Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1963, p. 4

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211335 Mr Huber Smith QC MP for Sim coe North was one at the eight men named by the Progressive Conservative Party for inclusion in the new House of Commons committee on defence policy or Canada which is being set up It the instigation oi the Prime Minister Rt Hon Lester Pearson IThis cannot be blamed on Mr Lewis He matched with time and was ready for the than es which had to come There was no hol ing back the inevitable by compelling lndustryto be saddled with unneeded costs Todaygthe cureall for unemployment is education Statistics are quoted to show that 70 or cent of the work force is competing or 30 per cent of available jobs because their educational back ground and training does not qualify them or the 70 per cent of the jobs available From statistical standpoint this is impressive it is logical to assume that the better the educational back grolind the more likely the chance for war mm in IIM um onfllll Avon luv um curInf rm AIM TI mm IIMMIMIMWHIMW This is as it should be and is indeed an honor for Mr Smith and his local rid ing which includes Collingwood and Bar rie Mr Smith is veteran of World War No saw active service overseas with the Westminster Re lment and retired with the rank of ma or in addition ha is keen student of national defence and his experience will add much to the committee to he made up of members of parliamentfrom all four parties But the Conservatives pointedly ieit oif their list the former Minister oi Na tional Deience Douglas Harkness MP Calgary it must be assumed that the former prime minister Mr Dieienbaker was responsible or this omission Mr John Lewis one of the giants of the Unled States labor movement believes that unemployment has become the ma jarproblgnifacjng Nam America one the Ironic thin about Mr Lewis and his success wit the United Mine Workers is the act that in winning the highest wages in industry or his un ion he sacrificed thousands of jobs To make the reward or labor done as high as it turned out to be he backed mech anization of mines to increase manpower production and added to the unemployg men News and World Report goes along with the theory when It points out that many occupations are short of qual ulcd poo le to fill jobs It quotes open in whlc emplo crs 1n the US are un ahe to ill In clr own or adjoining Italcs Barrie Northern Advance June 1803 Youth ol Barrio well represented at lawn social in Thornton Friday even ing Many cyclists still on trip home Sat urday morning Much mhbery re ported In district north of town Alfred Herrick lake sailor got 20 days in count jaii at ilarrle or carry ing large knl and threatening to use same on his boat ca lain in Coilingwood harbor Rev hr Tagagi Japanese missionary spoke of Japan tea at church meeting in Allnndale No Comp any of Boys ilrtgade at annual Inspect ion did drill movement with precision Commander was Colonel James Ward Flower thieves reported eperatlnlg on town lawns and gardens Mrs Georgen died In her 79th year She and her husband both born in London 1an imd cum to ilarrie via Toronto in 1873 and opened tnwna ilrat drug store Lively opposition or lamea ll Annex getting totei licence at Dalston The newspaper commented Dalston needs holel about ua much at it needs lawyer and were the lzdter to come he would not be there over 24 hours Fergus onvaie ferment have started alatulu ia bor hlaaont there are huiidlng atone milk house or John itichnrdaon Churchill creamery averages about 1500 65 YEARS AGO IN AREA III Mhl mu mung nun m4 Inna round my mun um nu am an UMva An TomMl cnmm ownu In than ml vm uh alt their list the former uns or Na Bu althou odd iional Defence Douglas Harkness MP that the former defence minister liker Calgary It must be assumed that the to ap ear as summoned witness be lormer prime minister Mr Dieienbaker fore committee and will be sure to was responsible or this omission Mr assist in any way The Unemployment Problem Publishedby Canadian Newspapers lelterl 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slalght General Manager FRIDAY JUNI 1m 4m Simcoe North MP Honored Named To Defence Body Anmmm rod um In In Ill In III lumm Ina nluuu IIoIMm umM Iv mam WAIII runm Mun ILAImn Il Min Inrnnlnm nu nu CIIAIIJI mum nul All muon MI mum nonnuu mu uprnpgn my The Barrie Examiner Tfiarrieifixaminvf DOWN MEMORY LANE Harkness reslgned from the Cabinet last Januaryhecause ollthe alleged failure by Mr Dlefenbaker to Implement Can adas defence commitments He was fol lowed then by Mr Bees and Mr Sevigny The art was 11 down the middle the elee on ollowe Etandthelestjehlntory elevuuu ruuuweu nuu am In mam Mr Harknesa has distin ished war record He was elected by own con atituency but above all as deience minister for five years immediately prior to the present administration it must be assumed he has more informa tion on this matter at his disposal than probably any other member of parlia ment including the former prime min ister There is no doubt he would have more to contribute to the deliberations of the committee than any other mem ber Party revenge must have entered the deplorable omi uLhJL It would appear that education would he great heltg to several thousand un employed ln United States But to show the fallacy of preachln the gospel that education alone will so ve the un cmplo ment problem especially in the Umte States one has only to com are the jobs open wlth the number loo ng for yobs Education and retraining are neces sary But they are only an of what is wanted What is neode and largely overlookedis an expanding economy which can absorb the increasing flood at people entering the labor market because 01 automation and from schools and col legos as boys leave childhood and as sume the responsibilities ol maturity Jobs across the United States looklng tor those to ill them lnclude 1783 high school teachers 1731 soclel and welfare workers 1571 electrical engineers 1515 professional nurses 1146 elementary school teachers 911 mechanlcal engin eers and 391 surveyors Most of these jobs are adequately pald but below the $9000 mark Education it one assumes these figur es are correct will take care of hun dred thousand or so jobs now open to poo lo with sufficient education and ski Education and retraining will pro vide work onl until the few thousands of jobs are iii ed After that the United States will onl be able to boast of hav ing the most ucated and vocally dissat isfied reservoir of unwanted labor in the world lbs oi butter per week Ftno town hall erected at Cookstown New wcek ly newspaper the Advocate mndo ilrst nEpearance in Cookstown Lainview ccsc factory commenced operations at Guthrie with Thomas Guthrie head cheese maker Pupil oi SS 17 Oro numbering 87 turned out for photo graph Grader operating at Grcntcl ills long need on Sunnidnlo Road Bee rings started Edcnvnlc Campbell is butcher ior ihroo rings lio had to kill nnd dress 60 head at catllo during season Strnwhcrr festival nrrnngcd by Young Peopiou ciely at Nnntyr lnnislil Largo qunntitic of wool sold on Barrio market washed at 10c ound unwnshcd lOc lllnds has ivo thousand pairs ol new boots Ind shoes at nlaughtcrcd prim until sold lintcl licence at Dalston rctuscd by com mission Chlot opponents were Hourly Smith William Inok llichnrd Eddy Young Wesley Brown and Joseph Willing London Frco Press Here In lllllo known that goes Inn way In cxplnlmng why lhn Now Yor newnpnpcr nlrlko drugged an and on dupllu generoun mllumcnt ollcrl nululanllal and lleclsivo vlclory her llllko pay and unrmplnymont mxuranco was glvlng them In average 3125 wcok lax lrco lho lme ha nlrlkm rojccltd ul IxWu finned lgy lchj own lrmlql pl lhlu wax probably lose to what lhey look hnum nflur tlcducllnnn from their 3145mm pay before lhu nlrlkc Al nn lbs ounn ml US Sucro lary Labor Irl hm laid the rub llcs lolcrnnca llrlku ll dlmlnlnllnu ml nut II In lmnlc lhnl the public ll through In In colloctorl helpod to nanny such nlrlkc uld roll Inn mum gm mphy mu 01 llnnm are living nut door ulnu OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 15 TAX FREE WEEKLY OHAWA Prime Minister Pearson Ind his Liberal govern ment In approaching the end oi their herlidad Sixly Day of Decision HuVérlhey been so mbmcn In W17 The Dlnlcnhaker oppnslllnn will deny this The mailer Thompson Illd Dough opposi tion panics will In almess put Isldo partlnnshlp Io admlr ertaln urge Achievements ht ic slop ML Pear son had his cabinet appointed Ind hl Parliamentary socie laries named on Day One This centres with the early Dicion baker days of indecision even his key minister the secretary oi rial inr extornll afielrs won not worn in until my EinhlyFivm The iirsl Dioicn baker Parliemonl mo niior delay oi iour monihs lhu iirsi Pearson Parliament mcl aitcr one month of decision The order Paper In House Cnmmnns shows many lecrnl proposals ready to ha presenlcd Thus Include tho crullon of an cconomlc caun cil mtan up munlclpnl loan hoard csubllsnlnz dopmb men of Industry provision far lecund mlnlslcr agrlcul tum nxpanslnn ol lhu Allanlic dcvclopmcn board and crea llon at an Mlnnllc duvdopmcnl OTTAWA REPORT Ludlcmus wn man In Idkcllm amplnyul by lent In UK Mmplpm lo d9 mlho the odlm Mume Gavemor Genrxe Will In llylnl mm In way at Nuvou rnmluwnl at he um unlvmily mt Invulur polllkal mine Um Immor Acuoa wu not in By PATRICK NICHDUON pm mprnflgxzfin nginlggrn CAUSE OF NEGHOES RDVHNCES Looks At Results Of First 60 Days BOMB DISPOSAL SQUAD It and trolling the new lem lnry oI Nunusluq providing funds needed by the ONE and TCA setting up committee an procedure to slrcamliue In business of lhe Hausa of Com mans REMAINED UNDONE Ihc Imy day come he first Budm 1hr panlnz lhh the mast lmpnrtlnl an nual ask Parliament Ya remained undune through the last two Dlelcnhaker years The Uhcnl government he also some positive achieva menu In other llclds An nnunccmcnt he 12mile fishv Ins limit proposal sailing defence commfllce nrwar In the Columbia negotiations Thin In an Impresslve al lempl nul he crlllca wlll any Pnrllnmlnlmavcd IIawly when the nallan nccdcd ullon This Is true but il dun largely la the men medlcu limewastan Impnscd upon the Hausa by ha Diercnbukur ap pusillnn chIcnbnker has the experi ence and he cnpncily In an clfcclive and even dcslrucllve leader flu cpposillnn Bu Ion one he Appears In havn 1m concern lor he good or the nnllan than or whll ho cun Iucplnl with lmporlum and Tilly NI hlxh nfllre lrbnluly ll mul have help ed mm han hlmlorrxl lhl rnuu nl lhu Nrm On at llw ymmI chmr film Ill hm Ill Ilw unlwuily JunoA Ilmwl lvmn lmur ha Mlllc uml RNAh llmltl Int uhm ho Illtnded hi mu R€ww IIIz aldersmnvhe wronglylo bl lhelood his pmx The mood at an mher pmles in Parliamenl Ind the mod 01 the country with rumn lo Eel on wllh lhn Importlnt huslnexs the nation One of Mr Dieiunbahrl bibiu is book called An Encyclopedin oi Plrllameni Thu hook lay hit the role of ihcnpparition is to ensure that the indispensahie innclion oi crillcism man he elieciively em ordinaled and exercised in constructive Ind responsible lpirll denies the wellhan saying ihl the inncilnn oi the opposition In in oppose no where suggested um the nppusitiun has either the duly ur the right in obstructruck he Liberal opposition alien did In the pail Pnrlinmeni Ind ihe Conservative opposiiinn isnoyv goinz of regard fur the an ad sundards air dul lnx no In kceplnl with the pmvnlllnn nation1 mood would be nmarlcr In probe the governments preparedneu or quick Parlllmenllry lcllnn LONDDN In Ilep owlrdl prpvidlnu morn Iccomodlllon and llcllllle lor oven alu dcnu Iludylnu Mndnn large new nlernnlunal Aludanh cenm ll lo be hulll In Plrk Cresccnl hclnu the buumul chcnll Park In north cenlnl Mndnn WI mm ll Inlended In he no suppnrllng luslllu llnn providing both mldcnllll and nodal Inclllllu or uludenll 1mm olher Commonwgnh cpun lrlu ll JWMJO Delan lbs heme wen announced In London by lhl Earl ol Emlnn chnlrmnn at the ln Itrnnlinnll Sludenu Truxl Coum cll Thll Cmmcll whlch II on mrlnl lho Imblllmu pm rd plnnninl to conform much an ulhlo In he llna nrchllerl urn thunder the neighbor hood wlll rclnln he orlxln ll Nuh hum of the rmccnl on the nth In be developed CLUDP OFFICE BLOCK Mn will knnwn lnlcnullnnll llnun ll hoped lu hnv ll hulll Ind rrmly lnr occunnlinn by lhn lull Mt Much Ihn ml ol In lulure mnlnltnnnro wlll met on Innfltrm bum by ha nnll REPORT FROM ILK lly TM halalu rm Jun It 11w Gennnm occuplld Im yum un why In lmlhn Fumh my hnvlnl wIlhdrnwn In um Ihn rnpllnl mm lavas Inn and or mnu Ill our yrnu fly Hum wu In Ilnvkmn In um ll IM Mllrl Inner vlrrpcr Inln Film lnrll plulnm Mm hlllrr Ilml llghunl VI In lml In Ann 01 um yur irn mn Inmllllx Immuqu Du clly lo rmch lamI IIII lmhlrnl luau vrll HIHHI Um hmlnl Human ml llnlllm null In Unlled iulu 1M uni Blanky Hmr maul Cumin mm 1m lo m1 died McINTYRE HOOD Will Construct Huge Students Centre TODAY IN HISTORY cast eulmmd II DON OEEAIIN flMr can Katy evldently will In en nccemry Tommn mudm um Ihanld mun distinct 1m lmd movement For than plan mm Ammy ol mom for betterment ln ieceiiéfieech Mlorney Genml Fred Cm told of Du uglol mnglymles In In rm to In Mash lmeu Aluminum Mn Cm talked louuh to the multan ntllcmgl pur lower courts He told them In emu um they were to run their court In the public Interest or they would be moved HANDS OFF Three them or Mr Cu There undmrbtedly wn no body more startled et hls tone lhln rome at the mulstum themselves iii ment year our maln Onlel In Onurln luv been Vi TM Under the Idmlnlstrlllon of AttorneyGeneral Kelso Robert the with altitude here wu thnl mallstmen wan lacro Inncl There was In obviou ear possible crilidsm or meddllnx wllh the courts And so the gall wu completely hand QUEENS PARK Sdme maximta In the pmv Inc were dolnz obviously very loqllsh things Some seemed to view their courts 31 personal bunnies when my dispensed justice According to their penonli views andrincilnniiuns Hui thedepmmenlwnmd no Interim By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dur Dr Molner Whul about gaslrlus My hmband In eels hem cmwded In zeta shun of hrellh when he Me to work Ind yet 1h doctor any hi my Iood die the cum Gunilla in an eilicleni way at saying lhl in palltni il aulierinz item In irritation or Inflammation oi lhe mucosa or inner lining ol the stomach Swalluwlnz corrosive Inld or llklil produce uslrilll oi crlllul um Spoiled load can cause ll loo Gaslrlil can arise lrnm Kiln presence oi mme Well ya thlnk we can dlel In tho cure but let In ex plaln why from In omre hlack which II to be mclyd on gho HIMll Th mu Council hls met wilh xcnerous response In In Ippcnl or lhe funds In make lhls contra posslble Mora than $100000 In nun12h ur mvcnnnlod donsuun has already been received the U16 government has and In printlpla lu canlrlbule sum 55000 lownrdx the coal INFLUX GROWING TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Tho Earl Euslon In mlklnz ha announcement laid that here wu muunlxnl Influx cl Menu Menu Inlu nrlllln lulmtnltd by ha vmmu Corn mnnwenllh nnd Dlhvr Ichollnhlp Ichcmu Thm are nuw more Ihun 60000 Inch studenll In llrluln Al mull tho ulst lnl Accommnduuon wu belnl mumptd and mm wu can llnnnl growlh ol sncinl und luy choloulul promch bmlulu nl hln Iilulllnn Said Hill of Bunion happen her In Ilmlenll whn If lamonnwl Inderl II anl lmpomnco to III or In lmprmlonl lhcy lnrm durknz lhclr nlny In lha Unllm Klnnlom WI nncd min to pmtnl Ill Accumuhllnn bl lanellnul nutrition And pur Imp hflltrnen In hflltrneu hm complain the menu Unnll Home will hm hold Ic rommbdnllon mldrnl umnu luclllllrl or moo low mu mull xlny and an umhly hall wllh mllnl up IrHy In Dmer vnnunqutl honorry dlmlm IMHMHOMI VIIIIA WI mml lllll culled l1000 000 In uermn our Inn 10 purdme all nu hulld nu rm nulrwl tnr unly whtn lhl In lmn Irhlovnl wlll III In Illlmd lu Hm lnnL Lays Down The Law To The Magistrates Gets Short 01 Breath Heart Is Crowded HAIRCUTS Mulll 100 JOHNS lubor Shop Dunlap II Just my or so balm MIN mach or 111mm mllllvm mm In In eutem Gum19 community mod mm on uulflc olfenca And then ho ordered hlm to my tnrther 10 lo lund for new local mun Laudlblo and humomus this mlth mm to the local people In act of luw olfl car was outrageous In ad which went Ir beyond the mlllflrllul authority and which lowmd the dllnlly of hi cam ml the 1mm or un law And moflunltely it reflected dlulllan number of our minor court when the mullv lute luve been Inndlnl out penanll hw JUSTICE EUFFEM Critics mmhv uy mu Casal pnbllc druan down mlzm weaken mpea or oury courts nlu courts hcmselves have been dalnz this however And his puhlle pronouncemen should serve la slrenxlhm put ll lnllh In justice And the men who Ihould wel wme this most all In an mlny very line mnglslnles in the province whn have bunt degraded by ha nnllca of tomo of Hull allow lnlecllou dlmsa mm Influ enn Ind pneumonll In Iclrlat luver or mules Thur can bu gastritis mm lwhlzhly Iplced foods romy food umm from vninul iiiup lncludlnl mm undblobu c1 Gastritis from alcohol mmmun eondllion Sympmms ms variable oelinl ol lullneu III the slum Ich heartburn or lesser paln hudldle dlulnen vomiting hver exhaustion coated Inn All todays Ieller tells us In um the plllenl hu uth nolhlnx About hl ullng drlnk In or worklnl hnblu exunl um work makes him Ihon 0L brulh The mum alune shouldnt make hlm hull Ind IllICI hl heart 11 good about hll lunn llld res lrnlary nyl lem however DI the hmlhm hunts um helm tha mm mm In the plllenl by my chum Just plain out at condlllnn 1mm luck exer clxfl he overwellhl Boat 21 overeat How Ibaut linen Common xeme mull ha perpclull complnlnn mg madlclne It pullout evldu flu ubvluul rule lllluh It II mules In pretend um ll mm In khl pmblem Ind lhl llx Ill up Ike docgo om lik Inywhm else mun be mind nm III by remnvlnl III mm II II Inod medlcnllnnx or alcohol he mum must Itgppgd In um mm dlel lhe curl 11ml doesnt mean rlxid nr hncy dlel II menu nonIr rllldnl bul renomhl mm hath In Inch men almoll lnvmubly Ill cllecllvc lml ment Ind very llllln my madldno ll needed mall 2v bod In moan It IM In lrlU ll due to unwlle enllnl Indor drlnklnz Iome plllfllll would rnlhtr Imp on tuflcvlnl Ulln IveA upA 17m sln Wm villmlm do ynu mnmmtnd ulrnd mnnl mull IUI ll In 60 JMn Nona Vilnmlns hm nnlhlnl In do wllh lhn problem mum Inx Ml you let mouth lnr remnlhln pnml health Why Imp lhl Id lhul 50 hard hm hm pludod lhu Hum my wuh than hnl ro dnmId my lugummmhu mu God hn mndl uh Mr Ill lo bl dollvmd lrom Iln Hlm ll pludlu our uuu Ind It dremlnu mm dulwrllou BIBLE THOUGHT For The FRIENDLIEST DEAL IN TOWN I1 Ill II III In II VIAU MOTORS Doll Wllh Anéfi

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