Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1963, p. 14

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kka 10 HELP WANTED Barrie Location Experienced machinist requir ed Murt be able to work with minimum of supervision on hearing and shalt alignment to close tolerance and be iam iilar with leneanachlna shop work Minimum Grade 10 edu cation Completion oi format dp prentieealrip preferred Comp any paid hospital insurance ac cident sickness life insurance and pension benefits Starling rate 3135 per hour and overtime rates Apply In writing or telephone LEMPRIERE FEM CANADIAN TAMPAX CORPORATION 330 St Vincent St Barrie Ont PA 60277 For leading established bakery Must have and appearance personallm and be bendabla Chnufleurs licence TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Application iongs or position POLICE CONSTABLE in the Township oi Innisiii available irom Mr Gordon Ma son Secretary of the Police Commiuion at the Township Office strand Io ba reiurned no iaier lilan JUNE on i968 Immed position is availabiu or an experienced man Hmur week company paid rings ban eiim generoul huliday and VI calion pay CLASS SHEET Mimi Experienced men or mmulab turn of spray painting mull ment lull range of company paid benefits whour week Apply DeVILBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE Ammm will relnomlbll ur mum ma lumen voulLry ma ullry product um Inspect mum um ulpmml and In mu an will mumn no to man an mrm lnlormulun um um hum lmplcllnnl Imam Ind Ipllullon lorml IvIhbxu P05 OFFICES NA TIONAL EMPLOYMENT orncu AND CIVIL SETHCl COMMIS sloN OFFICE quoh Communal 53170 murmur nnugr rtgulr in or uphln mm muéfiam PA 11 nucx nmvn mm mm m5mtll Jun 10 TI Inhnno PA Iuu um Farhum mum when PA um mncnu wmm Thur any And mumy ma nun pnnmm Ap 1y lol Mn nu ID nl 10011 Sllmld IXPIIIINCIH Cnlur nulrld lmmmh ly Llulltn Huh 10mm um Avply Mu mur Lohuw aroma Complny Umnna myAM 1mm nunCm Wm con klnfl nun rhm IIcpnon um EMPLBYMENT WANTED Imunwmm mu bby mun th mum lunnu Inlormulnn Ilhp um Mu don llllclml mm um yummy nlr mu my IA mud mam Innum mpuvllon rmphnm um nmum hum mm Vllnllnl mnhnt Na IN um cm my um um 10mm mm mm rlnlllphl munn mm llm mm Im mom my Bu lumln For Wam Ad FITTER MACHINIST POULTRY PRODUCTS 54110 710 ProducUon and Markellnl Branch Departmrnt Agriculmrc Various Centre In Dnllrla DeVEBISJANADA um BARRIE Dial PA 2414 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED Must be 24 years of age or over APPEKIE€I1°E ROUTE SALESMAN CLASS AWELDER wnm 30x 39 smug EXAMINER MN and SHEET METAL WORKERS ioiTImN 51 1mm ONT MALE HELP Service pen ml Hum cm nun Tender are henby called In lupply Bunker Equ 011 or both North and Central Colla mm or 1068 honing Mason Specifications may be chained by contacting the underlined Tenders will be received up In lwem oclock noon on Frldny June nth 1m Lawn or any lender not nec essarily accepted BARR DISTRICT COLLEGIATE BOARD For COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD 43 ESSA ROAD Portable ll TV 56 Electric WWIMr Motorcycle mum Large Drunnnd may other Irtlcles June 12 630 pm sharp FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GARFIELD WINGROVE at the BARBIE FAIR BARNS Sula of electrical appliancu furniture also lwo other dlfler an 1M lurnlhm will be 0ch the same evening Terms cash No reserve may gouamm Mb 11 Caucasian xo Vpn Township on the George John ston Highway nun north or Highway 90 OR mlle unlth sauth of Minesan Village 8313 of arm stock lmplemenh and some housdmld elleclu Terms cash No mom the arm sold JERR COUGHLIN Telephone Firmly 35251 AUCTION SALE Frlday June 14 shar DST or ORMAN NEVIIS La 21 Canoeulan Tecumsth Tawmhlp mllel was of Coakstavm mllu Allth lllahway 59 Sale or arm stuck Implement lncludlnx ull llna mm equipment brand new Oliver baler hay and some household elfecu Tami cash no merve In arm mid 12 TENDERS at up for HASTINGS at Slmcaa 8L BRADFORD Onl SALE All household lumlxh lug lncludlnz electrlcal Ippll mm bedroom Iullcs place chtsurflcld tulle chlldnnn my blcyclu 1001 etc Ttrma cnch No reserve the ownch are lenvlnl at Brltllll Columblnl AUCTION SALE Tuesday June 18 1230 sharp DST For WALKER Lot Concussion Sunnl dnla Towmhlp mile leh ml at SInyMr SALE 60 head Hardnrd and Durham calllo Mzh clul arm mathInrry lncludlnl brand new Mnuey Ferguaon Baler Illa tome houuhfld emcu Term cash No ruervn II the llrm ll Inld ITAucmN SALES lormerly ho Mu men dealer on Highway 27 loath lh TV MIMI Sn Arm mnthlnery Includ lnu ruck lrlclorL camblnu balm mawm dlm vim and pull or all machinery Terml cnnh No mm lhI ownrr hm llrnn up lht Mlnay Formuon denlmhlp JERRY QOUUHLIN AUCTION HAL SATURDAY JUNE 21 AT PM anunhh houxeimld lumltun Ind mm lMIudInl MHHII mlmm lar MM WALK En Gmrrh 5L Cookown Tenm cuh TRACE Audkmm Elmvnlo WRONTD ICP Om dean lulmrhnn Wllluwdn hllh nth Illlllflll hu mm In I100 llrll prln Ihn mural mmpfllllm MMIHHIIHU mum mm In uhl Cumin In In allot It mild II In dln Ilyod with mm ulnnln onltu In Hm Qmm Elluhot nulldlnl of he NEAul Immmhlv wlnnc In rludnd Mn yo Cumh Joan Knutmnn Wood Iu VLlI MncAlpm MA Willowdalo Pupil Wins Mural Prize AUCTION SEE Wednesday June 12 pm aha for REDva 350M AUCTION SALE Wednesday June 10 1230 pm ahnr DST HIMCOE 21 L155 AND SERVICE him Bushes Admlulnmor 39x za mam oat AUCTION SALE Sagugdny June 15 AUCTION SALE AUCTIbN SALE JERRY comm Auctionoer JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer Friday June 315nm COUGHLIN Auctioneer JERRY COUGIILIN Wedngsday 53min TENDERS Auctioneer Auctioneer Aucl Ionic Aucflonur MOON HA ELM WARSAW Poland Remem Iha moon covered with IIBK mher thin dust as maintained by some American uclenllm Ruulnn apnea ulcnlllt laid here Thundny Sharanov Ruulnn delcznle to tha mama tlonnl Ifnca relenrch Iympar gym I51 jg qulle lkaly lhfl the llapllka mourn sinIago was tamed result the 1m pm of meteor particles MAKES HISTORY WINDSOR Onl CHMolt em hluorfi warmnda Wednw day an nelrnlt Rlver French crulacr lying ha lrl colon of lha republic mm ill Ilern Ilunmed up tho xlver Lo cll hiltarlum laid he belleva It wnl the 11m tlmo IHCG Nov 29 1760 um French wnrlhlp had Ihown her In on lhu De lmu River HIIOULI JOIN GROUP NORTH BAY CPlOnlurlol policemen Ihuuld try to nlmlm with olhcr Ilco umclullom In Canada to arm national body Ipeclnl ammlllu ol the On lnrlo Polka Alloclnllon recom mended Thunday Tho commlh mlda KI to art In In execu Hva moellnl the modInn and lhe pmpml wlll In hrnuxm below the amelnllonl conven lolon mm Au 20 at Wlndlor nt EUGOEBTB INCENTIVES TORONTO ICP Fnlnclll lncenllu or Iludcnll column lnznunlni and medical prom lion wu urged hm Thundny bf Murny non pmidmt York Unlverlllr Spunklnl lo undunm of We uley lelll Ichool cl nunlng Mr Ron lul mtcd um an Innull ulpend 01 I500 nr 000 wan auurcd upon xrnduntlnm It would ovu mma tho lhflfllllo in than pm lmlonl BUFFER F00 POISONINO TORONTO CMM ID pmonx lucludln madlcnl fltcr cl hulth cnmplnlnrd nod polwnln Wednuduy nlnhl olluwlnu mm Iponlaml by Mllhborhl Scurbornuxh Tawn lhlp tar valunlm mmllnn vmkm Dr hr uhr Ian Iowmhlp medlcnl ullh olllcer who In bl Iqueam Ill nld Thur Impropuly rimm1 pull wand 40 bl lhu emu FAVOR HUGOEUION OTTAWA lClIIrlmc Mlnll Lulu Iemnn mmrd lno lemllnl numdly mun Uan mud In lhl Commonl by mymond Llnllall IBC Ml InHC dull loummunl un lwm lo quenlonl million In French In In lhu um lun lulu Mr lunun um lhll praceduru wlll In lollowud ram now on Truslea Mar de St Remy wore lhll mm Wednea dnyl media 01 Kin Ilnn board education In encn of hllh Ichool studenu right to wen Bermuda mm In DIED AT HMNIIY INIlln hrl uldm tlllxen Dunn Nick and hm nmrudny In IN raur 1cm no both ml Ihl lawn lululed Dulr onthundudlh blrlhdl lNVMIInAm IlllATllll NEW YORK MUml New York nmu omulol farm The mmvr lnvmlullou Ill ordch Almmflmrll Loull mm ul mmh Ilfl rov llrpjnnry gludy lied WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF LOSES SHORTS BATTLE melhndIln tho indullry um mighienneed or carrecllvn lex an Slulu Ioclol worker Clmncu nod cl llruuda advocated blth control cllnu 1n Ilum man or unmurrled woman and lamlllea lo prevent lllellllmlcy Mr Bnedel cholrmm the Chlcoxo Fedarnllon ol Selllw men lloum told meellnz ol udal worker tho cllnlcl Al though probnbly llla only own In lhe problem wen no lho but TO INCREASE FEE rVANCOUVER CF Doc Ia In Brlthh Columbll wfizo up lb per cent next Jan uary Dr McClure prul dent the EC Medlul Ano hlman Inid Thunday Dr Mc Clure laid the new Ichedule lacing considered by tho Imel nllanl economic committee and lltngeclcd to he may within mqnl nm 0er mmma VCALGARY CF Thu Cal gnry Stampede board an nnhpced Ihurldly ll hu lnvlled Prlma Mlnlllcr Panrlan to clllly open the Innunl weekloni thyw July mm clam But the bunrdu held Klnulqn princlpnll er that undenu mlwur Bermuda hiuhuol Mr Remy Inld 0511 ensemble think it look vary neat cum ms PERMIT VANCOUVER CmWeldon Chnn nuw hnl flu pcrmll that lvu hll lamily lmdam lo ll Canada or your laid Thundny hl navl pllnl to up ly lor permlncnt mldom vu ha Hm slop Iownrd unlllylnl for Clnndlnn clnumh Chin millh subject mm on Kan um an of hldlnl week no nfler eludlnl deport nllnn order or WI yum INVITED TO DENMARK COPENHAGEN lneulmlUnllcd Elalu Vlce lmldrnl Lyndon Johnlan MI wh hl bun lnvllad Io Denmuk on an olflclnl vlnlt lhll Scplnmber lorclln mln lmr unmounted hm Thurldly REPUBLICAN BOW OUT NEW YORK MN If unmlw Wlllllm llrr llcp NM nld nmudny nlm huwould nal mk nIlccllan ll llrpubflun Milanl dmlrmm whm hll vrmnl mm uplm ho plrlyl nlllaml conven ilonmul lummcr Mlllar 10 IMd hi7 would nal WASHINGTON Al nfl Alnmlo Enlru Commlnlon un nouncod Thumhy In men un derlround nuclur mu In Nflldl ml illa bringing numer ol Inmunml mu lhm Ilncc September 1m one In pndumd Thurany lhl 01h Wednndny commit llnn uld nofll lm 14m 1111 with blnl cqulvulon Hun um at 10000 Inn 04 CONDUCM NUCLEAR um mun MINING ANN ARBOR erh AP llr Chum IMV mm Idmyfl and navlollntx ll mum wuu numm up pnmlnllrm uplolion II loullm Ian my problem llun llu nuc nr mm nu ll third bl ha Unlvmlly Mk Inn In Ann mm In vm would not mm ml In in world ww lnu you would SHOULD 851 UP CLINIC TORONTO CF Unllld NEW YORK AWThe lo bum ludullry laced another mm today In In canctr Vl rigrem Imoklni controveny tady with tho hope that It can Bounce bid on well II It um All bu hegora Prlcu tobacco mm on the Naw Yulk flock exchansa tell much my Ihm Knursdny alter Florida sum Supreme Court mllnn lunested cigarem maker can be held liable or death from lunx can fer if used by elmem smok nl Trude comm uld tho flock luve unully risen elaln quickly on pravloul cancer Icm development and there 11 been lllgla evidence that court rullnn have any lpple c1910 girlecpon ului Another In mlu medlcnl report nnd court action that have In he In decada Naked the VI 0000000W Indullry and ha 17 000000 neopla Involved In tho UnIled sum alone The me la an ndvlloryopln lon involving one Itntqo ata lutel and the llnal outcome Itlll II in doubt But It cnum nlarm lo the lndnatry because It mm to run counter In car llcr declilon that makers as ouma nny rink voluntarily RAISED TWO THREAT fro Ihe lndmtry tho Florida declxlon nlm two threats In there could be flood Ex nalva lulu Inlel might hurt Molt of the tobacco flock 10 around lime or more Thymdqy American Tobacco Will the 1th most acllvs lnue on the New York flock exchnnio and clued all 38 cenu than tarmard Reynolds and Myer lost 25 mm and Philip Monllrwu Vdown $2133 Ihmfe New York Prices On Tobacco Fall The Florida can involve 010 American Tobacco Company mnkerl of Lucky Strike and other bnndl and Mn Mary Green Miami She had Iued or $230000 charglnl that making the cigarette caured thn death at her hurband in 1056 Tho 118 dlrtrlct court ruled in Ivor of tha tobacco firm and la dld the 118 Filth Crcult Court Appeal In New 0r leans But Mrl Green obtained naw hearing and tha Appeal OTTAWA CPlOna delenca depaflmenl vralmzap Hu radm to dent low lylnl bombershas been up and down the ml defence prior ltlu like ywo former Conservallva gov emmenl included in Iha 106M delenu budge an mount ll700900 for lrgll pro Earl 01 blnfied hilprévcfncntl ha Ilr delenca mlem Along camu lhe austerity pm ram In summer and he znpllllar program wu Ihelvcd Aunlerfly wu mudcurly um yur and ammo approprln llon wnl Included in the 1903M delenca budlet or mm on comlrucllan unmnnned puller udm Alon came the new Liberal gavammenl and yanked ho pro grim on azaln There LI deferman at 10m unlll mg omclnl ny Ilmlllrly cheqiEEéd mum hn been run by mother air de GapFiller Program Revived Then Shelved So Whats Next OTTAWA CWIn ma move In Commonl Inprnvrd In princlph vrlvm memberl blll Thundl proponed Immdmen to la Dankmplcy Art In blll wu erred he bunkhu Ind tommem Ilnnd lnl rommllm or dclullcd Iludy nu hllll Ipomar Euxcno Whelnn Lme Soulh uld hll proponl would vrnltcl ml and vucllblu mm and all prlmlry product when lhtlr Much Involved In flu ankmptry prommn Two ProwlIva Conurvnllva lpuhrl upmltd mlom crullom about he Mnelpln blll Ind my cnled an LII vhlon In Indlulo Ihnl Iccond rudlnl of 1m blll wu not uni nlmoul Spokumm or flu Sodl Crexlll and New Demomllc vmlu nupporlnl he HKIIlm on flu um um It the new Purliirfiei Hm prvnln IONDON KINThe 00va Old Fun lllnry mmrd urlvnl In London Thundny In Ill pm In In Inflllll llnyul Town Immt and llIrr lha member wm luv hamr ul upllnn mo Elr John Mac tumult Bulldlnl In lmvrm Squ TM unrd In perfumed flu Ioumamm mm mm ml II llu mu unll rum nul lldl nriluln In he Invlud buck Mr npul wlormunm an hnpny Cnnmflun Hal lhl und hm hm hauled loom Dru Cnmullnn him mmmlulomr In Inndon Ind 1011 at Ihc vmptlrm um hnpyhu IAClnlflllfl Ilwl Wants To Protect Food Growers Bankruptcy Changes Approved Old Port Henry Guard Guests Honor At London Reception Conn liked the Florida Slate Supreme Court for guldancn In hperpreUnz lho Florida unlqu on implied warranty 11m 15 the ndvllory aplnlan that wnl handed down by the Florid c0113 Wedqeaday The advllory oplnlun II no mnclullve but II It renlonln ll ted by the tedm coum would be An lmpmv tanl prfifienl The Florida court held In e£ tect that maker and dlurlbu torn guarantee by Implicallon that the product In late or hu man ounaumpllon and that the are liable or damm the pr uc camel This op lie aven though the maker can dnl know beforehand whether eflecu would he had federal Jury In Plltahurzh ruled laat November that LII Kclt and Myer Tobacco Com pany maker of CheaterHeld and other dzarettea waa net liable or the death at met The jury anld that amoklnl probably caused the death but that the maker aaaumed rlIk and that the company had not greyed Hat Trade THEE declined Immi dlalely discuss mo Florida me OWEN SOUND CPLH Falrfleld fly lelled Hm beneficiary of Ontario gov ernment loam llrma naedlnl capnaL ha and to cancel legend 59mm or Anny Ivor Wagner pmldcnt nld Thundny in an intervlawlhal hc vlsllcd Ottawa to on he do anmen or delcnco production cancel ha 15000 contract so the company could turn to more prolltabio lines of bull neu Department ofllclalx In luwn reporlzd to have laid lha requen ll under canllderl um 9nd may be graianz We can gel plenty other hunlneu um can ulve man profit laid Mr Wagner Ho laid tho campnny II worklnl on yarn and lock production or the man and on the defence con tract Filly perlanl now are em played Army Go Barefooted fenco project Elckup Intercep or conlgol Thu Cnmcrvnxlve governman accepted Unlled Smu prow lull or 3001000 program to install In heavy radar Allean Canada and the US backup lymm or lha SAGE aeml aulomntlc round en vironment electronic comm network by whlch North mm can Mr Defence command aper nlel Apporllonmen con wu not worked out but he US WII Lapny gho bigger than The backup lam wmdd coma Into apmlon In mm that the SAGE control emuel than one nenr North any Onlwera knocked out In an alt nllnck on thll ponllnan Wllh mmmty the Comma IlVLl deferred ha Canndlln mm he projccl then later revlvcd IL Tho Liberal put it undzr revlew when they loalv ofllco And decided Um no fund wlll be lpcnl on it thll 11ml year mombrrl blll wan not talked oul lhu hour uldc each dnl or bun Mr Whrlnn tanner uld lha nnnkruplcy Act II hlghlf unlnlr kl Ill nwllcnllam la pr vnlo produmL For exnmple hull grawtr could mm gel pnld or lrull dtllvtrxu lo unncry and whtn Du can cry wcnl blnkrupt In addition he nil lrowerl cannot ynld Ike can borrow monny from Inn with lho run Iloch mm ll and than ddnnlll vlymrm olhn lann In Inch cnlu ma Pun hid flu um clllm lo um ru Gmna Henlraw Raul Inld UII nnnkmplty wholl need In Milan bo now mm In or land The Ad Ind ullhled too much In nor Ilmllnr Ialllllllnn wm he man man or hunhr ngulnll nu primary productr mud llml lo perlorm wnrxdl lmlul loum menl nlmlulnl lvr June mg wurlnl he uni invml at Imcnu that Imi mud Cm In rIvConlrdnr an dnr omwd whun Furl llcnry Klnulm nl llnk wllh mo War 1m wn mlnrod by It Onllrlo amn mlnl Hu un mad up mm unlallm Cunllllln unl vmllln lmhd tinned And at mrmhm mlulled wllh Iho maul hundroll xunu hul many udmllud yrIvlew 1th hm hm Imlnl an llllhll drop on Hm mm rvm Tnnlm UnL mm mm mm mum JUNE CLEVELAND AP 119 Elghlh mum Court of Appeals ruled Thunday aznlna the Sea farers Intemauonnl Unlon which had mum to mvem Judas William McDermol mm min in dispute Involv lng Toronto lhlpplnl com pany inue wan noplckeung luluncllan In common plea xudgu handed down May 23 re ruining the SW ram picket mumm will have Iheir head in tha clauda June 16 whzn about 50 Canadian pllola lnka all from Oxhawa Io compote In the Galvfemar Gwernla Cup alt ra An 11 rally dIHerl mm mm counterpart nn lhe hound Each allm1 mlzned horlcpcwer category Ind the more ex erlenced pllou will hm hm llfapx President aim Kennedy grimnccl and rub top hll hgaq alterblgmglnullc any hand alter bum In it on in of door of helcopler whi flaw hlm tom zraduallnn ccremuny San Diego 5m SIU Ruled Against In Appeals Court Jack Sanderson owner at Sam damn Aciieid Aircraft Limited ni Taronm laid We lrylnz lo lho Amateur pilot Iwmu experience He has just much chnncu to win as any praiu Iionlul pll Pllou wlll 15in demerll paint or early or Isle nrrlvnl War 11ch going Flva minutes baton um tho pllol will be given map and lmlructlam lndlcnllnl lha lllllntd round weed over the CUHHI We tell Ihum how in we expect lhcm 10 am the lmund Inld ML Slndmon Air Bally Planned For Fifty Pilots OSHAWAJPRulyng eg MALE MARINE 0H STRUCTURAL DRAIHMAN Emplo cr cm led in boll bulldlnl Ind Ilul lubrknllan m1 lll An experlmcld dunmun to work on marine mechanical and Ilrudunl cqulgmtnl and mlchlnery Iuynnu Salary to be nuntlnltd on nil crlcncl And nblmy Good was mum and lrlnzo MM Ill 1le HTUDY MAN Well ulnbflnnul Company mklnl mun thoroughly Talmud In llma Itudy procrdum Ahlo Io nccml mponlib my Snlny commcnlurnle wllh nbllily MECHANICAL ENGINE Wnnlki Grndunlu engineer In work on dulln Ind AnFIIcnlInn mnrlnn equlpvnrnl nnd compltmrnllry nunullc um llcml Good oyporlunlly la nd vnnco la mnnawln llvel HMALE DIETITMN WAnled by 0mm llnnpllnl mmlllllvl dlcllt Inn prrlrr mcmhr Clnldlnn mm Auxmun To vin mum and special dlell hour wrck sunm man dlpflkflfll on qullillullonl APPLICANTS AVAILABlE WHOLMALH MLMMAN Thoroughly upcrlcnml on pup tr mludl dru nunmu and houmwmm Excrllml mm plullnl pumnllln while to uloule In Dania um CONT ACCOUNTANT Unlvmlly Owlunle expulth In muoan work ml Ind ununl lununllnl EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE THROUGH NES BARRIE HARD BUMP FOR HEAD On It OTHER VACANCIM AVAIMMI luvlnl Imrcbvmu mullle MMIIIJ Ollllll Own Mund run lurid Ami NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE inlul Nullaul Employmril 0m llmla PA mu rnlurl yur Nnml lmnl vlayymnltr mnn in or interiering with the inad ing and unloading oi vessels oi the Upper Lake Shipping Um iled Toronto The luau acted only we min ulu beiore he was served wiih an Appellate court writ oi pro hibition that would have pm vented him from Issuing his in liliciioll Judge McDerman med mo tion In Appeal Court to dhmln the writ and the threejudge ourt ruled unanimously Thun day avg31 his all Judza Manama lawyer nrlued that commnn pleas court had jurisdiciion In Luth cases 111 SIU coniend that Jurisdiction belongs wiih IO National Lain lielniion Baard Collm when he made In ad dreu Io Mnrlne Co Re cruit Duvet Pholnlrflp er Ed Nell caught remhn pres in Thu unlon In Involved In blller dllpula wllh lha Cnnadlan MarlUme Union CLO whose memhegl ljnnn Vtsull of UWer The judge counsel mid Ilsa Ihe mlon could not use WI ymhlhltlnn an lubstltule Inr 1m Ippenl of lower mun rul n1 gill plckclx have appeared at numbm Great Lnkes ports wheg Uppgr kags V9553qu Lnku hiked You Cnn Own flu Excltlnl New RAMBLER l1 flown El and 111 llrldford Bl 2295 VIAU MOTORS AP Wirephatn lmla

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