KITCHENER cmrour ex cutlvts Golden Sands Re wfli Limited were lound guilty rand Thursday night and Ac quilted on charge conspir Icy Convlcled were William Mills and Ronald Roddn both Kitchener Vincent Schw lay Slraflord and John Thomas Wlll Brantlord The charges concerned tho ale 22 mart lat worth mm on Spry Lake In Ama bel Township 20 miles north wes Owen Sound In the Iummer 1961 PONTIAC Mich AP An Oakland County judge has or dared murder trial held In an nlher county because the two to detendnnts admitted the llayinz on lelevlslnn pm gram Circuit Judge William Beer said Thursday In ordering ha change venue Ihat he acted lnlhe light of US Supreme Court ruling 1m week In con4 netklon with simlar lncldenl lnéLoulslnnu FORT FRANCES Ont CF Prnvinclal police Thursday nigh Identified three persons fromthe Unilcd Slates whn were killed during the day when men singleengined float plane crashed into norlhwcsl 0n tagio Ink 541 mile east of here on are mm quar 6a Chicago and hlx passengers Mr and Mrs Mau Ilc Kirby of Omaha Nch SASKATOON CPIFlve Sas katoon dlstrlcl farmers charged wllh delivering DieXdHncanlum hated mm In creamcrlu wlll appear In canrg June 25 was understood similar charges under flu Federal Food and Drug Act are bclng laid against three Regina dis lricl armor and suvcnor club In Manitoba LONDON CPIReuters news agency prescnled Queen Elizw bclh wlth lwn Ialcprlnterl Thysduy They wlll be Installed today lnjucklnxllam Palace lo hrlnz the Brillsll agencyu world news urvlce dlrccl lo Ihe royal lum gylind members lhclr house WINGHAM 0M CWlllflh way Mlnialnr hlanuuMon Ontario Mnlcd Thundny nlghl mvlndnl elecllon will he he lq Oclober In an udvlrtu to IlluVranllrucn Imurmlvo Conservative Amrlnllon nnml nnllnn convention hrm Thu govormmn Prrmltr Hobart wlll Illll In In pow Illcr the Odnhrr elmlnn Mr McNaughton old lha lun vcnllon my manna ummsn FRIDAY JUNE 14 The Jury returned IL verdict liter deliberating more than six hnpra The our war remanded In custudy until Jun 11 or IreLemons report mnorvm lClb Toronto puyrlulalrlnt my perwu wlm rlnlml la at Ilnuf ml ml cw hour Ilclp nlahl In lou lng hlnmll Imam ho IXHp urlnl hll nppmnlly jinn Iwurm lrulruur John 1th nnml rxplnlnrd llm Imuml mtrlhv Hm Cnnndlnn hy rhlnmc Almrlnlkm lml lhu Iwwn him Ipflllll nlnlmly Talked On TV May Hold Vote Piesd Sleep cmpsmh NEWS Cream Poisoned News To Palace Three Named CHARLES MICNAUGHTDN Resort Fraud Four Guilty ordered Shiny jail lerm Thursday or farmer Presby lcrlan mlnlster unless he vaA calm the mans of old chlimh And rclurnn church rec or Alan Hasson has until Mon day to comsly with the court order issue by Mr Justlcu Punk Rustin FREDERICTON CF Three lecrpiLimve been de tlnrcd elccled in ncslizoucht riding ibilnwlnx mounts oi re suli mm Kim April 21 New Brunswick ciccllon Premier nobichnud laid the legislature WM Lilicrnli Raymond Dance 7647 George Dumonl 7W Paul Guercfle mo VICTORIAVILLE Que 1C Albert Morlssellc Llheral member of the Quebec legislm lure for Anhahaska has on dered red enslgn taken down from flagpole at boys see onduy school In lhl centre so mlle soulhwgsl nl ngbep Cllyl PETAWAWA Ont CPDOne the slats National Film Board movie being made about oldtime Voyageurs was almns drowned Thursday when the canoe he was In overturned in Miami Rigor rapids near burg Rosa re Denumme guide from La luque Que 75 mile north Trois Rlvlem was res cued by his hmmer Rena 34 H1 mcellng wllh the labor leaders was one In long mic ol civil rights conlcrences buy Dlxlclnnd jun lmmpc Inr mm Chlcngo who dlcd early Wednesday lull his eye to xcience In his express wish they were givcnlo McGlll Unlvnrslly lol lnwlnl Ms dcnlh In Montreal apartment house Coriséva Dough Pclllmw 7354 Yvon Anon tau 7330 Fred Some 7180 QUEEEC CPIThe Ouchcc Romnn Cnlhollc Church hlcrr thy Thundny Jlruhcd ncwwn pert rndln an lcluvlnlon or he wny they lundlcd lhn dcnlh ollnpo Joqu XXIII Ihofl llmeIn bed Bl night Ic luully picks up he mlsslnl 51er during 015 day 3er Mme his mind wanders and he lapses Into daydreaming Daydream In is they 11 um He Issued the order In his ca pnclly president of the VI Iodavllle Roman Catholic school commisslun dent enne told man 180 labor union leaders Thuw day Id like Lo hear mm you about what we can most um ully do In ï¬nd Job or Ne groes The In on and Mlhopl or Quthcc Inld In Ilnomcn llul lho lnlnrmnuun mum xnvn lnlmlul and powerlul Canoe Drowning Press Praised Three Elected Againstï¬nsign Very Compact Out Of Manse Wills Eyes MONTREAL ChBob Sco Negro Iobs WASHINGmN AP Presl PASADENA Call AP When compact car slammed Into tree Inves tigating nHIce r5 were leased to report no serious nJurles But the passenger us wgs ile anchore Packed Into the car the officers sald were Mrs Gwendolyn Green and her tour chlldmn plus Mrs Ella Mae Juneau as and her nlne chlldrcnl wmmwaflm It jpdga My 51m 11m Mr thcsldc had wvrk ed clerk under ML Cunnlng ham while he was new and Inter as mayor He was man ï¬lm cnnviclion Mr tchn of Ihu cunts wllnesm and Icnllmmll whlrh mnrkcd lhc Illness and dcalh lhe Pope ALLISTON Stall Han Si MacNuughlon minislcr highways niiiciaicd at the ap enimz oi the new Cunningham bridge here Thursday ailernuon The bridgcan Church St which spans the Dayna River is num cd after former Ailislnn wave and mnynr Ihe lute Cun ninghum Mr MacNaughion shared the ribborwuiling honors with Mr Cunninghams daughters hirs Vera Thompson and Mrs Irene Knnwles oi Allision who also un vniled thn bridge plaque In hon or oi their lather while lhcir brother Leslie Tomnioi spoke briefly Im very proud lhls arlzmoon to lake part In hs ccramnny If my father were here he would be happy to know that this bridge was named after Mm and that lhls plaque han nrs hls memory Ehrllcr in the program town clerk Lorne Whllcslde Introduc ed Mr Cunninghams family to the audlcnce Spectators for the waning ceremonies lined lhe bridge on both sldc or half block Mules Wed REV DOWNERMPP or Dulferlnslmcne wa on the guest speaker at the afliclal npenlng ceremonies lnr Alllstons new Cunnlngham The Moody Bible lnslllnte pmcnls he Vomcnn Glen Club and llnndecIl Cholr nl Roads Minister Opens Bridge On Boyne River CPIRev Snmucl Mlllnr used nlzn language to marry lwn don mulu In St imrge Anxllcnn church has chnculny mm The be man no hridcl nllrndnnl nml slx In nursi prestnl for In cm mnny wrrn also dun mum oyAscoW Ns WOMENS GLEE CLUB SINGS FEATURE llllmN AT 7N Ind 00 Special guests sat an pint iurm on the south side oi tho bridgel Besides Mn McNaught nn and lie Cunningham iamlly heyv included members oi the town council Rev Dow ner MPP for Duiicrln Sim coe Arthur Evans MPP or Simcoe Comm member of the bridge committee can sulilng William Alnlle and Peter Smith reprcscnllng he coniruciors In vqucigh Consimcilon Ca Master of ccrcmonlc was rcev John Darling Mayor Jack Mitchell extended grecllngs ram lhg twin to flu gucl Hunter welcwmnd the past mayors past reeves and armor council lorn mcscnl as well as mcmA bars at counly council and Ihe uur neighboring township who were there Amcrlcun painter Jnmrl Mb Null Whlsncr clllcd In London In he 11150 nnd llvcd lhcre on and oll for UN rcsl or his life Vhiteslde said of Mr Cunnlng hum There were times when council did not agree wilh him but he was man who worked at the good 111 mu town TANK CRASH lle told huw Mr Cunninghnm at his own expense rcpalrcd Ihc nld Church bridge nflcr tank crasth through It during the war He also built lhe old on bridge Iurlhcr down he riv bridle Sealed behind him are other speciai gums in cluding me minister oi high ways MacNaugiIlan Arthur Evans Simcoe Cen Ire MPP members oi lire SHflNTY BHY Emmanuel fluplLst Church on Snturdny Juno 715 pm nnbcrl Cnrbough la lho dlrcc Inn TpNIGHT and SAT mm In Ceylon HETTLEI IN LONDON DRIVIIII PHIERHNCH III II II Gulhrk HIIAIII mu IIITK llI Inn lo Inna hon 10 III Dcscn lhn growth in De parlmcnl Highway construv lion Mr hinanughlun said lhal In 1943 the total DIIO bud get of under 35000 had mnsod lly ma In 595500000 The Dcpnrlmcnl High way has been building 100 or more hridgu like this or the plus 10 years and lime nre siill lot in build in meet Ihn needs of the pynvinc hp said When he research all he brldne and cum IL crnxml the Dnync Iver and had prcvlously been damaged by an army lnnk he had to mm on lhcy were no Nahum ho ham lhg Kayne Ihls limg ed the late Mr Eunnlngham one offlthggrqn Alllst He thought of the tax rale cspeclnlly He lhuughl lhe bridge cost shouldnt be bur den to the taxpayer Mr Down nr said referring to Mr Cunn inghnma refusal to allow the town In shoulder the cast years IKO belare government grants were available Mr Downer also extracted promise from Mr McNaughtnn la go ahead wilh dcvnlapmcnt road In chumselh Tawnshlp In the past to years we lmvn had dcvclopmcnt road In ev ery slnnle munlclpnllty ln the rlding except chumsolh lllr Downer old the nudlcncc Mr Nnu hlun said he would nrrnnge Iar pmnngin coring survey lhia summer to przparu dcvclopmml rand prgject of Tocumscth Mr MmNnuuhlnn was nrlx Innly Ichcduhd lo cut the blue and hite ribbon slrechcd norms he nnlrnnce to ho hrldxo nm uhcn Hm llmu cnme he lnsixlcd on Ahnrlnn the cvcnl ilk Mr Cunninxllnmn mo dnuxMtrn nunulilIwnwmumm on Its lhe lndlvldunlisl who leaves his mark in hlstary and Mr Cunnlnghnm was one 01 these he sald Mr Downer nulnd ihnt the Ontario government was paying 80 per cent the cost oi this bridge while the municipality shared the other 10 per cent Jusl nlck Ihe rihlmn nnd yuu am all It ull lhn way lhmuxh he laid Io Mu Irene Knowles wgpumsmu 100 Cunninghnm lamlly lawn council the brldgc cammlt tea the consulting engineer and represenlnlive ol the bridge conlruclau Exam iner Photo Mr Om In LAST TIMES TONIGHT Inuhls galk Mr Downer call munmu nuunm Wï¬sim Hudson Wbï¬gid lllllW HAM AT HUM DRIVEIN THEATRE 13957 Dariï¬ Sieik Arlull linlvylnllmunl AIM HIIOWINU HURONIA TORONTO CF Opposition ieaden in the Ontario iegisin ture Thursday accused Premier Hobart and the Progressive Conservative party of maintain ing doubio standard regard ing coniiict of interest by aovomrnent employee Liberal Leader John Winter meyer and Donaid MacDonald leader like New Democratic Party were commenting on the discinsurn that Nugenl oi Lindsay vichchainnan oi the Ontario Liquor Licence Board owns building in Lindsay which is partiy occupied by iicgnsed hale Premier Roharu uinkiy gave Mr Nugeni the atema tive of selling lhe building or resigning iram this board He was still awaiting MrNugenil desision in Thursday night The premier was accused oi inconsistency after his state meni iasi week In which he cleared Chief Liquor Commis sioner Allan Gmssman oi con fllcl ni inieyesl aliggqliong ha been dLscInsed that Mr Gmssmans wile was pres TORONTO CPlGranu lo talllng 3mm were announced here Thursday by Public Wel are Minister buls Cecile In support 16 Ontario schools and homes or aged and younz pagans Planner Manor the District at Sudbury home or the aged re cetved $10562 Norfolk County home tor the aged $12723 Du crtn Oahu the new county home or the aged at Shelhurne $10000 Bonnechcre Manor Renfrew County home or this aged $185221 Strathmore Lodge Mlddlesex County 10 000 Pctl Manor Peel County $34682 the District at Nipsslnu West homo for the aged 15 000 the Davey home or the aged in Algamn $111 the Distrlct of htuskokn home for the aged $11874 the Nippantn home for the used Denmsvillc $11621 OTIAWA CF Materials used In Ihe equipment nnd repair pleasure boat more lth 10 an no longnr will be exempt from lhe 11pcrcent sales tax Finance Mlnlslcr Gordon an nounced lhat the exemption will be roslrlclcd to materials used In equlpmcm and rcpnlr xhips usLd exclusively or com mcrclal purposes Work has begun on comlmc Hon of buildings or Pnkislann new capllnl Islamabad Homes For Aged Ere Given Grants Boat Materials Not Exempt Now Roberts Accused Double Standard COMPLETELY SERVICED LOTS All Luul lmprnnmunll Flld BEDROOMS DOUBLE GARAGE EXTRA WASHROOM FROM SODDED COMPLETELY DECORATED FULL FRlCE 45A DUNLOP SLWEST $14995 Bllmu Tn Ono NHA Morluagn LIVE MODERN AND COMFORTABLE WITH CLEAN DEPENDABLE UNI 05 ECONOMICAL ilLlNT EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK 150000 DOWN PAYMENT MORRIS CAITJCONSTRUCTION C0 0N OTTAWAY AVE Featuring AS PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY APRIL 26Ih IS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION BY CARSON REAL ESTATE dent of company which held 14 per cent Interest in an other company which ownl three hotels Farmer premier Leslie Mat and Judge Robb board chairman both laid the could not see any conflict nlerest in Mr Nugent belnzlheowner ha bulldlnx SE NO CONFLIUI Nuzenl doesnt deserve to be held up to ridicule or ihll reasnnï¬ said Mr From His participation in iha hotel husi ness was part oi the enn oi his employment yuan In He also declared than was definitely no conflict interest In Mr Gmssmann tau You cant uk people ta ruin them Kelve to uerva Hangman meut Mh Wintermeyer termed the disclosure about Mr Nuzent MLLI Ill UUUUUDI PLWW mm All TONIGHT AT 700 AND 130 PM Excluslvu Agunl 11 Al on Imuva DESIGNOOZ wooml anolher ouhageaus Instance mullch ol Mares belnz per milled by Ike Conservative gov ernment It seems that the sin In the eyes th¢ lovemmen is not whether there conflict at leresl Ibut whether one get public is ieii wonder lald Mr MacDonald whether ihni apparent double nande dnesni arise from tho lac that Mr Nugent l3 expend nbie but Mr Grosamancould not be asked to resign without urioun political conseqnemel Ropalrs Io mm Makal ol Appllancu Minmum wrruun ur DIEle SHEAR 11mm IAINIIWICK human CHAS KELLY SERVICE CENTRE PA 87122 PA W8 MS SAT AT fdflflg WAX