MUNHUM HI Mnnb ml Almwurx lunlh rluh nu Ivumurx lmlny Hwy to lrmlml limlmchrr Ilnn lhvurr lmnlml Avnullllllll nu Anuthle Avlrndw xprrlnl In Jml AmlIrnHl nml Lnnmllfln rlnl Ilh lmHnLrr Hw lmrll my Ilnumlllllnlln lluwl llnx In Tuwnln nlul IMHI Mm MK Iwhvrn lu 31an Frldny Mlmvln ul Inrktnmillc l1ly llluk lllrllmnml HnLhrJrr nl Imlizumxmlis Symrukn nl ulllllm lmnnln nl ulnnmul Mlzmlu Hurlwsltr Hulhlln lllchmtmll nlumlml Indlnnnnnl Jarkwnrlllu Syracuse llnlllll Mlllo llmk MIunlzl Jul khnmillc Cnlumhus Ills In Trade With Argos Symrusc Huf Whmltr Ritllmnnd nnunm Allen has Pm nl Ms svnsuns our homers and In doubles in his his Imus Lu ml mm nasuffi The Orioles ran like crnly nilimV up III Ilils Ihcir blggcsl output in munlh In the pro cess they shollnd hlley Ford the Yanknc are who Iilcd In Iinuh name for the first lime In his Isl iw slans Huston RM Sex trlmmcd Wasmnnlnn Senators 75 and Cleveland Indians heal Dclrnil Tigvrs 53 in UN only olhnr gumus scheduled The wnité 56x min Thursday Isak uvor the np spul wilh Bab limnrc win nmph in lhuir last 25 games and liflcd thorn lo wimln lwn gnmcs the IirslpInCL Chicago While Snx Vllcn lhc surge slnrled lhc Twins last games on the pace CHICAGO IN FIRST Iillslmruh Il 5L Lnuls Chicago Ln Anurlrs llumtun ul Sun anclsto Western Foolhnll Conforencn in Jail bccnmc Canadian cilizun Thursday Parker llycmald unlivu TcnnnsA ITS OFFICIAL lnlrrmfllnnnl Lennie anllxrrn Dlrlulnn snuuwm lYlvhlnn an mm 31 11 AFN IAIEII EM Thnmlny Tarnnln IJ 25 17 22 3B ltl GHL 23 Ill 27 217 2G 50 27 13 455 613 515 l0 13 llnllnlmllrmla AIVHI Tulnl Ml lvm hump Mill IIVIEII Ihlmy mrr Rum Tlly Illnl mom laullhplnw MIMI lulu In Mllllll lun er nl Amnlcnn mama Imlml hl lulu While Rum lllthlnl Sandy Knulnx Imam pmlrd nlnlh vlrlmy will Mill IIHIHIUI IICHIYK Hmulml ml lllwr hlln In lo mph lhnl mutulnl An xrlrl Nullnnnl Ilflflflfl lNul Hy TIIH AMOCMTIZD Ill smmuxkbrymm Mr mu rm Mclmm llm humu 1m l7 TlllllfIllmon ClnclnnnlL mun llnnIIl Anton Klultn nunRolvlnmn Cln tlmmll l7 DMIs 0mm mlnalnn While our Si Aurun HumH Anmm nnd St IMxls ll nun lulled lnll Anron III Irfllll Hi DouhlrIJnvlcr SI IA slrlkrnuu Iascunl mm 57 Kalinc mt zmn 75 hlnllonc D11 20 7n 305 Vnnncr LA 210 12 69 329 Robinson CM 2M 65 Pearson LA 247 35 7B 318 RIInnKnlinn 43 Hull Ilnlled lnKnllnl IllPearson 7E Douth Vorsullns Mlnnc MINI l7 Trlplu Hinlon Vnshlnx Ian Slnlcn muApnrlcin 1an murc In PI Slack Dnlllmum noma llunsKnlinu Wagner and Alllsnn Mlnncsoln 15 un homer wns the dllfnrcnte for he streaking Indians who wnn their SEVan slralght even lhnuuh outhi by Dclmfl 105 The Tlgcrs Al Kallm had three hits including hls 15m homer and lnnk over the Amcrlcan League balling lcagd wllh 352 uvgrmzp Mulloncs three run homer was the Mg hll In nu Inns vlclnry aver Wnshlnglon In addillun to Allen Vlc Pownr and Bob Alllsan were he his guns In Mlnnesoln 13h nllnck Power had lhrce slmzlLs nnd double and Allisnn drove In runswlh dnublc 500 will play wilh Tornnln Argonauts of he Eastern Con mncs this sunsnn ero photo 4AM LEADERS BALL STARS Amrrlrnn Nullnnnl Kn Mil lhn 112mm Room luuugc QUEENS HOTEL henIII VISII 160 MI 15 157 23 N7 DO 25 217 ll 213 43 20 21 210 12 2M 247 35 Minne ll Pd 345 55 J4 75 Flood Innis ll Id 31 Draws Outside Starting Berth WIHI null Imur lrnfllc Jnlxl mm he lMllml unlc ll wlll laugh or Wurrinra My lu rrnch Lmllrnlllnfl um In urly runnlnu MU lwlluru are rxwrlnl In be hmklnu It Tnylnrn nnclm WlmlllrMn anm Mm M1 10 ldrlrn Ivy Hwy it lnlo ilmmnney Jnrkoy Krill lnhlnum ol MIMINIIHIL Mn wlll hnvu In mu ntul rk Fur 5mm mmr pm denl he anlnunl Hmkcy Ha Tnmna anln Luis However whopplnu llrld of Ilmlm wow nmnlnnlul am In llcld IIIII mo myth cum hnpncn Tho puma ll rclnld 334050 to In wlnnlnl mm lnerlrhrsl In Cnnmxlnn mm history 1111 any he axpcrls virtu Ally rllmlnnlu Conn Smylhul cull pnvlnl he wny lur Cum Iv In San Hluo and 10an MA Expuler lo be mnlcmlcr In lho nnnual $50000nddu clusslc lur Cnnudlnn bred threeyum nldu Wnrrlor Duy erw Um uulsldn Hurling berth TORONTO CllThcy Hrlnl do Wnrrlnra Buy any lmuri lhurtduy when post pnsllllms won drnwn or ho mm run nan he Quncnl llnlu SM urdny at luburhnn leblno Irnrk For one thing can play only purl lhn lmxr he mid some places lika Greensboro nnd Wilmlnzlon Narlh Cum llnn and Mluml have let down he bars but am sllll lnbm In plum like San Antonio Fort Worth Mlmphls Pensacola Mnhlle nnd Bnlun Rouge So there way21 me to art my name ihllrp and keep ncc hurldnyn rsl round sq slrokcs com pared wilh tho lhrceundurpnr 67 by Pnlmcru Smord muddy and son Charlotte NC laborer discussed the probem or he Mam Knllcr he switched spiku on his coll 51100 prcpnh nlary to Ms appcnrnnce In the 3190000 mundprbhfd Cnssc ff Phlmer and fiinklnus had play wllh the hundlcups have they cauldnl bout me lb EXCADDY Ive much guts as Arnold Palmer and Jack Nlck lau and mlghl be able Io play good 101 hey do 11 given nlr chance he said But ever alncc 10an lh Iour In In lsbcen all up The hulking clgnr chomplng Nonro gall prolcsslonnl sat in la upslnlrs lackbr roam ol lhu lishlonable Vcslcheslcr Coun try Club and talked freely ol hls own privale war In he balling rnclnl crlsls By WILL GRIMSLEY HARRISON NY AP just one black man agalm 150 while and got ressurns no hody ever dreamt of ChmIn Finald sald blllerly Thursday Every lime ice off lie odds are stacked ngnlnsl 1090 to Indianapolis second placo team In tho Southern group cut Mlanina lead to nlx name by whippinl Columbus 40 Toronlo Maple Leafs and Lil ila Ruck split doubleheader ha Loni blanking the Travel er 10 in tha opener but the Syracuse nlppcd Jacksonvllln 41 lhursdnynlght nulllnn max lmum mileage out of Imu MI and light doIcnce Unbeaten Alan Koch Ice oi the Syracusa mound staff posted hls mm vic tory Euflnlo kept pace wa games hehlnd he Chief with vlclow nvcr Rlchmond and Rochester lhrco am back by hchllnl Minn lax slumping Southern Divlslnn Iudm 52 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Streak Syracuse bolslcred seven vmnrm during an sh game lnlcrnnllnnal League homo slund moved In Bullaln today to dclcnd 11 Northern Dl vlalon lend alulnsl lhe challeng Inz Elsnns CONMNAYION humor Negro Pro Claims Odds Against Him IT COSYS ONLY 41 FOR WEEKS Talun Only Mlnum Ask For MlnlLoan Syracuse Posts 42 IL Victory groacant Financa NEED 5000 Tlll PAY DAY FRIDAY JUNE Duh Mlvlln Innll lmHmu plum mvklu nul llrldur Vlu Ilnvnllllo an III ulnlwl lel Thurlulny Duvnllllo nullrml Inukm rluhl mu when ha WM lull Ivy II plklml ball In thlrnlny mum Inmo Ilrlrull lem Prom Duflm Arlrdn he Judiy Club has Ilslmi Cnnrhnrn ml ll Jln NHL 5011 th 74 rlnu Dun lupllv Iuls HM Haynl anlo Mnrnlm Murnln MM flrcrdrr Inmk Cunklln Brunlluxd mm In Inllinl nmnl nnllnn 115 Iml lho Jmkry ilnh ruled llml Cunklin Wm unl nulhnrlml In do no Ivy evcnlunl uwmr Humll Flmlnnu Palm llcnrh Flu One hlg mm or the unusu AII huge mm 11 ha nlnonm Amcxitunuwnrd Jr Trump dlsqnnlirlul wrckl mm mno In nomlnnllon was not lllnl by Aulhnrlzcd pcrwn Innamnninn Mnnuul Ycazn Wm WM mum this your in tho Kun lurky Dcrhy chcr Hand Cnnvbum drew Na 10 ml posi lion Son Inc nwnnl by Will Farr oI Weslun Onl wlll slnrl lhn Ilimllo mu mm the clghlh null Were still were not giving up SI ford snld Someday Negro will will he Nuliannl Openno bu bumulxfly Wull and sun He won umund 515000 last year and linlshud second to Ted Kmll In lhe Cnnudlun Open ls only vlclurics have been In lhc Cnribbcan and In 5mm the Ytsl Consl SlIInrd who cuddled Char lolle ought in lhv Semnd World War and mu became he per son insKruclor or singer Hilly Echslcixl Ihe only Negro who has pluycd the lmxr wilh any cansislcncy slnco lhu Proicy slonnl Golfers Assaclalinn scv rnl years ago dropped its Cnu cnrslzln clause ln mnsl ol lcmsomc get more the pro snld But no budy will hlre me They are scared or some rcnsonl hud conmllnn wllh company lur lwo years and suddenly may drnppcd me wllhnul ex plnpnlinn Most 01 he prolcsslonnl go an Inur have connections with sporllmz good concerns which not onlrkncplhcm sup plied wilh gal bulls and clubs clolhcs shoes and he like but pay rclulncr fee Sun don lhlnk lhnts the biggest handicap My biggest problem Is that Ive got no spon sors or backers Every time an Inlo lournnmml Im slrlclly my own know Im playing or my hrcnd and but Mr rhnrp by plnyln regularly As soon as get galng good the our hll one of the segregated places and have to drop nut IS mariner HANDICAP nu my 5th More ad hurlcd three hllter 10 top Arkansas 3111 Smlth In um um um Tor onlo Allens punch and Krolla sllngy pitching made lhu sec ondgamu vlclnry easy or he Travelers Velernn Stove Rldzlk 74 was he loser chk Rlckclls plched hlllcsn bull or six nnlngs or Euflnlo hetero Richmond drnvn hlm from the mound wllh lhrcn run In lho scvenlh The Euflalo alarm was rewarded with his seventh victory In clgh decl slans however when Ray Davi anl sh Illa Vgul rajly nun Pum Goldyu triple In the sixth lnnlnu dmvu ln lha decl slve runs lnr Syracuse alter Jacksonvilles Wall Bond had led the score with lworun hagner Miller hurled the 21 com Into game by Rochester fit or when he checch At nnln nn nlnn hllu nymph was IMAIIIII IIIMAIIIJII IllT IT lMI1It Imlh Trnvclbrs coming back In lha nighlcnp nvln Ht rllmlcmunbpul $250 wank LiMlTlD ml njlrdnr tar has mm Jlnl Inv 7ll2 Vnr Iuls MHlnn and llmxnlm hm Inn in fills lvm xlnyn lullr uhrn Informed lhnl hm lmn lrnmlcrml In Snull ITle Mnrlo by In pmvlnclnl rr IROQUOIS FALLS OnL CPI le llullullehl pmlllrnl Knumkmlnl Knm or flu lml wn rnu hnl rclllnul lo llkl mrr nu prrslvlrnl lhr Nnrlh rm Onlnrln Ilntkry Auuclnllnn unlor mlcl Ilullrrilr1d Itnlnru Jul Knv nnnunlu ulna wnl muner In he Em nl lllo nnunl mcqllnu in Hun Tmcnlle stored Hm two vlrlurleshansllnu metlan load lsin Um Hrs rare The young nuddlo nnm Cnnmlna undan rldnr dlrncltd Ilrnlc Kinl In an Imnmxlvo vlunry and popular pawl 01 0130 alrniahl Owned by Fmde Su uram Couxl Royal dcknltd Vuxu hy neck she med lhu dlsIunce In Hal Most of the 8089 In unend nncc hm confidence In Caurl nuynla nblllly um she rclumcd mm 1290 and 10 the Icud mid 1m he mly lrlcnd bchlnd la win mu lurlonu onluro Thursdny TORONTO CPDStumblan as Iho Held on the aimlan gale In Woodblnea featured sum ruee Court Royal rexnlned her algequlckly DWI nramplun marksmcn were Vnyne Thompson Jul Cnrusu Drum Vnnlcss Mike Finegun nnd GurdonThompsun Ken Crnwlord and Jerry Byrno scared lwo Aonls ench fur lhe Sailors Slnglcs well In nob llnnnn Paul Henderson Gwrnn Knpnskl Leo Tcnlrn and DH Allcn Takes Over As NOHR Prexy Credit Snllora defeated Bramp lnn Sunllnsls W5 Thursday nluhl in an Onlnrlu Lacrosse Associa Ilun sanlor game that sent lhrcu Pan Credil players In hospital for an Assortment of slhchlnl Johs Lon Bouncy hurled the vlo Kory and he was backed up by lfrhll allnck Robinson Larry Garner and Don Slmpson Each pickld up three hlis Faster and Ickllng pllchcd or St Andrew Bob Hnoper and Everlon were the only ballot or the lasers to plck up more than one Mr Each checked with palr Court Royal Race Winner scvmrun second Innlnz started In wlnnm rolling and may enjoyed rnlllcs In the third and fourth ramcs when they scored Ive and hm runs re pccllvcly Shnnly any drubbcd SL And rews 1w Inst night Shear Park In Bunla nnd Dmric Softball League contest Koulax struck out l0 Coll lhe 45m Illnu In his career ha ha fanned 10 or morn halter 1n gumwund brought his rec ord to Al the sum time he continued an amazing strlnl of pltchlnl successes at badm Slndlum Kontox plpcd In his pltche Thursday night and posted ht tllth shutout wllh thrceAhlt 80 vlctory over Houston Com that kept Ln Angelo Dodgers out tront In the National League pepnuyt scynmple The conslslent southpawwho has yet In ranch Ihc Zowln mark has been unbeatable lhls sum son In his own backyard Three Injured In Soccer Tilt Sundy Koulux may Ilnally lmve dlscovercd lurmuln at wlnnlng 20 samba seasonho should du all hls pllchlng In La Angle By MIKE RAHlEI Anniled Preu Spam Writer St Andrews Thumped 183 Th 27yearold lcflhandcr re P9111 CREDIT gmrun Koufax Registers 5th Shutout With 3Hitte Ion and an oral OToole reeled on his sncnnd slrnlghl Wednesday Mum wllh ourhillcr ngalns Ih lelu rlghl an the haul of hls June ourNum agnlnsl the Phlllles 141 He has matured said Naxl abjecllve was that 20 wln IL The handsome lrlshmnn ha been moving alcndlly award that target The Red are Just aver the onelhird mnrk In the scamn and OTnule already hn an 113 record Last year when he flnlshcd with 16 13 he didnt wln No ll uutll Aug Although lheRcd were to open against the Pirates team Bob Purkey had hcnlon live time In 1962 OTunle was lhlnklnz In terms of that open In mlznmem He go It loo wilh Purkcy out ncllon due to sore shoulder OToole came lhmugh ngnlnsl Ihe PI nlcs wllh sixhm Ind won CINCINNATI AP thn Jlrn OToole repnrlcd lo CIncIn nalII traInInu camp at Tampa Fla In February he look dcad alm on two Inrgcts the opening dny Job and men scasom The lourlh place Clnclnnatl Red used homers by Len Cur denn and Gordy Coleman in wM mebuzh mm 42 hln he IveM pltchlnl or John Tsltourlx The New York Mew Mllwnukea Braves game was postponed by raln The Glanls edged Chicago Cubs 21 on Willie May mlh innlng homer whlle the Card nalu thumped Philadelphia Phll 11 73 In game held lo Innings by rain Knuiaxa lalesl shuluul lo the Dodlcra 002 palms ahead 01 Ihe runnerup Sun Franclsco Glam and St Louis Cardinal the lap at the stnndlngs ducinl Ma earnchrun average to aluminn 177 has recorded our 01 hla ahulnuh my cum gilcd rumrdm home And has allowed onl lwa runs Dadmjtadlum 54 23 In nlnxa anLRock Foo cl Dnylllld SI TOURS commence SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 23 130 mo pm Jim OToole Now Aims At 20 Wins Tommy aim Willie Dam led OnoHour Tour Plciumquo Kumpunhll rvl Dock Foo cl DI Ild SI PA 664 TOUR BOAT AVAIL ME FOR CHARTER PALM BREEZE DELANEY BOAT LINES WM RUMS SCENIC BOAT TOURS NAVY RUM mm Purkey 115 Inst year mlxscd most the spring training sel sun and mumh Ihc regular cumpnlgn due to his shoulder lmuhle Ho naw has rec on and has yck Ia pllch cam plcle gnme In seven sunIs Jlm Mn uncy ls lhe nlhcr hall nl llle Reds Irlsh hrlgndc Mal oney had just been recalled from San chgo al lhlr llme Ins your and had won hl only slrrl Now he ls nnd lhe No pitcher an lhc slnll Maloney has come up with good changeup curve said Hutch HI control hux Im mod and hes much hellu While OToole and Mnlonny are lhrlvlng lhe two 2031mm winner last year are drug ging their feet Jncy Jny 2114 In 1962 only 30 suflcrlnu aculcly ram lhu lack mum by lhe Reds manager Fred Hutchinson He has ultulncd polish MALONEY 15 N6 Mays 12m homer and Follne Alans the seventh In nlnu In the jnh done for me Ginnla nnd Billy ODnH who hrnuuht hls record by re lejpu lhg lug Cub In nrder Cardlnnls mch umr times In lhe first Inning against the Phllllcs An error by Ray Slevm In one run In and Ike olhcm came across on hll by Charley James George Altman any Jnllnn Jnvler Cardenas humor 01 the Reds In 10 scoring column balm Colemans tworun homer In the gurEh Ihmlnu put it out 01 ha Plrhles reach Ihu Dodgers Mldm Houston slurlnr Bab Bruce Tommy wcnl leanm leak var the lengun bnlunn leadership rum chk mm gt Wlsyny anus nvgrnxc lo bun with 345 average to lhn Cnrdlnnl shnrulnps 343 Wlllle dran In the llrst lwu runs with basesAlanded slngle Injhu lourlh WHITE CAP Sfl Dunlap I4 Cumm Strung RACOUETS Rug 1250 Slmcm Counlyl ludlnx Spurllnl Good Dunc Spulnl Rulrlnz We and Ilmpmlr nlcqum Emaan GARNERS wmm WHOLESALE SPORTS 95 RACQUETS Ely 4v mmw

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