Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1963, p. 9

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By 1303 GREEN Amcllled Pm Spam Writer Chicago Cubs triggered by what head coach Bob Kennedy called the trade of the yenr own share 01 he Nellonul league head or the first time in more man live yams They reached the lolly status Thursday when Larry Jackson and Lindy McDaniel acquired In an oilseason trade with null Cardlnalx pitched them put San Franclsco Giants and Into threeway llu for first wllhGlanu and Curdénnlls It wax the first lime the lowly Cubs had been on lhe lop rung Ilnce May 1m And even lhnugh they havent Ilnlshed the int division in l7 years HERES THE rmo that firstplace lie with win put 111 Chicago 01b in over San Francisco Ginnu 1n Baltimore New York Chicano Kanm Clly Mlnncsola Boston Les Angelo Cleveland Detroit Washinglun Chicago Gains Share Of First Spot In IL lluulll Thursday New Yurk Baltimore Boston Wuhlnglon 0an games schoduladb Probable Plltllfll Today Boston Munbouquclla at Baltimore Bvlrndn Naw York Sluflmd 24 De trofl Aguirre Minnesota Kant 10 Anulcs Chance Clevdnnd Donovan at wwmmn Duckwonh 21 Chlcnlo Plzmo Kun IM Clly Thins UH Glmu Sulurdly Minn It to Angela CMch Knnm CiQy New York at Dclrnll Cleveland Washinglnn Baden nl nulllmore Sln Francisco Chicnzn St Louis Lo Anzclm Clnclnnnll Plllburgh Mllwnukua Phllndblphln Houston New York By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mllwlukua ll 77 J7l Phllndblnhln 18 46 Houston 11 32 401 New York 20 370 11 In Thursday andm Chicnun lncjnnqll Iruh 55 6L houll Ihllmlclphln IOnIy mmI Ichodulnl lrnlmbln IHrhru Tran Lo Anhlrs Dryxdnln mm Chlmu Koonu 11 or Toll Ht Ban Frnncllco nan 20 Hamlon Nollelmrt St Inull anhhurn mm In New York Jnrkmn My Hunk Rhnw A23 Im burgh Mcllrnn ItsI Clnrlnnnll OTmlo nl lhllndrlphln Mrleh 151 hmrl Hnlunlny BL Mull an ank Clncinnnll ll Phllndvlphln MITOMATIC DEIIVERIES ANN If PA 82563 Amman Nulonl Ignqu SIMCOE PETflfllEIIM Su BASEBALL SCORES nrm Ilomo lldnlln Pct GEL 3111 604 21 537 WI ll 22 585 26 11 531 28 24 520 Hi 13 4119 26 29 473 10 435 8V 28 JZU In 35 352 13 xrmm 23 514 23 Ill 23 574 510 l7l 46 I1 401 170 ll 35 theyre making determined grab for all the marbles this season Thelr vlclory nvcr Glnnls was lhelr 11th ln game and neventh ln 10 starts nznlnst San Francisco thls your Mchnlel mulled ll dawn wllh spurkllng rcllul pcflormnncu and lmh lnnlng hams mu Kennedy put the trade of the year tag on the swap that brought McDanIel and Jackson to Chicago and son George Alta man and Don Coxdwell to St Louls Cardlnnls probably would agree AmMAN DOUBLES II was Altmans pinchh dou bln that drove in the wlnnnlz run In lauls lrlumph Atlanta Llllle flack Indianapollx Jacksonville Columbus mlflula Syrnuusa Rochester nlchmand Toronto Resulu Thundly Indianapolis Buffalo Richmond Columbus 11 Rochester Lllllc Rock Syracuse Allanln Toronto Jnckwnvllla Game Frldly Jncklvillo al Rochester Allnnm at Toronto Little Rock Syracuse Richmond nuflnla IndJannpoUl nl Columbu Mllwaukca at Pittsburgh Los Angeles at Chlculo San Fran Hnutlon RACQUETS Rog mo Spuhl W0 nnlvlu Ind nusIr fllcqulh Mum llmnlyl lull IWIIIIII 1004 MM Dullm IA um Culiam Slump Inlernnllonnl Lengua Southm nlvhlnn Nnflhzm GARNERS WHOLEIALI SPORTS Dlvlllall 28 500 21 21 485 22 45 over Phllndebhln Phlllle and lined Card Into share the tap upot In the only other dou bleheader Clnclnmu Reds won mm Pltlsburgh Pirates 75 and IN on the bombing of Frank Roblmnn Ind Gordy Coleman Jackson who has 75 we rd and Iparklinz 206 turned nm average wu lifted or pinchhitter in the ellhlh when Cub dad on Buley Wil lhams lqugnhomepl Barney Schultz not into Imu bel In the up lhanlnlh and Munnnlel came on wllh um SFSéipu prkeEivnno my on second use and then muck out may He broke up the game with his homer In tho bottom of the 10111 winning hll second Ame In as many days McDaniel mw In for the nelson with 173 earned Avgaxe In up Chlmo yesterdly Llhdy Mchlel mm mum feared In r0113 lawllmu aid lnhhed lb unmet OPEN TONIGHT PAINT ROLLER and TRAY SET fully 11 mm mm nyl In um onvvnln INM will Nth icyIla QUEBEC CWCentre Cam lllu Han New York Banger any the man who caunltd the shots on goal In New York last mason was great Hand of Ream goalie Gugm Wogglq Waxslay was traded to Mon ml Canadians muday or Jacquel lele who Hemy thinks will half Rangers mm layofl Ipot he Natlonal ackey League next season Henry told Iervlce tlub here Wednesday nlght Wonley we pot Lhu goalie ha Ippemd to UNIIL loth Innlnl rel hurler clouled gamewinnan homer as first balm lor Cuhl In Nth Double by Ken Hubbl Ian was allowed by home run by Blly wllllpms right to 11° the more In the elxhlh AP eraphotob remember one time when It was said Wonley had blockcd more than 100 mu In our gnmo urles Iha dimlnullvo orward explained nnly ad mitting we werent he host club in the league we had dun Henry Explains Worsleys Shots 3BRIISII PAINTERS KIT Iul All I1 clmn 0h Ill any In In Mum In nth Inn Inuit ulna huh hull my mums zxmmznu mum mum Byr ma Assommn mud Amulcm whom you Wigner LA Kaline De Cum KC Fox 7D M13 13 TrlpluElnlon Washington mm RumAmwn 15 small BImApnrlclo Balu mon 15 TriplesBrock Chicago and Skinner Cincinnati llama nunH Aamn Ii swim mlehkpbimom cully giving credit to these ii ures when we knew that he man who counted shot nl Nev York wa We decided to make mic Investigation and uked someone who knew hockey well to guultheyhpu on Wnraley We ound he in nevir called upon to block more than 177mm In Igagn Henry raid that In ona game the Eunlurl asked Toronto Konlle Johnny Bower to count the ma by Wormy Bower counted an white the Madison Square Garden Itatlruclnn to taped RanAflllon Mlmmoll an Enn mm lnAilllon am HIIIPEVHIIOB Lol Angela BALL LEADERS bnuhm Vemlles Mlnne Henry Ink Hauler could have picked up 10 lo 12 more £91m his season thcy had ad adequala tnlnlnl Icmlles mnmmonummnummnla fluln my to Iyqmu in Iln Mull In in nlinluml From Nu In In mm an lulu Im hlvluuln all in IIIlull DIIII In III hour Wu In lllly llnllnl win Ilvo 1w ulnhv lumm Inlmcl nllvn plvn vim AHMADA unmonnflrfl Junnun at he km Pushnun coLon SP1 mat fiend AB Pol 60 MB 105 61 350 60 323 21 55 204 I1 65 319 Mlmmoll an MIKE WET MIMIIM Pml me Writer American Lama mnnazen were let today to try new it ILI played with nine mm but mm oi your belt plIyurs have be IerlouIly inland First manner to 11 out complete lineup cIrdwlmoul erasures um mrwweek mallon In guylid pylon That might provide wei cumu cure or Ihe harried mnnagen who watched their pia era mowed down Thursday nix on iwwgame rollam which saw Baitimurn 0r nles re ulin that place by downing New York Yankees and Washington Senator stretch Its winning umkrtu iour game hyAbggtlu Bostqn pad Sox 24 Orioles except or lanes lllzhlly denied by Mickey Man tle came out the threeday war am with Yankees In good ape Bu Yankee wound up with another wounded mam her In the mien lunlo that lava Orioles mime bulge avg he wgrld Shamplang Orioles Regain First Place Beat Yanks 42 Pitcher Ilm Boulnn who had record lallnwed Mantle Into hosplm alter he was hit In the Inca by line drive at the In Jack Brand In tho om1h Innlng Eamon suffered cut an Inn right side at ace and 1an lever bruise ol the 11th should N01 FMGURED Xrnyn showed no fracture of enhar ula jaw or the shoulder but lulchel were required to close the Idinch flash on his race Marrnxergulgh Haul my he was hopelul Bouton could take hln regular turn an the momd Wuhlnghn manager on 98 warm £00m Immge QUEENS HOTEL VISIT BeluflM Hodge of Senton lost his hob mt hmer when Dan Lock wu forced to leave the pm In the min lnnlni Lock who hld hlu in 40 mm and our hom era In our znmu Jutland an ankle Ipraln Mcanwhlle Red Sox mlnuer Johnny Pesky came with two nddlunnl to his ma lcal 1m pltcher Gena canny and catcher Run leon Nixon who had just mu Ilarllng berth wrenched Ml hack and In sched uled or union wlth the doc tor lpdqy Conley concerned NEW YORK ANBoth wel terweight clanlon Hill Rodri guez and Emle Orllmh nu boldly nl ending their bitter riv alry Snurdny mm by knock out In their return nu tight But despite ha number knockout In buxlnz this In ana ban in whlnh knockout would he an upset The records Ihow that no on has been able la mp either the champion Imm Cuba Ind Mlaml lhe exchnmp tom the Vin zln Mind and New York Thay Ilao wfll ba unlnz the ellhlounca loves um are mandatoryundu the flaw York Athletlc Commission new may rules lnllud the Ab ouncm pravlously worn fur tltle mu Most boxm say the Hamr mm whh lhnlr Illlflll lighter mull wm their thinnai padding make punch more powerml Predicting KOs In Bout FAST EXPERT msmumuM MoroMum Mufllm dnlanld In gin on pawn on Iconomy long Mu chm on syth my without being noisy Ia hm Itduclud by Cmdlm Tin uputl without can or obli anion STEVENSONS it Put mu IV WWI mn mu NIVIMI mm mm 9M0 57 condition however Pesky avan morn 4qu men 677 771 817 777 Conley whn has record and has been Ioundly whlcked WWW an my bnkemnll or New York Knickx of tha National Bukekball AI mclullnn Thu wobbly Ankle ap puren hu been keeping him on II do He wan on Ilrldl right II Lho mm min Senn Inn Win up lwurnm homer la Lnrry Osborne In he second Inning that pravlded an tho run Wnlhlnzton needed to post In longest wlnnlna strenk the Mason Conley was rellaved In the lhlrd Inning Dave stamina wu ma will ner will oneon relief halp In thg 1113 lnnlng gum flop lllnp Oriole snnpped lie in the eighth inning on runproduc ing tingle hy Brook Robinson Ind Jim Gentile to aka Iho tie two games to one Gentile also drove in the am two Bli umore rum Dick flail worklnl in renal oi Robin Rubens lo audit or the victory sun Wil lllml lost it PA um BAYFIEH 0AA NM SERVICE PA wol STEWARTS GARAGE TUNE UPS WASHING LUBRICATION MHOUR TOWING Re lull in Il¢ IAVNu In In MM LIFE1m nunmm 77 mvnouv IQIIJI

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