MONTREAL CWShares ni Cmadinn cigarette manuiaciur en simwed little reaction Thum day in precedentsetting deci sion by iha Florida Supreme Court making cigmue prnduv era responsible or any harmlui eiiecls in iLanmi Imperial lnbacco closed 12 cents lower In moderate trading on the Montreal swck Ex change but rose cunts on the Toronto Stock Exchange The price on both exchange was $1511 Rothmnna of Fall MAIL Canada drappcd 12 cents to 5162 cqntp in Tummy and Ervn Robbins two Peterv bomuxh 0nL are tobacco growers refuzfd Rowing rlghu and wasnt traded in Monika By DON nmmm UITAWA CP Canadians are consistent In least one respect theyre still going In dnbl and Thursday ihow Ihat Canadians now we abmll fl llmu In much In ha bank In the form of pcrsnnnl unsecured loans as they dld in ma US Smoke Decision Doesnt Affect Shares Dvbls Lo dcpndmcnl stores on both chmm and Insmlmcnl accountshave duubled in that pcriodz human slallslics es mnlcs lhal tho overall amount oulslnndlng In nxlou kinds consumu credit reached $3654 000000 March 31 rlw gunman In on year Thu inure lake In miles nnnce tompnny credit on can sumer goods cash loans and slalmonl credit through small lonn wmpnnlcs outstandlng balance wllh dnpmmenl stores and lumlluru and appliance slam and bclh secured nnd un secured bunk 1mm us wdl homo improvement lunm BANK LOANS UNCHANGED Canadians Another Day Older Deeper In Debt Show Figures Only lino of credit unchanged over lho ymr II bunk lonm ully lccurcd by mnrkclnhlo bond and stocks 111i Ilood nl $352 000000 at March ll uvcn lhls 00000000 lncrcnso slnce the end of 1054 Let un Introduce yuu to the ï¬nest qunllty tmvul lmllcm In Cnnndu today It you Iuvo trnvul and wnnl tho brat Um but prlu drop In um um our aolocllon Denver MW Tho bullLIn convcnlcno of the Home xlvo you go nnywhnru travel reo dum wherovrr you no Wu nlunly mm pmvcn con Mrucllon built In WHO lungs of model lnnuml 11ml whnn you buy 11ch but Cornelius Van Belols lam Bmh Going Places RUSSELL CHURCH MOBILE HOMES No Hwy $9th you lmvo bought the PA 09366 FREE LANCERS DEFY MARKETING BOARD Reaction to the decision on Wall Street was different4ig arena stocks took sharp losses The State Supreme Conn 01 Florida Wednesday upheld the appeal of Mary Green widow of Edwin Green who had sued he American Tobacco Company claiming he got cancer mm Hawking Lucky Strike cigar es by the Ontario Hubmred To bacco MarkeUnk Board plant seedlings an the Robbin farm The groweu As for the effect of th decl sion on cigarette sales spokesman tar Imperial Tn bacco said similar lawsuits in he US in the 1m few years had not had any eflect an sales One of the masor increases War the year was in the hunks personal Instalment la Tha went up 13 per ccnl In H206IX0000 mm $1061000000 March 31 1962 the end my lhe ï¬gure was 33519000 nmn mprovemnn made by the bank under he National Housing Act showed only slight oncyear Increase of 11 per cent to 55100001 1mm$650000001 Cash loan by man loan compnnlcs advanced 15 per cent to $658000000 mm 3571000000 In Ihe year This roughly mos I1 nmnunz oulslnndinz at lhe Ends 1934 an ale ngrccmcnn wrillcn by sales ï¬nance cumm nles or wnsumcr goods cow and 0W $771000000 at the and or March compared with $732000000 year earlier SprcAllslIAnynncancra axle ofWalkcrI Special Ohl Youre Sprclalm In good um when you chemo dun hlxury thy popular prlcn ankcrl Spvch Old Gnml Lula and looks and rmnumy Imn Mlle ll Canachn Iavnnl nclllng mpilhrAprlml vlulfy Next time make point In buy Ial nu nu Im umM WALKER son with mm Special om Devlin prcsldenl of Rnlhmans questioned Ihe deci sion In Tornhlo there are many prnducts on the market today that can be harmlul used excessively II person takes an overdose 01 drugs can the company which made the drug be held respon sible or any ill eflecm It will be lnterestlng to watch the re action of other stale courts Meanwhlle Dr Herbert Sullivan head he depart ment of thoracic surgery at Hamllwn General Hospital said the medical mission virtu ally unanimous in he belief there is link between clgnrv cuesmoking and lung cancer marketing bomd given In creased powers under recent pmvinclnl legislation tu com lrol inbawo acreages has warned Van Belals and Rob He told the Canadian mber culoah Association some sourccs would have you be lieve the prvlesslon is split right down the centre to whether cigarettesmokan causes luml cancerbu and is not the case There has not been single authoritative survey published In any language which all to shaw his rulnlionshlp between cigarettes and lung cancer SIIOWED POSSIBLE DROP sad In Ihe United Slates concludcd Ihere would be decrease 80 per cent In the Incidence lung Ictmcer II people stopped smok HE But lnslnnd the number lung cancer cnsu lhroughoul lhn world had doublrd in the Inst 10 yem There no sale dosc ha sald Even Ughl smoker have about xix limo much cancer 0mm lung as mngmok My Bencfiémlrtor quit Iha blns that their blunts may he deslmyed The lreelancem said they plan in plan 20 acre of tobacco nn Van Be lols mm ercphoto Protesting lhe ban St Remy turned up com mmee mceung Wednesday night and board meellng mursday In sham knee sock and red polkadot how He PUPILS LONG FOB SHORTS KINGSTON CF School trustee Mar de SL Remy lost his battle or Bermuda shorts but examwrillng studenl In Klngslon high schools will get annlhcr arm 01 relief ram the heat habit even alter years or smoking when the chance developlng mnllznnncy could be reduced by as much as 50 per cenl Board of Education volcd Thursday nlgm to support principnls ban on short dur ing schaal hours but will rent air conditioner for the ex amination period Dr anmajlan trus tee and prolessor allQueenx University who supported the ban said Wednesday was gnlng lo suggest that trustee St Remy was out of order ln dressing liku this to come hem RR BARRIE WEEKIMYS 3200 8A1 SUN HOLIDAYS $275 CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE Pay as you play PrIvau membership cekdny Inumamenls SpecIal mu Snark bar Pm Shop IClub mm or rent OGuII lesson Juna July Aug PLAY GOLF ALLANDALE GOLF CLUB BIG BAY POINT ROAD n4 n4 un 1mm menu cmmum maymay In Varlaus speaker emplmalzed the memo lhal more has to be done to help people enjoy tha anger 11 now promlsed by the ales medical advances on well as to educate young persons not to fear old age Dr Clark ï¬bbltls deputy dl Ireclor the welfare admlnls Irallon of tha Unllcd Slates de lparlment health educallan and wellare old lhs 300 dele gale that vigorous and healthy old age means llllle un less the person Ila signiï¬cant place in socl MONTREAL CF Elderly reoplo may make the hex an generation soc ety datsnl start doing more In half them delegalu lhe amï¬ua meet ing the American Geriatrics Sogely were 91d lhuuglay Much ol lhalr knowledge was useless and so lhey were frus trated and tell out place The modem hlghly lndnslrlallzed Juclely had largely wrlllen all old people and had lulled lo pro vlde lllem wllh poslllva rule oplny One consequ the rapid change in society was that el derly people were living In my duty vastly dmerem from the nus they were MM 91d Folks Become Ldsf Generation Joseph Wlllard deputy rnlnls lcr ol wellamal Ottawa told the mnellng the importance or econamlc problems need by elderly person has been largely overlooked equate income wont nnre old persons at happy It tiremenl but its an aspect of the problem that cant bu over gkcq he said mm was taking up lung period of Illa tar many rem sunsa man who hid reached 65 had lile expectancy an nlher 18 years and women lwo orthyea mgr than that PA 60471 Andre Gulllemelle director of the Inslllula of Gerontolazy the Unlvenily of Montreal aald again challenge 35an eld In the 1560 mimic as erly persons is the animus society to aid age Rlpllll In typo and Make of Applllnm CHAS KELLY SERVICE CENTRE PA 87122 1m whole In Itlll viewing 351 Ind lhe aged throulh eyes veiled by lath and lsth century mum Max Swerrllow director of ed ucation for the Camden Labor Congress uld Induglry has social responsibility not to dis cml elderly worker In the new of pro and progress Some employers believed um older workers were less produc tlvm more flab lo alcknw and accldmla andunahla In keep up with continuous technological change WNDON OnL CMThou pavemunl sitting housewives were at It ngaln Thursdays ting 1n luwnehnlrx linked with mp9 they banlanded Ememn Avenue to prevent ruck using ha street as short cut Within minutes starting their alldwwn protest the house wives had turned back three truckswhich they my cause dirt and dust But one enlzrprlslng truck driver not throughbecause the hnusewlvu did not lake lheh burricude close enoulh to flange poL Trucks Are Halted By Sitting Women The housewlvll used the name lactic Wednesday and on headay the meet was blocked by cars One of the housewives Mrs Gerald Skaplelon said Thursday they would malnlnln the black ade even if it meant arresL YMMDMNILY Doc Brilaln stlll my Home to you Is grownup childs dream place hes never icon El lcl lo Bvilaln lhls summer and exploit balh wmldxa holiday lind gunllu memolles and Ilvuly modem pleasures TCA can lcl you nanslop Ia Dvllaln mm Tmonloas Huh hams 50 mlnulcs TownloLondon Choose World Will Tvml hula l07 Dunlap 50 Int OHIO Oppolllo Ovum Hell Tlnlm I1 102 DUNLOP IT BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE Jun 10 down pun you in Europe this you lls not too Me to plan the vacation of Illeumewlm ICAn Fly NowPay Later Plan As Huh 10 down nnd youre on our way to ¥fly Ind cxclllng Europe by ICAwllh up 24 months pay the bnlnncc Vhy nol make 03 your yum or Hunch your IVII Incm or comm TCA 30 Bloor St Toronlo JOHNSON WHO Oh to be home and years old again For lnlovmlllan and Rouvullonl Pï¬blisher Thomson Adds Another Firm TEE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUN WEI LONDON CPI Canadlnn mbllsher Roy Thamson cale rated his 5911 birthday Wed nesday bysddnl one more ï¬rm to his old Thomson announced that he had purchased Perry Press Limited small London com pany upeciallxlng in rad mag ulna and house organ Thnmson said he had received many birthday congratulnlhns OHIIHAGONG Pnklun AHSome who wm strong cauld catch hold Ireex when the water came but the weak tell down and dled The relief afllcer flood In arm hamlet ravaged by cy clonepushed ocean water last week and lranslaled the story at those who were Ilronn Some never had chance to ï¬lm tree as tidal wave Climbed Trees To Escape Floods For Your RIIIVVIIIOM Call Now For Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Passport Portraits Film DeVeloplng cALL SMIIII SIIIDIO 24 0mm PA 11 MlCANADA AM mm All CANADA bulh TCA and HOAC lcln Including new TCA day flights or lowercon whoprop Urllannhs my connccllom londnn all Europe Also TCA lcls mm Tmonlu In fiance Germany Swlucvland Auslrla Inland or DvllaInby TCA or DOAC me you IIch agcnl TCA olilcc from up la 30 ï¬ght psiweek with BOAC wwrlhrwnh rice Ilelds the Buy Renal The cyclone killed 1263 per sons according to verlned Hg ure glvcn by East Fnklslln Govemur Abdul Moncm Khan He mild In an Intervlew Ihal re ported but unconï¬rmed death ralsed ha lure Io H419 Estimates 5y local jnurnallsu Ind other unofï¬cial observe vary lrom15000 upwnrd lmlu rml IAC Bldg Barrie Doctors Prescriptions Accurately Filled Mum Tum mm Fri mm to 510 mm WED canton mm SAT IJII lo 00 mm Fur OuIolTown Fluent En by Annolnlmeul Collier St SHORNEYS GUILD OPTICIANS PHONE PA 68891 of Toronto NEW OFFICE HOURS PA 52 PA 474