Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1963, p. 4

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Most people believe there is something vahout the traditional Sunday that is worth keeping They appear to think that although changes are desirable there is an essential quality to the day of rest and worship which should not ilightiy be surrendered So runs the an nual report of the bords Day Allance The report states that more than the churehes are tindln the trend towards change obiectlonab It quotes the iOttawa Journal as saying there is too much nonsense being taught about the new tempo of modern life demanding Oakah Jones president of Con sumers Gaa Co aaya Canadians and Ca nadian business have to learn to boast ii the emigration of highly qualified Fer sons is to be halted He says there tendency in Canada in feel thatlheing proud of accomplishment or oi attrac iivenesa is an unfortunate US charm terlsiic As native of Boston and now Ca nadian business executive Mr Jones has not judged Canadian characteristics ac curately He has not gone far enough No one will quarrelrwith hla conclu sion that Canadians are reticent about blowin their own horn This does not mean owever that they are contempt dous oi the socnlled American habit of boasting about everything under the sun below the 49th parallel It may come as surprise to Mr Jones that Canadians generaii concur with the Americans boasting he US his every reason to be puffedup about its size and achievements And whats wrong it the individual citizens of ihai huge and friendly nation do illiie in nocent sounding om withtheAmericans boasting lhe US has every reason to be pulledup about its size and achievements And whats wrong it the individual citizens of that huge and friendly nation do little in nocent sounding oil The average Canadian admires and respects his American neighbors and theyhave learned that these feelings are By and large nevertheless Canadi ans have no reason to feel small in any way in fact some oi us get mighty tired of vocal citizens who are always saying whats wrong with us There is nothing wrong with Canada and her people We have come long way in 20 or 30 years and there are brighter prospects over the horizon Sunday Best And Recreation more Barrie Examiner June 1953 Spec ial edition of trlweekly Examiner print ed to mark Coronation at Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Town of Barrie held Coronation Day parade at 230 from Queens Park to municipal bui ding and then along main street to Barrie Arena tor divine service conducted by Rev Joseph deiencler Wright rector of lrin iiy Church and adre oi Barrie branch Royal Canadian ion More than 500 school children an teachers choir took art in program directed by Lloyd itord Camp Borden Army and RCAF combined for impressive Corona tion ceremony and parade arranged by Colonel it Clark 050 C0 Com mander and Group Ca taln Syme MBE Commanding 0i leer in Bar rie thousands lined the streets draped with Union Jacks and Canadian Ensigns or the parade arranged by the Le ion committee headed by Alderman ito ert Bibby At the arena iliayor James liart and George Johnston hiii delivered addresses Sandyt Coulis presi dent Chamber ot Commerce announced coming to Barrio oi new industry In Emmm im cltllnvll mum II 1m mo ummnm all run In mu rum mu pm 4m mm 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Aman wand mu mu rm um um an an lhllu InMyl ma Iulnr1 IINNIII WALLv VII Mrrlllurm mqu Im In Ivllamt with nmNILLI tilllulu Mr ue nu 91 um mo In Jumv Im much in mm nun3 om flu wh nu In mm mth An fun1 mm emu Ilmml mo Bum 1va mum mum Iquu momma TM lnmm mm mm clmnmm Nun in ll 7M IM Canadians Nat Boastfulfj But HaVé COrneA 0119 Way PEOPLE HAVE NO SHAME Vlndsor Slar One Windsor grnndmothor hns ding nOsln or whats wrong with In many pcoph today They worn brought up says she without any some olrnhnme navu nhc whlmm mg some shame thn she was lld cm of tho mus prevalent phrasu in rural home was Slmme on you child It did nr snld Iomulhlng bnd4 was thus reprimand crL lhoy worn nuuhl Hm ccrtnln ncllons Ind word were almmclul They worn wrong and cmlud to bring chlld boy or girl Inlo dlsropule Shnmu on you Phrase um to denote wrong mm Hg IIm chlhl grew up wllh In lmllnctlvo nndmllmllnl what was wrong and what wuanl Willa Pnbllshen The Barrie Examiner mien SundVérysfirsome thing Published by Canediln Newépapen Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Onterlp OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE ma LBrlanSlalght Guam Mgnaler MONDAY JUNE In 1m 4m generally reclprocated 1n tha US One could not term lt mutual admiration aoclety exactly but it could be width the Canadians and Amerlcana under stand each other And perhaps best all thergla feeling trust2 The Canadians dont boast too much perhaps because they 19 neighbors to but The us has more people more Industries and more of everyth ng in fact But this does not mean that Ca nadlnns are not proud of what they have themselves Thgy arg Some day Canada shouidbe great and powerful nation Now it lsiln the process of growing and much of lhls ex pansion is being helped by American capital and knowhow if and until we reach the status of great power we will suffer by comparison We will con tinue to lose skilled men and women to the US and some of us may suffer twinge of inferiority oqgaglonallz Humanitarian considerations provide sufficient reason for keeging Sundays distinctiveness These nclude rest change fromordlnary routine freedom to choose what to do on Sundays apart from the demands of employers or cus iomers outdoor recreation family as soclatlon poriuniii of meeting friends and of visit ng the ck and doing works of fharily undreligious should not be changed even In the six neg Sung Is one Such great benefitsrlnherent tn the traditional Sunday glve strong reason for Its retention branch of Kolmar Laboratories of lilll waukee Wisconsin to produca cosme tics Henry Groh general manager said KolmarWllckens is hapgy and proud that it selected Barrie ur ex ecutives have been most favorably im ressed with the town its location and aclllties and the business people Earl Cox general chairman for Barrio Centennial and Old Home Week an nounced more features arranged mid way and circus at fair grounds variety shows and dances in arena band com petitions Jayeees beardgrowing can test wns in full bloom with hundreds 01 entries for the prim Manager Foster presided for Open House at enlar ed remodelled Barrie branch Cam tan Bank 01 Commerce ltotary Pavlllbn 55 Hr this n1an to mils Bob lluntcrl Band and vocal by Bing Mayor Some modern lhlnk lenso shame la mnkn ono candldnlo or psycllnlrlsla couch Probabl it Isnt wlsc to broad upon misdeeds the pnsl nul Ihla urnmlmolhcr claims she nuvcr know anyone lo whom Illa phrase was nppllcd lo her youth ever to end up In psycMntrlc ward They became do con dulcm STUDENTS AND STUDENTS Ounwn Journal Englloh 11 broad Ind Rouble Inn gunxc but moms to need new word lo ltnnd for Mudcnln who arent alu drnL ln Almost every doyn rntlon of new there In lml one nlory about hm mulcnlnf they cant Ipcll or lhu unl road hay no pclllng ollco wll beer lmlllnn during Enslcr hol lnyn lho Iro Illcklng Ilnn In voodoo do of nnnhl Gordon they no nhoutln down prhnu mnlslcn Too much ml thing could give the good name of nludcnl bad name We should nvc lhu name of Aludcnt nr lhuso whn cam It by lludylnu uml 1nd anolllur word for Um mm 1mm Inkm who am In Ichoul or unlvmlly but not of IL DEMANDINO LII Voix do Im Grnnhy nlo ubllc wlll be dunmung ll will wnnl he government to ad Ind rnpldly Ilncu lhu thlng with wher ll parlltuiarl tnpronrhed lhc In govern nwnl Wu In henllntlon and ill Ilnwnm In mmhul lo dochlonl lo meal Illa mum uyl medl Club selected Luwrcnco Beech oi BC to aiicnd Citizenship Convenlion in tawa iinp Emms coach of Barrio Fiycra Memorial Cup winners was busy iiliing speaking enga cmcnis all over Dniario at Sports Ceic riiies dinners Owner Sam Sirnnsmnn nrled excel igniuclrowds for dppcing ll iincia ioing LONDON George Brown deputy leader oi the Labor Per ty htx proved to the British rublic how wisa the parlf wsl rejecting him in the eectlun ior the psrty leadership Ind choosing llarold Wilson in prel erence to the pugheclnus Mr Brown in speech It Labor Union dinner in Mndon retar rlnl to lhe House oi Common debate on motion oi censure oi the Home Secretary Henry Brooke over the Chlei Enahera eiluir he went ier heyond what might be termed the bitter roth and tumble oi party politics in direct sttack on Prime Mine lsler Macmillan he dubbed Mr Macmillan es lisr Ind deceiv er and described him es An injured desperate men who does not cure what happens so lonl Is he creates the msxlrnum ill will and upset Around this world Britain he said cannot eiiord such men at the head oi si iulrs any longer Its might be expected irons such an iiirphrsscd outburst Mr Brown hss done himself snd his pnrty much marl hsrm than good by this nutrsxcous attack on Mr liiucmilisn lie is regard cd by MP ss having gone iur hoyond the verhsl rough and tumble which is tommon toms amongst politicians lie could not have called the prime min iticr ilill in the House at Cum mons without holnu called upon to withdraw Conversely thiuzs snid outside the Home do not have protection oi party privilege flVlCE 10 PARTY Mn Mncmlllnn wlll have In de cldn lur hlmncll whtlhrr lo Ink up ML Bmwnl chlllmu From lhe puny pallllul mndpolnl Inch In Illnck cm do hlm no Ihlnl hul good In Inn lhll hll dellbornlly comm lptech In Ihn ccnnm mollon de hnlc nchd lho Connemllvc party III II had not been nlllrd or month Mr Drownl out hurll II mnvlnclnl nvidmco but he not In thor my on raw Huh Tm Dally clrnrnph pol lcn cnxmpondrnl Iuml up nully In lhll unph lollllunl udmnuru hm per hnpl Ilnnme lm unmluy pum hy of Inln Dul lhm who memher lh In lulu Anrurln luv lawrr Hum wr mln phma may eel um Mr llrownn cholcn of word my have dam Ml own pm mu dlurmc WHEN ALONE hIr Knllh Junph In nnnnunc In lhl nvarnmmll new haul Inu pllnl Ind mum Win In lmld mood an prrdlmd filr mm mm In nppmch Ihv pmMem of Ahnmu mm mm mm nm lo umm ugpply qurm of REPORT FROM UK Ill Im IWNIIIII Imlml wlll ho om In lhu nul 10 yam mm lhll umllon wllh lhl kmwluln um In dun In llmm an ho mnde Ihm Ir mm shallu ol my when lwlween lull mIIXIun nml mllllnn hum nul mn In hold hII npmmh lo mhkm cm be Impml II renl nu Imm Iupuly modrm or nodgmnal mu Ind ucondA 1y lo um ll mmmlc nnl Irom mu wha not In med wedl lid One Ihc dn mm 01 um mun mum of DubMind rent IM lr loo mnny pawl who an we Il nnl In huy or lmlld lhrlr own human nu nllnvml In conllnuu 1mm mnzllwbudlm Iwum By McINlYBE HOOD Deputy Labor Leader Bapped For Outburst STILL HOLDING Sir Keith has let depart mlnl hlzh mm of home bulldln Ind modemlullon of 550000 yur or more thlm 1000 for every working dny than Ioma mooo would bu needed 1n mulching growth of now householdl So Um III 150000 year mllzcd Ill would make ponlble My Illnllal Acceleration In the me clemm olum Ind nur llum houses The minim propotu to It nin hil nbicfliva by railing up novemmnt mannered hourlna mrparnlian which will inmr no opernliv housing Iociellu buiid inn house ior rent cm In lel cnunlries Iuch miellel have reached inrlu proportion in Briilin they have pmvidtd pniy about one in Ivery so hour es III the wnri By itndinl ihesg mieiiggup in 95 per clan ol lhe upllll coal at mlrkrl me lnleresl over 60 yam lhll movamenl Ihould Krnw ln Volume hrlhu propasall would runhlo the mlnlrlrr lo exercln greater power lo compel lha modernlznllon old home by llmdlardr In nddlllon lo provld In Inhxlanllnl grant or lhll purpose From £17 mule lha mlnlllerl proposal Ire lmnglm allve and renllrllc and ll well wrlhln lhn cnpnclly cl Iho bulldlnl lndullry ln ennhle lhll oblccllve to he mcl wllh hlghly bencllclnl mull lor lha mllllonl who no lbdny poorly hound can llu Imusan thorluu mmkaN roucvu Hrrold wllwn Ind Ml mpporl In lhe Ml win he Labor vnrly In IdopllnI Ilranx Hm In llrllllnl trade relnuanl wllh South Mrlu Mr Wllnon hlmull hu demlndcd 0m hnn bi Dlltld on th nrmnmcnh la Sath kn wlnu luvporteu In Allllnl an buycoll all Soulh Mricnn producll and url in tho nrllilh ml to slop huyhl thtm Tm mlllnkrn bull or lhlu volley la hnwuvcn null clrnr to In Brlllnh wnrkm who job In mm ulenl deptnd on man wnh Baum Alricl Scol llnh IMpIdem would nnt web come hull he mulled lo South Alrlcln nrdm or Mr Ihlpl Saul Alrlrn huyl mllllry Ilrcrnll from Gull nrllnln Mr Wllaonl vlm wm lo pro VII UHNM slnlu and Pr nu would he nnly loo mum to my In aka over lhrsa ordm 0M lulamohlh In ry mm In South Mrlc ll Brllll Under Mr Wllnnnl Ilcy lhcn would ha revlmd Human French Ind Amerlcnn rm 11ml lhc Labor pollq would ml Ilul man harm la llrll uh lndmlry lhnn ll wnuld lo floulh Mrlu flll PEOPLES VIEW can om nu utmml In cnunlryl rnrlnl pollclu hnu bun lull tlur In lh hlnl vuhllc vulnlon poll 1N1 pull In Hull only pvrunl ovlo vullnl um llrnr boycoll whll r3 cm um ml Ia ll wllh rml IM And Inn wll In lhu Labor puny llloll ml ms mnl and Um baymfl whll pemnl ur not In Ivor ol ll ll would lhmlm mm at firm In In nkmlnl MI Ihnlll II Soul Mrrn ummflv lhc Im dlum min Mr Wllum In drllnmly bull IN on hem TIMv10 Pmh ub llc on Ilmycofl pl Squth mnom numb ol mum now Ira fighting medl cm Both the llrtnllh And in Nope 01 ml cum vuy Somn Ire ngalnu Iny m1 clpallon by government In In nurlncu Olhcrl Just dont wnnk pronm ol sad11nd lmur Ince Safna In bold bmh Ind loud Olhm In working qul ell Wyn lhv 53w wlncluded In the opvmmon nnkl If putMI roupl much chamber comm hehhnnd uubinn um gun he And common chnrlcllrhllc cl vacuum lhu up Jul llnn la dm la llul ll hu ml lhlllnw 111 mm pmmunl mu an undwblodly Alarm 1101 un Medicre ll an important and carnplu quelllon Thu inon contrnvuny lhm he bdlcr lor oug pollllgnl nut lh oniy my mnlmveny uunh whllc OINIHITION ALLOW tor Example hm II pm llnu on Ipuch dellvtrtd by Glydu Grrlom Pmldml nl Ayml McKomu And lIrrh Iun leiud 111 nluu wu dillrlbuled hy Clnudlnn Phlmllroullul Mnnullclurm Aluminum un der Um htndlnl lrlvull Ilodlul Cm Pva 1mm ThInGov Irmmm fldumu Mr uva mnlnl Ill 50ml lul IO mum modlrlnc hr mu llld lhnl linu Ill ldvlnl Um ll bu mmk no 110 or madam canlnlmllnn In My 01 mm In Immlm ol mmul ulrnm EVIDENCE ll LACllNfl mull IncmmAI and quill un Mllcu nlulomml unlod mm Then II no uvldnnu given to nipped 0M Ind lhll Ulla km ol hmd mlemeni In vnulm In In mumenu vrmnled by 1M wpmnfl of modan Imur nu mcéh howmrar In Ibo nlluoTh lchlnl In 15 pm guys pm crime Ignlns humnnlty ol lawzd the ulaulnntlan ol Rlchnrd Heydrlch the larloul Nu prokectur ol Hohamln Thu Gestapo Il leged the coalminan vlllua wu harboring Haydrlchl Hart The women wm lent to concgnlrallon carnan when many died Ind the children put In tducallonll centres The Null de Mrnyed lho vlllua Ind erlud ltl name from ofllv clll record but Udlce wn reborn alter the Second World War In lmaner Iliulhtefinl III the mule vlllmn mm lln wmeoparw11 1h lllllira Gestapo filed lha Cuchoslovak vlllnza or L1 ylcahflr yana 50 Way 1m The Jim Oxford Ind CImbrldu boll nu wu rowed nxclr luncuan II The Canadian Pm Number Of Groups Fighting Medicare TODAY IN HISTORY By DON OIIEARN Cllllldl declmd hi ll JOSEPH MOLNII MD How Ir Ihnuld doctor rah lnlo pnllentl perm II hlm Funk peril thin filly omomb by lame nm rkx In Med lcll Tlmu by Dr Lennlrd Mohnllck nup rled by David Shnplmc 1d cllnlul pay choloxm It Brldlay Madlcll Cigar mu burial on ph Illmanll 11m hurdly ec But embamumenl or Iomullmel eellnn of will on land mun um to Imp their am on Iurmall to thun ulvu Dr Mlhollck cllel ho cm Dr Mlhollck cllel ho cm womln who Ind chronic heldlchu or 15 ml without lelllnl nor phyllc In that on of the fell vrobleml In her lilo wn an lnlenuly mun lgonllgip Job lrmtmlon In cnmmafl Iltulllon person my no in MA job my ell MI advance ment too ulaw He may hm hm overlooked In Ivor of younm man Even ndvunczd mm cm nol like lhl mpomlhlllly In volved Una Imunce reclll ToYoun GOOD HEALTH not like lhl mpomihllily ln volvedl Una imum reclll pertained Lo Iupcrvilor who could not bur Ia re rlmand or iirt In employee run in emollonal lurmoii lemlon elevated blood pressure Milly mlunbiai Yci hll cumclenA llous record in hit previous Job Vimquasi his udvancemenl With the facts possible to do mmelhlnz Wilhout Ihem them Isnt any way xetllnl nnlha probllelmeflqulvely Same pllknfl Ihe mlcla palm out cnrreclln sur prlshuly funk other eel lhey have no right to nymny thin but Involve Inyone else TM nut correct altitude all hnva Io lve with other male Ind some mhlaml Ire pretty much houn uh llmu Perhapl Iome plop will be morn at em 11 Ihey fnlnded the daclorl pledla Police ImageMaker Can Draw Pictures 01 Wanted Persons NEW YORK MUTm Ntw York clly polka depmmenl now In mlchlne which like descrlpllnnl wanted person Ind dnm comm lilo plume of him in about 20 mlnulu Th mnchlnccnned Ill Im Inmlkerh lhe hrllnchlld ul Peter Smllh 40 delecllva who Invented It harm on NI awn mm and own ex pense pollca deplrlmlnl doublede helluva thL 1155 saying But the hlle cant yped 1y llgvu Iggy lllklnl mllnly from bllolry For they do not luuly hun ulves And one hu to conclude my lormln their oplnlmu on lhelr emnllonl And lhii minimIva am lho whllc mum an Ilka oflcnce Illll nduullon II dnnlrr mu lhlnx lluvlitulnrly In rulm nl nlllnn Fur lhll lypc Iubmluion ll nclullly Imam And In Insult In lhn lnlelllnnco Any one who wnnu in nod Iduru at Iwn uldel cant hut op hm wlll In In Improve menL for hur llmn Iltnm thl they hm nll or God hul not nmrdlu knurled llomln 1m BIBLE THOUGHT Problems AHect Physical Ailments Maw 23 rum puddm mulch In In lpeclll rum pudd Mb the on uv HUBERT to keep hlmml WhllGVOlhI luml Iliunll rlvm Il IIIrI Thll put thI Hip pocmle Oath Knawlnl hm him an be dupentely 1m pomnl In nun um plum you bndavllad by mm perlnnll or hme miller tell your doctor mm the munnce um II will remlln laurel Jul eIIInl It all ynur chm may nl IOIIII helv Or he my In IMO lo mm lama Ialullan lhnl hu not occurred to or In tome me he may 1171 In luau couner by xpeclllln one kind or an other poxImp not medical Ipecllllll but Inmeona xklllurl In handllnl IIrnIIy problem But Dr Molnar hi hid full at my left eyelId III my lle And Im now 20 was told dld not uulmw It by 10 could hlvo lIcomcIGd by lumry but my pnrenu did no unlldzr It Im omnl Now Am married In hm our chIl dun Iwhou eyes are all per Ieclly normal Ind would like In hm the opernllon II lxnx loo costly Can an Iell ma haw much It wand cowlR Plank dmplnl oI lbs eye lld amn can be corrected by ellher plus nurgton or by III ophlhalmolngm It wIII re qulra hoprIaIIzalInn Ind he ml will vary dcpendlng an Io callly In check dlrecll wllh lumon In yanr VI nlly It lhnuld not be prohlbluvely ex pensive howevnrb Dru Dr Molnm My Ikln turn dark brown especially In wlnter Around 1h where my hr Imp My brels ll very hclvy luv bun told lhla alxn of liver troubleMlu Nu If not III nl Hm trouble but wmn people espe clally bruneltu will havn changes In skin color 1mm pro longed Innlion or pressure Try for In whlch use 1110 mum It lho ma Perhan ulna weight mm In lulllciunt wIlncu ll Interviewed and hi dmrlpllon the wnnud perm II recarded on code Iheet Thu mlchlna ha we comhlnlllonl nl nclal lenlnm Ivnllablt Ind lhey can be com hlned In nroducu In enormous vmaty nld It was being put In El medlale use Hen II the way lhu Image worker wvrkl Galnl by the code Ihect var loul nude of eyes hnlr lnclnl nlruclure Ind In lanh Ira ln urled Into In machlnu Ind projected owner on mean In form compome picture nlc wllneu then View lhc plcluu and thmuzh Hexlblc mm7rl In lmllzmlkcr Iulmluulu Adjuxlmenll an be mldo lo brlng he lmue morn in Hill with wllnen mem Al llnll Ila umm Mm pholol 1mm nr dlllrlbullon lmonl law entarw man mnclu CONCEIVED MACHINE polite durumM Ipuku mun lmllcnlc lhm III mm In lhn dnmnmcnl In paylul hlm lnr lula lnvcnllu ark bul lhn nlvnkcllllm nnlt fimllh would nlnln my palm xllhll Sm in H1 Buruu Crlmlnul ldcnlfll Ilan contrived Iha muMno came llrtd lkclthlnx compolllo plclum ol wnnlrd pmnm ltdlou procm um cm uke Imurn or sun day fucrlpllonl by wllnmu coml lle mm 000 of MI awn manuy Ind 3000 ham MI own llmo In dunkle nu mnhlm In lhu bmmrnt nl hll home mm mm mm ynn

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