DIAMOND LACE BLOIISE The classic lines at this de tlighttul blouse ensure its lasting beauty The dalnty lace is one at the easiest patterns oi this skind to knit Al have been put Itogether or your knitting plea sure to produce hmdknit ior you to wear with your suits and dressy skirts The instructions are given ior sizes to Iit bust measurement oi 31 lnohcs lit inches and so inches it you would like the Ieatlet with this design simply send stamped selladdressed envelope to tha Needlecratt Department oi this paper requesting Diamond Lace Blouse Leaflet Number 765 WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTBELLITA TOR TOMORROW This is good period tor launching new projectsespe rlaliy It you have given them vearclul thought and have inves Trigated thoroughly Control emo rtions however and dont go overboard on what may scam to look like promising ro Lmanre Foil THE BITITIIDAY li tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope though an ex lrcmeiy pleasant one suggests that you be exceptionally con servative tor the next 11 months Except ior brtcl periods during the balance ol this month In September and November you cannot expect much planetary help in financial matters until early root Where Job matters are concerned however you can make progress It you get busy right now and wind up all pending situations so that your mind will be tree to spawn trste on new programs and op portunities in September and December two all around good months for all Geminians Personal matters will be un der good aspects ior most ot the year so domestic social and sentimental interests should prosper Romance in tact will be governed by especially good influences In August Septem ber and December also next May Some excellent news at business nature should help you all to splendid start in 1964 child born on this day will be endowed with subtle sclnse humor and brilliant wt TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA amt ANN LANDERS to cold drinks innit snacks AskForlIRainQheokf And Check Mates Mail Dear Iinn tandem Ten days ago my husband wrote his an nual breezy iultolhotair let ter is his sister to Phoenix Ila casually mentioned it would be nice it their daughter Ellie age to could come tor the summer and help in the flower shop Three days later we got an airmail letter saying Ellie would love to and shell be on the lirst bus loliowlag her grad uation Dick ls tlubbergasted llo says he never dreamed shed take him up on it Also he isnt sure now be has Job for Ellie He never discussed this with me although am the one who would have to teed her enter tain her chautieur her and make sure she had good time Dick goes tishiog every week end and takes our sons must stay home with lsmoathoid toddler so my weekends arent exactly vacations And lm 41 years old tboot Dick says he hasnt the heart the means gutsI to rescind the otter What shall do about this meanCRISIS Dear Crisis Since Dick hasnt the heart or the guts to unwind the invitation then you must do It II this girl Is not welcome shed leel It sooner or later So yoursdamned It you do and damned ilvyou dont My ad vice is dontand be damned SNACK TIME Dear Ann Lsnderst My hus band has two sons by iormer marriage He gets the kids every summer Tor eight weeks Please settle something tor us In advance The boys are nine and 11 years old They are high spirited andiull oi vitality but they are obedient and enjoy them thoroughly The only point on which my husband and dis agree involves the reirlgerator The boys are in and out of it all day long helping themselves Returns To College After 35 Years NEW YORK AP Edith Dean went back to college alter 35 years of being out ol school The result masters thesis and book Family Living In the Bible The book published this spring was an outgrowth at thesis on family tlvhrg which earned her masters degree at Texas Womans University In 1960 it was her third volume dealing with religious subjects lilrs Deon wile of Edgar Dean iormer mayor of Fort Worth Tex was womans editor and daily columnist on Fort Worth newspaper or more than 75 years Although Mrs Been was re luctant to start studying atter she Ilnlshed her second book her husbands encouragement convinced her she should return to the college When Mrs Dccn tackled her thesis she iound the Bible cov ers the sublect ol the family more thoroughly than any book on record Practically every one at the so books in the Bible has some rclercnco to iamily living she sys tier book to based on the King James version There are parallels in the Bible she says to every one oi the social ilis threatening the iamily today Including Juvenile delinquency divorce break down ot lamily lite problems in marital relationships and merger mire 04g Start building garage from the Ball now Doityourseli or we can do it for you labour and material it will cost less than you think and will be an excellent place to store bicycles and lawn mowers as well as protect the car next winter CHOOSE GARAGE THAT BLENDS WITH YOUR HOME Individual Design Outstanding Value NO DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS Call the Iloll tor the tree catalogue and son the many styles with your house down payment and terms to suit your budget why not start today to blend with no available FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Modernizing Services 48 Anne St DIVIMON 01 Till Mitt IIANIMI MILLCo LTD PA 60902 Barrio the constant moving oi homes Her book outlines Biblical teachings on iamlly lite and Mrs Dcen believes the Bible contains cluesto the answers tor all these sociological prob whatever they seeAt mealtime they pick at their lead because they are not hungry lve told myhusband am opposed to this but he says it is part at happy childhood His mother was very stingy about food and he and his broth on were punished If they were caught In the Ice box He made up his mind this would never happen to HIS children ls suppose he does have point Ann but so do Will you settle illSECOND WIFE Dear Wile Theres big dil ierence between being stingy about tood and allowing kids to eat all day long Set snack time midway be tWeen lunch and supper and tell the boys they may help them selves To allow children to eat continuously and ruin their an petites tor balanced meal does not make tor happy childhood nor healthy one either lJear Arm Loaders shirt tall cousin moved to this city several months ago wanted to befriend her so gave her the names at my sitter my laund ress myday lady an uphol stercr carpet cleaner seamstress yard man and so on guess therein such thing as being too good Iriénd be cause now when want the ser vtccs of these people they are busy She has given their names to her neighbors and am out at luck She also has spoiled them by paying more than did which was adirty trick What do you think of this sort ol iriends Dear Kn Lincoln treed the slaves You cant tie people up arwmore and expect them to work tor you alone unless you hire them lull time The only solution is to call several weeks in advance and pay the going rate supremo Extend Life Oi Versatile Cotton Fabrics TORONTO CPI The aver age cotton dress should last at least three seasons at regular wear it properly cared tor textile consultant said here While in Toronto tor Domin ion 1extiles preview oi its 1964 spring and summer cottons Joan Blanchard outlined the simple rules tor the care ol the versatile iabric Glazed or siikaInishcdcottens most oi which have been treated with resin to make them crease resistant should be sturched she said Cottons should be washed In warm water Hot water does not clean but only sets the stains and soil In tho lobric Miss Blanchard said Boillng clothes to get them clean is definitely thing oi the past Bren in the old days it was the clean iresh air not the boiling later which made clothes bright and ires CARE IN WASHING Miss Blanchard recommends pure soap or an extremely mild detergent tor laundering cottons Strong alkaline detergents break down theiabric tibres quickly Dry cleaning Is not an advan tage ior pure cotton Dry clean ing solutions will oitca discolor iabric Although hand laundering ls best all cottons are machine washable But the heat at clothes drier breaks down their iinish Sunlight will not iadc the col ors at most at todays cottons Miss Blanchard said The nine or 10 dyeing methods used by her company make the colors last to the sun And cotton prints do not have to be ironed on the wrong stda to keep their color and flesh ness she said No matter how much we talk about drip dry these tab rtesdo need extra care and little touching up she said explainingvthat the materials which come closest to being 100 per cent drip dry are the pllsses and batistes ior nightwear And drtprdry means just what it says These Iabrics should never be put through wringer but should be hung out soaking wet so the water can drip out FINE FABRIC oi the hundreds oi qualities of cottons the quality varies with the thread count per square inch the line but strongly woven tibpensquareinch Is the most popular Miss Blanchard said The most delicately woven ilbres are those in the salt night wear lahrlcs which require more care than other cations and should always be washed by hand Denlms and corded cottons require the least care and the new printed terrycloth which bliss Blanchard recommends especially tor sport and chil drens wear requires the same care as towel Most at todays cottons are treated so they are mildew prooi and perspirationresistant she said There are very low cottons you couldnt split cup oi tea on and then later remove the stain To Illustrate the versatility oi cotton llttss Blanchard has de signed garments ranging trarn iormai evening and ball gowns to bathing suits and childrens play clothes Next years summer prints will have this years Imagina tive Iloral and abstract patterns in sotter more ieminine colors liliss Blanchard predicts pink will again be the landing color tollowcd closely by blue blue green and yellow Feminine Styling Dominates Fashion TORONTO CPIWomen con sumcrs are seeking higher qual ity rather than extremes and ilamboyance members at the Garment Salesmen Ontario Mar ket were told here Monday Bernice Connor senior edl tor oi McCalls magazine and an editorial assistant to the president ol the McCall Corpor ation said taste has become the key word in the lives oi women The post war eras sloppiness and extremes such as tight slacks ia the supermarket havebecn replaced by quiet conservative and more ieminlno styling Miss Connor said The natural soitly flowing look manllestatioa oi womans return to more clas sical taste will continue to dom inate next seasions iashlons Miss Connor said For loll she predicted very dark almost gloomy colors deep browns blues greys ava cados Nowyou gan judge banana by itsflcover Meet Chiquita Brand Bananas Chiquita outsid This the best inside Some bananas come from the tropics unprotected get exposed to bumps and bruises Now Chiquita Brand Bananas are shipped in heavy boxes to protect them from bruises Inside and out mittmind Remember how it used to be You could never really tell whenever you bought banana whether you might be gettinge magiera Igngon It might be bruised on the Inside But you couldnt always tell born the outside Now theres something brand new at your store Chiquita ilrand Bananas Now you Cfl lodge banana by its cover Instead ol coming up irom the tropics in their birthday suilson big stonisihpse bananas come in strong lrbcr boxes To protect them irom bruises inside and out So next time you shop make sure you get gonadrailroad Bananas Look lorihe seal on the peel Its the mark oi wellinaughtup banana flhlquin Brand Bananas sumirsrl nevusrs mu