Smm TELLS DISTRICT COUNCIL lnnmm mum month um nnmonn my van Ariuon muwlm ny HI um Inn Il mmuu Inn mum ITINI mum mun luauLuau am Iglm all OIII Mn MM Amflll any town mm In My um rmb III Dunn UM glmll Mum Mum Allml II Alumlnlum Albull Allin PM Im Ilul urnL Olin II mu mum IIA OII nu run an Im It an Inn pTRAIGHTEN LINES The purpose oi the more ex4 tensive Itructurll chance that have been occompllshcd in the higher echelon at the icdera tion are designed to ltralghten ï¬ne at communication tho lpeaker uld Each level of the national or intcrpreted land that there View mmhlinll oi discontent it seems chemo that they should throw out tho window Ill the work that Home and School has done In the past and can do In the tutors the sold Rev ll Thistle oi Graven hurst enntloncd the delegates unlution irnm local mocln bout becoming to wound up gun through council aren holrd with he theory ot rtrueture that with all who have children in rovlncinl ledcrnlion and Gun they lorgei the special prob llnledcrntion will involve lems oi xctllnx lreople out to root line ol rucccnalon that will the meetinln an idenan oi enpnricnce tdilcusllen lroupl Ind working vid Into related from Orlllln pointed out that there we an object lesson ior all local associations in tho illm lt ll very hard tor mnny pur ento oi school children to Join in the activitch nnd disculslons ol the Home and School more tncniY she sold Special Invitation and person nl contact must he established thuvlchools Onler when are pnrtieipntinx wit the iull poten laldoi Home and School he ml It That we toncur wilh the usaiuliun oi lho Cily oi Nlnuau Full lhai The iianunrnhia Mln ninr oi Municipal Aiinlrl nmcnd ha Municirui lid in pravida liml lho rounds at low munlclpni iliu AM hm lha nuihoriiy lo provide that ha mmiis oi io ui municipallllu xhnll have he nuihoriiy in nu bylaw in pro ido that commercial vehicle Ind Irninern Ihail Al Al iimu when curryan loud much wule paper Ilrnw and Mix er malerlnil which might be dillurbed by the wind bu cav end by inrmullm or elmer mclmrd In Auch manner hut na porlion oi liw loud may in blown oil or lnil from tho com mercill whirl or irniier inio the NHL Enid AM iimey Wu nmi snmrlhln Ilrnnxtr limn Mnyar Lu Cookel knuwlcdue rutklng problems was use nl Int nigh muncll mett II IA PubIIc Wnrks Commlllre re 1an van up or dllcuulon and Id IIcmy look exr Inn to lhu wards whlch mIK ha dIsIurbtd by the wlnd In lhl loIIowInl paragraph The 1600 ioui Association at Ontarin hav requirth very iew chlnlï¬l Tho result at tha new structure has been to clar liy their role and tn formalize their relationship with the dil trlcl cauncllx Mn Ginuhltx ex pinincd Time will be no unattached usoclnilan tram new on Illa laid The as association in lira Harris Ind District Council will each have responsibility to eicrt member to council whn will provide more dciniitd iiaisnn lild lniormullon tor the assault iion members EMavors Savvy gAbout Tiucking iComes In Handy Spenklnl on Thu New Struc Iure Home and School Mrs Glauhlt outllncd the fault at survey made by ï¬rm or pm callous management tumult Inll Thaflndinn him result ed tn the nuw slmclun helnl lmllluled lhll year The loan maclallon In the most vital pm of Ham and Schnnl the lptlk med It Is an lnlcxral pm the com munity and mull the need lying and lgqgher for father new millincry or mi ihcr or grow vioieil mm to ban taken precedence over an cournllng rcaier aluminum and participation in dllcusslon iroupl she noted NEW STRUCTURE llla nuw mucluru ul llama Ind School leduallnm am Canada in lnlmdcd lo hnlp Ill nrcnll lo fel back In the orig nal oducnlnnnl purpose 010 movemenl anld Glnuhltz nl Toronto She was addressing lho Frnsldcnu Canlnrencn ml the Barr Ind Dlilrlcl Home Ind Schanl Council held in Prlncu of Wales School In nllhl Mr Glunblll prealdenl 01 he Onlnrlo charnllun ol who and Schnul Aasocllllans old III 45 nuandlnx dolunnlcs that the movementhad become an much of hobby club In rucenl tan Lcnrnlnz lo hullduu wank ench fReturn To Purpése Ovaorne And School umpllrd Ivy II II Dunlap 72 flurlr TODAYS STOCK PRICES MA MI an nu 113 um 55 Ht II In VI mm Mflvl mm Itoanth lullr NI mumv Ah VIIIVII Anll aIll Ami 1mm tau In Arr InIIM Inm Mm Inm mumu lnlumv rm lulll Club lclum my mum um IIIIAI MIMIC Thu he loutr 1mm 11 Human unrdml domm lo hln prnptrly Al lho mrnrr of Fermi and Wcllinalon Ilml call onw Cauncll adnplcd lha rrrort whlch Also Included the blow lnl 11ml we llpulr the Ildewnlk on tho wul Ill Owen ilrtcl lmm Vclllnllon me la 16 Owen ll wllh uphill patch mm In luner Dnnzrr Hrld Mum Umiltd or pur chase truck body Ind ham mr the mm mum plul hm ctnl Provknclnl Snlu Tax bl ncccplod drllvmd lo Harm 11ml corrccl he lml lb tuck bed and Hood ll Rmnhl properly 11ml wa purchnn Immlll orlmd lwwway rndlo for Ike new mulnmlnn truck um which mhhl be disturbed by lhn wind wn nccd xome lhlnz wilh Iomo teeth In Mnyor Cooke lunelled Wouldnt we be mm la pm ha rexululan to control It ralhcr thin Iaylng hvw ll la be done Spcnklnz rum lhe floor duh lnu nation period Mrs PM AllLston prov lncial vice president from area Iald Ihnl the new on sched ule hnd been unhellcvnbly mll Interpreted land that Ihcru were mmhllnll oI discnnlcnt mm ahama Um lhey should lhrnw out tho wlnduw III this work lhal Home and School has done In Ihc past and can do In Ihg In Iflg apldu fair and ultanlu trlal run she warn that there have already been Ill that local member are talking about wllh drawlng ram the lederntlun wlthnut underatandlnl what in Involved ln the new setup The most recent annual meeting ll ant the last than ever lining to be the cautioned Hasty actlon before the new alruclurl rand lta purports are thoroulhly understood may well be rural ledd at later date aha warn Mn Glnugï¬z wnrned Khan the 11an year would be one of test ln or lha new Ilruclurel Ev ery nro ml cannot be Imple manled nlllnlly and tom Ihear In on paper wlll he lound no lo work nut ln pracllce aha noted She qugcslod lhat Iha mlnlmum the member ha local Issnclnllans could do would be to undermnd the new chunk taklnl place and to co op ualc In ulvlnu the new Lynnn fair and equllahlu trlal run Il per llmlly wlll Include all tee all consllluunt ledm llnns Tho one subscrlmlnn wlll cover both pmnu mlclpallon In elementary Jun or hlzh or secondary school aswclallam TESTING Mu Glnuhl and uullook an Ihe par the Individual mm he hula equlpped In nerve he cnnsmuenl member hi assaelnllon the apenkcrfqnllnued Mao Earp um rm mm Tmu Tnd rum WM wnm mm mm Nl III Nunth mum rmmum elm mu In mm Mum llnv Ind Unlhd on mum rum Mnnlu lock Imam am Lm LOCAL GIIIIIIBIXIL lhuhchroolstnIérkhcn are pnrflclpnunx wll lhc lull pulm laldul Home and Schonl be rel It lloflanAnlu Kim 14 mr ol In Illml mm In lho Flm World Wu hem ullul um ma mun41m Milan mm mm anhmnl Lulu luv mu sum 1m to TanloC Illmld Hula innlllmo rdllar of lhu Orlllin lnm Ind llnul and mm mm Influonunl cwpurer nun In CInIdl In hII uy ll Ilrnlruar Inflnn Ill nwm 1a armor dlrmnr ol lhI french lnleur lmlllulo PENNIONERH llnmlllun manna hi Prnllon Ind Vollm De rnrhmnl In Mnnlrul or flu CNIL wlll he lho nut monk ll lho CNll Anaclnllon Dawn Huh llnuu lanlnhl whm the CNN Pemlonerl Anmlnnnn hold ruulnr mulm SCHOOL BOARD Th Hurl Iuhllc MIMI nnnnl will meet Innlxm In lhe ruc numuu ll eluhl oclock far In lulu mefllnl MunlrulWllltld lunon one French Anldll mm lenlnflll bullnmmm FAMILY NIGHT The Klmmcn Club nnrrla will hold Flmlly lehl ll Ilnymln Lodge plunan ll m5 Iodny TM nppllu only to mm and dnuxhlm thn Klmmen Chnlrmnn Int lho umlnl nlll be Al Froam The mulls the debate hnva been Inrmunlcd In In emer zoncy runlutlon and have been forwardad lo the Indian Atlalrl Branch at the federal govern mem The ï¬lm The Thruhold was shown tha conlercnca ml mm It depleted the channel and 210th demanded of Imml grants before my are able lo ml at home In Canadian saclcty Mn Stunrt Kcyu an area pmvlnclal vice president 1mm OrlllIA pnlnled out that there wu an object lusan for all local association In the tllm It II very hard or many pur enta of school children to Join In the acllvitlcl and dlsculslons the Home and Schnol mnve menY she said ll 11 ANADIAN IBM Prior to her talk on the arm and purpose of the new Itruc lure Mn Glaubttz lave man report an the proceedlnn of tho Canadlan Federatlnn It vlnnl pal It the end at last month She eald that delegates voted to alllate or Indian teachera or Indian lEhnoll It was telt that they would be best able to leach lhe chllpren tinge they had an Intimate knawledza ol the Itudentl background and culture Dr Paul Lennux 01 Mr Ind Mn Joseph Lennax ThnrnWI xmdunlcd 1mm Oularlo Volcrlmry Col Im Guelph It lha Annual Convocation ucrchu commltlm Mm Glaubllz yllethat aha he led lhe new Itrudun wnuld ad in getllnl peaplo out by lnlarmlnx lhem of lhu r01 they might play and in ludlcallnz the drccllon that pmgramlnl and Illmulallon mluh lake The new utruclunrwlll locu acioal GRADUATES DEATHS men he cnnlzr Chlld cenlred Ihe very hall at Conservation Club Is Cutting Trees Nonh llly Eudhury Timr Iml Mmmn Cochrnm wnl rn Jnnul My C10 um ml lmlny wllh llnhl nu Ill mumlnl lmly tlnudy nnd can tlnulul ml Imllhl ml Wpd nmlny WImln north In mun unl II In lodny bcromlnl lllhl lnnlm Ind Wrdnudny Mulno rumul lnu Hurnn ml mrnlun nay Irnl lo nmlhwul wlmll 15 lo 15 knoll Immmz nth rly lunllhl Clnmly wllh oc nulunal HIM lhnwfll lmlny Lulu nuluiu wluhla wlmil rnrm Trmprulnm hm MIIM In Wanm Wlndun 51 Thom 41 Minion Klkhemr Mnunl You to Wluhum do Amman Cnlhmnu Tvnmlu gum Windor lnndnn llnmlllnn Luke Bl Clnlr Lakn lJrlo NI um Lake Ontario Laka Hu mn hauln llnllhurlnn Cloudy And mo Iodny wllh rlunrc kw llkhl Ihnwum lnnlnl rlenrlnl lonIahl Sunny wllh cloudy rim and mu ulnz ml Mnmlny Wlmll Mrlhrrly In 20 Sponsored by Ike Trade and lnduxlry Brunch Dcpnrlmlnl or Econoqu Ind Dcvelopmm lhq Iwo any mccllul will In lure dlscuulom on innnclni Ind INIII or hullmss mmmunlly and Induslrlnl land demonan wntnr Iuppllu Ind mnkal ol wnltr pollullo synopnlu Cold Ilr cover III the pmvlnca exrcmlnl Hm Vlndlor man when prolml hu hem hallcd lemmrnrlly by an ennlwnnl moving hum Anne Ovarml Iklu mm 0renlLnku um Onllrla Induslrlnl commlsslnn and organization lnlerulcd In Industrial dovelopmml work the munlclpnl level wlll meet at Gnvmhunl Juno l1 Is for up level uminnr designed lo bmndcn the concept nnomlc nnd munthpal demon manl The report of prams on the properly was made It last nights meelinz by Howard Mur rls treecum chairman Tho project lo cut and pl 100 cards wood which is unr Inlccd me Members of the Bunlo DIA Irlcl Hunlen and Anglers Con urvallon Club cut about 250 rats last weekend Ald Mllla asked ls lncre any lee or those people playing tennis ll Ihcre what In dam wllh It hlnk they should buy llwlr own neu Ald wllllnms Iald ll are going In chargepeo lo for uslnu net lhcn llrst lhllï¬ we know lhnyll be churglng lhc chlldrm to play on the nwlngal Barrie City Council in him reierrw back In the Finance Committee letter from lhe Bnln oi Park Management re garding purchnne rccrealian nl gquipmp inguinalknt Industrial Commissioners Hold Seminar At Gravenhurst Thn ï¬ruvhlcu and lcderll ov MRS GLAUBlfl ol the Ontaan yFedenllon at Home and Schoolmwcmlum was guest upenker at ha Pre Ildcnu Conferencarof tha WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR ANSWER Proceed ol lha male in Ir Suggests That City Supply Tennis Nets WEATHER Thu nmlnnr dulumd Inoc lull or lndullvlll commu nlanm And Indullrl duvelot mtnl nlllcm On Ion nl dcvelo mull modIla ullwaya Inn And ullllly mm mnlu who flew man lhnlr mm In Inrlmlrlll devtlw men Wle in Onmlu ward paylnl or flu propeny Mr Morris npofled that nut enough men showed up lawnrk Only leven tellnws reported on the Saturday and Just Ive on Sumhy We could havt med 20 men he uld Mr Morrl aid he wunled maro men In be It lha propelU II mm this Saturdny He asked that any member with my quullonx Ihould call him It PA 53988 ernmcnll have been uh tn mud rcyrnsenlnflvu think wa are getting b1 51 sllcld here Md Emma nld This not further back lhnn lenni nets This is quiie ridiculous You on buy tennis net or 90 or 1h lay Um the City Barrie runnoi uilord three or inur nets is ridiculous To charge or use ol nets youd ii to have someone lo culled it Ind it would can more money lillll youLlek in Thlé Ii in what our parks are for as In as Im concerned Bank and Dkldd Home and School Cmmcll In nllht Bo hr the medal he talked In formally with Mrs Puma or Alllnm pvannlll vlce LIMITED llunlnl lurk for complex Indunlrlnl and Commercial lmblcm TECHNICAL INSURANCE SERVICE WORLDWIDE FACILIIIES SARJ EANT INSURANCE AGENCY CONSULT The pcmloners were welcom ed lo lhe mvm by Rev Reeve He laid that he pm ed wnl Indlcnllvo cl ho xpiril and SHINE the orgnnhmlon Mr Reeve expressed lhn hope um the memorial aervlca would become In ennunl event Thu Northern Onlarlo CNR Fensloncu Auoclallon htld memaflnl servlce ll Burlon Avenue Unllmiï¬hurch Juno Slxlyalx penalonefl mmhcd mm lh CNn Assoclallon AHnn dnle Mwllng Club House led by the Kempmlell Tmmpcl Band Pensioners who were unnblu to walk olned the marchm ll the dlurch have no mrlou objccuon to this bcinl reï¬ned back to the wmmlflce 1ch we can come up with an answer which will provlde Inr me use net ar our junior cillzms Ald Hersey wauld rem you In the mm re erence the Plumes Comm lee Ind sukges to you that It In no the prvper unmlan of the Finance Commillcalo as referee umplre or judge In dispute helwccn the Recrea llon Commlueo and tha Parks Board qcharu people to play ten ll Ald Murrow uld If we arc mini lo furnish net for tennis then wonder II we xhwldnl mmlsh green or bowlan or senior citlum Md Jnllifle chin to thlx leller being fled because will never be cleared up the way ll Md nabcru It mm Ibouzh there conflict here between Ihe two bodies One 11 supposed to supply lha pnrkn llld the other the cqulp mcnl Pensioners March To Church Service president from area Mrl Fcldmln president the Bard and District Council and Mrl Stuart Kuyes Orlllla pmvlncinl vlcu pro uldcnk from area HI Hm writer said he wouldnt mlnd same ol hls taxes gaing lo the Retarded Child rens Associatlon even Ihnuzh he pays lhcm unwillingly But he read In The Barrie Examiner nbout council making mm la he Ind he says he Rmrded Children edu ullonal and the 15 recrea llonnL Md Hersey explained ha position mud with re gard to the Ruurded Chldnn Ald Robert asked Maklhe Fl nance Cummllm reconsider he mm not exceedan 8400 for Ald Roberts last night uked councll what yudsllck It used In making uranu Said Md Robelt reculv ed Mm asking what yard slick councll and In xflvlnx mum Wahts To Know What System Followed In Giving Grants 121 Harris mngwa Mn Em Road CAlDWEll DRUGS 66 Dunlop Smfl HEALTH SALTS COPPERTONE Lotion 175 LANACANE Cnam 135 BRONZTAN LoNon l25 FLY TOX Imm Bomb 139 KODAK FILM Vp 127 620 no COLGATE Tooth Pom l09 COLGATE Rapld Shave 89 ANACIN IOOI l29 TRIG MIIII Duodownt 125 Hand Ald Plum Snip OZONOL 79c Bun Deodorant GILLETTE Traval Pazk GILLETTE Right Guard REVLON Top Emu 125 and Roll On Doodorum 100 225 valm LZS PEPSODENT Tooth pom CREST Tooth Pam 69c SAVINGS this WEEK BRECK HAIR SET MIST Than SPECIAL PRICES and Jun AGNEW of Barrie pas madden 01 the and Distrch Council acqunlntance with Glaublll prior to 79c Ilzo for 59 189 Iln for 149 ALLANDALE DRUGS LYD HARPERS PHARMACY In the absence n1 Marlslrate Foster from Court lhls marnlng due to Illness Jusllce of the Peace Mrs Cole presldcd Adjoum Cases Magistrate Ill Several cases of people having liquor in place other than resident were heard and charges ol having broken pro vlalons ol the nghwuy mm Act 01 Ontario were adjourned for week TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA 2410 the Association or Retarded Children In lieu of laxel Presldenls Commnce Mu Agnew treasurer of the Enrrh and DishInt Count introduc ed Mrs Glauqu lo the can erence Examiner Phalns IDA Brand ILb Tl 59c off 125 PA 02903 PA M407 PA Mm 299 83¢ 229 2l49 69c 113 159 121 US H9 46c 73c 61¢ 41