Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1963, p. 15

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HROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Mrs McDonald Orlllln In visiting her brother Alvin An demon rs James Home sister1m law of Mnntord Home died on Sunday In Vancouver 130 Sym pathy 19 extended In her rela we By MRS BERNAL JOHNSTON Grade and of Rugby School enjoyed bus trip to NI la Mr an Harrington Toronto and Mr and Mrs Mur ray Slrnchan Udney visited thclr mother Mrs Ralph McLeod and attended Presbyterian Church where they 11nd placed flowers In memory of Ralph Mc The Rugby Group the Fed nation Agriculture me at the schoul on Friday eveningwnley heard Pele McGurvey Grill speak of hls mi tn Jamaica and saw le color 31 des The Womens Institute will meet June 12 at 315 pm at the home oi Mrs Wiilreri Johnston and Mrs Bernnl Johnston The motto will be The events of the present will be the history at tomorrnw roll call bring something tor the Needsmuir Boole Name place of historical Interest near home program historical research Mrs Albert Home and lunch Mrs Tyson Lnngrnnn Mrs Bay Shaw Mrs Wilfred Johnston and Mrs Eer na Jahnstnm By MRS ROBERT LEESON Lloyd Cobnrn is onjury duty in Barrie thiswvgcek Mlss may Meher ls enjoying holiday at her home here after fin several months around the waxlg Rev Mr Jackson Is taking his hofldayu or the mouth or June Fred Cook of Brudlurd look the service an Sunday There will be no servlca In our Church or china lvynjundays Mr and Mrs James May Donald and Jlmmle oi Toronto spent the weekend with Mn Ruusell Rowe By MM HANDY Neighbor and Hands of Mr and Mrs Eudvniltu me at tho Gnlhrio hall on Monday cw nlnx Gordan Atkinson read tho ddm nnd gm luggnga were presented lo lhcm They thanked the friends or their klnd remarks nnd lovelyglm Lunch was served In the base menl Mr and Mn Cooper and daughters are moving Into Won WONDER VALLEY mum um 00 um 30 rm 500 mm Du no Lu um Tnmbllnn Ttrrllnry uu Nm rm Spofll 700 mm no gammy omm Annh wlm mm hm lAmnAv mm Tm hum 11w rovm Null an mm Wruuuu my yan luoo Mrlmc NAvy new UN Nvu Spam Ina Mum mm mo mm IInon our Amnnu NI no Imum Cnan Moo Mm lmqnu hnlllrunl our my Nut Junl Alde IIM ll BRADFORD IT hm Amhmu 11mm BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK ehu ol Wuk nulmonl Iur rem my Prolmn llun mng nm Th Lury Show lllllbllllel CAM cmn To ml Tnuh llu aun wm Tun when no Noy hair on la Kldlla rxauuar Id Oumoor mumn um firorll Mrllllt NAVY xrrv Nu Spam mm mm mm llunon our ll your mum hu MI rind pm ylu pPum ncaulHul Hump FrN HIIIIIIMII FIHCF PICKUP AND DELIVERY Ihonn IA lHJJ Mill NEWTON ROBINSON THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS RUGBY DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And uni Will nrllnnd our Mm CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 Im dex Valley Male on Wednesday We welcoma them to this com mqnlgy few from here attended the music academy concoan Trin lly Parish hall Bums Donald Partridge nnd Gwen McLean from here took part In the pro gram xGwQen McLean received pen on Sunday or perfect attendance at Collie SL Sunqay sch number from here attended the Dunsmore 1mm wedding on Saturday St ThanAu Church Shanty Bay Two the local Indie had the honour to hem elected and lnslalleo into offices In the Ang lican South Simone Demery Womans Aux peekon Mrs Wilmer Wllsan halds the Dillon v1cepres£dent and Mrs Henry Harper as lecntary ol the Lllug Helpers Mrs W11 son could not attend this meet Ing as shn patient Royal Vidala Hospital flanlg Elwood Jennen has the cel lar dug andAwill soon BLBKI work on the new house going up in he villnge musxc Ensmu Thu 24th Annual pring Music Festival by the Public School Pupil oi Essa Township under the direction oi Paul McKeivey supervisor of music was held in tho Thornton Arena May 31 Each year the music festival gets bigger and better Congrat ulations in Paul McKelvey and Dupils oi Essa Township also to the gum irom ivy School Congratulations to George and RimDnvis an the arrival at baby boy on May 29 1963 at the Royal Victoria Hospllul Barrie Rev and Mn Henry Davis and Mrs Tom Lee Attended South Simcoe Deanery at Beacon May 13 ny Am wonn Congratulations go nut to Mr and Mn Cecil Cameron whn celebrated lhelr 15th wedding anniversary June family dinner was held in their honor Sunday at the home lhelr sun and dnuxhterXulaw Mr and Mrs Ross Cgmemn Banlo Dianne McCracken unmflnlned few of her mm trlend 9m birthday party Saturday at emoonl The 125 annlvemry ol the laying of the cornnrslona of St Thumus Church will be held June 30 The moman prayer aervlce will be ll oclnck Congratulations to Rosemary Raike and John Dunsmara who were married in St Thoma Church Juno um um 11 1120 IUNIMY um 1043 Lou 12m 12 I00 In 100 too Tm lAllem Chum 5mm wm wma Cmde mm and nonu Cannm cmnnu Mule um or 2th lol mo and Mm lnm man 1190 ILID llzo law CTV wu Anwulnl Ink umhu mun um rmnu Inn Ipxnum mm um nu Th us Am VMM tutu mm fill ultr nnullu Vfllblnll mman lllnlfIIVhY glam 35 EE Ha um um lam IIIsz nun II II Illa By MRS MINER WILSON SHANTY BAY amt HM 0mm immu cm Nun mm mm Dr BoaIN Zmlll lolal non an 6mm To II Knnn Hm llnhhnl aumvm flamm Clomy an m1 on um lwfll Mam Mumr nmm Iulmum gm mun lunuul Mm rm nll ulnl IVY My Alan Jun Hum mva lim By MRS Wu The Home and School AISOO Iallnn are xpunsnflnx euchre June at 830 pm in tho hall All local ladies are asked to bring lunch The localflleid day was held the school Friday alternaan and winners at the silver duller were senlon Laurel Cole and John Amara intermediates Shir ley Saunders and Elcky Fuflnrd Juniors Joan Harris and hmmy Holhrook On June film will be shown for mission in the Sun day School enllllud The Bib and Dleago Thompson Each child received rent of leecream and pup Friendsnnd neighbour gather ed at ha hollSauuday evening to say nod bye to Mr and Mrs William Walton and Denlfin who are moving to Barrie Mrs Slack Clifford Harris and Jack Holmes presented Mr and Mn Walton wiih coiiee table and pair of tabla lamps Edwin Danneily presented Demon will billioid Miss Patsy Tracey had the mismrlune to hnve her out cut badly with broken glass Her many friends hope she will soon recover an Mn Madxiceiaaldfirck Mr and Mrs Bruce Cumm lnq Xisilei Supday Yith Mr Mr and Mrs Charles Cola visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs William McAthur Bond Head Congrnmntlons to Mr and Mrs Willlam Sheardown whose baby boy wasbnm May 29 in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Kennemwulinm weighed lb 15 oz Vishnu WilHIm Critica dens last week warn Mr and Mrs Albert Link and Llnda of Weston Mr and Mrs WI gins and family Palnswlck and Mr and Mrs Shanahan and lamlly Edgar Mtg Cain Shenrdown and Mrs Wllliam Adam Ipenl Tues day vlsillnz Mend in Midland Na hearts The passlbio reblds are two eluhs three clubs two henna or three henna Nana hose hlls the mark preclsely No clubs would ldenMIy 51x card null more or less but would misrepresent the strength of the hand Thus lwa club hid would be proper wllh we have fur holler hand than that jump to lhrcn clubs could be based on aamelhln and aur hand anl that good You are the dealer neither alde vulnerable and have open ed One Club Partner respond One Heart What would you now bid with each of the fol lowing flve hands be all rlxhl ll lhe alx ol din mondl warn the Iix hearts but lnckinl lourlh heart we clnl very well doublunim wllh only three trump and hand mnmlnlnl only hlxh cam my Al vim Mu Mama M05 was 419m mm In 41mm 112 It MM um on mm Md that come closcal beinz nccurnle lwn mm 111 has he mum of cnmumx hm partner to go on hzcnuu rcgnrdlcu how hn pmllcd hu hnnd orlulnnlly ha bound to think mun hlxhly once DAILY CROSSWORD 3mm mum Emir United Church will Hum 16 loop l0 Math Ilflldmll Lbbr IV In nlclmum MIN boll II lndlln Don Ill Imm Elli mm 0m bum AW nunoootk 111 Oflml 15 Adult mixail ILAhoot M10 mm Hum of mum Bo Am may nut innm Itflualamu unmi rm 00$qu Junm nil un Nua 06ch nun4 ILMmmo dumu luv1m thickm min Nymph Tim used fly MRS HAYES GRENFEL EDGAR CONTRACT BRIDGE ruun rmh ol By JAY BECKER mmu In mmuu hold services ak mm mm each Sunday durum the summer months Sunday school clam will start at 1080 am Weekend vlsitm at 23 were ML and Mrs Rona Bowen and Glenn and Mlsl Kur en Lindsey Tomato Mr and Mrs chb at Knock called on Mn And Mrs Sher down Sqndpy sdrrytoheir Mrs 11 Hayes patient Royal Victoria Hospital Banlei The Edgar Womens ImUlula will meet Wed June 12 at pm at the harm ul Mrs Sheardown 1th months loplc Agrlnullure wlll be in charge the convener Mm Hayes Roll call Me Full lulu value and why Mom He who tllls the 3011 and lurnl the sod ls prlvlleged to be In part nershlp with God by Mn Barton STEELES CORNERS Thursday evanlug visitors with ML and Mrs Ernest Dales ware Mm Thomas Gibbons and Mrs Harrison Bradford Mr and Mrs Paul Kneeshaw and baby of Unlunvilla were Sunday guests of Mr and Mn Everett Kneeshnw Several residents attended Churchill United Church anniveb 553 711995 SEW shnw and Bob were Sunday Van or with Mr and Mn Ted Stur genn Churchill and attended an niversary services Wflh Mr and Mn Doug Fryer for Iha weekend were Mn and Mrs Irame Torqnlg Magm Ie who has spent the pus two week wllh Mm Fryer will re turn to Toronto with Mls Mary Parker at the weekend Mr mid Mia Don Eden Tor onto were weekend guest of Mrs Ford and boys Reuters crow has stolen an estimated 4000 golf ball from Sydneyl Lakes in course In the last our yen golfer Peter Thomson says Thomson nun llma winner 01 the British Open old Melbourne newspaper nobody knows when the blrd taken hls lool 20 no In re xonabla In assume that partner has mlnlmum palm Slnce this assures us has points In the comblned hands we go directly to tame Partner mlghl pan wllh or polnu wu lumped lo no uump rec hearts Parlncr needs more lhnn just owlnl hand In make name so we cant go In nur auxsalvo We want In five hlm chance gel on the hook ll hl Hrs rcsponw was based on dead mlnlmum The double rnlsc highly 1n vltnllmml to game No up Here you take the position that there Is ma mmuwherc and the way In be sure gellan hcre In make Jummhm which ll nol mom ly Invllntlumfl but forcing Gama may Ila In Ipndca henna clubl or cvcn mglrump he learns there Is hem Two hearts might Induce urlhar bld mm him whlch two dub hld would nut Four hum ll hard to lmnxlno hand purlncr could have whlch would not produce and play or lcn lrlch lhu Mme lmc Um leap In luur lnvllu pnrlncr In no on toward IIIIHL Thu Sunny In gums now ulmm 20mm hand lhaunh sum ho polnln mny In In the mm dlxlrlhullon an 29 WWI uniting 1mm nu ma unw neon l1 lluflihh 914mm 19 lama ma Innovf By MM ERNEST DALES Tnmmuwx 5mm dtlme PLAGUES GOLFERS MELBOURNE Alla Moan mil II All kllnl I0 Mimi I1 IAmllu Iv Nuww fluctu hem 01 zumoi 203m ZU 12m £23 GRANDMA LOMMAD THE BAREIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 1m llr ll THOSE 5W5 DONT STOP BIIT DADA stwa vcu cmr AROUND IM DO WAT GOING TO Tum 75 monk ouw fiat 51 am MAM WW NW WM mm we EWzéflcfi $202 gvz as Xn Hagan 42m VUHOIM mm at ctrlg

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