kg Imnmm db Merl lhc rumorI In Mnrleod nu fledmnyno um uld lhp lollr Ind mm all ll Illlchmcnl 11 lulur wu nlxnul Ind mu an lpnloly lur not kman dun Inlnrmnnu uh Inn Muchml ComrnaHm ml Ilalr Mn and Marlin Hrdlnnym live pally mnnmr In lulIn mrnl mnnvnlnl lwrnmo wklh Ihe MI Ivn Mnrrh 71 All quullnm hm been mm In Pullmm About the runmu llnklnl Min Kw Illh lnv mmwnl mlnlmr um um mmlml today In hnn known helurc ltvlumo qull Icllrr IIn wmlo la Mlu Ruler In nlxkh hu uhlvmcd In IIMHNI KNUW Mill LETTER mm uur lllmo Minlnlnr Mncmlllnn rnmn lmrk lo Imka Monday mm Hmllllll vncallnu to ma lullwrlnl nluuu mrr Ilm lcnmlul whlch Inn nhnkm hll Iullnn Conwvullw pmly LONDON Cl nculm Tho Irolumo nflnlr continued In domlnnlo tho Ilrllhh mpllul today In Hm nulhoruullw Timon lnndun upmst shocked ro Icllnn lo lhu mornl In In of ha mman as In pull lcnl lupecll mull ludInz xmrpumwl MurderSuicide Occurs In Samia SARNIA 0nL Jun ll Dmhnn Krnsojcvkk comm llon wnrkor and wile Kmhcrlno II lab lechnlclnn at Snrnln General Hospital died Monday night In what pullro dumbed as murdtrsulcldc Mn Krasnjcvlck scpnrnlcd from her hum hand or lhe lust lwo months was laund slnhlwd lo chh In her Ipaflment and half an hour later lho hunbundl body was march rd tram he CluIr nlvcr me he leaped In Mr dcnlh lrom map rho Blun Vnkr llrldxn hm Profumo Scandal Continues qï¬qgk British Public Press Th LIMA Pun AP Peru appcnnd lo clvHIAn rule In Fnrnunda Baluunde lud In unnmcial presidcnllnl elccflun my junln uhlrh nnnullnd last years remained liltn on Sundays bnllullnx CANBERRA Haulers Primn Minisi aald today he would lzavo Thursday lnr Briliih Prime Minlslnr Macmillan Cnnndjn ton and American Presldcnt Kennedy Budicth revenues huéycd by the nowdeluncl Import lur chams ndvunch 26 prr can Terry Continues Vote Lead Menzies Plans To Meet Leaders Heavy lncr costs technical tralnlng ald hospital lnsuranco and public debt charm helped push budgetary mending lo record hlgh $0 585100000 up on per ton 1mm 00510601000 Thla wlu despm his drop of $266000000 In pay ments lbs provinces under the new cheralprovlnclnl tax lrgnngnment It rcompnrcd wllh lho pence llme rccurd deficit of 5791000 the previous year SPENDING RECORD min had budgeted for 000000 dellcll and the whim paper showed ha desplla last years nuslerlly program the dellcll ell only 536000000 shaft his precast The $189000000 larger than lhe 70000000 Iorecust last can by the Can survntlve in mlnlster George Nowlnn when he re vlsed predictions made In tho budget speech 01 Ms predeces sor Donald Fleming on April 10 Insljenr The ry mum or the 196263 your ended March 31 war shown In whlte pnper Iablcd In the Gunman by Mr Gordon prelude to his ï¬rst budget speech Thursd Lu week mm lhe Liberalsmre tugged to goyemmem it was the string oi ummuiive annual deiicli nnuz up by lha former Conservative iovemmenl This period which rodnced total oi $2901500000 deï¬cits sinned April I957 just months helme lha Can nervnlives look oi ice and In March lhree OWAWA CP ederal budzei dellcll $709000000 or In fiscal yenraecond lamest In Canadas peaccllme history WEI reported Tuesday by F1 nngco thlsteg Gordon Niws BREE 99th Yur No I36 $709 Million Budget Deficit Is Announced For Examiner Wm Au Talo phum PA Mm The telephony number to call lor th Gunmen or Editorial Dept ll PA Hm Our Telephones Peru appcnnd hcndtd lodny for Fnrn qude Terry built up llwimnyna and Mnrlmd IM mun Id umle Im umol muuncv Later In hi day he dankwl In lullnmnnl Ulul Hum Vlnl nuylhlul Im rmw In My mom wlm Mln Keoler Pullmaul Imp Alonlent he hnd luuml tmhnlrnulnf Alixd About an Inn MIIIIMIO lmlnma MN Hml ll mu nnl mumml In rlvrlo In III II 1mm mldml lu mung Month UMT IEVGHNY Euurml lvnnav ulmo 164ch vullonlly an Ilnulnn piny lxuy yllplmnnlic lmuhlo nhuotrr um 5mm um II ml myme man In llrl Inlnn lrulumv Alfalr Canning pension fund opera Unns total govemmcnl spend lng hll s7muooooo and raw nue lulnllcd 85567100000 Minister Slr Robert Mnnzics day far rip abroad lo mm Canadian Prime Mlnislar Pear Pendon pnymunis Jumped by 31041500300 Io $753700000 re flccung pension Increase from $55 which look Effect Feb 1961 Penslun Iund receipts of he spcclnl taxes earmarked or his purpnso rose by 1100000 to $691100000 lenvlng 342 600000 deï¬cit that was covered by loan mm lho gentrah trgasury pa cludcd In the reports hudgelnry accounts since lho pension fund which finances the $65 monthly payments to all at nga 701 han dlid sgpnralcly theryclzfls accounts are still nugget la adjuqlmcnl Budgetary mvenue fell $53 000000 short of Mr Nowlnn October Forecast and topped Mr Flemings prediction by 393100000 There were Increases uI ml 300000 Inr lechnIcaI and vow IIonaI IruInlng payments to Illa pruvInces 3790000110 In the cost carrying the pubIIc debt 552 900000 In Ilnspilal Insurance pnymenl and $20000000 In shIpbyIIdinl subsldies MIylster Slr Despite the economy steps taken last June 21 In he for eign exchange crisis budgetary spcndlng was $35100000 hlaher than the revised omens by Mr Nawlnn last Octuberand ran MADOWJ above the forecast of Mn Fleming budget l4 months ago do record 85376100000 up $146000000 mm the $57M000 000 collected in 188162 Personal and corporation income lax col lecflons reconied declining by $66700000i actually in creaud by $250000000 But 17000300 oi this tax money was collected on hehnli of 01° mince and 0011 show in ederai accounts Tmy bumup doc mum The rullnn mull clccllon nn mud charges relum 112 113m pi xflzxaminvr um KlnnN annnunm lbxl an Inn nlhrr munth mm hum munanle um UnIINI RIAIH AIIQ vIII In ID SpermInn an In Irlrnllly In ML MIDIIAInr had mum on lllrrlmn John Me Clo Nu toll Ink Ind lar Illa upwlnlmvnl hllf he urunlnr lnr lho ulna Mun nllrr Krnnmly nnnuunrrd newd mempl wlll Iva lnlvll In mull nul lrrnly hnnnln nuclear wanqu julm ï¬rlmnn In lnrmrr unim Imlnr In Mmmw whm Hum paw noulom wlll II hmll Jubf WASHINGTON lMLlrub den Kannme nnmwl 5m Un Ilnmcrwlury Mm lellmln lmlny rhlrl I15 nrlMlnlnr In um II Hum Ind mllnln Im the nuclrnr MUM Ilnllr mm Severn lhumlmlmm dnvel oped nlonl cold lruut uhlch Ilrtlchml mm Luwu erhlxnn mulhwmwnrd through Atom Ktnlutky Inln Tom lklulnd mld lmnl much coulrr nlr mmd mulhwlnl and nnxlwnnl lnlo Um Lake mun Vlolenl wnd min and hull 1mm and law Innmdncl lashrd urnnl In Indiana Ohio Mlchiunn and llllnol CAUSan wldrsprcml properly damage In lensl lwn dcnlhl wm mum mm lo lho Ilormy wrnlhcr Several perm lullmd minor Injurlu CHICAGO AP Slormy wnnlhcr pounded broad am In tho mldsccuun In United Stale Monday as cold Ilr rum Cnnndn swap cnslwnrd rum Iho plnln nnd hendcd lnlo lho Mjgnglc cnnxl JFK Names Harriman To Go To Moscow Talks Mid08 Pounded BY Stormy Weather in lu own 0n tho advice of neighborl Mrs Matthews snld she held Bible nver lh skullnndcmsr bans slaln In an nllcmpt In ra muvu IL lnslend wns brighter lho next day the Iald Sh washed ll nwny uul may neared 1y lo dlsnppcnr ï¬nally Cup nve been opening wiihoul warning sho said and dishes hnvo rallied day and night without cause There has also been unexplained knocking on my iroql door Mrs Frederick Mnlthew sald In an lnIervlew the splrfl um made presence hmwn two washings when hmwn slain resembling xkull and cross boncs appeared on th kllchcn floor Lnlcr another slnln re sembling wnmnn wearing an oldInshloncd hoop 5km ap pe onn kllchan chm an evil splrll hns apparcnlly mndo Ila uppeamnco In lheh Wynum lmme homo durlnz helust we was KESWICK Onl CPIA wick cau alsnlqrnonduy led led mauy trip Into Utahs desert arens group was from the Og denSal Luke CityProvo area about 200 miles north Most were Boy Scouts but Floyd Loveridze chief execullva the smuls In Provo said the lrlp was under the auspices of ma soulh Cottonwood stake di ocese he Church Jesus Christ of LaltcrDAy Sainls In he Provo Bren The Vadvenlumus exmditlon was 1ch by group leather And professor who had House Bothered By Evil Spirit 11 reached 15 with It least two critical as details the trag edy slowly came from the scene lheaccldcnt In tho remote desert area bulween Escalanle and HnlenlheRock on His Col orado Rlvér HOLE IN THE ROCK Utah APlThe peace Ihat pro val over the southern Utah desert was shattered Monday when truck cnrryln Id plorers overturned ldlllna nine Boy Scouls two ers and woman reporter cav erlng tho vgnture Truck Topples Boy Scouts Are Killed QMA x93 nï¬llhey ï¬lmed lhlo wilh mnlldmblo mum mm mmu lnmler Kim hrhlvl am will le lho mullnl an Ill mrmlhl lluulnn dlplnleml III tum lalh II In 11min nnml dlulmlmelfl mm Geneva Vanhlnfllnn ulho nllnl Immrlmu ln Knvlel mm rlrnru In nullnu wllh Im luulnlu nm US munnu Imam AMI mmbnnlnn nuum unup an In mm wllh HusInn uprmn lnllvn In mdJuy or nnolhrr lry ll rmllnn 1w lnnl loudlnrk nwr pm In outlaw alomlc elllnl Kuuwdy mIh Ihn dlulnuun Monday In min pollry lllltll Ihu rummoncrmonl Amwlrnn Unlvmlty An Wuh Inllnn me lormnny TUSCALOOSA Ala MP Securlly llne wen tightentd unund lhu Univcnlly Im Ybum today or lhn unloldlnu ydrnmn lovunor delylnl lhn Uniltd Slnlu govcmmenl In an nuempt In but no cnrolmenl In Ncurucm Secuï¬ty Lines Rte Tightened His Campus Awaits Enrollment Awnlllnl lhcm hm wn Gnv rmor turn Wnllnro wha hu vuwcd In and In mo door No mo ccnlrnl llgum In tho drnmn zoyrnrvold Vlvlln Mnlone um James llnod Ipml tho 1th 1n Dlrmlnzhnm It by car Ihoruy In EDT 1m Hm 59man rip to Tim tnlrmn um lhn rampul nccom mauled by lrdcrnl mmhl MMWA CPlmo Liberal government announced Monday mulllmilllondollar package plan In allack Canadas unem ploymcnl problem Includan navel $500 bonus payment hr home bull duran the heart lha mmlnx wlnlcr This Man he anld would be tied DUI next wlnler and lhcn Pramoflan of winter houn buildinga $500 lncenllvn pay mcnl dlmlly mm the govern mcn lo me 11m purchaser or awnor house bull unbalan llnlly between Dec Ind March Ho lklcd nan points snylnz some wm new and ndmllllnz sumo were borrowed mm Idea slurlcd undcr Um previous av cmmcnl Labor Mlnlslcr MncEnchon unwrapped lhu package In In Commons flushed content but left Hm dcuflod look to later rezulnllons and new legislation These our yqulh escaped serious Injury when lruck carrying boy scouts and lenders overturncd on steep $500 Incentive For Winter Homes hllll commlulvnnr lnr Mm hml ulentlv up In druilnu wllh flu Burial Onilrjo Clnian Tuuday An nnllmlnlln wry In lhal Khnuhtmv hu decided to II down In IEIIIIIIHE dull an whnl needed lot In unan xmmd In delmï¬on mumc mullr 0m mummi Hm hm dullned la mu whnmla mala Hon Mwnnll Io mm ammu comp ll wul underlhuul ml Khth rhev In rmxuullnl hut wtrk in be all lIy Kuumly Ind Mm Mlninlcr Hnrmlllm nr mm In In no Mm Ilml lulu In Iva ume on NI mm Ihnl lln Wnl nu lmmd unnumsuuhll In Hm put me qulrl nllrml In or hm lmlrluHuull lnmdlnnl yur la Wllce lho ml Inn but hu mm In spell nul whnl lm ol Inspecllnm TM Wul hu clllod lur um lnlmllnnl Wuvcr Ind Nnrvllln lmlh In nndunlu cl lhv unlvmlly Nlchnllll Knurnlmch depuly US nllornryunrrll nlxo wu lulknul In so with 10m Juach department ollldnln saw no lndlcullon or Ihvlr plan 10 hrlnl Mlu Mnlnno and Hood nnlo mo clmpul They Inid US mum Allnrnuy mm Venvar nnd us Mmhnll lty lun Nnrvlllo Jr had been n1 llznnd in mm lhn Iludrnu ln thgdoor Ind prevenl lho cnlmncu lo the Illwhile Unlvmlly In Mu lonu flood or my other No ï¬rm He was up cnrly nllnr mending mu mm In down town holnl Exlcnslon ol munlclpn wln or work lnccnllvu program mnllnuallon ha mulllmllllon dallnr pmzrnm launched by he Conscrvnllvu under whlch he lcdcrnl lmnury will pay 50 per cent ol lho payroll cosh nl pm jccu undertaken In munlclpnll llcl bclwccn Nov and April in Finance Minlslnr Gordon told his predecessor Guargu Nowlnn PC DlghyAnnnpallsKlnxs that ho could not any ho present limo whether ho $500 will be tumble or nonAInxnblu MP3 lrled la gel lunhcr do all during lha Commons quea uon period on his plnn Mr MacEnchen said In reply lo red Hale 1PcWclllnmn Samh the bonus would apply In person who bulld hl own hams during the winter months animated In lhe HEM ollhe ax perlcncu and lho need or mm wintnr Ms grade during an expedition In the desert Nvlve were kill ed From left Denan Davis Brlnn Roundy David all In and Reed Allen Jr Jun 1963 Thu pipe will draft 55 cal from lhe thapcl 00 mill cmHmn flow In lho conclnve um where so turdlnnl nth behind closed door wlll led momsor lo Pope John who died Juna VATICAN CITY Hauler Workmen on he mo the Val lcnnn Slsllno Cha boxnn Monday to lnxlull lo 100400 Muvbplpo 1mm which pull smoke will announce Ihn deo llon new Pope to hand he wltlzrldn 500000000 Ramnn Calh CL mm The munk burned hlmxell pwcesslan about 500 monk wnl marchan awards the 10 pagoda communalIla ha nine roman killed during nuddh st demonstrullon In Hue In mnlrnl Vlct Nnm Mny II Buddhas blrlhdny hé burning wn lhn lulu Ilh ddcn In the countrys vo weckald rgllqluu crisis SAIGON Buddhm monk burned hImqu la death In Inm lna Incline heron thousands of nnlookun here today In dank anslrnuan aullnsl alleged Hgious dlxcrlmlnallnn by the Rt mnn Catholic guvummenl Squlh We Nam Install Stovepipe 0n Chapel Roof Monk Commits Fire Suicide 15 all of vao Utah Davis and Roundy walked In own dkecllans 1mm lha crush scene seeking help MP Win photo nm dynlmllo was brought to Ml place enrly one morning by low person ho ducrlbrd only In mnmbm FLO Earlinr In loduyl esllmany Srhoelm uld 300 Illrh ol dynamlln were hp In In llvlnl rmam ul hlx Mum or lhru dug inn wn wmiollow WHERE campldo respect or the law lor It the raped of lhu law that lnvnlme Mr ï¬nhnn then ruUred to conslder lilo lawyers arnu mrnls and decide whelhcr or no la comyol Schoclcrl Io name mambm ol the lmup Mm belnz out briefly he came bark and mld ho was Adjourn In 1h almnu unul lnlnr today when wlll mlku known In predu mannrr he procedum Ihal wn wlll follow to mllnlnln In said that by rennin lo glva the names Schulm was no lclllnz All 010 lrulh AlJJOUIJNS HEARING Mr Dcajanflnl amnd um Sthoetm had sworn la ILll the truth he rum and mlhlnz bug the truth mum Rlymond Daoust min at nlnu lawyers representing mo 15 mn lcrlul witnesses wld lhnl by law Schulzr does not hm to digglosejhp names Al on palm ha broke down tnd Iubhed that he had not bean permitted to his lawyer but um ha hid Ipoken with Crown guy Dcslnrdlm do Kaiwant llSuxlve ho nama Schoetm aid all not In mcItnce da in uww pmmé WE nlvm ilnnda Alnln Broulllnrd In Wye by amid student also held material witness wom am NAMES my lo name nlna or 10 persons who mï¬ In mIdAlown restaurant early last February Tesumony nbou tho meeginz innlndlnn MONTREAL anGEM Schoeters nudescrlbed Nah dlnator at to Front do Libera than Qutbecoh mused today to name member thn tenurtst group at comners Inquest Entn the bombing daath 01 In mny watchman Monday he desnlbcd himsel as In Insulator and word nnlor of the termls acuvlllc of lha FLO blamed by pollco For series of bombing Ln QM bec slum Murch Schoetm can of 15 person held as materialwflnesse In Iho bombing denlh April 20 of watchman Wlllred Vlncent ONeill was continuing his to limony In the second day of tho resumpuun of lhn inquest Into Ihgd=gflL do not know what can hap pen to mo and do not know what pressure can be put on me but will not Iva he numesf the nyumld Bel ulanborn econoqu iludent lold Coroner Marcel mm Fears Pressure 0n Him Schoeters Subs In Court Not Mon Thgn Par Copyl4 Pngu log Cloudy Ind cool tonight Chum Hum showers Low lonfzht 1th lomormw 65 For lull Iummnry turn to page two aurprlsu Wu lhul Douala llnrknm armor mlnkler ol nnllnnnl defence wn not mar ed by tho Comrvnlln Home lcudmhip 11 one the party member up or lncluslnn In the new Common wmmlueo on delenco pulley Heber Smllh Barrie Im mum Comrvuhe MP fur SI ha mm named nunu n1 danxomu to dim questions thin nnturo ml Male this what inwyer Gilles Dummy anld ask what ml hns ladowlm 0Nclla dew Asked about Irm Iho movement Schulzn snld WI want no unemployment sthool and medical care for uvcrybody because lhuo rmglulgolnnry Harihld he pnrlldpaltd In lht prcparnllog IILQ xymbols Smith Named To Defence Group Shown met um Wu not described In court Schoelerl laid ha haJ never on helm but ha dld momma on lhb Inn of the FIR quen Ho said he Was not in tho lruck and he did not us the dynamite again until the av Viciorin Day 5L Fnusfln In the Lnurenilansi He said he parlicl nied in iransporllnz toms of dynaj mile back In Montreal by car more were lhm oi us did not drive myself Asked what kind oi car Wu Sgnpeim nnld cannot nï¬swn that nun uan am not ldenfllyin my person 50 BAIILE FLAG na um na ported by lnlck tn the north Mgnrenl Local Weather From there was In GEORGES SCHOBTERS WE