mmw JUN It um um no Scum lllll ramw Put mm mm wu Lu Tembllonl Tmnery Nun wmmr twu nr Klldnn gammy um lmuuu Invnnu JUN 11 ml Tm nu Inn For in an Iloom um mm wm rm nun llunrly Tum hm 1m Lue an numl lulbmlu rum Emu Tu Tlll Tho Twit Altondlnl In Emern Slu mecllm II Newmnrket vn lhurl dly evmlnl were Mrl Mlmle Thompson Barrie Mn Bel IIce Spurn Barrie Mn Perle Kohl Colllnxwoad MrL Dummy Hall Midland Mu Beth nob ruom Cookslown Mrs Vlviln Noble Creelnon Mn qula Websters orchulrn provided music or dancing or remaind er he evunlnz The bunqucl Ma outer by St Flnll WA undcr convcncrahlp 01 Mrs Duke and Mn Eur Wlmlcl Gucs weak wu Gordon Munn Provincial Milk Inspec tor oi Tomato in mud the importlnce oi qnnllly milk Pmldem the Whale Milk Producer Lulue Emerson Furnsworlh Hunlwflle span briefly and brought zreetlng as did Laverne Dymenl Dundas In vice prcsldtnl lhe lama and dexinI Fieldmnn EASTERN STAR Following lnrkey banquet lupper enjoyed by no member Ind nuts held table weak were Introduced Present were president Crawford Ind Mrs Crlwlord 0m vice president Gordan Atkinson and Mn Al klnxon Crewn Hill recrelnry lxcuurer Morris McArthur and wile Om Slallnn and director Ferguson Frallck Ind Mrl Fm lick Slroud Mr Ind Mn Fergusén Fu Hck accompanied by ML and Mn Lennon and Sprhu attended um weddina of Danaid Lnumer and Phyllis Chapman In Toronto Junu Mr and Mrs Cass Jahnslnn And lamily Patelborough Mr Ind Mu Fraser Allis lon and Mr and Mn Fum Campbcll and family Barrie ware Sundly guest It In homu gum Ind mm Camp Bmle Milk Producers held lhclr nnnull banquet and xoclnl evenï¬ng In the Slroud Commun evenï¬n In the $1 fly June The Harris Squirt Dunes Club under the convenerrhlp of Mr and Mn Harold Robertson lu Iurlng modern Ind wemm skyl dnnce mm melr partner the community hull Salmin avenlru While the weather wn warm or this or dnnclnl over no mend They dmced to records with Blll Judge ol Burl doing the unlnx Womenl Institute member ere asked in note um ills re ulnr June meeting will be held June is at pm in the Com munity Hull This is hecme oi the specini gathering oi Wi member In Guel on June in meei preai eni oi ACWW The June meeting wlil hive guts spelker George Clldwell ol Barrie He wlli speak on drugs and anllhiaiics spe clll Invitation is extended in Ill women oi lhe community in iend Roll ull wlll be unswered by How relieve tennion Con vener in Mr Gordon Rlx end her eommliuer Gordon Cowan will provide apezial musical numberll IAlIJInAY Hm Ame Ina mm Mum no lovul rI hauu Amm TM mm By MRS CAMPBELL AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ll nuv um Mum rm Hun IInon nu HIVle 11m Inn 04 Ilaml anm Tunn mm ruwa MI um mun In Yum Monty llll Copy III II mum To In lvlu THERE IS NO CHAROI POR YHII SIRVICI ismu Nahum magi TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS STROUD CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEl PA 82433 I00 Andmy Plflonnlm nunan In In mu Anntflnl hum mu crv Nun um Annmu lum IUNDA 1le hmnll Ina lvuuum lnlllln Journll 33225 Doullu hllhlnh Noluphy Donn MM uoIn My Mn Alan uh mm mum ma runn 3533833 An nr mm Mp nlma Jamil I83 rm nun NI Null hull um Mull IMO Hm ILIu 1L Vlsllor llsl wuek were Mr and Mn Clarencl Weeks Orlllln wllh Mr And Mn murch lllll er llr Ind Mn cher lrwln Homlngr Mlll with Mr and Mrlr Allen Miller ll pretty Iummor weddlnl look pllca In Uwpll Unllrd Church Slimy nllernoon whrn Shirley Colt ynunzer daughter 01 Mr And Mn llm Cale beams the brldn lenu McKever n1 Burle There wu recepllon In Ulopln Commun lly run during the ovenlnz Th wedding ymy vhlled Mn MR5 ALLEN MILLER ilck Elli matured to Will wrizhl All 1m wuk lo Ipend couple oi week with hil mm Mrs Martin Jones who L1 uh laust Hi In Wainwright Munici pa iiospilgi Little Danny Nomey nu been confined to sick Chlldrenl Hm plm where he underwent aye lurxery Inst week Mn lhnmu Morris of CM ML Edllh Morris and Miss Ruth Meredth ol Toronla were Sundly xuexh with Min Ida Smllh Mn Stewart of Vancouver and ML Jenn Wuhan Nr nnlo attended anniversary nerv on Sundny Ind visited Mr mg Mn Li Mchgn The Inmnl Archibald reunion held in lhs park on Sat urdny and the Rowley hme held their act together hm on Sml Anniversary services were held in in United Church on Sunday with Dr Arthur Reynoidl MA DD Irdllvlsihisioflln United Church 01 Child special spenker ML Gumgin BIIWII oi Beelon and bar junior chair provided mule in lhl morninl and in tho evaninl Mn Ganinch cl Woodbridfl wu IololsL Then smhlmah wm ban ored by spedl flu mm chapter presented by Mn ery Smilh Nawmlrkel PDDGM Ind comm to wear and enjoy durlnl Hm 0mm Mu Parnell Hunlavnlc who was DDGM when allpm wu ornnlm wu pretenl also then were PGM Mn Purl McDan ald Cooknvillo PGPI Tad Mr Keith Toronto Donald Gal hrtllh Drill and Alec McDon ua thvlllc Cmnllullllonl Mr 1nd Mn Llrry Bray who were nur fled SILIudIy Mn Fonylhe of mm It wanting Mr and Mn mm Grim 9w Emu Thom nu Baxflu mepbgr of Gym hygi berg avolent committee brought me Im Member we apresenl from Ill chapter In diluch to enjoy thlx waning Michnel Dobhs cl Coohvllla Ipul th weekend will hll xnndmother Mn 6mm QEPNHSlnud Mn flden Holbnm Queensville Ind ro ud1n Imam Mn Fred ï¬n Baxrle TORONTO BARRIE BOND HEAD UTOPIH on In mnlened and lhe bcsl vy ol doing an In with take oul double The odds Invor plrlntr havlnz ï¬vtcnrd mil 0r bell In my case It would be unwln lo zlvu up lho hnnd llhoul wmpfllnxng Ugh pqlnl emf lo bl oven with poor lull than It would been to overtn1 dlmuy with do Illtr Um um hurl bl The reason In um lhc opponcnu willing nm to plly ll pm more In dlulu lhll partner In lrnm r0 xample this hllld where EastWas Mop at two hearts 50th has rim to mums out his part uer his very lew hurl prob Ihly dnzlekon and also has lama highward vnlucl alhcr wlu lhr opponent would hav kegl on blddlnv Doublc Loglcal dedutllon about he mum at pnrlncrl hand um wmellmc be drawn Imyly gltnlnz lo the op Norman hlck attended the Wuhllo Womens Insfllula bath annlvemry banquet at anlmo on Tpugsday cammuniw II ulanded lu Mn Carl Drury 1n the death of her mother Mrs John Emms Gulhrio Iha Royal Vlclofll Hosplm Barrie June CAMPING TRIP am Drury and Hunt Jack Betsey ol Guthrie relumcd on Sllunily from threeweek umphrl trl through Northern Ontlrh Ind Weslem Canada You Ire South both side vul nerablt The bidding has been By MM DUNSMORE Guuu 1rom Crown H111 31 lendlnz 111i Rllku Dunsmnm weddlnl on June at St Thom Chumh shlnly Bay were James and Kathleen Kenny Mr and Mn Gordan Dunsmnre Hulh and Murnnd also Dan 01 0mm Mr Ind Mn Wayna HIdllnl Drury Mm Cnrl Dmry Chlrlea Elalne and Manuel Mr Ind Mrs Harold Drury Sunn and Ella Mr and Mrs Norvnl Dunnnote Mr and Mn Cecil Dunnnan and Mr 1111 M111 Leonard Dnnsmnre Deanne the heat on June ladle look In the Battle Ilk dusulll Tour and were impress with mumbling of he dlf men products they saw bdng mluulnctured Mlny hanks tn the manaxm of West Bond of Cand le LuMn Rule and Moldu le ar the opportunity or viewlnz their Assembly lines Ind ï¬nished products After the our the ladle enjoyed lupch atrghe Lakeviaw Mllk Bar msihï¬ 3E5 flxi AQM 74 um Lfl vm ma DAILY CROSSWORD Yuleunlon wu held In ha gmunlly lull Sunday at Arthur Doblon plum In ula Royl Victoria Honplm Bard She couldnt com to the wedd in becluu Ihe ha broken Mn Jnmel Duvldson Banla upendlnl couple of weeks wig Mrlkflectmjhrnhufl In lnccemul Ion so hr with win at 02 over Knack Sllurdly night They hava won qua Ian rim flu of Mamah gpgwn nl nickel mu kw Omaha MIAIIMI mur hymn Amn Ith CROWN HILL claw CONTRACT BRIDGE In mm an eul willed mayflood chlldml manual god Con MIME for MUM 81mm mm why Tqynlpl upuu mm or laOnlumbul whnlt twang nmmm By JAY BECKER Pass Thls hand has urani cr polcnllnl value an ileicnse than oiicnsc Thch is in good chance lhnl Ens will be de icnlcd at lwn hurlsv nnd it more prudent in pass in the hope oi flcllitviflfl Ilus score lhls wuy man it would he In hid and run lhc risk winding up with minus more Thn nllnmnliro Ml lo mm are unlnvlunn douhlc would prohnbly elicit Hum club to pause rum pnrlncr Mlle ll direct hhl lhrcc dmmmuh with such umk xull tnuld land in strlnus cnmnlicmlom mch In DIVIIM 31L lHuk mem Ionla 11 um It would be wmng lo bld hm spades In lhc hope or finding parlncr with spade supporl when lhcro 15 available bid to force parlncr In mm his best wit and thus llnd the hut Irump lit Double Hm also as In the um hand lhc has lhlng to do Is douhlc ll ls true that tnkmul dnuhlc usually shbwa more lhnn lo highcard points but lhc nurmal requirements may he shaded when plnycr ls In the bnlhnclng seal that Is when the hlddlng uuuld be over ll he passld to lo hlgllcnrd palms and lhnl he probably has at lmsl modeluh support for spades lnce he is mnrkcd lo be slum ln hcnfls Thls knowledge was unnvallnble at the palm when Easllopcncd the bidding with car The Room of Pine Grove School held succnsslu euchre Friday night at the hall proceeds from this to help nnnce the bus Irip June 14 Wlnncrs of the prizes were high scores Mrs Bunting Will Lorenz lone hands Shirley Haw kins and Harold Buucr low scores Laurel Cola and Marvin Dohsun Mr and Mrs Howard Dobsun Mr and Mrs Men vin Dnhsnn and family ntlcnded lha 10m annual Dnhsnn reunion held In Ulopia Communin Cam Iro Sunday This community extend warm welcome Mrs Lennard Whiteley who has moved In her new home on lhe Caldwell estate Congrnlulnllnns ln all who won ribbon ma Fleld Day held in Barrie Frldny Laurel Cale won the trophy Champlon scglnr glrl or Vesprn Mr End lilrs Chnrlc Cheryl Laurel and David lnjaranllousaluldny TDD target the Strawberry Festival June anchcoming 11ng or Egrllcula Mr and Mrs Narmnn Tuck were mm Ihe PacoMayne nuptial at Slnynur on Snlurdny Thny I150 visited relative In thy plshjlcl baptismal snrvlce wil be held ha United Church nn June 18 The junlur chair will be assisting In Ihe service Mr and Mrs Schcll Yp sllanll Mich are visiting um Inner lather bmlhcr and El Icr In lnw Robert Holmts and Mn and Mrs Holmes and Helen In lhclr way homo they spent days with friends at Three Hills Alberta They also vlsilcd rela tive In Vlnnlpcg The boy brought back many pictures which wll serve as memory wonderful hnllday They stopped all at Bun Al bert and hurl dlp In the hot spring whlch they said were too warm to their llklng They went outta the coast and across to ylcggrly aqd Pack 5913 down Tomarmwx Curd nndlrlll ï¬ned MR5 CHARLES can GBENFEI Iulmllyl Ania l0onunnu0n mmle or hurl Ccmdn Mfllrln IVInlnlI Jlzprn l0 Tnurll main Cale were mu nvw wmvr urwmnnwmv nwwul mm Inwlsmo FWL SMRT FIRING lmLYOIJI mu mei um mmmkmAw mu vu MIV 7600 was 07 UPLOSMI mg womvnr WWW II Wï¬ilm Paggm 31 ppm vi am Miurummm snch mm WONDER WHERS HES Gama ON MY VACATION VMY ï¬rAf IELOVDH HA9 mr an mm marl amtmzza mum wrmz