mm ll BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 12 Thu storm on Monday night put Cookstown In the dark for nbvnt our hour when light nan struck the high tenslon wlres near Ihe maln arossronds The wire dangled tense and Ontario Prnvtnclal Police were on the Job minutes afterwards to keep pndeslrlnn and vthlctc clear at the danger The Hydm crew had been swamped with calls across cnuntry to the west and It was nearly uur hours hcfnn the power was on In the village ndny School raily belng held In It Unlrcd Church was blacked out and ï¬nished In cnndlfllfhl resldent whn was sitting living room across 1mm where the wlres were struck ls said to hava been slightly hurt but akhcrwisc no Injuries resullcd WANT MORE POLICING er son an oi Bur Point which is ihc locm lion ni some very large home an in Kempenicll Buy all the nth concession line cnme lo Chicl Brawn compiuin lhnt two large sione vnscs containing Iowan and which dccnmicd he pilim oi the entrance in hair auhdivisiun had been stolen Thay were valued at ilily dol im each Mr Wllsnn feel that Ihelr urea does nn let heir shar ol pollclnz and demands more lrcqucnl palmlllng lie lso camplaln he hlgh speed vehlcles usan tho 1m llne whlch he clolms ls vary danger mu to pedestrians who go on fool to and mm the El Buy Pnlnt stores Mr Wilson feel um thelr large assessment means they pay blg portlan of he taershlp bollclng and that they have not been golï¬ng an equal share the services Canudlnn Girls In 1mlnlnx ol frrinlly United Church held lhulr mnlhcr nnd dnuxhlcr hunquel In 4110 church school mom June The glrls lhulr mothers and guest enjoynd lurkey dinner 1urvzd by member nl the Unl lod Church Woman Explom irk nml Schnldlcn and Chdllnu Fink brimr resolved Krndumlnn dip Iomns lNNISIIL NOTES ngienl Insflluli met ll the home of Mrs Brooks June vviu 11 Lumber Izresont Mr minséh Ihn newva eleclod pnslqgnl wns madamRe llld education Mrs McClain Mrs Hurlhcrt Mm Brooks and Mn Focher hnd Mullion explain the special sheet 01 Information mumman W0 cm mghu lhal Md hem lent out to all branmus mm ugproximjnl 12ng lilé Ellrénll ichool verse brougm back to memory many 011 poems Explorers CGIT Rt Thornton gGet Awards After Banquet Mrs Davis lhnuknd Mr Mallion or coming and mnkinx this informnuon morn cleaer undLnlood V111emolto Learn lo disagree wlkhoul hclng disagrocubh was zlxcn byM lbgrt pruldenls Mrs Maillon Mrs Abernathy us well ML Brook Glam Jrnncl nnd Mary Carr wt lhe OGIT IrL who wm pmmlcd WM 3611 plnl Mr and Mn Trlm of NM mnrkfl Ipml Mnndny nvrnlnu with Mn lhmcll Raw Mr and Mn 0mm And Michael Toronln lellal Mn Melon on Humlny Mallion Explains womens Rights mefl 15min 11mm 5ch fly M115 unnmn WI upulllly wnltomo rltvlwul orwlnlullom don Cookstown Dark In Monday Storm For morvnllom Apply In Nuh Secularylrluunr Elmvuln Communlly Dom Elmvnlo Onhrlo Tcl l75 Mnln Hall 92000 per day or evening use kllchon £500 extra all or 50 persona 01000 per day or cvrnlllm All Newly Drcnrnlcd Sulnbln vo commotian mnnllngl or blnquols up In 400 parsom TWO HAllS AVAILABLE NEWTON ROBINSON HAllS FOR RENT sum CAKE During the alternoon col breakycslerdoy the township office stnfi enhde piece or homemndo birthday cake to 09 lehrnta the birthday oi Misl Mary Sloan drop in just the calm was be on served and were among those to con sratulnto Miss Sloan who is now Deputy Clerk and ofï¬ce man ager hnvin slarled when Wil llom Sloan was township clnrln and served throughout the ten ure oi Gavin Allan and Allan irelon We eel sure that our readers will join in oiinring their congratulations IVY Spcclnl Service of Conï¬rmation ol the parish of North Essa took place June It pm In Christ Church here The laying on 01 hand and the address was by theij Sulfugan of Toronto the Rev TL Hunt MA DD The Conï¬nnallon 13 cnnslsled of 16 members we mm Angus and our girls Ind 10 boys 1mm Ivy The class consisted oi David rnd iiobm Rudd Angus and item ivy Jane and Stewart Berry Heather Mnninlllnm Susan and Michael Harper April Lee Robert Davis Donald Lnd Larry Gilpin Keith Money Michael Ruby Lany Smith and Michel and Malcolm Wilson reception followed the ser vlcc It was held ln the Chm basenmit members of Chrlst Church Womans Auxlllnry ser ved rolrcshmmlu wlm plans In mak her home In London England In the nut lulure BEEmN Special The alien noon unit the Unlled Churdl Wmnen of Trinity Unlwd Church here held meeting and qulltlng In the olde Adml mom will good aucndnnce Mrs Elwood Nldlol presldul The worship servim was con ducmd by Mrs Nichol and MIL Wright The study book was nkcn by Mn llnlstead and mLsslonan wading Illa work ol Dr Flomnce Murray mat lcnl mLsslonnry In Korea wan read by Mm Kenna Mlcmmn on was served by MIL Nlchol Mm Wert Mrs Kenna Mrs Cnmplln Mn Jule and Mrs Wildash Mr and Mn Minn Wnnl Ind lnmlly unuvllla upon In dnyl hm me with Mr And Mn Allnn Mlflllnn Mr And Mn Gwrn Holt nmrnlm ml Mr Ind Mn Wnl ltr Andrews nurmlnl llm harm Mw ln Aurnm on Snlunlny nml lnlrr vlnilnl Mr and IL Unr drm Mnlflll in Illohmoml Hill Musan number lncludrd hymn by the Explorer um Immpd and plum duel by Gloria Jcnncu and Mary Carr Toasts were proposed In lhu Queen Ihu chum our mothem The vnlcdldory nddrm was Klvcn by Glnrll Jenncll Linda Hunter mnd lhe Icrlplum MM June Campbell wan he nest spenknr Mnry Cnrr lhnukcd Mrs Cam hall and lho Indies who urv hrisllna Finkhelner lhnnhd he MIT on bchnll II Explor 11m Unllrd Gumh anIn Md numulul lunrhmn nml lmlm Inlo In flue Sunxlny Idlool mm on Wrdnmlny Bishop Hunt Conï¬rms 16 Beeton UCW Unit Holds Quilting STEAKS ROASTS SIRLOIN wms PORTERHOUSE BONELESS ROUND 0R RI SllCED PORK IVER TABLERITE Cunadnn Flnm Quality Rod ï¬nd Blue Bland Beef 0R LB HOUSE 0R RUMP ROASTS ECONOMICAL and NUTIllTlOUS LII 29c PRICES EFFECIIVE JUNE 12 18 II WE RESERVE Ill 11le To LIMIT QUANTITIES TBMKio JUICE mil Eï¬Ã©TCE PEAS 82$ ll VII CH Hull iiï¬zNEL com Bug ORANGES 55° =55 $30 RECEIVE 00 IN BONUS TAPES with YORK BEEF OR lRlSll SKEW lax flu IGA MAGIC LIQUID DETERGENT flol mum RECEIVE $200 BONUS TAPES with GREEN DEANS llldl Eye me French CIIL INK COUNTRY EH SAUSAGE Sehnelderl Pun Ian ILh Ill CELLO TOMATOFA product cl No man RECEIVE 00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH WHITE SWAN TISSUE while or colored twln pith RECEIVE 00 IN BONUS TAPE Illh GA CANINE 290 My plent flu cella lube BIRDS EVE FROZEN FANCY PEAS nonm noon nayu DELUXE CAKE MIXES WAX PAPER HM For WRAP NIISODEM TOOTHPASTE DOLLAR MJFflflNM NO MADE GIZOIIHIA llleR Ill EASYTOPEEL Im 29c 53 100 BONUS TAPES NAVEl SOUTH AFRICAN 79° NFL lull Glul Rho Roll 39c 100 00