In and horn am Ilro upecled Allnc ed rlvllim unlln to lhl Irmy Inr rmry purmm l7 In lhu mobflu combat enm II lo pravldc or mm In lho event of Win Then am already 40 men xklllcd In mmmunlcn Inn on call lnr EMO In In event of an mcrgrncy mid Mr Mklnnun ll ll hnpcd lhnl when Hm lrnllcr mum are fully mo lllud lhrrn wlll 1m flva lenml plncvd In by nlunllom in 51mm County wnju 1mm wm lhclr Illhl developed IHIII In dnhrl lunnelllnm shor In up tollnpllnl lmlmlnul and cuo mark Alho mm mm The cnum of In lenslva lmlnlng Ll lo mould an ellhbmnn mm mm will be nble Ia handle cvcrymlng Mr Barr cnnllnuad In llw cyu ho ho pnrllclpnnu and flu cam munlly lho course has Inleml hlxh demo cducntlan nnd prguxoho newt Fa fun lha cnum limo would be lunhur nlxwcck course avnllnblo In dmln mm purtnbl Ignd lentrnlyr The men who lumed nu Ins night to register for he mm Irulninz come In rescun aper nllom will be uslna the lrnllar or most lhclr work lnstmc or 1111 Barry lald Ihe men flint lhclr 1minan would encompass knnu Ind lmhlngl handlan and mm hidden Jacki helm and tunneling equipment and the theory and pructlco rum lrnzm qucr qurlu Iour Inch bbor mul Irns prnvIdos heuI tar Iha ev acuoo and provldes bufler gnlnsl lurlhcr Injury The men cherr can ha put back on Ihu trailer In recurs position In order to transport Ihn Inlurcd penon to hospllnl When no In use me Ilrclcherr are good prolchan ngnInsI mum Mr Alklnsan Inld WDE SCOPE an covering found on most commer clnl trnllen Barrie Stmcoo unit ha designed Iwo stretcher ï¬breglass Ench approx mntcly eight Inches deep and will protect man from Injury while being evacuated from danger am They float on water and expected to he especial ly useful or trnnsporflnl In Jurcd man pver annw You just hook It on to any thlng and go anywhere ha told volunteers who lumnd out to rtglster or lrnlnlng last night at 91d 11chqu Bgllding The trailtr is made libre giass will carry 700 poundso equipment and is built in run over rough terrain One of in distinctive leaiurca is in mah iiity mid my Atkinson mar dinniar oi EMO ipr tha Bunia Simcoe unit new rescue lrnller mem caILy designed lor the Barrie Slmcoe Emergency Measures 0r nnlzntlon ls undernoan tells prlar lo ll display helma EMO olllclnl from the county pmv lnclal and federal governments When perlemd Ihe traller wlll be an Integral part the res cue nperallons of £th In lhll area Mayor Lu Cooke left lcmed At the wearingIn of three recruits to tho Barrie EMO Rescue Grind Is NoSoft TouCh CITY POLICE GETS THREE MORE OFFICERS Im mun Chm llolly lrwln mld II nva powcwlnnl mighl he nll lhnl In need la main ha Ir wnxk nnln 11 um cull umn al1ss pm nm urnnd call Hm cw nlnn wnl Ihnrlly an nclurk when the drpnrlmrnl wrul In In Collier El Chm lrwln Inld rpm hum ncltd up Na dumm dam in lhu homo Th nmlu ltru depnrlmrnl wm called out lwlco lull mm The Hut cull wm or Em 1m whm nu nmhmml oln vlnlnn GMVENHUHSI Onl CF Thu nurlu who lhrnw nwny MI yap home or lhu rulnllcr who wont mm rclund hnva can lrlbutcd lo lncmnm In mn drink prices In he mart nrm north of Toranlo mnkr homer Inld Thugway Fire Department Answers Calls PopPrices Go Zoom DEMONSTMTING how an Injurnd when can Imm porlcd In lho new stretcher The rescuc teams will be an Integral pnn or EMO whose primary purpose to ensure the war emergency the prImnry purpose of Ihla lralnlng In nu lhu only one he continued We expect to be called In he even any civ fllnn disaster in which nur skill and experience can be of serv lo lho community he went Thorpriu lncream nflncl nn Into disnster re as They will be under mllltnry jur lsdlcflon only In that lho army will say We have Job be danc Cnn you bundle It said Mr Atkinson any pallce om yesmday Cooke from left Donald man and Thomas Being congratulatcdby Mayor Eulmer Frederlck Nlah Bookey Examiner Phntni PALM BREEIE gm mnu navy nun nuï¬ An Induglry lpokuman Inld lhnl although um papball rm lum In only we unu nuw bol llu cox lhu lnduxlry about elaht crgtg Each Olï¬er Indorl conlrlbuuu lo the lnmmcd rrlm bolllm mld nro hluher aim and want com area cncompuslng Barrie Dril lin Ptnclonaulshcnc Graven hurat Parry Sound and Owen Sound Datum hnva lncrcmcd the price 15 ccnll can and fetal cn In or 12 ml boll mm or Ctnll and II some cum to 15 mu designed by lm nnrrlevslmcoo lImlrlcncy Measures Orian lzullnn are ram lull ln ltruclnr lllll Barry Vlctur Mr Barry lold ha valunteera Ina night that the eommunlly service boy had chosen lo por arm wn not so Mud Your continuity oi government serv ices in the event at nuclear nt iackl such county and city agen cies as police lire health and welfare engineering and munl clpul government would set up headquarters in the basement oi the old registry hniidlnm We htve worked out and are per iccilng nn cxlenslva coordinated plnn la la in he service cl municipalities he continued N9 sou mucn DISHES Tï¬o Flnon In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING mu 29 Dunlop am on oidm PA mm or 64 can twmui GOES TO MOSCOW The omclnl Unncd Sm anlun Illm why In lho Mo cow InternHam Illm ludvnl In July wHI bu Thu Gnu EWIW upwm Course Grant volunteered to 11 lbs fcomn £01115 and lnckgyflhynald Mr Alklnson told lha men 0m they wauld be given an oppor tunlty lo ace Ihe tasks Ihey would be able to perform after their period training at the EMO demonstration being phan ned or June In 19b will ble to 15¢ casualljes nu There it no pay or the vol unteen They were laid that the antlsiactlon that they would get ram their periarmances oi an cu in the publlc interest would far outweigh any iinancial can algeratlans olanry given dinner Iltunfltï¬l without further Injury to them aro yaglrselves PEANUT MAN WEST OF BAYFIELD and ALLANDALI MONDAY and TUESDAY WHEN YOU BUY YOU GIVE REMEMBER THE DATES MONDAY JUNE lOIh On Mondly And Tuesday June 10 and II Dnrrll Klwlnil Pennul Man will call nl all human Ind Ipnrtmrnu In nrrlo In ull ltn null Alsorled Null and Peanut nun Ncl IMlï¬ll mm lulu no in he Klwnn II cum Fund TUESDAY JUNE Ilth Examinir Photo BUY GENEkousLY WATCH FOR THE BARRIE KIWANIS Em OI lhylllld MASONIC SERVICE Divine service or Georgian Masonic District will ho held at Cookstawn United Church on 1Sunday at 230 pm This will mark Iha tlual ottlelsl iunctlon tor lha District Deputy Grand Blaster lit Wor Bro Earl Gllroy ot Alliston Brethren will assemble at Cookstown Masonic Lodnu and marsh to tha church Following service there will be social hour in the church hall COUNTRY CLUB Saturday nlght tho llrst mix ed two ball toursoma ot the season It tlsrrla Golt and Coun try Club starting at 630 pm will be allowed by Town Country Night in the niubhouxe Dress will be sports clothes Last Saturday tha club was crowded tor the dance which sutured the special orznn mu Iicot Gmraa Caldwell and his orchestra lmm Waterloo CHURCH OF THE AIR Reverend Norman ltawson minister ot St James United Church Montreal will broad cast an The Church at tha Air radio series on Sunday on CBC network at no pm hir Raw son is native nt slmeos County In the Coidwater distrlet OLD CONRADES June meeling oi the Old Cam radex Association Militia oi the Grey and Simcne Foresters Reg iment will be held iunight in tile Sergeants Mess at Barrie Ar moury starting at eight ociock Secretary Jae Kaake slates iihis will be the last meeting until the iaii KEMPENFELI KIWANIS June being Recreation month Kempenieit Bay Kiwanis Club wiii have golf llim far the weekly iunchnan meeting next Monday at Barrie Community House it will be Tim Masters held at Augusta Georgia Film by courtesy of Chuck Cale man at Moleonai FIRE FIGHTERS Corinthian Lodge me in Enr rie Masnnlc Temple last night with members the clly In department occupyan Um chaln and War Bra Caldwell Acllng Worshlptul Master In place Bruno Nesbm WM The Fellowcrnn dezm was con ferred on Frank Caldwell An emergent meeting the lodge will be held June II or unhel degree work nuldenu are happy and ex cited on We counts Flrsl Mr Howard la well liked and res peeled Alan ordlnallon are rarely held humall towns Hence this lg sort at honor or the town as well or Mr Howard The Rt Rev Wllklnson Blahap of tha Dlacere ol Tornnlu wlll emulate N93 run run Why would manled man with qur children making 810 10010 a7 year qul join the mln ry 10an GENEBE ma 10b enter the min llry 11 In ordnlned an Anglican minister It John Angllcag Church here Tuesday Rev John Alexander Howard 31 Damn for the past year st Johnl Anglican Church will be ordalnzd In the um ordin ation to take place here COOKSTOWNISMD man wh 311pm gear gn Mr Howard 1321 quiresure QuitsHighPav Job To Become Minister Diiiiculiy n3 exper ienced In lrying to find luilnhlo and wiiiinz work or urvlc occupalimu Inch cooks and shell waiter and waitresses kiichcn worker and domtsliu machine Ihop worker and mm mclnl worker Summr job or Iludcnm wlll an be numernul xlnca lho cndcl mlnlnu Camp Borden will Slx hun ed Job seckm males and 136 Iemnlu were placed by lho NES In many diversiï¬ed Jobs and lnduslricx such al ngrlcullum mnnuludur mx nl many various products construe transportation tr llmmgo and services The local mice of III Nullan Employment Service Imam steady Improvement In the em ploymcnt Illunllon durlnz the meet Replying In some questlans placed an the order paper by Dr Rynard Cantln Par Ilamenlnry Secretary lo Trany part Mlnisler George Merl rnlllv said there are rm depart menl regulnlldru requiring ca bln cruisers to have Installed lacllllles which would prevent camamlnallan of waterways by raw sewage Howcvciï¬lhe department presently Installing flush toilets The Transport Dwartment is Investigating apparatus or In stallation an cabin cruiser or the wrpase of contntnlni raw sawage for ultimate dlspoul or treatment by chemicals Dr Rynnrd MP for Show East was old In the Commons Wedncsday Area Employment Situation Improved During Last Month Mr Haward says never had any lush of light sort of conversion experience but after xlx months decided there wal only one lhlnz or Inn to do mlnhhy Ihlnk perian has to feel that he cant do anything else Then on summer on my hnlldnya some maple Invited us over and the man they called Bishop Marsh and got talking 11qu Iellzzjnuj yr Jaik Christianity II the same as anything else Yn vagat tnwark at ll so myself projch to read the Bible read through both The Old Testament and The New Testament fleclded ll could never Accept IL wm nevcr used to attend clyychï¬ he mid He worked twn yeah Link Bell Ltd He was misting Engineer In Scarboru annthp for two year and than two can at Mark hamaa lownshp ngineer He hex went back In Scnrbarn as making englnegr he lay as it in the moi or combination of things He outline it mulhly oi iowu He was born in Toronto and went to Daniarlh High School Ind later in University of Tar onlo and graduated in 1843 in Enxin And Business Ask Boat Owners Help To Keep Waters Clecu temporary ofllce In Mllflan wlll uxnln bu operand by lhc Barrie olflcc service Inrmm and cum employer 11 that are beginnlnz Jun 17 According lo the local own record lhm were an malt mi 506 males registered as unemployzd on my as com pared wjlh 850 mules and 625 males at he and of Mull This also an lmprnvemcnk aver Iho sumo mrlod Inst ycnr when 75 males and 420 females were reg slmd as unemployed not hike place year 111m will he opporlunluus In market gardening and early rcxlstrnflan or hm jobs should be made In the meantime Gordan Aiken MP for Parry Sound Huskokn has placed question on tho Commons order paper asking the government It In lend to proceed with the In stallation of luck to raplnce he lwn marine railway on lhe Trent In addition signs have been erected at all lock stanns on the haul and RIdcnu Canals requmlng the boating public to dispose ol gnrhagu in the drum provided and to use In shore toilet mimics wherever possible for the public at many canal lock stations Where Rush In Iet are not installed euth lol lets are being provided Slime he has been Deacon In Cookstown Mr Howard has mInkIered Io Iwu parIshcs St Johns In Cookstnwn and SI Lukes In Plnkertan vIIIngI about five miles southeast of em Ailer he ordained he will continue to minis to these twn pajshes One his paflshlnners Mrs Blevln Atkinson aald lve He recalls My wfla wasnt ready at ï¬rst but when told her my decision Mallime she was happy Sha hmwx dlglhe rlglgl Ihgng The study was quite mg gle was alwayl Interested In science but when had to start Laws Grefk wan Ipu at Hebrew may Ave sometime Mr Howard was married In 1950 He and hls wife Shirley ha four chfldljenh sum 11 Beverly nine ngjlam opt lmmd had to wait another nine mnnflu before could go to schoal This was sweating period During this Um heard nllnihe ayggmenu About three year later was aiming cupboard and mayL Iggilgpuldnt leljm Then Christmas day went tn church But didnt hear the ministcr bacause was lhlnklng Him making dedslqn Earlier spokesman or the MAW auaau Charlie six and We am IuokIng forward In ma Increase In banIInIz acIIvl lies In IhIs urea aaId lho mayor We hope that uwncxl pleasure mm cooper nm In thpIng all In to make the bay and the lako more cnonann place In whlch la mend our IeLsure hour It logical cxlcmlon of hm arguments Io expect boat mum to make some pravhinn or taking similar vrccaullons he said The discharge at clfluml Into IhL hay by the city has been comrnllcd Now we must work towards same sanitary control of scwagu going Into this lake Irom cauancs and mi danu outside 0110 city laid lbu mayor ASKS COOPERATION Mayor Les Cooke said that he hoped Ihe necessary steps would be taken as rapidly as com venicnl so 1hnt all crulsers might be so equipped Steps to clean up Lake Simcae could be accelerated Tho work that has been carried out In the last cw years rcqulrlng all sewage in ya through Ihe scmdary treatment plan has shown the willingness Banls resldenla In denlwwifï¬ the problem of wach pollution he nolcd Formal reply lo Mr Aikens quesllon will probably bn mada next wnck Transport Department said there had been no image in plan and Ihat work an the Mrs lock would be started this year CODKE SPEAKS He liked not only by own congregation but by all the congregations and there are lhree them in lawn You cant help but like hlm because yn know he means what he says year Hels ï¬ery Tcflfllgï¬gh of In town Inc and wonderful splendid with the sick peuple and hes on the job nll rlght Howard ubout in REV HOWARD