Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1963, p. 11

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HM DEFENKH DH Aunlmllnl uprmllnl ml 11 mo wIII lu inmnml my MMMUMO Imlwlrn 1M Ind WM Vlllllnx Al Vllllnlu IHthd and Allrmhnv ha nnnhrr nary mvlru wm Mn and Mn 1mm Vllrul June and Crnll new and Mr nml Mu KrilhHrll Joy Anne Nnmlu Sunday on and Miami the annlvrmry mum wcro Mn Wllllnm Conllnhle and Lyn da Lnu am Mr nnd Mrl flurry Tramny and family Toronln nl flon Allunl Vllh Mr and Mn Cyrll Sprnco um Mn Cyrll McDonald Iml Krnnrm Ind And Mn mnnrd Slumu Ind Inmily mm mm Mr and Mrl Inrk nulame um Mn hum nmlnhlu and All Clara Shark Newmnvkrl And and Mn Km Gnhnm Ind Mr and Mr Arm Huhherl tnmpnnlcd by Mr And Mn Mrl Slewm or Band and vhilcd Sundn with their hmth nnd mm nllnw Mr and Mn nu Hgbberl qUncmlcr Mr and Mn Vllllnm Hawk Md Ian Tomma lmnl mrrnl day last wctk wlm Mn llnwke pnrcnln Mr and Mn Nnny Vhlmldu ry 1ch cc he United Church on Sun ny wm well MandiL new Llndlny oi Orlllln wnl he xuut weak wllh special muslc by the chnlr under the direction lafgfirrl Cnm Mr r54 nmru Illzslm mum motored lo ncllcvllla on he weekend In vlsil lhrlr new granddaughter Suun Jnnn FHP IinNLmonl npd hrr pnrcngs than on May 26 by plane from Mullnn or manlhl vacnllon lo lha BmLsh lulu Her dauzhter Jay who has been In Brllnln or lwn month will tufg harqcwilh her mother Mn Jun McLaulen And Ml chael or Barrie wm wenktnd visitor with Mrs McLaughlinl pnrcnu Mr and Mn Hurry Sluan Misses Lillian and Mary Slwan wished wllh Hands In Tomnlu on Why 01 last week visitor at Slnanl on Saturday we Mr and Mn Max 015de Vlllawdale Cnnxralulallnn In Mr Ind Mrs Fred Fillslmmnn Banla an Ihe arrival of um Douglu Fruderick It he Roy ll Vlclorln Hospilal Barrie on May 16 Aha congratulation to Mr and Mrs Thoma Fllulm mans Jr Bellcvllle on the hlnh daunhlcr Susan Joan the Bellevllle yanks an my anrleen tables of euchre lam were on hand Wednesday In Flllll lino Ichunl lor the wand In xerle ol lour Winnlnz llIe prlzcs were Mn Orvllle Marllnx Mrs llm Elllnll Charlle Luca and Bar Home Th2 ls an other party We ncsday venlng of lhlx week and In last one wlll be Wednesday June l2 Everyona ll welcomel II Au MB Imu IL mm smcoa Morons 03M nqpy mom mm mm EX NE pm JUNE Spcrialmng In BODY WORK or MECHANICAL SERVICE Ihl bearded hermit Ilka man chrrylng large cross am at the body at Pope John XXIII as It In borne through the crode In By MRS PRDSSER CHURCHILL SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS AMONG THE MOURNEBS Ilka cross Papa borne SARJEANT LTD PA 82461 Till Mr and Mn rm Winchuler Pnlnlwlrk wm Sundny mm on wllh Mr And Mn Waller Drnunlnl Mr and Mrs Page Ind chlld rm vlllled wllh Mend In Or Illll on Sundn Mr We look me xcrvlm Regent Park Chjxrrhflrlllin Silurdny vhllm nl Lu Brownl Ind Prourrl were Mr Ind Mn Willlam Draper And Mr Ind Mn Wilm Dra per Kuwlrk Mr and Mn flumll Drown In and Inmlly lpenl week end ll he mun nur Gum hum The Vomenl Imlllula wlll hold lhtlr June meetinl In the Com munily Hull Jun 315 pm Mn McDonald and Mn Davis cunvoncrs or home econumlu and hcullh Ire In charge Ihe program Roll Call will be mlnulel ulk on an Impromptu subjectr The Churchill HI Club zirL will mu del Scpurnm or Summer Mn Gordon McDonald ul La lray lll give talk on Flm Md Min Trudy Davis will an lmuln wllh dancan number An lnvltulinn II extruded to all Ladies at In community Mn and Mn Keiih Sinclair and Todd oi Torunlu nutmind lilo anniversary service and Ihe day at Robert Sin Jinn With Mr Ind Mrs Sey mour Kali were Mr and Mn Harold Gibsnn Pauly Mary El len and Shelly oi Barrie and with Mrs William Palermn were Mr and Mn Jack Shnnahan and Martin ni Phalpxian With Mr and Mrs Edgar Slur you were Mr And Mrs Ernest Knetshaw and Bob of Gillord and Min Donn Marl Mason Strand Mr and Mn Don Slur con and Todd Bottle ML and Mn Willard Peacock Ind Lorrie Ivy and Mn McPher Ion of Toronto and Durban of Glllurd Wih Mr and Mn Gordon MacQuar He and Mrs McClusklc were Mr and Mn Jahn Kneeshnw and Nancy and Mr and Mrs John Flynn and dauihterl Gil Ol Sunday vlattm with Mr and MrL Ken Sturgeon were Rev Ltndray and Mrs Ltndsay and daughters Ortttiu Mn and Mn Doug Knmhaw and Mr alnd Mn Roger Sturgeon at Bar Nun hmnmflunmn Human mu IyImud mmm mm mm to Eunmo hull SUNOCO noon mu Lona nun Peiere Square yesterday He was among he thousands of faithful who mourned In the square where they once used to cheer the appearance the Ponllff AF erepholo NIATINO OII ll Mrl Bloxham Barrie held mlacellnnaul shuwer or Shar on Ell Mm II In be married June Lollnymaqd llawdrn Mr and Mn Lorna Wllson enlmnlned over 60 relallm Ind lrlrnd on Snlurflw mm In birlhdny puny lar lllu Ed Wll Ion Ind Mu lrwln Knapp Dr lluucll Boyd Ihnwnd lcluru of hll lrlp In New Zen and Au lull le olher plum Mr and Mrs iiarid iiediand And son 01 Fort William spent few days with Mr Ind Mn Fred Zannle Mrs Gilbert iialxhl Ind Mu Tom Park entertained abuui 15 indie rccenlly thawer in honpr oi DiAnn Frau oi Barrie it was kitchen shower DI Arm received nlnqy iovglxjiiu Mn Danna Bu and Misses Pnuy and L011 OHum enter tained at he home Mu Charla Cole wllh misctllnn ecu shower ar Sandra Cam H17 Gerry Wild nfrbetiralk vimed ovrr the weekend It Frank Couzhlin Twelve tables of hre play en enjoyed another Monday evenan of euchre In Strand Cummunity Hall Winner were Mn Kell Blrde Mn Gill ham and Mn Manhh Sr Mr Dnnkes Ben Mulholland And Mr Chery Barrie Lunch was served by Mn Me Mur lin Ind Mn Stewart Fisher Church service cancelled on June for annlvemry vlcu at Va and Min Mrs Radway Haney 50 spent the week with Mr and Mrs Edgar Thompsun 0n Frl dny evening she attended the ordination of her son Norman at Iha Albury and West Church Toronlo Mr and Mrs Willinm Wall ace have moved from the Mul hullmd Aparlmenu to their new home on tha 14th Cone agnyaomp EUCIIRE Mr and Mn Norman Rndway nee Ruth Thompson and am ily spent lh weekend ll htr parcnu home ATTEND ORDINAHON There will be Mchurchmservlce next Sunday maxmin or evenln becausa lhe Lefroy anniver ury services Sunday School slam mm Judllh Jnhmon and Mend Dlanna Sanderson ol New Tor onlo lelled wllll the lormer grandparents Mr and Mn Johnson over the weekendl Mn Dan Cameron who has been lllalnng mldenl lb all 1an now pallent lnnlswwd Convalescent Home She wlll be glad In have any at her nelzllbonn Ind old lrlendl gran ln and have chat wllh er On Sunday June Slmud United Church two new elders were installed They wen Lloyd Beam dmlpck Mgrqujm umng gumcn NEWS Jndlm Jnhmon Dianna Sanderson onto mum wllh grandparents Mr Jajlpsoniover the Mr Vand Mrs Don Mchnn and lamily Mitre Place spent Sunday with he lattera pérenls Mr Ind Mg McLean Mr and Mn Jackson of WI Iawdal we weekend visltm wllh MnJack Hunter and Ted Leonydl Beach Mr and Mrs Fred Mulholland spent the weekend Ccnlralla wllh their daughter Bank and family By MRS MULHOLLAND Mr and Mrs France and chlldfln Windsar nee Flor ence Gordon span lheweekend with Mr and Mn Gadiald Gordon Mrs Elva Beckett and Llonll Byam ol Tyrone were Sunday visitarrwllh Rev Fred Jackson and Mrs Jackmn 11m Indlu it hurlrd HNTEN MILLS By MR8 SCOTT STROUD SOLD NIMCOE HALE SERVICE No lllxhuy Soth Bum nrm Onllrlo Phnnl PA urn Mr Fries has had 11 years of successful business and has mado many lrlendss We wish Mr Adams avery success and continued business or this lulure Mr and Mrs Porter of Calling wood vlslled over Ihe waekcnd with their dnnuhter Mrs Will lnm Hunkln Delbert Priest has 301d hi llvesluck huslnosl to Harold Adam of Mlnuinz whiONTREAL cm nucentl welfare advance Jn Ontario have progressed Whatthat cw lemlfle nowiarefabla pm vlde Iheinphyalcally ar men ally lnllrm glderlyzpersnns wllh us much soda and personal fulfilment lhey llnd In home hr the aged Dru Kellh Stuart direclnr ol OplariolGe rlatrlc Centre In Toronto said Thundny He told the annual meellnz of the American GarlalrjcsSaclely he aim at home or lhn and Ontario to pmvide mu and community where incapac beauulul plant money and nlher gm Says Aqéd Homes More Enjoyable mm mm mum mu mum mama MADE IN CANADA llnled or dlsnbkd elderly sons my im ume or men 01 apporlunlly la helr remalnlmz years meaning purpose and fort your 13162181119 mxmoxq oz2z rmmm mmmm per and 1M wllh Two fins brews MulsnnExport Ale and Mnlsnn Canalfian lagerhear in one MfllSllll Pleasure PakSava money tan Costs lass than 12 hnnln carton ufaanh Pickupa Mulsnn Pleasure Pak tudaynnd an the plaasum of both Mum 15000 perms new wk mmcared lor 1nluch homes In Ontario Theyhud no active medical problem but were dlsnbled richer mullnlly physicnlly to the palm where Ale La Enjoyboth in uv nxrm kchinicALLv Electric heating ELIMINATES THE none provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 15 nmmv mm 618 When Edmlued lo home and Elven proner can they can adn muth lo flwlr own enjoyment or lhey an no ab In cure pran erly In momma on lhelr mm In In munllx Lager lmuns mlflcd la such hnmes had Mn least so and need care that In mil poulbla nr rcnsuuabln In the cnmmu inn IIEdlo helllsloll olbm

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