FlllMV JUNE 13TH 1961 Bpécllhnllnm lntvrmmon In nkldrrl Tender form Id onule mly Mnlnod Iv um at or by null uHrmcd lo 0ch Ianlvm nddmm 1M bull or My Wm mmmlly maul DEIAHTMI 07 HIGHWAYS ONTAqu 0m Baum Onluio Munu mlnl TrMm mulled 5U 11 mm In mind by Dunk Englnnr Mil It Amnu MAL MI 520 Owl 1100 of Mm IIhl FllIMV JUNE 13TH lammagma In nka Teak 59¢ 10 ll Inl Mun nl III r1 la tanlml nl om an nm vunnlbllfll IC limit Am lunllnumm l2 TENDERS to him wimp an Apply Ilukhlnl XIIIon 71mm ll run Body Illnllr uh nun IM fold dull an or 12 um In maum um ugh mu bonl or tr mum met Apvly Lablnw Gromm mlltd IX Humid Ix Mnfclm lXPlllllNClD cmnm unud Imnmfl Ily lor mm wnrk Apply on lab to Mom Clll Comlru¢ flan Ollfllly and Currlc Skull Apply in own handwriting to BOX BARR EXAMINER mull mmln bmmn Wanted Oncé TIRE SERVICEMAN Experience in Truck Tires Preferred Please write staLInl age edu qun experience ll any and telephone number to Box 45 Barrie Examlner All appli cants will be Interviewed ONTARIO AND MARITIME PROVINCE SALARY T0 $75 Only those who can travel Im mediately need apply Wu sup ply transportation Axe 1610 um salesmen No expcrlenco necessary we will train you We ask or neat appearance and an interest In tho mum 5am 41 rmellnllonl OFFICE CLERK 3vo YEARS OF AGE GOOD STARTING SALARY ALL COMPANY BENEFITS EXCELLENT CHANCE F011 ADVANCEMENT Guaranteed salary and bonus to mature manwlth or without experience to be trained as Factory Sales Re Fresentative Transportation supplied Excellent oppor unlty for advancement 10 up WANTEb SALES HELP AGENTS APPLY IN mason FIRESTONE STORES BARRIE ONT YOUNG MEN Jamalm LARGE CANADIAN PRINTER MUST BE FREE TO TRAVEL cm mn mlltd Humid MALE HELP DUMONT requires wmm ml 40 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE Hours to apply am till pm DEPARTMENT OF IIIUIIWMH ONTARIO NOTICE TO HUI lLlHIlH IUIIIIIUANTX SUIILY CUNTHMYI NU HA 75I Mn Apply 11 person only In Ind cl bud qunun IIS 31 Ll RATUHIMV JUNE 21 AT HM Valunhln hounrhold lurnlluro Ind riled lnclmllul MM unthm nr MRS WALK Ellv Clmrth 54 nvknwn Trnn wk Auannmr Elnn I7 BRADFORD Onl SALE of MI houuhold lumhh lnn Includan clcdrltnl nwll nnm bedroom lulm plus chummeld mllv dllhlrenl loyl Mcyrlu loolx Mc Ttrm cmh Nu mom Um owner nru Irnvlng lnr llrltllh Colunlblm JIIIHIY TOUGHLIN Auctioneer uni mlmlniwu illm me Bound nlmo lull Term Na mirve Mr Sdmlly golnz oul ol Um mIIk bushes JERRY EJOUOIILIN For ARIE SCHALL Lot Concession Innis Towmhipl Suits rcgiskmd Ind crude lolsleln Cowa lrcsh and sprinnrs thIcra ream Holstein bull milklnu equip mtm hay And grnln olcvnlar hon lullcr pnd melon my mum HAMI751 Dont let um mums pan by beau your Idvmbm dhconllnuad tho mn wllh your Idver thin Pcople buying Iver day becaqu you know um ooo prosoecu mum In trying to In touch with you dqflfll thou periods when your phone mm discontinued mm Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk Corporation of the City or Bmle Plain and Specification and tender envelope may be oblaixr ed at he Ciiy Clerks Oiiice City Hall Coiiier Street Bar riq Ontario $8624 $8225 Eozm 853 E3 SEA 49601 mm or less of Hot Mlx Hotlaid BIA Asbeskos Fl Ewing 7395 tons Ema lm of Hot mlx Hat151d AsbestosAsphalt Th1 Overly 8900 who or 15535 Hol Mlx HMIald lea Asphalt Paying 195 ion more or less Hot mlx Hotlald H144 Asphalt Paying Sealed Tenders 1n envelope provided will be melvod by he undersigned up to pm EDST JUNE 20 1968 or the supply and Laylnz of the following Anphm Pnvlng TENDERS FOR PAVING l2 TENDERS AOETION SALE Snlygdny Junu l5 at pJn sharp or HASTINGS nl jmcoo 5L anniadg nvcnlng Tm varl IMInNrU no mtno ï¬rm NM NM In In In mam until fled fur Wan um be mmnclvk lm any MVMHDI day at In Ihill on hlu pmpfllfl AIMII Wham NII HM Clem Irnn COUGIHJN Atlrllnmlr llwno 1min um HOUSEHOLD 15 iny Wmllma Mnrhlnu Hlnue Kuwan Mnrlllno Dmmn Vnnhuinwllzy SllKI Hulrrl 5an lml nilreu nylnul Mum lnMfl Woman In Innl lull npllnn Odd dial lleWrmun Hum 00d tom llun Lhmz mam mm mm mu 21 1V In and umklnn nnlrr Frbxkhlr llmnwr rlM uic Hum henormld and rhalr DIIIIIII room Im nnw Cur lrnllcr Inlornnflonul lrnrlnr Mllvnlnr Mrcl ulwl puwrr 1m yum 0M letlI Dim hIIllanr Jnmion anl rnllrr IINI Jdnlm Jurrllnn drug hnrrnwn drmhnr New lumlmr Qunnllly wood 0n lnnk 200mm mnnxl lrnw cream nrluarnmr 01 umk amrxnllrm Anllquu rulten Ginlnt HITS and MISCEL LANEOUS Oliver 71 tractor Ive PTO In good condition lel mcdlum adorn In 00d warklnn order MF Baler brand new In ymr Nod new 31 baln olcvnlor brand new hm yum 5pm King nrnln auger wlth mom Ilrnnd now dunl whuI Innn Irnller Steel drums Cam ml powtr mawr good candl llonI All Cnnlmm Cam blno luIIy chIpPOd 31 Trndvr mnnurn Iprcmkr Fan Iolll Ontnrla tumor Imlmllizcr drillv mm with clavrr seeder her new ma Ilnndc Now 115 lnannllonnl Murrow Irndor plow Colony Moms 12 MI rwlnto mm an mlrbcr Qunnllly nnlln Jnmlon drn1rullvnlnt Innnd ham Cow years fresh calf at foot HerefordDurham Cow years fresh calf at foot Hem fordDurham Cow years fresh cuff of foot Hereford Durhurn Cow years fresh calf at loot llemfoMmrhM Cow years fresh calf at foot HerefontDmhnm Cow years frrsh call at foot Here fordDurham Cow years fresh call foot Hereford Durham Cow years fresh calf of foot Herolnrdburhzm Cow yam fresh cuff of foot HerefordDurham Cow yearr fresh on at foot Hem fordDufhnm Cow itan fresh call of foot Hereford Durhnm Cow years fresh call at foot HerefordDurham Cow years fresh cnlf or foot HerefordDurham Cow years freshen by sale data HerefordDurham Cow yem freshen by sale dare Hereford Durham Cow yonro fmshen by sole dnlo HerefordDurham Cow lo fmhen Jun 20 New fordDurham Cow to freshen Jun 25 fferefordDurhnm Cow freshen June 27 Hereford Durhnm Cow to freshen Juna 30 lfertfordDirrhum Cow yearn lo freshen July Here fordDurham Cow yam lo freshen Jqu HerefordDuh horn Cow yearn to freshen July lforefordDurhom Cow yearn lo froshen Aug 1r llerefaniADurhum Com yem old opan 10 Hereford lfefferl 11 month old choice Rockers Io Hereford Sfeerl your 011 chofcu rmokm HerefordDur hn months old WALKER to sell by public auction at the pmmku LOT CON SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP miles southeast Stnyncr TUE JUNE 18 01 so Ilene oLHerohrndTDuh hhm Cattle High Clasl Farm Machinery and some Household Effect Thu undersigned has rmlved loglrom Mr and Mn Gordon McKen zie and daughter called on Mrs Hayes Saturday Bath Hnyu still visitinu her auniJnd unclei After hriei visit with her muiher she accompanied them In their summer Cottage David Hayes in visiting at Cooksiown and Pelzr Hayes is 13 AUCTION SALES Ed Ix school puplla huvn en Jaye bus lrlpa Recently made aludentn toured Ottawa Lat Tuasday grades 678 travelled to Nlagaru Falls and on Thurs day grades 45 toured Camp Borden then want In Mldlulm or lunch nnd vlslt to he county museum Jun 16 nervlca at the Edinr United Church wlll be hcld at pm 6qu make wlll he the Van Read of Mnlky Anxllcm Church Banla The unlor cholr wlll accompany him Sunday School wlll be at pm or next Sunday only The lol lawlng Sundays or the summar Sunday School wlll be 1050 um and Church servlculnl 1130 Rohen Hankell Dougluflayen and ML and M11 Shellswall spent the weekend at Burks Falls Jlm Shellawell Injund his back durlng tha 1111 and llma at wrlllnu la mum at Burk Fall hospltnl AROUND SIM cor COUNTY 12071515 mar lhe allow AUCrION SAE MEG HAYES EDGAR Noudnkm mridm unm Idlltd lnr mmnr nIll no be roumndbh for any mMom thy uh while an mmm Noullnl In Iva Imfll rmm cMhDoflnlrly mvr the umr hu llvrn luv Mun v1 Daimlth lluyul lmï¬hi IIIler mull rm llwlr ldmillrhtlm with tlmk 1130 Thu lollawlnl Mlnnenpolls Molina lrmor hydraullc xldemomlcd miller reur lool bur llve Al John Deere model 50 tractor hydraullc llm PTO Al Cm DC tractor ln worklnz order John Dom model 40 lpolM hllch good order TD llx Dlo no lnlcrnnllonal Bulldozer John Duns lmnMnd helvy duly louder blade or louder Number 01 um chlln Sal cl llurpl hall tracks Ilkl new 11 Icllpropellmi com blm INL Ilka nuw Illll mo dnl 51 Comban 1H1 held Dcurbum Comblnn molarlud pull bohlndl Allll Clnlmm mm dcl so tomhlne PTO John Dcoro mmlmounw 74L pthr mower Mll pawn mower Ill tut lnlemallonll qulck hllrh power rmwgr rut MurrayFerguson model 13 ml rndor dlu cut my mm Ind mar lpom hllth llkc nrw MuuyrFouuon lrlp beam Hurruw plow Mnlnl mull Ilka nrw lnlrrnmlmnl zlurmw traclor plow and con mm RH No or good working onlnr lnlnrnnllunI molarlrrd luler Izood ordw Alll Cllnlmera lmlcr workan order llml lllvrr npnIal llxrrrh In machlne mmpluo wlm llrlu bell wnrklnu nnlm learn Wllllu lerlllnl MINI lm wllh InnMn and thin lwll llkn nrw 5d of 10 Inter nullmnl 04mlle llr 001 mn dlllnn lll dual wheel Iple lnrm lullrr lelnmI 1950 MC Hun lump lnxk bull Mar wllh hum luuuu Qum llly MP 11ml 0r III In mmlvllrry nmny amnll ml IN 10 murmur In IN In mm SIMCOE SALES AND SERVICE Formerly MmeyFcrzuson Dealer to sell by publlc audlvn at the premises IIGHWAY 27 SOUTH or TV STATION Milo Souk ol Blrdo WED DAY JUNE Farm Machinery Including Truck Tumors Comblnel Balers Mowm Dlscs Plough and pan or all MasseyFergu son Machinery Th5 ungcrslgnpd be mde mu um Weï¬are sorry to report hm Norman lennell has had In re tum to hospllIL mu were appointed to represent thin institute It banquet Roi call was recipe or hint or Minds Motto commented an by Bully Dybaii was in nice to be important but lll more im portani to be niceI District Direclur gave pan and an nounced yearly membership ice will be $100 instead oi 50 cents There ll to be picnic at Ciowes school June in cluding games Lunch was serv ved by Mn Peier iVnrdenaar and Mn Bearduli mined by her dauxhler bin Ray Tor rig Crown Hill l3 AUCTION SALES Clowe Wamcnl Insllluls met at Mu Jack Heardsall home June II with ll members and ary pamper Nu lad omenn Institute of um community held mlmllaneqn shown May an Edlar hall ior Mls Gall Bombers ol RCAE Station Edgar and Monls Lavender There was music and dancing Mk Sharon Laven der the bridesmaid and M11 Foss Sutton Painswlck helped Morris and Gail Each thanked their friends alter which lunch was mm by ma ladies of Clefe Institute George Eidwell Sr is II lent Homewood Sana um ntGuej of Willowde Sunday leltm with Mr and Mn Harold erxht ware Mr and Mra Max Livingston and Lloyd and Mr and MH Berna Livingston and Murray all of Guthrie Sunday vlsllhn with Mr Ind Mn Charleslï¬lmpsan were Mr and ck and daughters By ms uvEann Archie McDonIld ol Knmlack Sask who is holldnym with brother Alec McDonnld In Ban rle Attended the Emma anenqer wedding Saturday June at Dalston United Church Funk WNW wk JEHIW COUGHMN Amimrgr Visitors at Shelswelll last week were Shellawdl of USA and Mn mm and Mn Grgenwall cl Orlllla Sunday guests Ham wtre Mr and Mn Hayes and Mlchael Whitby and VII cent llnyeu Edgar Mn Glenn Mimi and bahf Pamela en alew day barrio wlh Mn and Mrs Co week Ralph Hayes but sold hll house and property In Ed at vulan taMr and Mn En el nndamllyol 0m Station WI wclmmimenllta 91h qlqtrlnt with hll unï¬dpmï¬tn To route AAUCTION SAE CLOWES MEREAVEMENIS Sympathy extended lo Mu Lorna Brennan lymlly and rel atlm in flu tuddcn dulh of husband 1mm and brother Lorna Human of 1mm lamb erly of Anzus lo Mn Chm1 Harri Ind llmlly Ind Mr Ind Mn lam Pluton Anlul in the den CharIIe Hmll In Mr and Mn lullo Ran Tannin visitor am the weekend with Mr and Mn Duckwarlh were Mr Ind Mn mum Smlfln and Sim ml Huh Sgt Ind Mn Gould Ind EEMLIRIIILlhI wgelggnd infle Patsy an thl weekend in Pic 11 VII Mr Ind Mn Albert Rev and him Willis and Mr and Mn Clulord Duckworlh Mr and Mn Mancini and Mlle Wood It ended annual Mason church service at Cowman United church June Dmratlon my lervlca will ha held at Angus Union Cemetery Sundny June In ammo pm for laying wreath Ind ser vice It pm Lima ny pm nucxwomn OI Sundiy Jim 16 the Innunl memorlal nervlu wl his place In Mldhunt Unlon emelery at no oclock Everyona ll lnvlled Ilay mar ha urvlca or Ioclal nour mewlnz old Ic qullnunces 1M regalr thumb and Smdu School servlcu luv Men uncalled for lhll oo culim Mn and Mn Cum Mr and Mr Murray Cum mand zd the Innerl of Mn Foam Sn In Uxbfldla hrs 11 hug building and uh or HPTO Ily mm mm mm Arman those attending he Mnde an Inhunor of Mn Moran In Barrie on sumday were Mlu Joan Mom Mn Mann Min MaeflNelllV Mn Human Mrs Stone Mn Irvin Clmn Ml Kennedy Mix Mn Kennedy who went tho winter in lorantu re turned to Mr home hm or the summer Min Joan Moran Toronto 5me the weekend ItGmrd Mgtans MIDHUBST By uni NASH ANGUS run IS SMALLEST STATE Gnmbil In West Africa the cuntlnlnll smallest country with 134000 perlons living in 4000 lquare miles Mn Douala Arnnld and Mrs Jack Mchnn atlended the rad ulu nunu reception and dlnn er the Royal Vlclaril Hosp Iljlrrle Mr and Mn Jack Dixon and ï¬rmly Elmvnle visited Mr und Mn Bruce Miller um um Ily on Sunday Mr and Mrs Douglas Arnold Ind Kenneth ol Brampton spent the weekend wIlh Mr and Mn Jnck M3Caqn and Dawson MRS KEN BUSH Congratulations are extended Io Shhlay Cola and Wayne Mc Kuvur who were married in tha 0n Church Saluriay Mr and Mrs Harvey Robln Ion luv wld their home llld Ire bulldan house on Queen Mr and Mrs Cunard Roblnxon Ind nmlly Amneln span the weekend with their parenu Mr and Mn Hmey Robinson Mr and Mrs Albat McCul llzh Jr and son have sold their home on Bush SL to Mr and Mn WIlllIm Edwnnu md have moved lo Chuley where they have bought nursing home Monday eveninn June 10 the Pine River Doyll True Blue Lady 54 calebrnied the bird birthday oi ma lodge in Higgin lonl hall with birthday dinner and sodni evening Mu Rem Frllick and Mlu Jun McKovor Barrie spent bmdly with Mr and Mn Thom Duckwarlh Mr and Mn George Falconer Ind Dabble men Sunday with 111an In Tomnw Wukend vliitom with Mr and Mn Henry Mlle were Mr und Mm Donald Burma and willy and Mr and Mn Roy Curren and mumllamlltom modem thelr cousin Jack Couch at Chicago Mn and Mn Ron and Mr Ind Mm Ray humor and Arlene were In Mount Albert June when Mr Coudrl tune lchIcc and lntsrrnant took plnce June 10 Mr Ind Mn Duckwarth Mr and Mn mm Mr and Mrs Coulm Battle and Mn Menu war In Toronto Sund fur the uncut aervlcu of the cousin Rev Gordon Peddle of Winnipeg Mr Pcddle died ruddenly heart attack while ntleudlnz the Fresh erIan Church conference tn orontn hat week nwu mum at cumulus In Ivo mum of uuly 1000 publhhu Mvullurl Ind udnmam MIth umlnllon undllod mululy hy uwkmd Alc clnulum WMfl ADC mm how mun ehwlubn hm when hintmumlumhukllmhummfummunM vh you INA mm nu nmpm II numb IM Audit nungu of Clmfllllou no InnIi Anna All lo copy our mm ADC upon Know Ihn you an udvrnlu wlm with conï¬dence gelun um or you advmbln Mary Th mwn we lay you mnt mm any chance bccmc number of lha Audll Bumu Cllcullllom we an th you mined mu in answer lo juu lbonl my qumlon you might hm About an dmulldon We belicv Idvmlml hm right to know what our clrcuhlion ll enclly where ll gm how ll II obluincd Ind cvrrylhlng 11 then II In know lflll All 11 ha circulllon or your ndmllllng messages loo Wem not talking nbout taking dnncu when we fly run or you money Were lllklng About ha full run 01 our nemplper Ind haw It you Idvmhlnx money sou whcn you nm with UTOPIA reg one irecior said that the countryn zmwth Ind davei apmcnl being hampered by restrictive immigration poiiciex Resolution Iludy mupl voted Thursday to recommend lha union Ilnnd pat on resent wage Ind hour lieniation aims and duoled resolution to outlaw interunion rlidinl Conference delegate mm on local he 100000mzmher Canadian branch of the Steel workor were old by union economist um 50000 new mom ban Cmadnl wnrk force will ha unable to find job um your hecauu In cconamlc mwlh sigma mums But whatever Ila strum he said lhe MW party would he nulerznl from any formed In agar prav1nceA Pat Burke regional director oi the umona District which lakes in Quebec laid opinion in Quebec is divided whether the new party should be independ rnl oi the icdernl New Dem0 craih Pmy SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPLTalks ere mm phce on the hundlng new iacln1 is party In Quebec he Cunn dlan pulley conference the lnllcd Steelworker Americl CLC wax told lhunday Mr Manning bid election rnI Ie thl wuk the British puiin mentary lymm provides dil lnn with vote lo elecn lov eminent Nowhere can one find my Indication talk the lrnnchise to be uud xieznliva wuwn to deck In op position Vole should use their im In the 1m elncllnn SocInl Credit won 51 05 mu It 1er mi meived more thin 56 per can of tha popullr vote They hm turned to nan live Issue In their Ilumpu to drain lupport lrom Social Credit the premlar ms EDMUNNN CWThe three major oppoaltlon pm In bum urn unlled In their plan lnr larger oppolillon In the ncxl leulllllure leqrnlu be um um ll lhu major blue in the June 11 mural electlnn Fromm Manning lay he Ippul new an Icknowl edmunl by omluon pm that most clllxens loudly lup port hi mill Credit ovum mam TEE BARRE EXAMINER FRIDAY Should New Party Be Free Opinion In Quebec Divided Alberta Political Parties Hope For Larger Opposition The British um um um climbed lb 1le Hanan horn In lhu Idol Ian Mr of member In flu mum IM um Mellon um Merl In Quebec would mun nolh but mulchnan at ledm Commouwullh FN in gyrlenqel Vlhe NDP now only vmnnu commute in an Bid or mater lumomy the Clnldlan Mn lb union ram Montreal and any local were Ibo 12mm The warm pm mmcd ma cl or nIIlou wlda minimum WI $125 In hour Ind whom week nw resolution from the Syd nsy NS lonl called Illth of on union by mother nub bullstlc practice mpomlblt or the waste million dollar of dun maneyi Murray Cancun Clnldlln publlclb dirmnr and chinmm at the pine on community and Intahunlon zelnum uld It It involvu nldlnz to In sully think up thou do noun coun Na Rumor New Demonu may lander chu ed on emmenl In power or 28 yam nu bacon mount pomyllo eul And hn Illawed corruption occur In lb puth work do pmmenl Gerard Amumnnn predth the AlbumPro me can urvnllvu nld II of strand apposition hu llven Sod credit the opportunity to do may Incl lovemmtn And to convert Alberta 1m county overland by pmvlnclll In mmwn uth only to tlacl embody lo IovOm them in comarm den to nifllulfly auled by 0pm on pm Ind out wt to elm In appeal uon In mmulded mum to ma dc ugly or mm lonbmun In tho mu um cum aim An Uan onYy body m5 9m cum ll