Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1963, p. 22

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Shun HHnl hy lugs 11 llmn Imm Um mm Hark wlmln lny prrlml Ml lhr luvm um mm In Him pnrkrlhmvk hlnu lw an llnll wan Illvlu lfllllll xml lw fnuml Imm nhlp lml In my rnmprnllllnn nurnunrmlrd hy um unlunmr undrr llu unlock Ilnlrrllnn Tumin nlhrr husinm mumll mnlluncd jnlnl mnl In In the nmmunlly llnll hno with Mrdunlc mundl to dlunu lurllwr nlprdl ll Orr Lnku mlullvlnlnn Nun Toul summed Income IhLI ycnr lrnm mm 191201704 Mulch Inrludca nrinu sprclnl rum wvh an slnrl Ilnlulnu al Ihrlpslnn lrlcphonu mlu MC Income Huh yrur mm laxullun Ill be nhmll the mm as In yvnr Mr anrimnn mm We dnnl cxprcl In wrml nny nmra mnmy lhu ymr lllzm we lid kn IDFIZ Cnuncil the 1963 mlll rule at Ila June mccllnn Ins week nvsldcnllnl and arm rule 09 doun mm 612 last year vhllc buslmu Imd commercial mm 54 cnmxwrcd lo Thls year or he lim lime Hm bushing and rummtrtlal rule unnliu In Elmvulc Disklcl High Schaal ELMVALE sum Ewen lhangh he lax rate In Flo Town xhlp droppnd almm 20 mil lhls year lnxpuycra will slill my about lhn samu nmounl Into the lownslllp treasury as hey did last year This is hccausc the new luwnship masscssmcnl who lhls your bnosts lhc lmrnshin assessment almul 43 per cent nbuvr Iho nmiuus lgA urc clcrk John Roblmun explain Thlrd Ylnr mum Bertram Om Sunlnn Mnrfin Thnrnlon Smith Edgar Hunt Orlllla Mllcrlnnald lnulllule lIrsl Yur Drgrln Jnycn Ncfllclon elm nnc nix by Orllla Margaret Ed wnrds Vnscy Hunlcr Slrnud Spccri homlnn George New mell Secund glr Dcxrc secund Ye Hnnnon Orillia ml llum few weeks 8120 we announc ed lhls years llst ol Slmcne County graduates from the On lario Agricullural College There were seven Degree and three Dlploma graduate and live Flrsl Year Dlplumn students rerartcd at that tlmo or la la of 15 or Slrncoo The list of undergraduates who have suc ccsslully complelcd lhelr year at lhe Onlnrlo Agricultural Cal lez and lllaerlonald lnslllute nl Guelph has Just hrcn nnnnunn ed and we ind OJLC and llve Maednnald Imlilule sludenls lxstcd making lolnl nl ram slmcoc County lor lhe year Following llslol suc cchuLOAC sludcnls Nun mu nn Iyln IA Dw In Mn um null4 mun mm mm mum um mm mm rum Immn mm anl Ivlunlhn nnml mu qmmmu mme hum um mun mm mu Yu Wm ull mu mam mm mulun ulmmw mm Pay Same Taxes To Treasury Despite Drop 0f Twenty Mills SHOWN CHATTING al Ielt la right F5 Gaod Sergeantx Mus Committee can Mess Dinner 1mm wln FS Berg President W01 Faster un Farm Youth In College 30 From Sim County NMII Alllllfil NOW FORMING SPECIAL CLASS By STEWART PAGE Alrlcnllurnl Repruenlltlvt Norlh Slmcoe Bunin luau ém mu Nu mu Imm gum Immi rmuul NutIn 1mm muqu uunmn um um my mu Mr my mum ruuml lllh hum Am llln OSLO APIA clmbcr hal rcporlcd Ilnhllnx lvm Icindtcr druman parachulcs In he ulld Nnrwann Dnvre mounlnlm Hm aprnrcnlly Mre dmppcd during Ar rxcr rim and an mm In lhe uln dcrrs horns Flo Township mlunsllnn on he Vnsagn Bench anncxmlnn qucsllon are going In lhe Du purlnmnl of Municipal Affairs fur considcrnllnn Flu annshlp xtnnds lax nhnul 900 am prescnl nnncanon mm ncccpltd The lhrcc munlcl palm lnvnIvtd Wnsazn Heath Suunldalu Tawnxhlp and F105 annshlp nre wnifing or he nrpnrlmenl to set new hearing dale Mr Robinson was Instruclcd In an an cnginm In survey the Arena In no Inslalllng arliHA clal Ice me Is mle Idol 8th Elmvalc and Flu rcsldcnla are nnxlnus lo gn uhcud th Ulla prokcl as man approval Ire received Acl Im nll of the shcrp des lroycd uln Io all lypu Ind Many lhunsnnd ol sludLnls ln lllgh School or Collegian across lhe Counly nro complet lng lllolr years work lhls monlh so lhls probably tho has llmo Io consider plans for next your For the younger sludcnls who musl rclurn lo school ncxl lall lllls ls good llme lo do some Ihlnking lo lhc courses or suhjccls nncdcd lo prepare lor lhn future For example dont dcclde to drop French Jusl he consc ol low marks last year socond language In re quircmcnl fur cnlmllce to most colleges and in Canada French Ahould be lirsl choice it is encouraging Iosce so many young people at today ink ing ndvantnzo at the opportunity or morn advanced education at the 0AC and Macdonuid in stitutu There are at course many other 1963 graduates or undurgruduaius at nthnr Colleg es ar Universities and to all we extend our hast wishes it is en couruging that an many are making good program in lhrir chosen courses at Coilegn Second Yur Degree Jane Isnhclle Russ Slroud Vlclorla Anna Harman orilllav Joan Mnry Thackcr Barri Barrie Berlin Fisher Tham tun Milan Appllucu THINK MW STIMTGEIEIGHT CHAS KELLY SERVICE CENTRE PA 87122 In concu n1 lhl rtporl wuul th lhb uod Kim ha ywr Iv mlan though lownrd urlhrr educa llnn lhnl mlth help in cape wllh the problem at today and lnmormw Thll rcpnrl unher mm lhal Clearly here Ample Hlnm for consldernhly mum ynumz men Ind women In prnlcssionfl nnrltullum In addilinn to da mcslic requlrcmenll Canadian urologists are In demand an aver lhewnrld became of he lhornuzhnes hclr eduenlinn In aaglcgluual Acienm de lhe iuiure in thin while the numher of ne lunl larmcrs needed is rapidly decreasing the cmploymnni op portunilles lnr lhose with larm background are going up Just rapidly ii is reliably reported hat in per cent of the employ ment in Canadn rclnlcd lo agricullure Along with lhi hiuh labour requirement or ngri culture in he produclinn and processing at iarm pcaple lhm II zrnwlnz hard or pmiusian and technical agricultural wnrkcni ia give one illustration only recent ropan enlillad Careers in Professional Aaricullurc as published by the Canadian im pcriai Bunk oi Cammercu slnlc lhat illcru are rolnnllnl open ing for 1500 ugrcullurnl nrad unic each year ycl our supply over the last iew year has uv mind its than onequarlcr his numhc prnbltm lhal locus many rural young people or In day Is hm more are no longer enough arms for all whowould like to farm Added lo the grnw In scare at good farm land the pro cm of rolslng the $30000 or mm capllal re qulremcm lo buy equip Ind oy erotq hum Wm mu lnfour years in Cnllege snund objective for flu farmer of marrow Grad XIII minding shnuld he the objective oi ihe greai mm Jarliy ni sindcnisi Grade XII slandlnl is acceptable ior cm irunce la ome advanced coni tes learning but Grnde xiii the open dour in all couple of generniion ago public schaol educatinn was lhnughi by many an ade quuin cducaiian fur farmer bul today farming is business and praimian well as an an and our or live yam in High Sh aqd polsxibiy two one to be presented In Commissioner Gordan Robert son will hear he 1mg raventhe symbol ol Yellow knlIoand ha mayor muesli other communities should de vise their own msla or the berets Mayor Harlan my he hopes olhcr lerrllurlul communlllc wlll adapl the whllc betel 5yLnbol ol the north YELLOW NWT CWMayor Ted Horton says the conunlssloncr of he Nonh west Terrltorlcs will be given while beret when he visits Yellowknife In July to open Ihe Myseum of the North lo the armor Edna Alkln of calm They have hm children We and Mrs Fnsler plan lo live in Brlllsh Columbia me MI retirement W02 Foster enlisted 1n the RCAE In December 1940 Ind new employed lelecummun leallons supervisor Ila served oversea during World war II nnd on numerous slalluns In Canada slnee the War W01 Faster was born In Abernathy xkalctlnewan 5nd Isrrnarrled W02 Hamilton enlisted In he RCAF in 1931a dlsclpiinarinn in the ensuing iwenlysix years he has seen service an moat Canadian Simon as well as overseas during World War ll On his retirement he held the pdsilion of Station Warrant Olli cer Ii Slalinn Edgar W01 lllm illun is native Edinburgh Scotland and il married to the farmer Mnry McCArmick Eastern Passage Navn Seoul They have Iwo children W02 and Mn Hamilton are presently making incl hamg InABIrrie lo WED 40 mo pm EAT In no pm For OutolTonn Pnllenll Frl by Aypolnlmenl White Beret North Symbol HOURS Mom lu hyrlu hl IAC Bldg Barrie Doctors Prescription Accurately Fillch PHONE PA 6889l The Nude W02 Wllflnm Hamilton W02 FoMer and FS Goodwinrepresent combined ml at 12 your ol Canada Three Senior NCO were iron 0er at recent Mos Dinner in he Sergeanu Men RCAF Simian Edgar on Iheir mun mcn from the RCAF II the conclusion oi inn ierm service careers Senior NCOs Retire At Edgar ll Collier Sf SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS NEW OFFICE of Toronto NOW HAVE BANKS leaslhan Iflhumcn In India now have my bank when hay can horrow muncy lhslcud of farmer moneylcndcra who charged 1w per cent Interest FS Goodwin enlislcd In Nov ember m7 and now employed as Moblla Equlpmenl super vlsor Under F5 Goodwins sup ervlslun RCAF Station Edlnr won HI Mr Defence Command Sara Drlvlnz trophy in 1962 F5 Goodwin married to lho armer Margaret Sullivan Ennlamore Ontario They have three children and plan In make Ihelr ulure home In Barrie Mr Burl Mitchcll of South vlew Road who Wu alien in Barrie hospllal rmnly has returned to her home We Wm sorry to hear that Mrs Moon Four piece of properly at lhr Pain have changed hand this prlng one at these being the Ikcshnre cousin of Robert G1 roy which has been purchased by Inhn Bradbury Cl Road This lmlcd on Parksldc qulevnrd Fréd filhurTcozrialsvllnz 01ch Jcnu and Image guys mafia um muuu llne job of cleanlnu up the lam rem limbs and brush 1n the park as well raklng up and carting away lhe dchrll wnhed up on he shorc 111 mil has also been cut In the par IS BAYFIELD STREET LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or ALLAN INGRAM work part mums pmfif BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION HOT HUMID WEATHER AHEAD MORE COOLING NEWS Grape Ade wlth mu up mm Apple Ade wnduul drink won anouumouummrmul WINDOW umdmummmmnn um um wmmuy ls sllll conslderahlo dust ey confined to Royal Vlclorla Hospllal and trust 19le anon be around again lam mm on BayvlcwRond which was cracked 111 base and leunlnl over In xlrccl has 22 flNEfl WEDNESDAY JUNE ll 3mm mm WARM WM HuSh Puppies The quickest way to cool summer re freshment No squeezeno thaw no mixl Just pour right from the carton No doubt about ItSealtest Lemonade Is Ilka homemade SERVICE Clappomn Sf GOLDS SHOE AVAILABLE ATV Mr and Mrs Hurry Hammond und Mrs Ed Mchln of an unlu cllled on Mr and Mn Ingram 105 week nulsmlr on Fnlrvlcw Avenue whlc It hoped wlll man be overcome villi treatment salt or all PA 61615 PA N331 BY GREB WWYQ 345 gt

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