Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1963, p. 1

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Soviets Send Another Man On Space Trip Crown May Lav 19 Charges Today Jncqucl Dutrns srnlar Mont xcul Crown proxcculnr Indi cnlad moody nrrnngcmenls wnuld bu made In send hnso dtlninnd luitkly lrlul Thu Ipllllfl ussm llw Manlrcnl crlmmnl 9mm and June 10 l1w pnlicé munh ur lwo of he 11 nund crlmlnnlly mpon Ihgp mnllnucs Crown lawyers huddlnd all day Thursday behind closed doom It was learned llml Mun renl Crown Proscculor Guy Du Jurdinl and qun mcnvcnuo he nllornnmcncmla spcclnl rcprmnlullvc 1n he case law In Qucbcc my Thursday und xclurncd nllcr consullnllan with Icnlnr pravlnplal lognlafliclnls MONTREAL CF Thu Crown ls expected luy chnrgus loday against ID 21 persons found crlmlnully rcA spansiblo by coroners jury lal Ihc hnmh slnylnyv of 1m arngy 9th chImun spri II Valul Fnlnmlxh Jhxmsly has pm lnlu mhll today Iboud wamnfl de The lcrrnnsi mm dc lAbcr allon Qucbccol tank credit tar Ihc bins lhnl killed Wilfred Vlnccn ONclll 55 the rear an army rccmillnu cuntru in Mnnlrcnl ABlaslmfl Ihc Sovch cosmw naul married man with lhrccmonthnld son came after flurry of speculnllnn In the was that he film would be woman Th passiblllly still remained since Ihcro has been no an nounced Soviet inlunlinn lo and in first series manned spam llllhlsus he US did bméllwcroids or fiuscavllcs xalhcrcd nrnund cars with ra ulc was rcpoxlud cir cling sidearm angle mm Ihe cqualor and broadcnstlnz lnvlhc earth an 200 and fifirmcgncyclc lrcquenclos Mos cow radio sald was operating normally Sovlot news agency Tus said lhc pilot himsell reports and tho altmetric system can firms lhal he salislnclorily wilhslood he pulllng lnlo orbit and lho lranslllon In slut ul wpllilzhllcssness and hat he feels In The news agency reported the space craft was arbiting the unh mice every Be minute from 112 mlles to 146 miles 1mm earth wgpun nvmomzn The slzc add wclghtvias not armnunged 1mmedinlely Thu nuw cosmonnubwu Iden llllcd as LLCol Valet Fedora vlch Eyknvsky 291mm small hwn ncnr Moscow Hls unit named Vosluk Ens MOSCOW AP The Sovch Union launched us mm mm 11m orbit around the earth to day and Premier Khrushchev hinted at least one more Cos manaut may joln tho one al ready up In what may be an olhar space venture lastlnz sev Iral days Tho launching put tho SavM Union nnu ahead of tho United States which nnnaunccd tho and ll project Mercury onemun Ipaco flight two day ago Cfuudn hawk who was nlsa PM Your No 139 or Eaxtofluieéf Eh um For mining Want Ad Telu phonn PA um Thu wlephonn IIme l9 911 for lhg Buslnesl NEW SOVIET COSMONAUT Our Telephones hlnh nuklng lnnlrcnl llw alum ho nskrd lhul mum not he mcnllonzd mlllcd ImMn nimllnr cull Mnnnuhilc lhn dclulninu llm wilnrsm mu procedure lhu lnqucalumlcr wlllch dc cnce lnwym hpcuk only at coronerl fllxcnliun pmvukcd hound cnnlruvcny and much crillchm lhu Coronal1 ML Mcanu Mnnlrml pullre have been kctping in close wnlch an the lwusu or caromr Murccl Trnhnn In suburban Outrcmonl An ununymnu caller lhrculcncd blow lhlz by so nmlvcvc thing In lnken ldcnllun PUHCI um sliII lookmg two other named by the nncrs Jury Jean Cluullcr Iqncnls Glroux Inning sought mm Man up In lhn police Thursday night He corppnnlcd by his pwycr nnmcsnke walkcdlnlo pm llcn hcndqunrlors uccompanied by his lawyer earlier Thursday tn clear himatlf ol suspicion He wns released Um allur noan nflcr hulng questlnned at length by 17 who armed Ihu lngiflcn case mis Ink an lluslnl NW NW manam 11ml Mum It llum lb Buvld umw Tau Kinkéfinur Is in arid Kazkuh slan the Soviet Fm Easl Ru pugllc Tuss said ha purpose of the present tllght was to explore further the cried spam light on the human organism and to test Ihc pilmlng system In long flights The last Vasluk East shlps were launched Aug 11 1962 and Aug 11 1962 Cosmonauls MA rinn Nikulnyov nnd Pavel Papo vlch came close to one mmlhcr whlle In nrbll and were christ ened The Heavenly Twlns Vasmk was blnslcd all from Sovlet cosmodramc probably the one at Daikonaur whom the previous lights were launched diol and aim inufispenkero to hear tho gunnunoement of tho new spaccmao Moscow television showed his Elctum younglooking dark aiicd and handsomu Ha was ix military uniform with peaked nap Tho Toss announcementxaddnd that the colonel wauid be mak lnga pgoiongudjiigh Tho Associated Press reporlod lhl Premier KhrushA chev nnnnunccd the lnunchln ln Harold Wilson Brlllsh Lnbor party leader before In left or hlorlno allcr weekJang Moscow STARS PREDICT GOOD FINANCES OTTAWA CmFinance Minlslnr Gordon opened his budget address Thursday night with story about receiving his horoscope for the day read Dont worry about inan clal problems h27fiarrit Emitter and or In MM rennin Mluvel It Gnulun InllKrl nlrh llm rul In the wllhlmldlnu In In 10 per cm lmm mlnln Inn Invmlmnvln vault be WI mmod mm lulurrn nurh llw Ifiprr wltllhnMinl In mannmnrnl lm nnuM mute dun uunnrn among many Cu Adm pmnm WASHINGTON CW The lhnlrd Hlnln plum In explain llo putWilly ol nn urmnrnl wllh lmmvln uhrrrhy llw wit lmldln In on Irmlrlnlwl dlvl drmll cnnld Im rul In Iva per rrnl Irrlpnxnl lmll Null III llulhmlly HM 11mmlav Nam Ill emuqu lulud traullnn In Flnmvrn Illn hnr WIHII Mnlunl It Influxl Mr Gordon lmd Allrml heir In wllh Iclcrrnvru In yum Cnnlorvnllvs mlnmn nfcmrnl he paulhllny Im scoursd ukclrlum ln uur mlllvmnl Hnnntlnl clns Ind wlml In Irmml lhc Ham llm anwn Clty old rush tr tlvnl Oppuxnlnn DMcn bukrr IuId II was Ilmply oxrrriw In pollurnl plrllmn IN dcnrnn Nawlnn llnnnco mln lnlcr In tho former Cunsrrvnllw gnvrrnmcnl rnllcd It Hm man misrrahln pally Mruymw pnrly mlrlmu cur film In lmhununl Prnnronlvc Conscrwh In Imkcsmm obviously hlrn nu over llw pnllllcul rcmnrka Flnnnm Mlnlslcr Gordon ln cludcd In his budget addrcu centred Ihclr Ire on flunk meet at Iho 100wword document Duuulnq New Immoran OTTAWA CI Oppolillon party trfllc oHcrcd some ncld dcscrlpllom In new lcdernl budge Ihunduy nlghl It is slop the right dlr ccllon but wouldnt want 10 see lot hope engendered hclrc becmllse lhls prqpasnL ML Cooke added have paling on lhls whole budgcl lhnl lg 15 nolgclina lolhumomhl was cxpccflng something hut wnuld come lo grip wlth prah cms 0n the deficit taller all the federal govern has the mum or deflclt innnclng whereas the munlcipnlillc have to pay us hey no hapu hel not maybe lrying to save mo milllon dollar hen mayha this Is not Ihc tlmn lo save II This mlght no he the firm to try tnd lwolhlngs man Thm Is no question about the nzi can dullnr has been In pravcn nld nnd ll benefits are reflected In Barrie econ nmy Govcrnmcnt bonus at half cacti mnnthl wages or $15 whlchuver loss or up am year to private empluycr hlr lag between next Nov and Jun and lralnlng workers 45 or older who have not worked or six at the Mm prcvlous months and are not collectlng tan or unemployment tnsur Mayor Les Cookes comment on Ihe wage bonus The thought here Is good one There no question that some proper slop should be luken because these people are being onlny nur ed at me In their lives when there sill much untapch ubll Hy tho could somnurls US To Talk About Taxes Earle LHLle prcsldenl of lhe Barrlc Chamber of Commerce said It will rtqulre great dun study to know whnt tho eflccls the budch mlghl be Mn Llllle would not eminent on the paragraph CIvIc leaders and other In Enrrle were guarded In their cummém luday on he budget submlucd lo the Hausa of Com mnns last night by Finance Mln Islet Walter Gordon PCs Burn Over Political Digs Budget Comments Guarded LOcally FACEmas um EXTENDS SALES TAXES Iradrr Iv lha lnrly Inld ll alalu upeclrd Ia Mlund Hm hmml mu ll the nm Munnlc Templq unlnnlu II mu nnnuuuud nut livfll vmnn cl In Iowa Wand JACKSON MIII lMl An nlr nl KortInlan hunl over 1m clty lmluy Num lam Ilznnllm lnr mlrrh march march nlrulur nml pnpnrrd Ilrnmnllc unml fiMurnlny Int Ilnln xlvll mm thumplnn livldrnre lnnml Mar urns lhn mmdtr Iml Mm Irnl In he FM Inlmulallu In Wuh lnllun Inn me mu I01 llun he crlmr Thu OVMHICE Included on Inlemrlnl found an II fllllonlly um Io Illl Even he mud If rpler fill Mme Fllf um palm yunurd IIllI Inlo moral nlnlu In Mr hunt In Inlmr who Imlmlhul mm llold urnqty lirNIUnnlfl Au Hm Atmnrcmrnl nlaml lumllj early ulnmlqy Mr Nuwlnnd wns lho only up mullon spokumnn lo Ipcnk In lho Common Ill Mr Gordon nm olhm mm la ner nllu Um louw ndjoum my will hnvn more In my durlnl lha IIxdy budnl dchnle lerrnl hltkbfllchfll klpl up Ilrmly low Inlujccllom dllllllfl Mr Nowlnndl mmlnulc umuh Asked at comment mem ber 01 the Winlcr Works Pm Kram on tho wnge bonus Mr ODonnl mild wuld not pre sume to arenas or comment an the mava beyond saying hat anything deslgncd lo allcvlnle lhc unemployment problem pcclnlly In age group should twelve everybody support wm an nppnlllnl budge with concession In Hm Inrxu co min and mauum wh ch would rcduco Hm purchnslnz powcr people Social Crcdll Lender Thomp mn laid the budm ulvu nwny will nno hand and mu Dick with Um nlhcr predlctcd It would drlw suvcru Itlnck ur ll pautlcnl overlonu and lids rcmnrh =1 my public rellllom nlllccr In mmlo Hydm ln Baxw tie In mmmenllnn on In Ibol Man of export duty on clcclrlc power lald Removal ul tax may well Ianlug nlzublc benefits lo Quebec Newfound land and Weslcm Canndn and nanmwhnl smaller one to On lnr racmcr manlger ol the Barrie National Employment Service sald In realm to ho government bonus to wane or man or over It cemlnly an Incentive The dare to which employer wllt take ad vantage of It will determloe usglnlnnss 0n lho Ihreo year Income tax holldn Mr Cooke said Its good or the slow growth areas but wouldnc want them Io lose sight of thesituation Ihol cx Isl with the small growing com munlllosbordorlng on he Mulro area Those people or neilhor depressed nor are lhcy on the grov lraln Any those pm you that he makes to old llaw gromh arm on xood chardlng 1116 three Items on NHA loans lhil 11 per cent sales tax could wind up by gobbling up what med on tho other we lumsf Mr Cooke concluded am concerned about the export duly onnclcftrlg power Press On With Street Marches Tension Hangs Over Iackson 0n Ihe heavy Impom of car parls This action would b9 sand wuuld lay It stimulates new undary mlnulnclnrinz of the flop 1nqu country would concerned how ever If the small import car dealer were penallzed Certain of these have filled necdjn our tgynslgarkallon Surly OrigHo Clmda Frlglgeruner MM he hid ml mu rp lr ml under mo hand on mu dilluylolu um mu mhuu mm uhllu umfusnr nlmlnlnnl In Um demonAllan hrmn xrrrvllnu whom he up Iwnrul In mellml mm Thuw dny nlzhl II nlly of hyan Alnnlnu than Neuron II Mrlrnn Malhndlll Ipllmg pal Zon Ungnh lmluwr Jnhn Killer hall from Flu Mall MIL had banana on head when polite duh Ilmcl nnd his hluu IIEAIIMN nu Ml ml blood bujAlomrqnn flu mm Nun lrmlm rallied lhrlr MA lamn In vrm 10mm wllh llwlr nlml manhu In prolul umm mlnl harmn buch Ilwmumlrutlnn Itd to 00 up Irlll nml ml clnluwmulnx lay polka nlundnn umhl ho limlwl In mm llm Nnflmml Crmrlrry nut Muk Mllllim I0 Governmcnl bonus hall monthl wage or $75 whlch aver less or am ycur In prlvnlu employers hlrlnx nml Irnlninx Ian lerm Jobless workers £5 or older htlwttfl ucxl Nov nan Jan Thrctytur Income lnx holl day ur new nmnulnrulrlng and procrasan hualnmu In Iluw growth Men not ycl duhmalpd Em niturtrs lIpcrunl mlcx lax on hulldlnu mnlrr lnls Ilccflq loglny ntm nixAd lulu rnl Inlll lnwcrrd lo nor to ram rérpra 001 Mnmrl mm In no minimum 5000 mm THESE ARE THE ITEMS THAT HIGHLIGHT BUDGET Imnnnl and corporation Impr ux rntllupchangc Liquor and tobncco tux ram unchanged mum mmsran Paarson nrrlvu ha House Com mon in Ollnwn Thursday Sula lax nn mmhlnrry Nrw 10m cnl IAIN In on In all nr nhnml n11 Cnundlnn Nmpnnim unpcrly In crown lnlnnll cllrtllve lqnmllnlely Now nowrrml tax on salt Cnnullnn cmnpnnl sham In Mllflllllflfll unlru dam un ntmk mhanun or in munuan 1m Inn mom My hr onu ullrr dlrclho MW Tm wllh mun lmlunll on Ilnhlu hmy tmwm car pom Ind unvomnu Mud than rm on donut to be hm II mm at 115 dollr Pomm Imam In non mllom Ynducl her run our mm pl Ill duo 10 pm wuhhnlllinn In boml inl msl nhulluml whm paid nan Inulllu lurclm bunk mar WW Wllhholdln In Inmnxul Immrdmltly In an wr rent on dlvnlcml mymrnll nhmml Ivy rampaner wim kn llmn zlwuml Cnnmllnn Imm Vllhhulmng In an KIM drmh pnld Alumni mluml hmnMIululy lo 10 pcr mm mm nnynwnlv by mm mm wllh nl luul 11W Clmaxllnn an Mp lrnmsnl for lwn ymr wrlwll lur lax plume nn new mnrhinnry nm equip mml and lvuyrnr when an new lmlldlng In How mth nnnx ya lo ho 1051 1mm fillerllvc lmannlcly lun ymr instead unr Mlle0H on new nmthmrry mul tqulnmcnl Imugln Iuy llnm unywlmm In CImuhl wllh nl Icnxl 251runl Yip nujllnn ownerMp Emu duly myr unwanted Suits lnx an rrlmmuluc lured prnduclu nml pair nwltrlnls nr Mu Mun um hohla Impuml nl un cdfiflyrc duh hcnr he hudgcl speech prc scnlcd by his finance minis lcr Waller Gordan used in manufacturing or pm ducllon other lhan nrmlnz OFJISMHH EWING dcparlmcnl crack down an excrsslva expense nccnnnl Ilvinu on oluulrlc In mun Imhkr Hum Men by many olhrr munlvln Mr Inulun announced hull mnl Iell lrmlnm mm lnm nm In Him yum will nunlnl lo nu manulnrlutlnl and pmmslnl mmplnlel llu up plant In dellgnfltd mu ol Ilonr 1mm Whlrh rlum 1n dml but HM MIMIIC pmvlnm In mml mlnln la IntMug TM IIIAII me will Inky 91ml Il um um Pullman ll WP an Fur our yrnr Hm lmflnmrnl will my hall lhn mind or I7 mnnlhly hhlchuvar In lwr mum mu nr 01ch mm by prlvnln wmpnnlrl hrlurrn Nuv and Jun Twu lm Imrlnnl mmllncullom In lhnl he wmkvr mun by lrnlnrrl Iml mun ham lmn Juhlm lm All Um mnvinun nlmg mnulhl wllhnul sharing um mu unemploymwl Imur uan Jundlu ml mm 11 In Imam Imnurr In ho allwr llrllll myun rm Itxm Ilmnue drxuulmrnl Hmu hun been Dulrrfd lu IALr luunh lim rm rxcvuho 4m pruwncrnunl Iivlnu Hmmmz up In lnx rnlums Imll Ims lvrrn called on lhe Inmllw Iuwklnl up canwanm lulu mach 0an nwld ruumm Hun lulu In hid In curb haultmr uncmploymrnl Mr produced mwtl lvlrnDumarl which rnuld nul 19111me mg nwny Truh ln hl callinl char cml Iccuunlnnl Mr unlun nlm moved lo vluu lnx uup lmlr Anulhcr pnsslmy unpopular mow willl llruvcllm Tho ex rmpllun from duty un mod bought In lhe Unllrd Slum by lnurlsfs lepl he nnnunl Ic cl 42 euch luur nonlhsImpmcd Ins year duran he nusmlly pro nmm In bld In onset lhnl Mr Gordon announced an Immedi nu tul In per cenl mm 615 in the National 0an Acl lending rnlc Amcndmcnls also will be proposed Parllnmufl Inch to ruige manmum NHA mnrlgngcs to $15600 mm 811 900 Ihus Inwcrinz dnwn my mnnls Mn pnymcnu would er slightly REHES 0N SALES TAX Instead he rclicd mainly on the llApercnul sale tuxap Iicd Um manufacturers evcltar an extra $200000000 In tax revenues Next fiscal year he also will let an um 3165300300 by phnuginu lhe po rlod of carporallon lax pay nlclnlsn nourccurrinz wlnd The minlsm loll the sales lax rule unchanged but nppllcd more wldcly such an hullding mnlcrlnls and an all machinery and tquipmcnl used in nrodficllon and processing 9x5pr In Iishlnx and Arming That may not spam hlm un populnmy nmonz cnnsumcrs The building materials mics ax could push up the price of new house In 3000310 ooo mngu by about our per cent nccurdlnz In one reliable csglmulc To more year would be wise havlng regard In the present slate at the em omy he xald To do lus would lie respgqslple on could luvs pro duced more revenue by ralslng the tale personal or corpor auon Income tax cslnl tax or liquor or clgnrclm or tobacco laxns But he didnt Those Iaxc already are very high he said OHAWA random of lhe high hard line that he Liberals had promised electors showed up Thursday night In ace the ram budzelaimcd at re ducing orelgn canlrol lhe economy and bansllng new in duslry or Canadal have areas But the line wasnt hard enough to avoid analhcrdeficlt Flnnnce nistcr Gordon to cast on $565000000 for the 196361 fiscal year undlng next March This would be well below last years mammo deficit but could be swollen by added government spendlng al Insighl Stiil almingflfor balanced budget Mn Gordon called this rnovaln the right dIrccllon Deficit 01 $585 Millibrll Is Forecast Fdf 196354 NorvMorg Thu EQrICtgpylIC Pain Mainly clear Ianighk mSalun day Low anlght 45 High to momw 70 For complete autumnalyum page local EWeathei any can move up through lhll npcrml flutehum by Jun rpm mmalaldfi who In lo luM mu I31 In nuch mum mu mun In mm IMHIMI llte Back In will an Mali Manunomm In II In mum liHMer lmmrdlnlrly Mr lurdnn 1an lhlx In In mu all pnymrnl mm mm pnnln nl Inn 71 nervcvnl Imllnn nunnl Vhrra dnmulle owmnhln Is Im Ike wll rlgg lo 21 My run by MI 5ch mo lhv IN MI 11 hm MM 15 por ll IV llltmh mnle uul ul Canada 10 nunmldrnl nhnvrluoldcrl umney unudvl Umlu Ivy Mr wlonl ed Imm Ivrl nml pent Ho mum In nu tho wllh huhan In lwill Sn rmnlmn mllry Lm wulhl ho imulldnnl Mun umlltl lu ucmwr ncrtmly nnr In many nun Irndlrn lulu My any mallme Ulla unld In Ilirllcull In MHEW Dun nlll Inr rxllmnlv ll lhnl ll would 1m mmfimfim lo lrl much mlnnrllynwnenhlp In oh Hun wnlmllod rm ulnaMy llvl cmullly mmllun ll MIHUKI mm mlunw ul nuney walflJp Unglul Ivy MM Impulldnl minnvlly ln Huh kud sold In Cantu lwu Ir imvlnn will he Irrh par lrnl thuuulhm munuh II nmlcd In Cnnmllnn Whatever mnlrnllcd 7mm dlnn ImImIry almukl hnvc due rcgnrd lor Cnnmllnn lnlcrnls ll xhnulll use Cumulan raw mm lrrluls when puulhlc Ill ox ports shnuld not he lnlnl hy uaxud nr lvnrrnl Inns nhroad ll shnuld rmpluy Cnnmllnn prr wand 11 Ahnuld do mnlc Iulrlnl Irvarch uml dwixn um PF MIMI NH Ill In ymri lhe Itfir on lcrnnlinnnl pnymcnl was 110 000000000 Up In munInes Iixum nvniléhlu non ml dcnls conlrvllcd 57 per cm mnuumclurinu lnduslry In Cam udn 75 per cent nI hu on and 2n Industry and 61 pcr mu mlnlnl and smoking The latter lcalurc could mean that farmer bulldan new burn or min hulldinx rental house could gel the benefitun less the auhscqucnl louislnllnn rule it out Tho minister used th flrll snccch lo cnunclnlbInr In first mu he said latern gav crnmcnt policy on larulgn In vestment and central Cann dinn Induslrlcs Ila ml the scene with mlercnm la unem pluymcnl and thcsv smlsllcl Mr Gnrdnn mm ho ovum menl cult lhl wny Mr Gordon dcparlcd lrum his prepared text In my II that doesnt help the Manlimes hl doesnt know what wllL Accelerated dcnrnciallun also will be provided for than slnwcr growlh mas Mr Gordan snld he will pm pose lain um Parllamanl pro vide lwwbar milmfls In new mnehlncry and rqulpmtnIln mad 20 per can at dimin Ishlng balance At present nnd liveyear wrilcvafls new hulldlngs the haw Induslry dcparllntnl wilh It area development agency suouw HELP Elm WALTER GORDON Jam

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