Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1963, p. 3

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lav nl Im ummm III mw 1hr mum Ilmlwl hlnh Ihu mull Ind lrmr mh mum 54min at ha lhhmnrn who nurmlrr muncll mmln lnll mm In lymr If dlnruu an on nmrhw railway mul Imlu um um Imppy wllh Aldrnnrnn HrHm nr rnllwr lurk rum Hmu In Hurlr umkmmn Jlm IIMIII myan rmur llu nl Ilnnle Illllvltl Ihmlrvl mil mm nnlulnllun Huh nlll llrr rlr RpmMann In mu lhny mvrr mm am vwIV vrlrvnnl 1n lhr Imml 1W newr AIM mv murh Mn in roll In Inn up nrr Imrll Imd lamprey and Irv lmw lwru nIluINl ln mllln Mr llnlr nrvnd ml he laun mum lnr lo ycnu and Wu mrmbcr ma mm flu vrprucnlad Cnnmllnn WNH newpnpm the lm min lrm Cnnlmnu In on don In um 58 ON COUNCIL In he Tlma mndn hlm 1mY In Ilucncn k1 boIh prmlmlnl and nnllnnnl pollllu Feels Council Didnt Show Much Interest Mr lInIen lrlcndhlp with low Orllllnn Lu Prosl Mm Ianr hccnmo Praumxlve CDn urvnllvo premlcr n1 Onlnrlo mm In ml and the Inn lmhur Melghcn Conurvnllvt wlu pflmq mlnlllrr From mo unlll hII rcllrcmlnl In Dcrembcr 105 hll tdllorlnll And Work In the Lake Couchl chlnz cummunlly mndo Orillln mm the man prvnmslru lownl In Ontario The mkly Orlllln Pnrkcl and Orlllln Tlmnl were nmnlun mnlcd In 10 becoming dnlIy newnpnper 1053 nnllvc nI 0rIln he Inland he wrckly Orlllln IMkfl loundcd nbnul 1370 by MI lhtr Gcorgo Hughes Hale and the mnlor Hnlul brnlherln 1890 became mmnm cdllor nbnul 1000 and cdllorlnchld yng lnlor TORONTO CPIC Harold llnlc 89 lunglimo editor the Orlllln Packet and Tim and nna or lhe mos Influcnllnl news paper man In Canada In hll day riled Monday In Toronto 11 mu Alricullure agaln an uountcs awarding or the annual scholnrahlps 00 each to two sludmu ol Slmcoc Coun ly mlerlng the um your lhe Diploma Course at the Onurlo Agriculmral College Guelph Those alien ng in service will be invlicd lo vlsli lwn aid nlsioric churches of Orv Town ship Knox Presbyierinn Church and the Old Alrlcnn Church are both iocaicd in iilc viciniiy and will be opened especially un ilmi occasion It is expected that mere will be large turnout of people mm throughout the county at will annual Rural Llla Servlcel Harold Hale 89 Was Editor Orillia Newspaper Thls service wlll be held on June 230 pm Rev Dun uld French of the Church 01 the Good Shepherd Slnyner wlll deliver the message Eden vale Qunrlel will pmvldc spcclal muslc VISII OLD CHURCHES Essen Presbyterian Church which sttuntcd In On Totm ship one and onehall miles west of Rugby on the 01d Barrie Road will be the location this year or the annual nondenom inaltohal Rural Scrvlce of Wor shlp of the Stmme County Fed erltlpn of Agricultura Twenlyelghl Grade Elght sludenu of Sn Marys Separate School wem presented with their nalcly pin by an 0n Rural Folk Meet At Church Service STUDENTS RECEIVE SAFETY PATROL PINS Mlu Run Trrmlwlny nl Th mmlmr mum myan ulqmmmnl mlmlm llw hln mmnu May And me AMIN to lhe Runny mm 04 ml mum at by Mr Frnnll Inthu hm mnynr or Orlllln and Mn Hal about 20 ilr hos mld ll wnl an cnzlnccrlnz Ic ramplllnmcnl tome nolc In 1956 he Unlvmlly Tar onla cnntmcd on him he hon orary dtgree of doctor IIM That year lntcr town pmcnlrd but Mn ale to In Ilbrary dcdlcnllon urcmony Mr Frosl and lawn nfllclnh mnllrd that lh Puke and Tlmrl mar had once Ipnrkcd mavcmcnl which gave Orlllln the but lluhlrd mm In Naflh America When Orlllln um hennn lo lrnnmll power mm In Severn Illvrr to he lqym dlllnnm munllyl pioneer wnlnr Ham and power mmmlislon or I2 years nlne ham as chllr mun He was on the Orlllln Board Trndc and Inlet ha Chamber 11 Commerce or lo In il yum Any smdnnl lnurcslcd In ob ninlng lurthcr Information may obtnln copy 01 the GAO cal mdur ram the 0mm of the Omnrlu Dcpurlmcnt ol Agricul lure at Barrie or Alllalon or by wrillng lo the mum The Committee of Award will consist ol the Agricultural Re presenlnllva 1mm North and 50th Simon and the president and secretary IN Slmcoe Coumy Federation 01 Alden lure =r availabin or he 1963M college your Application must be lub mitted to the sucratary oi the Simon County Federation of Agriculture 259 innlsili St Bar rie beiare Sept 15 oi each year Scholarship application arms may be obtained ram the De parimenl Agriculture Barrie or Alliston The hall wards shall be on scholastic ability Particl pnllo in club work agrlcullural nrganhaflona and communlly acllvllks plans or the lulure and the animal need or lha schuarshlp These achulnrshlpa are awarded In the hope at encouraging Ind stimulatlna Interest among our young laxmm In practical arm mg Ing or AWARDS aria Molar heaxuu representa llvo yesterday for their par tlcipallon In lhu uhool Iner pmgrgrn From lgllkarq Sister St Clciux rprlncipa HDMIRES mmmu lefll an ypmlalvlp hnlull um um lull Ml wnl Mum It Cool mMml In nun rm lwhull nl lhr rlly or nutlaud Nulvlun My pronm Eumlnrr lhotol llh wife nu nrmcr Mabel Ellnbdh Mlclenn Drlllll dlod In 1917 were inilrumenlni in having public library built and in edi ior initr worked pravidc childrenl dcpnrlmcnl that quickly overlook ihn lduil li brary in sin Icw yam ago he donnltd Mn Orlllln harml la bu uud In plunm museum untr Ml denlh Ila nlm donnlcd SL000 In the prujncl lolnz Dfllccr Cadet Pcevcr al Barrie graduated mm ha Royal Mlllury College cl Cnn adn Olllcer Cndc Pccvar hm completed lourycnr course In Honours Engllah and rm cclm hh Unchrlur 01 Am and regular commlsslon Llcu lcnnnl In the Cunadlnn Army He II he Ian Mr and Mn Pamr Burrle The RCMP Camp Borden reported break1n and the from Maple Lea Service lnrc yesterday In camp not known how much was taken Pollct Id lhlevcs pried the luck upon and stole quant ny of cigarette Ind other Items Stall Sergeant McGelrlck and Sat Nealhway Invesllg sled the break1n and than which was discovered yesterday by the theatre manager About $40 woth or merchan dlse W4 alolen from the Huronln Drlveln Themo somellmc be tween pm Sunday and 730 last nlzhl said the Barrle Clly Police Investigate Theft Prom DriveIn Crane OM am supervisor Ken French safely captaln Clly Poll Corporal Roy Lacey and grade clghl Ieadler Norm anhnnce ExaminerPhoto GRADUATE Well over 00 uh hml pur Hclnnlm In he Cubom uh yur Ilnw In lurerllnn unl lram nlhcr Imul llmlrll II Kurtlrifinlrd In lhu pull Iml no em lnvllrd mm Ill nr NMlwnxuun and Ill ml nlmlcu him In Hug lull Inna hulm rum Um Culmru My uldl lar Cubhhu Ihllll The murch Luborro wll he Mid Ihll ycnr lnlhl Mrnlord Mmlorlnl Imk Ind hnl In Hm pul been hcld In Crumorc And wood Tho W01 Cub 01 he flny Broull Canada In th Blue Maunlnln DIIIrld luv been prrpgrlu duran lha pml law ANSWLII Yu lha pmcnl iima liim urn cerinin clusu ol building lhni Ire exumpl lrom luxailon Ind lherelm make no contribution lo lllu crniinn or mainlcnnnco ol mun clpai nerv Im including unitary we Thil incquliy will be rectified much poulblu by ll im porlnz oi Inwcr Inlu Finnu QUESTION What projects mo ho llnanccd an In in ilnnno ed by lhu combination 01 in luvy lower uln nnd lewnxl urvlm rum Blue Mountain District Cubs Hold Cuboree This Saturday oimsnou wm mm mm lpply to all usan tho Innllnry my Aunlumll Their npona were Ontnrla Water Resource Com mission Ind our man and um prmnl plln 11 based on lhe llnul llndlngs All trunks an sulllcltnl Ilzn lo service he Iran when lully developed so that In ha lulure they will not by cpl ANSWE mu ng en lintm were enguxed to report on lilo rcqulrcmcnll the pre um and future or he annllnry lrlflk land disposal plan xxatqml nlno Mnunluln Ulllrlrl In QUESTION um lha lolll plan on nmundbnsl7 ANSW are wlll be new er lrunkx nl tulllclenl ilza lo lake the sewage In tho trem menl plnnl purlly lame to an acceptable llnndard and db charge he effluent lulu lha bayl This will mean healthy clly Ind wlll nllnw for tho lull d5 velnpmenl of one our major annual usscla Kempcnlell ANSWE ca any pcr son or firm so dcslm he may Install second meter at cast or Ibout $23 to musura the wal er not returned to the sewer ha been taken oil and tha read Inz such meter mall be the has tbs newer chum To the best or our knowledge we are the Mrs mmlclpallly to qu thla alternallve GUI28110 wnai will be the QUESTION wnter used and not discharged Into the new er Iyslem In there any could eraglnn nvnllabla ANSWER The sewer service rate is the mosrequiuble means oi distributing Ihe com oi op eration as it is based upon the gevgle connjiimtedf ce from sewer tale are used to repay the capital cost 01 the exten sion of the sewer main and the ammo dlspasal plan whereas the proceeds from thy sewn nrvlce rate my or the day to day operating and mainten ance of lame QUESTION Why impose we nervlce ram Paper conlnlnlnz questions and answers regarding sewage IreImam in the Clty Harrle ware dmrlhuled City Coun dlmegung last nllhl un er separate heading the paper conlaln the lollawlng Develupmenl Ol Banla QUESTION What the d11 erenca between sewer rgla werigervlce rule Several member of the Bar rio DishIa Hunter and Angler Conxervnuun Club nppenred 1n council last night ta nsk camel lo oppasuhe proposed lock on gxhe l5mm River at tho BI Bay Council has received luller with 15 names Papers Answer Queries On Sewage Treatment Seeks More Information Spread 0f Lamprev NOEL IEPflNSON RO CITY COUNCIL ADMITS CONCERN on YOUR lKKIllnl Ill rnn AMER HLLKD Lharle Evans mrelarylrea Shnlmuonl Jlmllon Ind Optomflrl VON MlnlNfllENl DUNmI EMT PIIONI PA um Mllflll ONT OPTOMETRIST AT FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONKUIl Thll lnvllnllun II uluxdal in II by Um Anltlnnl Dlnuld Cmnmluluner In Mounl nIn lMxlrln erl Hmdln lltllly 11 neutral public In tnrdlnl ly Invited lo ntlmd and In lulu lhl ommrmnlly la hrlnl along plrnll lunch ml enjoy ulnnl wllh Ihl mhl ImIr munI um um luxlu flu lawn of Menlom lmkllmm IMnrnbury Culllnl wood Suynor Cmmorn Ind Wanna Death Ind olher lowm wlwn Hum lnundnrlel nnus whom lel Delhi wllh calIrnllxuu Io nm June ll In mm at lnllcmrm wenlhcr II will bu held In lln Mellon Alrnl ANSWL Thelrnnl ll pnr posed Lo bu cxpan ed to mm plclc Icmndnry Irunlmcnl plant Iho ncllvnlcd Aludzu type whlch limoprawn mclhud lrnnllng uymge QUESTION Whnl type plunl expansion In propolcd Ind will It Ive Inllllnclory cHlutnt nlgopulqllom CIIIKOWICW flow ll 2400000 lullunl per ANSWER Any change lmm lha rate as finally approved by the Onlarlo Munlclpal Board must be appmved by them Cal culatlnna used In arrlvlnz ha ralea have been based upon um hes lnlormnllan Io date Dal wllh muplc years of pcrlcncc In the actual nperllon hm would bu ruvlow made 01 aamo and If necessary ad Junmenll made Mala And Truman QUESTION What he nat ure he lnllucnt lo and In elllunnl rorn our rmm lant ltlclnnl mn panl No Tho proposed promm wuuld increase the lax rm by elghl mIHI when the proceed at Iewar rule must be used or retirement of the capital cost and when such can Ital cost retired he newer rage cancelled QUESTIO Are the yraposcd rnlqs firm QUESTION Would It not bu advisable to put the full cost on ANSWER Yes vacant thg 1m HM QUESTION ll lnlr to ralu tnx ralel land developed the whale sewer system and treatment plant It Avalluble tn servlce same ANSWER tar In pm posed program Yea EM must be born In mind that an expanded program ol any at the other services pmvldcd by ma city would 01 course cost money and would be refleded In the the cast by the encral mlll me 11 damn baked on nub QUESHON Can you guaran Icu them will not be an Increase in the tax rule or municipal ANSWER No Al Ihe present time there included In the tax me levy for Ihe capital and nperatlng the main and present sewnze plan which nmounu to approximately lhls me QUESTION Does the propos ed five and nnehall milk to be levied mean an increase In the mine ANSWE The mat nl local main up to 12 inches dla meter would be chat32d to the abuttlng property under the cal Improvement Act or absorb ed bdlvlder ANSWER An addiiion oi sec andnry lmlment the sawaxa plant and eninrled sewaze min which will be able in servicu all hi city lhalll there in no sewer main in from my property that WI geeL Mr Evans said the inmpreys can do devulaunl damaae 11 they work their way Into the waterway Ha suld marine rall way an an enemm block Once population In estab lished It cannot be wiped out sum Ike Conservation Club wal xpukuman or he Inher men Dnel lhls mean cumu th cTRTA DA IlaH sgnTl $flbuhfliuun$l cumM roomy MIMI 41V 24 1591 275 The Arclvlonl nl the mmur lion mu lnrluldo drm rnuud I100 dnmuu Ml Wlllhml tar Inn Ill5 lo Mr chhl our Accnrdan la pollct Mr Wtbh Ml all rml car drlvtn by MW mu WHIIMIL Hon and then Inllcd la Io mnln at Um no Fund mm nlrllnrd Jonn11 Jim Webb wnl chm ed with lulllng lo rcmlln the HM nl nn nchdml hy the Harris Clly lollco ynlcrdny Charge Motorist Failed To Remain Cluun of Ward One and Nu 01 Battle wcro Kcnnmu In hen ntdlnx lo mcmhcn he unrrlo Klwnnl Club and volumetr who lourcd part um clly Iclllnx pen nuu and peanut bullcr The annual hlilz help the club rnlso money for In Invorllo project thnlnq the Ontnrlo Soclrly lor 3mle Chlldrm Boyd llocruan lull and Jack Yes The trunks are sized so that when Ihc water shed area compluely built up they will handle the expect ed sewage Hows QUESTION Are the aanuary trunk sewers Mg enonuh In serv ice the watershed drnlnlnx ln wqr flame By rpmflung these planls Into our general sewage treat ment setup the city should be be able to carry nut the aper nllon mnre economical or An excellenq laboratory ls Included In 1hr new plant or checklnn sewage and the assis tance the OWRC will be avni1 able to them hat the my fight the pr lrealment planu necessary some sources rather than the Individuals ANSWER The clty will have Mm well experenced np eratars working under the dir ection of wy pan give salin aewry effluent because any source exceedingly heavy loading will be required to pre treat their effluent down to the acceptable standards Etith lampréy will kill =50 Lewd Ilsh and they are ex mg 39000 pcnpk sad yo dont knuw you lmve many numbers until theyve had chnnca Io spawn Mr Evans said lna best that can be hn cd or control These mnr ne railway are an efchw pluck HEng KILLER PEANUTS BLITZ IN FULL SWING FREEf $2135 WWW wI mum MucLarcn Ire xhawn on Colllrr mm at the home at Mu Elm nabcru Thu bllu mn Mr Evans spoke In 13pm of marina railway appOsed locks Wllllam Jamleson teach er Slecle Street Public Schoul last nliht brought his Grade Seven pupil to watch City Coun cllln opergllonn me the pupils were at council Charm Evans secretary treasurer of the Bar rIe Dlshlc Hunter and Ang lers Conservation Club spoke on the dangers of th lamprey loJishlgl In Lake Slmcoe link wuuld hapfile post about 40 Keel Mr Evans Yns 50 per cent 01 anxway Mr Hersey Whal length hag would handle Ald Mills Early last spring was mentioned by the ailllng member In Ottawa Has been anything done on that Hersey In your grinlon he aurafillan In Lake He asked council Io prepara muklon to forward to the Domin ion Government asking for mod em marln railways Io he in slnlled Instead of locks Aid Newton asked Would you oppose an allemate senway may be voting our selves out away by Mn Ilale wltrlhl believe it hasnt started Evans ll the locks are Installed the lnmprey wlll Ind umlr way into Lake Slmm where they wlll attack plke has and lake lmul The llsh would have small Mine of turvlval once the lamprey gets lnl School Children Attend Council truner destructive brief has be apareg mm mm mmnm i7 murmur wumm Memo ammo IN dOnlqu mkmnm FREE mm mm um ume om lwll in Impmlml lvlflll III In mhlw om nZw 319m BNfKiRIO Inlmhm alumina much to ITSAFUN TIME IN OMAIIO MIAMI AV ma lmn whom Thué in Four Elamlnu Ihola SLnut Ms cnlnz jg Wm We as you In conxlder th numher tourist which quam nur are now bech of bulk Slmcoe lg 7116 future fishing Ln Lakl slmcoe mum rest on your deck Mu moon ble or smclt on lamprey to enler Ah Simeon tom the bottom end at the Tran system as III heels suggested by spokesman tor th ederal Gnvemment We the undersigned mines the Burrle Clly Councll in no 9n record to oppose lha proposed lock on the Severn Rlvtr at the 311 Chute We lnrlher request that you suggest tlu lhe Federal Gnvernmenl hulld modern mar lne railway ln lleu or lock ln order In stop the lamprey and smelt lnleslallon ln Lnkc Slm coe and adjolnln walers an ray and me will do untold male to our llsh ulallon In Lake Slmcoe ll 9th bul on this location Afler races the committee ye commended 1113 mung Vim with concern the spread ho lamprey and we would re mmmend that the laden Ind pmvlncxal xovemmlnu ha Iq advised Rmher lnlormallan on HI nuhlect In be ohmned or lunher development and further action TEXT OF LETTER The leuu containing 151 In tu reads as Inflows The matter wasellexbdlé tho General Government Com mittee deal with at YENSL RECOMMENDATION me an Idea the different cos ol construcllnn looks and myan rallwaysj wr cosls ubnul oneeighth lhl cog he lack Aid WIlllams rwtu mppru llckloabonl A55 Yes thats the way they lrgyel lhrguzh these Jock mucm

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