judge in Chicago recently acted in novel way with some juvenile delia quents Judge William Obermlller had three teenagers Sent to his court They had been drinking and fighting on one of the city beaches and before the judge they presented very cocky and arro gant picture as they sfruited amund and epi running combs through their long fancy hairdos The were accompanied by eir parents made little effort to interfere one who did was fold off by her offspring The boys had been in court before even though considered to be from good homes The judge ruled One hundred dol lars and costs and 60 days in jail but changing his mind he said Sentence suspended They were put on robatlon The judge had brainwave an with the probation he ordered an outmoded and almost forgotten method of punishment spanking The parents demurred nt do ing but were willing tor the police oi Iicers to do the honors There in front of 200 spectators they were given treatment of 15 strokes when placed over table They now looked silly in their Most people love joke but call to pollcc to report bomb planted ln ho school ls Iar from jest except in war ed llttle minds The caller knew that po ice could not afford to Ignore the warnlng Chlel Constable Ed Tschlrharl said he suspected that the call had been hoax but he could not take chance He called in Air Force exports and carried out thorough check of the school helora 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 1028 Town chosen again as site for open water sum mer meet of Canadian Amateur Swim mlng Association on Civic holiday On Sunday gatekeepers at Essa load rail way crossing counted more than 10000 autos passed over the tracks in 24 hours The only highway from Toronto to the north passed right through town main streets Barrie was gaining reputa tion as haven for free meals tor trans ients so Town Council decided to abol ish practice Alderman lyrer said Why should we be running up big hit for the taxpayers by feeding men at this time at year Times are good and we are llving in land flowing with milk and honey These men will never work as long as you feed them Barrie Allandale and Lakevlew dairies engaged in dispute with lilllk Producers Associa tion but local supply was not curtailed Town Council decided against any spe cial concessions to allow merchants to spin goods on sidewalk Dr Kirk patrlc of Toronto addressing Barrie Ki wanians at the American llolei said he had recollections of South Simeae as place where the people loved their neighbors paid their taxes promptly The bomb scare last week at Central Collegiate comes under the category 01 sick humor Glamor Ends When Kids Find Discipline Handed Out PROLONG TAXPAYERS AGONY Cnlgury Herald Fllllng out onen Incomu lax form Is It unuvoldnblu an ordeal the cod liver oll must of us were lnrccd to swallow when we were chlldrcn Aumma Icer um ml Tad lllu um mnl pa mun Emmy m1 qu Ilnlldlyl moqu IKNNIIII IAI rum MUN Alum ll mnuum rIIIILu Anal lulu All mllvm Illuuh lmmllLLV um rmmun my unm my in mm In 0n um my mum mm mum mum nu ul lonlln llwmv on ummm cumn lum dunmn ma dum Vim 19 Numb ml h0 Imm Amvl Mun In vnmmn lnn almiva In In Imlullnn oll In hm um lull mm Mu Thls year however the government has mnnngcd lo prolong Iho lax aycrs agony by mnklng him run an sinclu mum before ho learns Illo hillcr llulh of how much he owes fly the lime the taxpayer cnmplllnu his tax nrrim panllng on tho Inlnh fly the lime the taxpayer cnmplllnu his tax nrrim panllng on tho Inlnh line he wlll lmvo nuhlrnclctl 10 per ton from Illn mlllcd use per can that nml added 10 per cent lo mmelhlng clsu ngnln Bomb Scare Is Sick Humor noflmn nl course relay lwynml reach of the In collcclor hy Innlnlnlnlnua vllo ml 17 rhllxlrun on salary 810 Walls Publisher The Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE her Brian Slaighl Generil Manager TUESDAY JUNE 11 1m 41 Iriends eyes they were not the big brag gags any mm They were next marched to the bar bers where their hair was cut to not more than half inch long That was not the end for they had to turn out each Sunday wlth work gang to help clean the same beach they hid so cheerlqu littered Others of the gang who had come to court as sort of cheer section left qulcklywith eyes downcastthe glamor of being hlgshot had da parted ur some months afterwards other similar sentences have been given In each case it was useful but lacked any allure Hhe judge says Its time or stricter discipline and for kids to find out theres law more important than their own desires The treatment is not handed out to the first offenders but to those who are indifferent to normal pun ishment Now the judge is finding out he isnt doing much anking he doesnt have ta change in uvenlle habits has made it unnecessary More parents are discover ing the treatment has merit and fortified by the courts example they are trying it themselves with excellent results exploded there could have been loss of life This grim prospect naturallyJed the chief and his Air Force assistants to move swlttly on the assumption that blajt could take placg The perpetrators of the hoax protect ed by their anonymity probably regarded the slluation as highly mirthprovoking The failed to realize that true humor not ullt on potential rragedy comlng to he deï¬nite conclusion there had been no bomb nnd voted Tory St Pauls Anglican Parish of lnnisfil marked its 77th anni versary In 1845 John Pratt settler from England gave an acre of his land for church site and cemetery First burial plot was that of Annie Gil In in 1850 frame church was erec ed in 1851 and from that time services have been regularly held Rev Garrett Nu gent was the first rector until Rev lilr Morgan took charge along with Barrie and Essa in 1885 Canon Murphy be came the first sole incumbent of the mission of lnnisfll and continued for 39 ears The original building was re laced the present brick church in 19 Barrie Citizens Band was raising money for new uniforms Benefit night at New Dreamland Theatre featured Pole Ne rl in Barbed Wire The famous hllee Ni hthawks were booked to play for done ng ct lllnets loin At Ed mund llnrdya annual recllal in St An drews Church plnno solos were played by Mnslors Quenlln llanly Ross mrn bull and John Steele only boys In tho group of 30 Marshall Clmnllor was thlrd ln class 81 In lhlrd year Dcnlal College exams Clmrlle Pouchers Allandnlc rlnk won the llrst lawn bowl lng Iourncy of the season at Stayner week Dr cm can emlgrnlo to one Ihuse odd lltllu lslnnds of the cons of Britain where he lnhabllnnls my no taxes Bu or most of us ulna lhercn no wny nut Were simply enjoyan one of lhe worlds highest slnndnrds of MV Ing and sometimes 11 no joke Detroit News There slll remnn cm loyod Amtrlc am who hullcvo Illa lo Amorlunn could no to work tomorrow if they would only not out nml hunt job DISTURBINO TO E00 Vlclum llnm ll somewth lllslurblnr ln 7mm hm our to learn lhnt dusp to 10 arm lmponnncu ln rm our current debuts on nuclear Irmn or um country olhur nnllonl appear In In qullu obllvloun all the mu mms ILCOrdlnl to Can mllan lrm report lhnl mrm of our ll llon couldnt cm In whathor or not WI ndgm nqclonr weapon Thls unchnrllnblo Illd Innccurnlu gen crnlllallun haa been proved also onto more by the thousands who tough one of llm 00 john nvallnblu In tho Delmfl post ulllce Thom people wanted work4 work of nan klmInnd not charlly or ofllclnl pub lq nsnjslmcu lhn unomplo all are problem local ly nnd nnllonn 1y lhn pmhlum In the cxonllon of more jobs not lhn purluullnfl he Min Apply for mom 15 view p1 name perlpodlvo on lhu problem Appmnlly lhe world does not mil breathlculy each day 10 ml out whal anndn hnu Irma In lh way d9 mu or mylhlnl om JOB FALSEHOOD NAILED DON DHEAIIN TORONTO Through an un Iortunale early mp the nvcm menlu Industrial devclopmcnl loan program has not on In happened lhal tho II Falrfluld Company Owen Sound was he first company to he named loan under the promum And Mrs Malaprop heme could hardly hnva mad worse chbice Not hut 7U Fnlrfleld com pany doesnt qualify II quite In Inc with th purposo Hm pragram com puny which dnlnz somolhlnl ldvcnlurom and lherelnru dpcsnl easily get normal llnun cmg the flu cholco under lhu loan program the campany was Mn nhurca deg pghllcily had it wu loo ulnano or ï¬rst tnu And llnulomnllcally beam the mm opponunll Ind crib ea or um program 100 GOOD TARGET flAndilirWaswn shnda ioo loud mm or pence ol mind here OTTAWAPurllnmtn Illl lane Volta ol wlrnlng has Innin bun hilltd by Dr fly nnrd uralnl Cnnndlnm lo ho wuu WM ha Ill our mun lrys No Mllerlha Im elle 11m Connmllvc MPphynl cinnHohlcln hrndcr hum Orll lln wnn headlines mm yran um Mum lhlI cnlumn repelled hll Idvlcu Dont Amokhut ll ynu mull Imqu dun nr mam Even wnmcn hi mm wilh unplmn urn lho r11 Ind women nl Cnmuln mould Imoh tllnrl nth lhgn Acluwuu The compnny has hank ruplcy In In background Ind Is Involved In lnw am In JI mnIcI also had poor ord In Owtn Sound And why ml nknl Inrld Irnveller Ilymnl Illl mn III rnulu In lurrlun llfldl Ind Ml Mulder um rllnr or bflltr rlmllln lmkl unlulyllku or nul nl pllu hclwtm mnlloup llm flul he the Inllrlpalo llxnl would II llml lhll unaccullnmud mm Ilrvmle MCllfl AUMH INUVKN QUEENS PARK flmurwho ihrlrnkr lhc govnm men Ihouldnt be In lho lend Slum mrnllnnrd III In lrr Inm yrm um In min at Cammnm unlul Dr ny Mrd In Alltlllll In lhl Home mumlnl ovlnlmu vlu mm In HIM In um llm nu rm lluk vrlvmn rllnr ollumnhlnl and runm ha lmm Ile yur lho nmIn Collu ol lhynlduu and KumunI um mll Hullnnlrd In Ialrl In elmI mnvlcllqn llul MI Ilni ulum 11m yur ll Cnnudlm MIMI Auaclnllrm lm Ilukd ur um unnklnl and Inn llnflr ha mldml mulrlm IN CMA IIM rm In hr II In IIls Ilul 1th at lunl cm OTTAWA REPORT fly PATRICK NICHOLSON Makes Rocky Start In Loan Program no Dr fly Rynard Adds Voice Against Cigarettes TBOUBLES OF LIFEGUARD In businessand them are many who dowere able to cite the oomï¬any particu lalyhnd And pa crlllcs was able to Ask II this was he but the government could do Amonu the applicant was lhere not better choice Was there nu more nuilabll com pnnyjorlhe honor gelllnl Amonu the lhere not be here nu puny or the the lm loan The Fllrfleld cholce made appear as though the govern ment mllhl In In in granlinz all In loan Th us recently lhuNDP alleged lhll lairfleld was paying low wages Olliclall havc good defence They can any but the com pauy In novel productll mnkos heavy work sack out at waste malarial II can provldu up to loo which olhcrwiu wuldnl be available Imd lo ACCUSED COMPANY nlrd urged In Plrlllmcnl lhll mo ledeul drpnrlmenl llonnl health And wallm hauld up Iludy prournm Mon Inlcmo murch mlzhl product lmrmlen ellrune he llwuxhl llul nallhtr lhl Comer vnllvu hullh mlnlllee llnn Waldo Manlullh nnr 1m Cnnv mullvo rlmc mlnklerhlum HI pnlrnl Dr nynanl look Iulllcltnl nnlc ol lho phy Ilrlml plan In COMM llml ll hullanl the nnllun needed lllo prolecllvn whlch he Id uulul Now Dr nynml lurnlnl lawnrdl mllllul th lllhml ovemmenl Ind uruln Wm lo ml hl warn whle cnl Vplthhb ncstiillii squlullx in he gonccrn Also Ihm has been shuke up In lhu organlzaflon And lo cal leudm and omnmtm repruenlnlivu In on In bond nl dlrcdora For lho lnduslrlnl loan pm mum good mm Ind um Hm needed Bu ulllï¬lha choice was bad And lhh II rczmlahle II It ad vï¬rsely mm In program at hl own pnrly Ignored pro ram tducnllon mull ho lnunclwd In Ilrmu And KM hul IIIu In mm Canadian I1 Ithonl when Cun xllan buy ml 1le Ilm unal Inn mry any lhl Irhonl ymr COlllï¬ï¬‚ATlflN unmm hlnh llm In Hul tho lull depnvlmrnl ml nnllunll hullh Ind ullm Jnlmd lumln VII IIIOUIHNII and mm help lvrlnl la lhn rn Ia nl amuln not only what wlr III III Innw hul Ivmw MM that may llum hmn nldmm nllfrvlnl nul pluhnhlo Ileulh Lunl tamer mm mm Imm In mnllul nylnlnn tllllrlh mnklnl our No Illlor rlmlnl more Ilulhl lhnn lrnfllc lullllnll Dr Hm luggod Almnnl Ih he In Ipuhlnl In lnrllumom lflnlh nnlulo doclnr lnld mnwnflnn lb nnmltun Public llullh Aunt rlullnn In Wnnm um Immi In runn mamaluv MUM TM nlflirlllm nllm unllllnl ln lho dull nl lho lnlml TONIGHT and WED June 11 ml The Canndlnn govcmmnnl passed Ihe Mllilary Service Act which allowed conscrlp Inn of unmarried men mllllary Ige 46 year ago lodnyln 917 During la Flrrl Warld War Canada raised mllIlnry force such as nobody had foreseen En lisrmem was voluntary um 11 passage of the act whlch had rnlscd much Miler con lmvmy Only nboul ll per cent of men son oversea SHHNTY BAY ied m7 Mackenzie marked 20 yours dlnn prime mlnlslcr ma Jnmu III Kln Scotland was assassinated LunMMA DRIVEIN THEATRE Armmmmml By The Cnldlln Pm umvummmum SHOW STARTS AT DUSK le Ave Con Ml Lu Tlmu Tonight Joï¬icmuï¬ mcm Roam Huï¬ï¬s DRIVllll mum MRI IIl unmoan mm 1m 0m limo lhxii war were éaliséilp TODAY IN HISTORY PllflllflM PflllEll Hwy ll Al Gnlhrlo ITMITI HURONIA IMIMII D10 Illll AND Klnz Cnnl By JOSEPH MOLNEE ND but Dr Mullen Wlll you deilna secondary glaucoma II there any other kind except Acute glaucorgn ML Denr Bln have read m1 des about laucoml but none at them tell hymn ha can do anylhlnz about It T0 Primary glaucoma malnl hat may result mm cauaca whlch wa cannot ascertain or may or example be congenl ml Just glaucoma in other words Sewndnry mucomm on the other hand result at arms other eye condition cataract tumor or 1hr like in either case pressure build up Inside the eyeball and thin continued pressure harden in and in lime destroy night by causing atrophy ii opllc nerve aucoma can be ellher ncula or chronic There may be rapid risa in pressure or may be slow and subtle but remllru dangerous Just the lamer Some esdmalcn Indicate lhnl elaummn may b5 respon slee or much as 15 per cent 31 hllndncsu In North America ere llni Iny chunrlul lillle ionnula or preventing slaw cumu so tar as lhe patient is concerned nu special diet or anythan like lhnl lHeredlly ap pears to be an Important laclor In some men All tha individual can do In lo have the eyes lasted rum llma to ilme This not dli ilculi ihlng in do small in slrumenl called tonomelur is brought into contact with the we Currently lher 11mm in use oi lhlI by physlcians oihcr than eye spcclallsls and when susplclously high prev sure is delecled lira palicnl is referred in an ophthalmolaglsir lonomcler can ollan delec the pmhlem balm the patient has become aware of lymp toms Blurred vlslon pain In the eyes headache colored halocs around lights nlnighl Glaucoma Can Be Bette Chronic TODAY TERM OF TRIAL ONLY plus THE CROWDED SKY 3391 MELWN DOUGMSI PAAVW HumI nun ODAY SIH WALKS llY NIGHT NLVI IIIE MAIING UllUF SOPHIA LOREN If mgr the lung In her lace Can anylhlng be donel Will they lade She only wo In there any klnd medication can use In mak tham DadaMRS Yes theyll lad naturally and probably wont bother her all by ha Ilma ahal In hlah School Theres nalhlag or you to do now except wall and no worry They wlll get smaller ll whlch douhuul any he plck marks an dlsturblnz 10 15 yam from now der malaloglsl can make them nearly undetectable But dont do anythlnz now Walt and NUIE To Emma lmer ruplion menstrual peflods II no unusua In early teens When the lapse continue or several years consult gynec ologlst Ccrtaln endocrine dls nrder could ulllmnlely cause slerillly unlcss treated For reckon In the Inner lnn of IN prclent llme not worthy to be compared with he glory which Ihnll be re vealed lo us Romlnl ms Gods way aré not my but rewardlnz BIBLE THOUGHT Starts TOMORROW mlull lliAlllnl IOWN 33