resign amines oversee Host Tune Tea The blossom tea and bake sale FRIDAY JUNE AtiDiZIIner Meeting held at the home at Mrs Jerry THE nocxermaas MEET THE Wraosons Gov Nelson Bockeieiler at New York chats with Duke of Windsor as their wives shake hands at Introduction aboard liner Rotterdam last night They were among 700 persons who took sixthour gambling cruise all New York ior the benefit of cancer re search The yearold duch esa said Mrs Rockefeller is an extraordinary person Said Mrs Rockefeller oi the duchessShes very charm Ing AP Wirephoto SPEAKINGIOF PEOPLE AND PLACES TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Melville Bates will en tertain at trousseau tea at her home King Street North Stay her In honor oi her daughter June tomorrow from to and to pm ENGAGEMENT Rev and Mrs Lucas at Pctrella Ontario have aanouac ed the engagement oi their youngest daughter Norma Ruth to Robert King Lounsbury oi London Ontario iiormerly oi Barrie son oi Mrs Edward Lounsbury and the late Edward Lounsbury oi Venture Cali fornia The wedding will take place in Pelrolla United tilts sianary Church on July at 23a pm UIR ANIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Bert Heard oi Lavender will mark the 40th an niversary oi their wedding with family celebration tomorrow Iitcmooa and evening at their Lavender residence Tits couple Were married at Alliston and were residents at Baxter for five years prior tovmayiag to La vender and taking up residence in the house the bride was born In The cclebrants have twp children son Oriic residing with his parents and daughter Mrs Douglas Kcarnaa oi Angus HERE FROM ENGLAND in the city for threemonihs holiday are Mr and Mrs Syd ney McCrona oi Canterbury Kent England lhe couple are visiting at the heme oi their sonsintlaw and daughter Mr and lllrs lrvin Rawnand tam liy Alexander Avenue SUMMER POSITION Miss Lynne Walls leit yester day tor London 0nt where she will be on the stat oi Woode den Centre one oi five summer ANN LANDERS camps operated by the Ontario Society torCrippled Children SQUARE DANCE Bill Judge at Barrie will dir act on cvaning oi square dance iun In Stroud Community Hall tomorrow evening commencing at 880 oclock WEST TNDIES HOLIDAY Miss Linda Bean and hits Dcenna Hancgger of Toronto art iiiias Beverly Anne Aycrat oi Burlington will wed Gordon Ross Gilbert at In evening ceremony in Stroud Presby terian Church June ii The brideelect is the daughter at lllr and Mrs liicivllle Ayerat ot Stroud The bridc groomelect la the son oi Mr and blrs Roy Gilbert oi liaanon Ontario Present And Future Spoiled By ThePast Dear Ana LIndrrIi Why cant we live our lives back ward1 Ive been married 17 years to the most wonderful wife in the world but didnt appreciate her until nowwhen it may he too late Tomorrow go in the hospital iar surgery lung cancer thought was Indestructible hot realize now how troll is man and how iew are his days iravo Illth moat or my adult tile in the real estate business rmd tvc done about oi rhcating used to ra tionaiiro nry aiinIrI laying Why noti What huvo at to losai avrn told myorri my who was cool to me when know the had story right to he drank lot and Itayrd away from horn ior days at time ltnuw now the only genuine hntrplnru ever hart was with her ld give anything in tanks up to that rirar woman the anguiah and hrartarhe Iva dlltilltl her It God Ipnrrs um will spend the rest at my tits bring good Iluslrnnit Ileiora go Into surgory shall tell my wits about lhla lrt or an tho can watch the paper tor it It is something feel cum pellrd in do Please Ann print thisW rter Jr llrra Is your letter My prayers are wiilr you INHIRT 0N Ithtl ihar Ann Landrm have Irrrn living with Al for right trrnnth Ito had one had lnar rlage and doesnt want in risk fund our Ila Mittrs to marry ma urrleu ha is ours we can get along togethrr its never ounrral and am sure he tum tar as Into lrlnr llut bats living Ihlr way want to he hit wt and out his mixture thr tor 0t all this have lyraroo daughter by tin tlous marriage The rtrlld ll iv ing with her grandmutltvr Aid IitIstlJ my trhlc want her here with us Al likes her very much and is rtectly willing but lm Iiroi to up root her unless Icon alter the security oi homo protected by marriage Al has temper and dont want to rlla him shall lnlilt on marriage or shall bring my daughter Into the house and hope for the buttAlf MIST IIHSJ Dear Misguided iooir Dont hrin your clrlld into setup you know it lmmcra iiha ll tar better all with her grandmother As tor you urgo you to move out and stay out until you can sign your next letter Als Wtic Ill never marry you it you nettle tor the present It rangemrots Why should he TOO flTRItTT irur Ann Landert Ara rny rarrnta living In the Hub rrn uryi nm to amt this la in We have bran tar six months When OIII cornea to our home ior III evening wanutrl alt amt virit with my parents or play rardg with thorn Occasionally when Invite this thin the rim to we ran hero private tune vrrtation my rrurthcr rlltrlrel ma lnr bring untoclablr Last week was no the trio Kimmy with Otis tor tit mlnrttra iy mntIur made new rulea the minute ptrona limit and aha acts the eggtimer Last night the egg tlrrrer twat oil and this heard It Now think he tI mad at me it into him Ill be awioii unhappy Illlr my rrroltrrr need your help IWINNE near runner Tetrt agrra should not ire esprvirtl to spend evenings playing cards with parents root Ima the any lrlog more boring the egg timer routine is an lllIIIlI dont think lilmlnuie phone conversation to urtl ot lnellut rm longer ploarc going togriltar iormeriy oi Barrie are holiday ing in the West ladies for month Leaving Melton via TCA the travellers will visit Trinidad Antigua Barbados and San Juan returning to Malian via New York MICHIGAN GUESTS Mr and Mrs Robert Watt and daughters Sherri and Michelle oi Flint Michigan left the city Wednesday ior ltmmios While holidaying tn Barrie the family were guests oi Mr Watts moth er Mrs Wait at Sophia Street East THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Saturday will be an excellent day in which to iintsh incom pleted tasks to clean the state while making way tor very busy week ahead The eve ning hours will be excellent tor planning iuture programs cs pectaily than at Iongrange nature FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday itwotiid be advisable tor the next six months to keep your aptrltoi adventure under con trol and to rely upon established procedure In attaining career goals it you have taken Idvan tage at opportunities oliered since the first at the year your program should be iairly well established by now and you should see some big results train your eiiorts beiora title mondt has paged September November and next January promise lurther strideI in achieving goals September incidentally will be In Iiiaround good month for you Roman and domestic concerns will also be governed by generous planetary Intlu once then also iinarrces other good periods in the latter con nection November and Janu ary Dost periods tor trIvelr August and January child born on this day will be sincere and Ielirollant but may incline toward the uncon ventional Senior Citizens Visit Brantiord Members at the Senior Clti rcna Club at narrio iournayed to llranliord by chartered ltus tor an alternoon and evening oi games music and dancing June On arrival thI group was met by members oi the Brantiord Club Senior ClilrrnI Clubs from Port Coltroma tiurlph IIris iiupclcr Waterloo and Kitchen or were represented included In the are members attending 30 guests were trom llarrie Entertainment to ud ad mouth orgIn runrrrl rriecA tinna trnm gullIrIIt and In old time tlttdlfl Following supper prirrI were awarded to guests who within the to on yearl group Mrs Harold Forster was in stalled as president at the La dies Auxiliary to Sta Lions Club of Barrie at the annual dinner meeting held at the Continental inn last evening Mn Forster has on her ex ecutive Mrs Allan Cook tirat vica president Mrs liarry Nes bttt second vice president Mrs Don Jackson secretary Mrs laele Sugg assistant secretary Mrs Cy Wilcox treasurer Social hostess is Mrs John Richardson Directors are Mrs Gerald Woodger Mrs Art Web star Mrs Cecil Cook Cub re porter is Mrs Ed Myers Tho nstaliallon ceremony was con ducted by Mrs Bruce French president oi the club in loot62 The guests oi honor at the dinner party were introduced by Mrs Rowe They included Mrs Bart Simmons president at the Kiwanis Club Womens Aux iliary Mrs Leon Garrick presi dent oi the inner Wheel oi the Rotary Club Mrs Lillian Jones president oi the Barrie Business and Protessional Womens Club Consumer Booklet On Sale In Canada pocket size magazine call ed Canadian Consumer is being launched by the Consumers As sociation of Canada While the magazine is for distribution to the moo members at the CAC iew copies will be sold on newsstands in some oi the larg er Canadian cities The iirst issue oi no pages con tains tests at dliierent brands oi headache tablets and oi el ectric drills and advice on firs aid kits Arrangements are being discus sed with the publishers oi the United States magazine Con sumer Reports Iiter which Can adiaa Consumer Is patterned whereby subscription to the US magazine also would en title the person to receive both magazines or the price pravi oust paid ior Consumer Bo pom Miss Kay Yasuaaka president of the Soropttmtst Club Mrs Earl Cote presidential the Kia cite Club The speaker was Russell Dav ey Directorot the Barrie YM YWCA who he in aid at the building and He was in troduced by Mrs Ed Myers and thanked by Mrs Peter Sinclair 51¢ Jack Cnlcmm Mm Padtleld anera Charles Saso Sterling silver spoons were presented to members with per ect attendance by Mrs Arthur Webster They included Mrs William Dyment ltira Bruce Johnston Mrs Jack Oates Mrs to further the work oi the church mums and mauve sweet peas centred the tea table which was Loo McCann president oi the CWL Indhlrs Coughltn the Coughlin Eugenia St on Wed nesday was tremendous success according to eonvener Mrs Lloyd McCloskey Mrs Partridge was coconvener Proceeds tram the annual event will be used iloral arrangement oi yellow reatdedlat by Mrs MacDon Guests were received by Mrs ostess Tea hostesses were Mrs Allan Cook and Mrs Webster Door prizes were won by Mrs Leon Garrick Mrs Robert Han cock Mrs John Anders Mrs Don Jackson as Miss Judith Ann Broiley will graduate from Tomato East General Hospital and will be among the graduates who will receive their diplomas tomor row The graduate is daughter at Mr Thomas Broliey at Blake St and Mrs News Of Kempenlelt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada By MARIE MARTIN DIVISION PARADE All members oi the division are reminded oi the parade to be held this Saturday June Guides and bmwniu are to go therIt City lleil not later than pm Guldera are asked to make detailed check of all uaiiorrna In their own group so that time need not bespcnt tar this reason when the parade assembles We expect full complement and remind eve one that thiI is part at glr guides duty and obligation it It should rain the program will be heidat the armoury BANQUET May and early June are tra ditionally tha months tor closing regular guiding activities with mother and daughter banquets On May 25 the eighth Dorrie Pack gathered with mothers and guests ior an evening of inn and ceremonial ntree brownies received their wings Ind ilew up to the guide company having auccessiully passed all required tests beiora their eleventh birthday They were ltiary Drool June Knowles Rosemary Lermaur Each air was responsible tor part oi the entertainment and every brownie did her best The imps paniomlmcd poem of The old old old old lady and the who was haltpast three white the elves told story and partormed still miniature minstrel show was pertarmed by the pixies with the old iavouriie Stephen Foster numbers and comedy mntcriul tram the same era The brownie song was sung by Ill members of the iairy six with chbir Trash and Debbie Mrger staging Woodwind duet Each headtablo guest was pre Icnled with gilt imm the prick liav Ind MII Riddel received cup and saucer while Division Commander lroccy District Co mmiatioocr Craighcad andCep tIIn lsrry all received calico spoons with the combined guide Ina brownie amhlrma ietierwaa read tram Mrg Martin expressing regret at lra log unable to lltlfltl Previous to the banquet Kathy Livingstone Nancy Mclchhrrtl and lririrlo Smith all were wardrd first year servica alarr liruwn Owl Units derrrvrl much rrrdil tar ttrI Iurrelalul year enjoyed by the park VHNTII IlAlttltH HANIIIIEI Seventh llarrII ilruwnlrs Barrie Lehihercrait Entertain Members Of Hamilton CSCL The llarrlI lrraoclt at the Care Idlan Society at Creative Leath rrrrait catrrtslnrd members at lhI Hamilton lulid Rnlurrlay all ternton In the garden of the homo at Mrs IIareors Corbett Highland Avenue llarttlll tllturn oi Ilarrrillun tart Irelltilrtt rt the tSll dorm onrtralrd pluggrd tooling on iaalhcr This type ui worI may in done on any ltlnd otillsbt wright leather and resents challenge to the last or trails man and pleasant diversion irurrr the regular ttll llnvid liarbyttlra gave all llllmtlslrtI nutrvn tltrlgrl mum at sumsvua Iailng her talk with Mr Wilsons drmnnatration thus lying in are piled design In Iaalherrrllt bullet supprr was llflFtI lrnrn picnic tables arranged on the patio The mum in trottnu pru Irlonl oi the Harris CSCL weir nian the Hamilton lullrl litre Harold Wilson president at the ltamlitan lulid Intended lhanII on behalf oi the visitors to tha Ilarrla group tor their hospitality vote at theatre was tendered Mr Wilton and Mrs Ilartryabtre tor tlrn rlcrrnnltrllloll and lit tutmntire talk ended the season with their ban quet on May 30 welcoming mo thersand guests to their cote bratioa it was lite last brownie meet Ing tor tour at the pack who re ceived their wings and were welcomed to guidesby Captain Parry The tour new guides are Cathy Carter Trudy Cole Boo ate Martin and Linda Wallis golden bar was awarded to Janice Cordy and golden bands to Cathy and Linda Donnie Mar tin received her gardener and athlete badges making total at to proliciency badges the has earned threeyear service star was received by Trudy Cole two year star by Ann Russwurm and oneyear star by Judy Davies ititcen girls were presented with small giita tor perich record oi iairy gold and attend ones Susan Daldock Joan lilatr Cathy Carter Trudy Cole Judy Davies Peggy Gallingcr Artie Lighttoot Brenda Mc Ilaod Dannie Martin Lynn Mc Koo Sylvia Moore Judy itrlm mcr Ann ltusswurm and Marg aret Thomson Those having missed only once or twice were Karen Haidock llrcnda Clark Rhonda Fleming Marilyn Morrison Marnie iaul lo Dana Pudden Nancy lircn ncmnn and Linda Wallis gift at potted rnurns was pre sented in District Commissioner Cralghcad while both Mrs Wallis and llirr Russwurm members at the mothers group at the pack were given thanks tradch Gills were also presented to ilmwn 0w Colc Tawny Owl Al bert and lackla Joanna Carter in appreciation for their work throughout the year with Tawny Owl Ailtrrt also receiving tore well gilt since ahc in leaving the pack to live in North Bay vote at thanks was extended to guitlrs oi the 2nd liarrio Com pany who served tor the event touts lncilrdrrd DeputyArea Commissioner Carter Commie tloucr Cralghrod District Duldcr it Oates Captain larry lvts lun luhlle ltelaiiont Secretary andlltirlrt liarlfo Secretary Martin Mn llddrl Tcstcrl Mrs llrrnnrman Mra Davies Mrs ltuatwurm and Mn Weak gate tyrrirt Mil Jones and run hrra gmup prrtldcnt Mrl Wat ll ihrro Itilrlcll and tour guidct trnrn tho dlvialon hava aprIItd fur the Trinidad and Toragn ltrltllen trieirrailun to he hold trll lo Ill Wit The that part the Iotrr will be romping adventure and the latter part will Ira spent learning more at the islaurltr homes thorn Ilnpeltil applicantI arn Mist WITH OlD AGAINST MOTNS REA 0on lurriar who makes and how to take care at your tura PHONE WIGGINS roa rntut armor human oar on evasion rags OLAIINO AND MINOR alPAtlt inquire about our low summer lrurtleltlng deals at the IOOF Home on Shanty Bay the Allandale Gulda Company was Captain Motley who gave ior girls who live In remote or cas and are unable to attend rcg complished by means at Corn apart it is lesser known part at guiding but is ioyiully cmbroc ed by girls who are eager for way was presented with thanks badge from the company inr Clara Itadga and also her All was preltntctl with her that variety oi proiicicncy badges of camping or badge teal work hrrn enjoyed by guidra oi yrs an Mrs ilell at liaaa ltaad Presbyterian Church where the rompaay meets and camp ad attrnd lrccatno at previous tflm mltmrnia since there was tr tat oi tour banquets hold at tho on who were overlooked an mile day shortage oi conk tvhlle ltillatod in tea made it Inurltabla that ltlml curdrrmrre were mimd We hope to call our all nest yrar PROTECT YOUR FllRS it Bond Mrs Golds Mrs Taylor itirsJ Brennan Mrs Bernie Mrs Hook Mrs Johalen hire Saso Kitchen conveners were Mrs Bonia Mrs Wallace hire Decarle Bake table convener rwas Mrs Schnnrr assisted by Mrs Jim Moore and Mrs Zeiner Pot Luck Party WindsUp Year windup potluck party was held for members oi Trinity Aa gliean Church Guild at the Far lsh Hall Convener oi the par ty were Mrs Wall and Mrs Dawson Entertainment for the evening was presented by each group with Wendy Hicks periorming as guest for St Joans group St Annes group gave read ing and panel entitled Whats My Line was are sealed by St Hitdas group Members at St Martins group did takeoii on new cub pack Alien Green cub lead or at Trinity put members through their paces Guests included the peoples warden LlCol Brenne man and Mrs Brenneman rec tors warden Jack Butler and Mrs Butler and Archdeacon Read and Rea Camera Club To Show Slides At IOOF Home The Barrio Camera Club mem bers will be showing slides from tits Color Photographic An soctatioo at Canada lath inter Branch competition in St Georges Anglican Church Hall Burton Avenue June 12 at pm Fortythree camera clubs throughout Canada entered slid es in the contest and the public are invited to view the collec tion The following evening these slides will be shown to the resi Willlam Street ired Tenute will be in charge at the show ing Shelia Prossar Mrs ll Mrs Day Anna Iictts tsy Dyer and Janis Cormlcr all oi Barrie and Heather Keith oi IST ALLANDALE GUIDES Guest speaker of the mother and daughter banquet held by most interesting talk on tone grtidiog This is system used ular guide meetings Work is ac pnny letter sent tram one to another at the lone company who may be several hundred miles the challenge at girl gulda work and can receive It In no other District Commissioner Dyer the many hours at work she has given in guiding Gall Tucker receiver her that Round Cord while Ann lleiis Class and Patrick Appleton with her second Class Hodge ioiny Dyer was awarded raven pro tlclcncy lrndfrland the above mentioned grit also received liarb rotrol had set up dis play tatr depicting Ioma aspect and the whole company Joined la campilro as would have Icryanr and also ll anticipated in the tutors space travel cra rctal gueatalncludrd Itav visor Mrs tray Several guertl were unable to same hour The girl guides and hrawnlaa Ipulallte to any city household STORAGE Tr FIRI AND THEFT Iolla iuta uclualvrly Irwrwl durlag summers FURS lA 84868 pricee repIra and re FREE STORAGE 0N REMUHFL Jill ALL TODAY Plastic by cm Mn AND runs CHARLES Ll LAMROCK St MqrysChurch Scene Of Rites St Marys Roman Catholic Church was decorated with has kets at White mums and red tulips tor the wedding or Miss Audrey Josephone Klelnvcld to Charles Leroy Lamrock with Father Rosetlis oiilcialiog The bride is the daughter at Mr and Mrs John Kleinveld Sr oi Thornton The bridegroom is the son at Roy Laka and ihedlnte Mrs Lamroek oi Tor oot BRIDAL GOWN Given in marriage by her lather tha bridewas attired In lull cngth gown of peau no sale The dress featured titted bodice with softly scooped neck line and lily point sleeves The billowing skirt fell to chapel train corooet ot seed pearls held the lingertip veil at double nylon Illusion tulle The bride carried white prayer book ad orned wrth spray oi dccp pink roses ATTENDANTS litre Iohn chtnvcid Il nI Thornton attended the bride as matron oi honor The brides maids were Mtss Teresa Ver cer oi Oakville the brides niece and bliss Donna Sinclair BA DEGREE Miss Shelia llleKeown dau ghter at Mr and hire Joseph licheown hrmpcniclt Drive graduated with bachelor at Arts dcgm imm the Univer sity oi Western Ontario Ion don Mist Mclirown plans to continue her education at the School at Social Welfare at the University oi Ottawa this STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For rideriy and eonvarrt rnt patients Excellent iaclittras ior private or semirprlrIta tint and cold water in rooms ltcgtltch ed Nurse in attendance MARSHALL Rep PHONE IN Harald Nash Tel I75 We erpeetsity welcome and organisations alt agileullu at Barrie Miss Rosemary West at Stayner and Miss Pamela Kletnveld oi Thornton both pieces at the bride were the ilawer girls The attendants were gowned alike In street length dresses oi sky blue nylon chliion White pill box hats and white acces meer oi Oakvllle the brides sories enhanced the drama They carried bouquets of white end blue mums John Kieinveld Jr at Thorn ton was best man John Schut also at Thornton and Peter Tro vizza at Toronto acted as ushers RECEPTION For the reception held at the Cedar Rail Restaurant the brides mother received wcar log pale blue tlncn suit accent ed with white accessories and corsage oi pink roses The bride travelled to pastel blue wool and mohair suit com plemented by white accessories On return from the honeymoon to Nova Scotla the couple will resid at soar Lawrence Avenue East Scarborough Guests attended tram New York Chicago Chatham Oak ville Brampton Guelph Toron to and Stoyner TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA IHII We always give you preol prompt ceurlIonI Ionics All your doctor about our pharmacy out turn un pnmrpuas for Ptlona piraaou Id true or can CUSDENS runnultcg ra rraoroo angersw Til If HAIIS FOR RENT Suitable to accommodIlo moolingt or banquets up to 400 persons TWO HAllS AVAIIABIE Main Hall $2000 per day or averting use at kitchen snail extra Hall for 50 persons 000 per day or evening All Newly Decorated lor reservationr apply to SecretaryTreasurer ltmvele Community Natl lloertt Ilmvsle Onlsrto Ati Ioeietlea