Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1963, p. 13

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mllu mfm me Il Hull 0mm zwifiifr iRBECUL CHICKEN Ill4 nrllnd pump mm lmllllrd nhuuL Klv WINTER mmml In Imyln In rm unm Ivundnn In mm nu Nu munan HOUIJ mm in opue llnh pummoul moa om qmpmnwu TTV RADIO REPAIR BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS mind le Ufifitfimw RESPONSIBILITY PLAN Till Um nmblo ml of dnmulle nd ommumm nnnvluan Ind panIan hmml cum an add Ind cm mm um NORLIND UPIIOLSTEIIY EL um KEN WINTER mama ll Ems AncuE NURSING HOME Blyhld PA floor rollnu um um cnmplrll on mum Mm by l1u Qunn smricmks um um mm la punhll our am or mm mm cu our 00NE MVLII LUMnnn co LTD 111 Ilndlon Sum um POLISHER QuantfiVurkmanship nmmfifi lnr ynllr IVHY div and Ofludlel Food In Ind and mm qumm of but slurqua matey 0mm mm mm nun vu LEBOEUF JEWELLERS 5m Dunlap 5L mu mile 51 NURSING HOE nu um um wonI um um um ed BAY CITY MOTORS PA 081 PA 5557 umfim mmu AM Dunny 1mm Yumy Mum no Illm nxe hem mm nmm ammoLC 9111 cam mm Prutrlpllun plckd up no d¢lv ma 1m 01 chum Chflnmll mm vvivhuw mama bani1p com 5L Blnqulu Waddlnll ConanIon THE EMBASSY HALL 555 Blake St PA 6096 All kind I124 lumllun in mm tenlumen etc xi INEURITNCE ll Collier El JEWELLER MORTGAth fimfir SALON COSMETICS 1T ENTERTAINMENT FURNITURE CARTERS USED FURNITURE kn Rand PA HI Mfiocnfims MEATS HOBBIES cmhws lhl Noun MI Hobblll Idlry EL PA 4111 nu m1 mam un MIMI MW mum THESE FIRMS mu chLu lounges mm mm mama ma may unu numlu FIRESTONE STURE EVERYTHING BENTLEY CO HIS CUSWDENS PHARMACY muNuSTmM WM AVE IA CM IMlNlhl rullu ml mm Ins4le Armml hm nvulnn MARIE BEAUTY SALON 551m SHUIILHH PARADISE muml yum no Buck um flnmu WEPIEIIIU flhoux mun rap1r mm Cumlotubln am mom uI um runum FILTER QUEEN SALE AND SERVICE AUTOMOBILES MAGEFUNDINO LUNCH AT DOUGS INN All hp 01 Imunncl COUbON ATOZ SPACE IS AVAILABLE PA MAM PA mu main LAWN FURNITURE Can Supply VAcuumlq un You win From IA Iml PA lA llflll AMI PA MD Minn ma Pfiim PA 55939 um gm um mm mm law Amhudnv vu rmlnm HM nrlmlnl lull mm lml lyan In IIINI In hllh MVIHHII in HM mum mm mm mum no In mu null Hm llllllwllllll In wumul mmlunn um mun mun mum WM min Illh mu mum um pun rlnalnl um Inmle 4le MI MMy rA um un Hm ryllndnl um un uni ml pun cm IA Iona In NH IIVfl diml ufln II will Illnflnlv um lnm ul uh IN In windNd mun my munm TA 71 Illllfl VIIIIIWAHVN lllo IIII VMII In lHl III n¥lw my mm wh vlln um ValliInn all dun mmr mum ummy um my clllvunl our not In Innnun with mum own body II In land mu rnndlflnn or In Tollyhonc um um 1m mum 7mm Imdmp am nIlum In Ihll um nukhlnl Inlnl uu Inw luv pm or Im 10 down nun nunuru Uuunl lour nunr mm mpgmon ma mu mnlrhlnl Inlylnr mum Ha mm ru mu flnn our ynmmu mu my mm nun nu CYLanlR AW Iumln puppy pendbl law can pnnulon Rec nll palmd nr uuxlmL and cm Apply may Huawm Emma mnpnom Ion Nun CAI mwnncn Bl Inn on pymma any W0 1mm nu dnnr much at In on dramanun lull mm nnlll 06 ll Comr IA mum mm mm Immmuuln om run my mm mm rmm mm mm II PLYMDUIII nuluhlu or Good uu Murryv hody hm mm upmuly nr ur wlfl complmly nun on Ttllphanl PA Man 7mm rumn Eedln lulu unlit umr 55000 mumI nuqu ImI nll Turn up mum win or wnnoul Ind Waller Adnr n1 Bum Emu nmlm lm man unlinn mm or nle mmmlmnn mow ucnm candlllnn mm ulI Telephnnl PA um ml mun min In nll In and common Gold In tolnur phnm PA um um mu Iurum 6mm 51 Anna 5mm nulomllc so ur hm Iuh nMIL Body md mm In nod zunaluon cumin ndln No man PrIvIn Phan PA Max lwu door drlun bl Mm blu humor 360w munl mml on nun Ownlr In pu menu Hm GINAMENTAL mu nub plm emu pluflnu Grin7 Tn Illml Jilin 21 on mu lonlh Blflll TRIO vhnm FA l5 or PA IDW Bull or me uvenyun old Huil 1m Ibc Apply WLark hm Thamlon or unma Cbohlnwn 4mm EQUIPMM or rent Uhlin SIW Cemznl Minn wnummw Put Holl Dill Hly Candlllnnu Gnln AIIIEL Dllxll THICK an Tudor MIN SUB PA W11 om mum mu main Get that new car now with lowcost lilelnsurod Scotia Plah Loan THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ME cncKsllm II Tmlur wuh nlw molar mo 1951 Ford Ilolor Ln load candlllnn Tllqhml PA mu ARTICLES FOR SALE DEAD STOCK lehes price paid or dead or crippled cattle and harm Small mlmnl removed free For lax service PHONE EARRIE PA 01131 Collect or ask or we 93489 Farm Supplies Servlca Case New Holland Davld Brawn Bully Farm Equlpmen 176 BURTON AVE PA 373 CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 5971 WANT TO GET BEHIND NEW WHEEL FARMERS MARKET mqu Poflcdf ml NICKS DEAD STOCK bum anyEm week RRI Faxmend Ontario Llceme Nn mam LIVESTOCK WANTED TREE ANDVSHRUBE CHARLES CHURCH FARM MACHINERY Nick Montague Prop Hmm chlllnl an ammo menom PA LIVESTOCK nrmIAN vunun null onh ulnl um at all mm Mn Mum low In Im rum nunm lALumN unid lux lnul mm ImIon plul Ind mu Imun Apply nmwnl Ilma In ppman sum or lellphanl PA um um wn nun cm may Mln Ind Mum In mu rhnl or body limp ram aulmhlp Mn and tommeklfl mm nun no In qululn nhnnl lo mm honkkuprr Ihxlhrpfl Apply llullhlmnn Allhlon TIhphonl nnolunrll Acenununt Mun bu pm of yorlmmlnl counun dullu nuwnry lot nu rfllrhnl DP ll1l nd onlml DI mull ollln Cndlt m1 mnmlan lupnnllhnllhl Isa 41 lmmrd Apply ln own mam la nu an luml In qulxlnunmu nd hry upmm urnmo ruiariu mulm mm In mm In Noun cum Au 07 our nllln llll Jun I1 Irlmmr m1 Iv Ir0 mm mum mv Lle wnu Tnlwlmnl IA um vmmu MAN ml lam II mun Im WlII um NM at work rum Ivllphanl Inlt rAlNlIMI All In arm moan mum mm mm nr HIM In urnumrw noun um nonvllllll puma nl 1m uml mm Um IllIr rum mm gwclmn ny Mmdl nu ma pnkrred Apply llnll Emu Ill My lnlnk 100le Strand Gmme nml um up lznud runbin vurl dark Immediately lupy In wrulu mun upulmu um nry mud Box mm nmln lmmncu llqand EMPLOYMENT WANTED wmnn rm smua rmu Bnll Pinu mama sum mnruNs TELLING Do you wlnl your mum lulu by cum ullphum PA M190 lnyllmc or nppolmmcm Sellpolnk Dirk brawn lnfl mum Lon mm 10 Comm lon Slmi Sundly mornlnl Jun Tllephnnl PA 66310 Doa L0 Border Caxllc hunk Ill hIICk th unlll Imounl blown an Inca Lox Sundly Iron John Street dllmct Tclepnun PA Mm zxrznxmcln hm me Dan Inn mumm Taxman PA M171 nleAan rmnxnl womn unv ed for null any wuk Innnoon gamma Apply Box num mlner lulnunlslnl nqulnd mndem ur Enndmunzd Mun hold Onllrlo uunee Gmkx Imr sunu PA um am on Mmd And Wunln wlnlld Io look cblldnn In my nnm cnnmnn mun Ind um hounworl us wally Cm ul lotHon nlrphom IA Mm BEAUTY mo Comuvu 5m um by ceruned huhdresser In your own ham nr Inapm new 31 nzmlu My fll PA Lona established Barrle lirm réqulrcs saleswoman In sell by lolcphano and personal con Inc with local business estab lishmcnls Ihls challenglng posltlon will cxcellcnl opportunlly or Idvanccmcnl Some knowluige nl lyplng an asset APPLY IN WRITING 10 BOX 17 BAIIRIE EXAMINER For Want Ad IEACHER mad tamponlion Toronto Mnndly 44$leV Juy Mm 1vltlnfly Elan Ind alumna Tuephan Ant BARRIE TRUCK TRACTOR LTD 33 MARY BARBIE PA 60371 CARS WANTED TO BUY PERSONALS l0 HELP WANTED PA82414 1955 1959 HOLTS AUTO WRECKERS PA 6871 Opefi am p111 daily AUTOMOTIVE CARS NEEDED WOMENS COLUMN MARY 51 BARBIE PA 50 Open evenings iili midnight DEALER FOR MOLINE AND FOX EQUIPMENT MALE FEMALE LOST FOUND EXPERT BODYWORK AND PAINTING FEMALE HELP sALEswomAN IN 1mm Service Dial MALE HELP Gas and Diesel Repairs Lubrication and Fleet Service nqulnd or Enndmunzd lnn mo met Jam zlwhanu SERVICE AND REPAIRS lenrsxlny June 10 2110 pm $111er DST For NMCOIZ 25 AND HHNVICF Hurnmly Ihu Manny Formula denim nu muth 11 youth of he TV Itnllun Sale ml mnhhmy includ Inl hurl lrurlnn cumhlnéa MIMI man dlm plan and mm or All machlnvry Tmm mull No mm Mn hu Ivrn 1m Ihe Mum FQllumn rluluahip Junnv OlIHIILIM Auclmnvr Imitnns more or less 01 Hot Mix Hamid HLJ Asbestos Fiprq Paving ed the City cmrka orllce City Hall Collier Slrcet Bur ric Ontario AUCTION SALE Tuesday June Ill 1230 mu man DST For LKIIIl In Tnncuklnu Hunnl dale anmhlp mllu 0th rant ul Naymr SALE at head leord and nmhnm mills hlgh clu Mm mnchhmy lncludiu hrund nnw Mumy human llnlrr ulm tum hmluhold IHrdl Tum cml No Hume Ihl Mm II mm Under the Warehousemans Lien Act Whereas MERRY BUT CHER Dullerln SIer Bar rie In the County of Simone indebtod In the amount of 3m in Dangerfield Motors U41 or storage of 1951 Buick Ssdnn Serial Number 46912245 Lic enca Number HM or the Seven monlha havn ellpsed and deluull has begn made In pay cut thereof Notice ls her by glven that on FRIDAY 2811 DAY OF JUNE 1963 at the prcmlses ol Dangerfield Motors Lth 233 Bradlard Street in In City of Barrie the IBM 1954 Bulck Sedan described above will be sold by Publlc Audion at 10 Im Scaled Tenders In Ehve opes provided will be received by ha unders ug on EDSIK Jim 196 or the supply and laying the to 91 Asphalt Pavi 4931mm more less Hob mix Hotlaid HLJ Asphalt Paving 7355 an Emu or less Hob mix Hallaid AsbcswsAsphall Thy Overly Plan and Speculations and lepch qpvelgpcs may uhgaln Juno 030 sharp FOR THE snn OF THE LATE GARFIELD wmonova at tho mum mm BAnNs Sale clctlxlul Ipplilnne lumllnrn nlso lwo olher diner cnl loL lumlluro will be told he Inmo evenlnl Term rush No menu Janny qouaan AUCTION SALE Wednesday Juno 12 pm shnr or HHDVETLI SON In I1 Concession lo Vam Towmhlp an the Georg Johm Ilon Highway mllu nonh lllghwny 00 on mllrs urnlm south Inexan Vlllua Sula Mm Mock Innenll and mm housde ccll Ttrnu cmh Na rmm II III lmmln mIrl 3900 in thorn or lassof Hot MIX HMlnld HLI Asphalt Paving Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ncccplcd STRAUGHAN Ciy Clerk Corporation the City of Barrla NOTICE or SALE OF camps BYV AUCTION ll lEGAl NOTICES l3 AUCTION SALE 12 TENDERS fig to TENDERS VFOR PAVING gated dd llthriiay of June DANGERFIELD Day before wbflcnllm PHONE PA M4 AUCTION SALE Jlilllu OIIIHIIJN JLIUW COUGIILIN Audlnnrer 233 mama Street Barrie Ont AUCTION Want Ad Scmon named until Aucllnnm Auclldnm nm Copy MOTORS Munn you know um mo 0de mum b0 trylnl la III In laud with hrlnl my mum whm your pm name dlmmllnued Inmc run your Idm uuu room In mm flu by Mum you manning dlumllnmd Dan Ill hunnm yum AUCTION SALE Clulu lPlu High Class Machinery Hay and name Household Efledl Thu undersigned has received lmtmcuom mm NORMAN NEVILS LOT 2i CON TECUMSETE TOWNSHIP Miles West of Cookstuwn M119 ou¢h Highww I9 on 20 Sidemad 1600 of Mares Se Plow Harness Horse Collars Odd Harness CAIlLE Hereford CW years old fresh call foot Hereford Cow years old fresh bred ngnln Hereford Helfer years old fresh bred agaln Hereford cow years ald fresh bred azafn Holstefn Helfer years old fresh bred azuln Holsceln Heller yeara old fresh bred ninfn Hereford Jersey Corr years bred to freshen fn July Hereford Cow yeara fresh bred agaln Hereford Helfer years bred to fneslren In August Hereford Cow years In freshen at end of July Hereford Heller yam bred Io freshen ln Sep tember Hereford Cow years fresh and bred ygaln Here ford Heffcr years bred fo freshen Oct Hereford Hell er years freshen ln Dec ember Durham Heller years to freshen end of November Baby Eula about 750 1hr ready for market Durham Heifers year old open Hereford Helfera year old open Hereford Stem year old Durham steer year old Hereford Steer year old Hereford Durham lfelf era monfh old Hereford Calves months old Hereford Steer ll month old Registered Polled Hereford Bull 15 months FRIDAY JUNE 14 AT PMSHARP 1119 lollvwinz HORSES AND BARNES Clyde Mm year old 1600 Clyde yang olq IMPLEMENIS and MISCEL LANEOUS Oliver 71 tractor in good condition Ford lmior good working order Loader for Ford Tractor Wnlkioz Plow zniurrow Deniborn irador Plow Smifler Murrow inler national Tractor Drag Flow Culling Box John Deere Caller iseciion Dru iiormws Drnz Tractor Culiivoior Drawbar Dag Truck NH 30 Combine selipropelled 10 cut Iii condiiion Oliver 00 Baler brand new lhis spring Oliver 7i¢ powor mower like new Sickics inletnotional ride de liwry rake Quoniiiy scrap iron Pioneer chnln row cod new Top buggy am ball elevator like new Sci heavy alelziu liiolor ior bole eleva ior Fanning mill Wozon and rack Sonics 1000 lbs cnpaciiy Mli No 37 horse drawn mow er Land roller Mli Binder Ni good working order Georzo While Irador monum unread tr sicel dmma liorsuimwn rake ion oi cool iiiii Seed Drill Pumps Floury hopper iiorlraw eioclric mom raoarnior 300 lbs tnpv aciiy iloih iub Bathroom be complete Lawn mowcr Cy clone Seeder txienslon ladder imroilon an ink Quaniliy oi wood Policy and Car Mmber Min Seeder Dunniiiy oi Piping Pimlc Pipe Casiraior aci iirond new electric clipper Chains Forks Shovels and many other Ini cits Mun cnah unlcu oflmwha mnan on larger equpmtnl Dcliullely no mm an arm thL thlnz In In remand unUl lulled lnr nwmr will not hl rummlhln Inr nny cl drnu day 01 um whlla on mm l3 AUCTION SALES PIGS Yorkshire Saw pm ready lo wun by Ilme sale Yorkshlre Sow bred weeks Yorkshire Saw pigs to wean by llme sale Yorkshire Saws bred weeks Tamwoflh Hon years York Hog months HAY VSOO buleafléluver my well saved GRAIN 70 bushels but 20 bushels om 10 bus at Orbit Vacuum Clenner with nlladvmcnu Noonr Vacuum Cltmcr Chlnl Cnblncl dren en Wmhuandi Wooden mnllml minus filnxcr 5e In Muchlne Mnny othth llcm VAngllcnn Guilt will um to lmhmmu day HIM Frank WIN Clerk 6c 28624 058225 £02m om 95 22 VIIOUSEIIOLD EFFECTS JHIUIV COIICIIIIN Audionm Plum nnniu PA MN THE BARIUE EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 11 lrr ol pulvllc hrnllh umnl Inlvy lumm In Nu new cunllxm uuulml Mammal ng mlli numlm ullh DlrItmn NAMED CHIEF OFFICER OTTAWA CPLthm mm you old lormu II or Scum bu Mn named hlel mlmlnhlnllu ul llm nl he lmzmllvu Cow lemllvu umlyl nullnml lamb qumm and nullonll ucnlm llm party was Annmmml MhmlAy In cum Mr Tm Ihr wlll rn nul many Ipmlm dam by lien TO TIIIZCK INHZCTXCIDH HIZGIN CPLflu un IM rlwm cnl Dlrhlvln ram Iml lhr Inllrljmlrd unhnpwl vulhnnl MINI Smhlclmwn hnl wamplrd rummlon mun Inllmz lnclllllrl ul lhu uhIlc IIMIIII Ilrpmlnwnl Dr Mlllhnw glln dfquly lulu MUST ARE HONEST OSHAWA CHWelan rev clplenln on lhe average are hon estly lrylnz lo Jobs Mayor Lyman Glllord sald Monday but lhcre are always law bad apples In the barrel Spam lng lo 300 delngnlu It the llam day annual mnvanllnn ul ha Onlnrlo Wellarc Olllcen Asso clallan Mrl Glllord uld lhnl compellan poxsun on relic lo wnrk lnr Ihclr wellare quel llan whlch we must doqu lnlo deeplyl OPEN FOR MEET OTTAWA lClY llullll Mln Innr Ln Mnnh nu Mnndny In In Common nho my llannl tunlmnrc on tho rel llon nl clxnnllc Imollnl lo cl cor will he hIld hm balm lhl Md ul In your Rho wan to Rlyln In many Mull lNDl Iw Wulmlmler APPOINTMENT MADE TORONTO CPD Willlnm Sluwarl Onlnrlu mlnlsler al rlcullurc Monday nnnaunccd lho appalnlmenl of Lanu director cl lhn ulanslon brnndl acllng uslsunl depuly mln lslcr ol the departmcnr llccllva July Ha wlll aka over tho puslllnn Sept succeedan Walton rccmlly np pnlnlcd manager ol he Royal Alrlcullural Wlnler Fllr filmcom K5 lnyl sho known our obvl on homosexuals In lhv Dny vlcw IlcllMI public Ichml when Iha lrnchcl Jnhn Tlckle uhool prlncl al um Monday In dld nal now uhero Mlu Kink wu ltlllnl hu Woman on TOUR CANADA OITAWA ICPlMu Gerda vnn nceumfl nl The Nolllcr llmll pmldcnl mu Annel nled melry Women hi World wlll nrrlva In Canldn June ID or lwolmunlh lnur of Fnlunlcd Womml lnIlllulu Canada EDITORS START mun SAULT STE MARIE Ont tCP Thlny Unllzd sum newxpnpcr cdilon Mondly darted the Innunl oodwill out Onlnrln thchwlll end In Windsor Jun 12 Guesu of tho pmvlnclnl ravcmmcnl lhe edi lorl wlll vsit Almost 211 lecr enl clllcs Ind polnll or Inlmsl In lhclr Illday out They wlll ol nppmxlmllely 1300 mllnl Tnmnln Ichoolltncher hu com plnlnnd lhnl homoxuull dcnclu Imonx younl chlldrcn afonol bglng Ignllquprgwly BELLY DANCER GETS BOUNCED Egyptlnn belly dancer Sohllr Zaki shiven sham and quiv er tn the style that has mad Caim night club entertaln lemons However the gov ernment has Nled llul tho motions said by some lo be suggestlve wen no longer to TEACHER COMPLAINH 101on LOP young WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Ill COMPAle BEST MAGOG Que CHIll MIA In lo small In Ill mlnrnny mm bl 111 In Iml company Gun Flllun unml manner cl Qurlwcl Grncrul lnvrnlmml mlmm llml Inlrl valny Mr Illlun lurmrr lishcr Du Mnnl mil Frtnchlanzuuu xlnlly In Devor uld In Imrrh lhn mull Indmlvy mlually ly Inl In Quclwc 0m mm and mun llmll rmupnnlu nrnlrd Io 1r Inle nml nulllmnalr lo mm llnlnrlul Ilnhlllly ANITA KING DIES HOLLYWOOD IMI Anlln Km ll nl nllenl mm In lhc Fltl Wmld War 11m Monday of hurt mu 5h II 10 nor um llnllyvmnd mom 11 VII Inlm lnmln In um um dlmlh Ivy Um Inln Cull Mule MIUMK NEW PORT CAMIIHIDGE Mun Mlla Iin ll Winlm lnmm nulln ublm mlnlmr look COUNCIL VOTES MONEY MONTREAL CIYThu flly tolmcll ll the openlnl of III III lulury qunrmly mrcllnu Mun dny nlxhl voted nlmunl 7000 000 or public mm Impmve mmu tor Allister Gmsart former ttanni director oi the party IOUIHETS SKIP QUEBEC ST JEROME Que CF Lionel Bertrand Quehce tour ism mtnister said Monday them and of Quebec tourist leaflet have been returned to his de partment with such messages Quebec to hell and never going to Quebec written on them it told the Chambro de Commerce In thin centre 25 mile northwmt Montreal that be Front de Liberation Quobecois terrorism caused rr Actions outside the provincu which were tar irom reassur ing tor lha lnurilt lenson START NORTH HHl EDMONNN CPI VB American Iludcnll lcll Edmuw lon Monday lar Whllclmnc YT when lhoy will bcxln 2300 mlla boat trip nlanu lho Yukon fllvcr In no Dcrlnu Sen Four mm and woman ram lho Unlvmlly of New Mcxlco Albuquerque houghl ulna boat Edmonton ENDS LONG MLilINCE QUEBEC CPLThu unm Myl nub Ircounln cummll co wlll Ill nIUmIHK Pram Luau announced Iomlny In Iha lrglnlnlum Thu commlllcv Ilnmllnu wmmlllu nu lmmhly hn not hum cnllrd Ilntc was when Mnurlu Ull plmll lhrn oppnsmun loader tnllcd Imo unlnn ID SEEK DEFINITION QUEBEC ICP The Cnna dlan Assncinlian nI Ilumanlllu dccidcd Monday in try la llnd oul exactly what hlculluralilm means Ill research council will try in dclina the word and look Inr wlullamlo such problems bilingualism in Canada TD INCREASES OTTAWA CWThorn were 606 new reported mm lu herculasll in Cunnda In Jnnu ry compmd to In the mo munlh hut ycnr lhu bur uu ol Ilnlhllcl reported Mom day New ncllvv cam num hcrcd 505 In January compared In 411 year no Rencllvnlcd cum numbered 101 compared to 61 be Included In the dance And further that damn mould not wear costumel such MIL Zakl was wearlng her when she was photographed several days before the new mling wenl into cltecl bat an split down he slde and reveal flesh AP ercpholo 1963 Medical Group Likes Committee Fourteen polnu In the 1960 policy statement laid down ihu conditions under which tila CMA would aupoan any manicure piano CMA requirement in cluded provision or doctors to work outside the plan and to de tannin how mey would in paid or their urvlces snowsijmmn CARL MULLINS TORONM cmm Cann dian Medical Association pins to review it oiiicial attitude hr ward wrepnid medlcll care in the ace of evldenm that the public consider the damn too rigid on theissuc Member of the CMAI gen elfal wundl approved the estab lishment special study cpm mlltee on principle but do clined predict outside ha closed meeting Monday what form any things In 11c might lake Although lay ChlA Imo ment on medqu can palle was puhilshed only lhru year ago the denim decided that the docm government fight over Saskatchewans shale medical care plan for limited prepald health servicc elsewhere attest In the need for clearer state men our phllusnphy and It Ulude oi Sher bmoke Que chairman oi the CMA executive committee eaid after Mondays session that the public sometime eels we are rigid towards medical care proposals Appointment oi the study committee under Dr it lrueman oi Winnipeg in dicate the desire oi the medical profession to be flexible Dr Quinton suggested Discussion oi attitudes and rrlnciplee formed part of odor on session oi the lmmemher oouncil devoted chiefly to re view oi he Saskatchewan medi cal care program and discnuion ni lchrlutlon In Alberta and On tario to set up partial medical care coverage through private insurance planet In remove 53 Illegal hllllmnnll nlonl lhu Now York Slnlo Tlxru wny ll Ilnlu lmnpu ncmmpnn lnl much ha 29 wnrk unlln lhnl luluml alonn lhu baamill nupcrhlsllwny which cram lhu Ame EH WALL CHOI WASHINGTON lMl TM US nurlculluru depnrlmrnl hal ullmnlnl lhu mm Illncrlcnn whcnl mp al l00¢m3000 bulh all 11 ll 4041401 bllflllll lm llmn Ins mnnllll lumnll cl Ilz45l9000 mainIL com um wllll Immuzooo produml All year nan wllh l215lml00 or lho llvu your 1057461 urn my TRAIN DELAYED DETROIT MIA cur III vnln mm curlylnl llw Iluynl nallrl Company Hnglnnd In hlrugn mu drlnynl AM 0th hnurl Mnmln Ivecnun of lerd ullrnm Imuan In lwrrn lmmil nml Wlnvlwr Onl nue lulu was huhd up lo mul In Wlmlmr with palm xnu um Almnhl IIMI lhny me In and Inn Hm lldlllltl railmml uprnu Inn can ol VuM Alr hln vnM In nmvrnllon nndu hr In immullal bonny lerulnmufll cenlm ll dull nmgnlr dunr mslomm or Implnym DRINK Um COFFEE sums 400mm mm mt ln nu mmumul rIAIIy In IM Unllwl sum nrrmdlnx In World Calm lnlutmallnn cm AUSTRALIAN ACCUSED MOSCOW mumTho um ucrnlnry lhu Australian cm bnlsy In Moscow Mor rhon has hccn dcclarcd per lonn nan gran unwelcome be cause csplonnuo Icllvlllcl ho Sovlel new Izcncy Tnss flld Monday night Tun Inld Mormon wn ntcuml 1n Ilnlcmcnl dclfivmd lo the bassy tngnulnx In Hm co lccllon ol lnlclllgcncn or The Albert and Ontario plan appear la be consonant with our policies nld la the needy and to the encouragement of multiple tanlea ol medlnl services Insurance the lam em the councll dncldcd over Monday as president the Mycnrnld Massnthuaem Inslllule chhnolngy Alumni Anoclallonn wlnlm president lbs nlo Tlnlo Mlnlnz Cnm puny Canlda lellcd Tor onlu ll tho llrs Cnnndinn lo head lho mmemhcr amul allon WVMTIIHRQ Mandi railed Kb pglga onpcIIlh xhgrgda I314 They are American Smelling and Mining Co Ameflcln Zinc Lead and Smeldnz Co and American Metal Climax Inc Speck trad 11M ll used primarily by dla mun or lhe aulamoblle and mu nnce Industries ngh min used by bran mills Zinc dh cut Illoyn also an med by maker 01 product for the my lomohlla and Appllnncl Indu tries REMOVE BILLBOARD ALBANY NY MUWork new nrmml wllh power mm nnd cutllnz Innth drplnytd Mnnnlny In mlllgpryrliky nuhlqn filthgrade 11m and zinc cm afloy IIch pound Zinc Alloy Price Up In New York ran llllYCOTT NEW mun 1hr NEW YORK AP Thm mm 11

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