ha fly anlncldcnte wn women nppurcd helm lhl cnnvenlion to glve reports Thry wtrc Mn Elmer Fink Elmlrn and lean on Tnmnln dcmnncsl Jolmi MIA Hoover III he mm Im ml um Ihnuld b0 hm Rev Gretna Witmcr of St Louis Mm vlcepruldcnl flu synod unld tha father of synod had Irlcd In nhlda by icrlplure but ngrccd that Icrlpluro was nnl clear on lhls palm 5qu NOT mm Rev Ncuhnul slmroh and new Ernest Knnnlnx ol lnw ï¬lmed vige He dld nit hlnk almm should mm from Ihc lynodl pogilfan Dulnxatu nxrrtd lhnI scrip lura Malt hnmm nu nnl la usurp nulhnmy ovu men In church nllaln The district nunwntlon voted to 11 to ndhcm to the aynndl postttnn on tha utrrage Issue But the wnvenllon also voted tn 20 to ask the Iynnd tn slat IL position more clearly Irntd mlslntcrprqtntlon The congregation at Mount Calvary Chnrdl Ottawa had nskcd that woman sullrnze be dcclnrcd mallgr or local ju risditllon KINIHENER CPITue On Iarlu district the Lulhcran Church Mlssourl synod decided Thursday lo continua lo limlt Eating privileges lo male mem cu QUESTION painted on the nutslde together with the rent and rear steps Although lhe painter was re quested about this In advance the steps were very slippery during the winter What can he done to remedy this situation ANSWER Slipproof paints are now available at large paint stores or this purpose They were originally made primarily for use In iaclaries to prevent accidents Repnint the stem with this type paint or use the standard paint adding sand to the container balma the paint is applied nr sprinkllnz sand ever the wet paint surface SLIPPERY ALL RUG QUESTION We havn small hooked run in our entrance layer The run slides easily nnd we want in avoid accidents is there any way In treat the rug in prevent its sliding around in much Until recently innhus of thick ness have been used an dicatlnn oi insulation value But becnuse todays insulating mn terinlx have wide dlilerences in physical characteristics miner at mat insulation now has an installed resistancut num ber printed on the container showing the total insulating value when put rln place ln the house the greater the number the greater the insulating value iollowinz manufacturers recom mendations to proper Ihick ness and coverage per hag SLIPPERY PAINTED STEPS Lutheran Voting Limited To Men VAPOR BARRIER QUESTION ls necessary to lnslull vapor barrier when insulating the nlllc llnar wllh poured1n mlnnrnl wool Insula tlun Haw lhlck should it be ANSWER Mas decidedly vapor barrier should he Instal led under the Insulauon Inward lhg warmer grey SOUNDPROOFING WALL QUESTION How can soundprooi wall on cement slab ANSWER Best way would he to build ialsa wall on one inch iurring strips put down out ol contact with the present wall and using insulating paneling 0r acoustical tile or wall covar ing run he applied consult your tile dealer as to recommended type and installation instruc tions ANSWER Sevsrsl prepara ions ura available at variety and housewares dealers for ma king rugs stay put Those arl sprayed or brushed on the un dersids oi the rug 0r plastic mesh material is avaflnbls at many variety and floor covering dealers to use as mat under the rug to prevent sliding 0r dissolve nhsli pound nl chip glue in quart oi hat watcr and point this solution on the underside oi the m1 ANSWER Best way would he in build false wall on one lnch lurrlng slrlp put down out ol contact wllh the present wall and uslng Insulatan paneling 0r acousllcnl llle or wall covar lng an be npplled consult your are dealer to recommended type and lnslallnllon Instruc dons 1o mm mm EXAMINER FRIDAYrJNE im FIRST AID FOR THE HOME noun WHITMAN mu nunw lhv llnl vcm lhll plulm lha lnslmdlun In all upon ll nnmn mum at ugh upon God Th or hr day leave out all menlinn oi hmnll thoncomlngs and Iuc no wamlnz or the Mute but imlud concenlrnlu on ma aspect of Godl urtut goodness In chosen people nnd MI qudlcrluldccdl qn lhel buhnll It II hymn cl lhnnhglvlnz In hct lhu Int mm nro ound wllh only Allth vlrlm on ï¬rst pm at me cclnbnllan long nun when the Ink wu brought to Zlon by Devldljl Chronlclu 1mm Three 01 the psalms hear pndnlly an the early hlstory Israel In With his 1051 and the mun Each of lhcse lhm however emphasize dmertnt aspect 01 meaning this history Thu 7BIh alms at lunch lnz lcssnn xmlling the past wnrnlng About pusan mid uluro anuonl The math stresses the aJnlul nulura of II raell behavlnr In lhn put 3pman conrcsslcn 8155in JoNEé while today lesson dell speciï¬cally with Gods madness la llls chosen nullon lsrul ccnluxlcx no then ls no hullnn an earth today In whom ll ap plles mun generally lth our own Whut other country enjoys many blesslnxs do we1 What other coumry has mom £3156 lo glvg lhanlu to God ANSWER This type of slding can be painted with cement base palm coming in powder arm and mlxcd with water or You can apply rubber base masonry paint QUESTION our house has imitation stone siding Can lhis be painted so what kind oi paint shouid used ANSWER The neural cause in that the nails have worked loose and mova up and down in the nail hole in the beam or aulr flooring whenever weight presses down 11w almplest ra medy is to drive lanz ï¬nishing nails throth the oiiendlnu hoards into the luhiloodng Drive them in pair at opposite angina rather than vertically they will hold better And or the name reasun use the ringed or spiral type malls When the hand of the nail is within quarter inch or so irom the board ilnish drlvinl will nail szt to avoid dentin the floor board with the hammer Drivel the head slightly below the sun iaea and cover the hole with plastic wood or putty stained to match and touched up with varanh and shellac Occasional ly the squeak is caused by the sides oi two floorboards rubbing Iogether Sitting talcum powder or powdered graphite or one of the new nonolly lubricant in the crack may lubricate the squeak at least temporarily gunman sroma SQUEAKING UPPER FLOOR QUESTION Several area in the floor of an upslaln room have devolopad annoying squeak when stepped on How can um be eliminated PSctlms Record Israels History EcljfllllffElllm 7107 Tho famine mentlancd In verso 16 the 0110 which llruck Pnlexllna and whlch caused the son 01 Jacob to seek ood from Egypt God had provided or pm In this use by prev It has been esUmalcd In when the Israelites ï¬nally left Egypt there may have been Al many as No mllllon them peep allowing on man to an unknown desllnnllnn altar our cenluriu ol nluvcry This wax probably he musl gigantic ven lurglin quan hlslory an to Gods pmnnuncemnnl agnlnsl um Egyptlnn rule Thu Pharanhl mslslnnco chal lemd God to chnuengo lha Egypthn K3115 Veachplagua be in an attack on on ham Vang 21M This split level combinaiion brick and ram design will its uncluttered wall space and floor area is carnioriabll labor saving homo which every family will enjoy The three levels divided into work living and sleepan areas are planned iar easy trailic circulnilnn Wills the garage and utility area de signed inr the lower level ill ï¬rst level includes srparale eniry ï¬replace in the living area snd ierraca opening nit he dining room and kitchen The plan calls or two bedrooms Ednlund mn Egmlll ndld IllInvch RECRATION ROOMS mm IIOI REPAIM TEnAHONS PAK 60761 GENERAL CONTRACTO ED MILLS Remodelllnx anAMINER HOMEOF THEIWEEK Nb 253 mason FUEL and consrnucnou Cu Lu 4v ISSA now PA Thn land Hum verse refers to Egypt llaml descen loust hlvlnz had their brother Jnscph sold into slavery to Egypt Then he had risen In high position and was ehla to pmvldo or hls Inlhcr and brolh en who wero lhc Iaundm of the 11 mm 1mm and study which could also be used as lhlrd bedroom when completed In will surely be on the fines looking ham tha nellllugxIltzztii Sikhism Bulliers blueprint AllANDAlE UMBER Pulm problny Ihe psalm which most Iamuus an hymn thanksnlvlng In Act It usually rend Church Icrvlcc on Thnnkmlvlng Day or on Ihu Sunday pmcdinl dnnh sellled in Egypt whlIo lhosu at Shem hl hmmcr Ick lcd In Israel for th1 design No 253 cu for tha first act and 85 or ad ditional sets They are null ab ln Canudl by return marl cumin residents must rem three per Mules tax in mm In Presbyterian Church In Canada need be clobherod to move lnld the gospel lhcn we are dead he sold Rev Russell Sell slnrtlcd delegaru the B91 gen eral assembly of the Prushyta rlnn Church In Canada by tell lng them that they are losing the bullla nr mens minds and um lodayn success story hat of communism Mr Self who hns wnrkcd In India sinco m9 and Christian Ily now claims smnllcr pm portlan of Ihe worlds population lhnn at any tlme sluts in earn est dnyl Whlla communism which hm more 17 ndhcmfls In 199 now control lhu mlndn at lhlni the worlds popula an Every llma tho world turns on In axis every hourl lha world becomes mom and man NEONN CF Commu nism has done more in 60 years than Christianity has been ahia to accomplish in 2000 Pro byterlan Church missionary in mdlu said Thursday night Tho present umbrella nu clear dclenca can make ll p054 albla or more rnllunal state nllalra to be brought about amongst lho world of nation and at the same Ilme allow such movements as tho humanl urlan cultural cconomlc and mclal programs ha United Nalluns to he carried out cam bnllng hunger dlscasu and lg norance and crentlnfl sense that cannot be conllnued the Western World submit to the abolition nuclear arms without any such cammllmcn from Soviet Russia Thu mollan ln llne wllh the antinuclear standol Archbishop Clark Prlmalu ol all Can ada evnkud blunt oppasltlon mm 315th Wllklnson who declared Cnnnda should accept her lull share defence under the NATO plan and Cunn dlln forces Ihonld be equlpped wllh nuclear wonpnna Einbarnling on the reasons or and he bishop laid far as am concerned ha manufacture and uso ni nuclear weapons in he light of the pres en world situation ls morally Juxuiled the cold war in an Iii prevailing nioiai struggig TORONTO CPLThe Angll can xynod of tha Toronto dim cue concluded its neaslnnu Thursday by overwhelmingly defeallnl mollon presented by Rev Adam Paler borauzh condemning the distri buUUn nuclear arms Cuna dlan lorces Communism Is Success Story Presbyterian Delegates Told AntiNudqu Stand Is OpposedBy Bishox ILMBE Cqmpmn Snck of CROWN DIAMONb PAINTS LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION In later Interview ha anld Chrlsllan must launch an out propaganda campaign In the emerllnx nations Thu propaganda mould lake the Innn of the printed word rather than rndln or elevlslon appeals ha Inld ulnca law pea pl In such counlrlcl an India have television or radio receiv man And you Just there haw do you Ilka thnl Mr Moore said Gods plan or the church Involves unmed Izllnwshlp exercising tho mlnls try at Christ He hoped In lhe near Inlure may Ind our way through In manllcsl the unity that God has already Klycn the 9hurch In one six resbllullan prev scnhzd earller Thursday lhu Unittd Churchl bonth of evan The church must not allow it mt to become club of pious person or an lsolallon mm for rlzhleauincu luv Moore president of VIclorluUm lvmlly Toronlo xald In third devotional Iddrcu lo the cayerencc mulual dependence and hrnihnr hood LONDON Ont CF The church must Involve use In the critical Lune contronunz nod cty today or It wlll not be living up In purpose In the mlnlsuy 01 Christ the London confer unce the United Church Canada was told Thursday Thé nuclear debate allowch mum ngnesday high but the commluen an Cllrlmnn unity study lhe Indlnn churchvunlty Ichgmc pm Bu um II Ulmoll Oullfly 1qu Nu your Builder um Borlrlm Bron Produclu Church Warned Not Pious Club For Anylhlnl In nan PROGRESSIVE FLOOR SERVICE Bllh St PA 53561 EACH In Full Cam Lon FLOOR TllE 429 BLAKE ST mm 60254 Vlnyl Album BERTBHM BROTHERS ana he pcrlccl lime to mnkc lhoao homo Improvementa and repairs you neglcclcd during the winter thlovor your need call for you can bu lure of finding the but nclcctlon top qunllly lumber bulldlng mnlerlnln siding mo lng nml Insulation n1 lho biggest anv Ings here V15 our ynrd lodayl ludgol lcrms arranged Warm Working Days Are Here 01zc LTD SEARCH IN VAIN For morn lhnn 150 year the tlny Paciï¬c Island of Canon he eracted treasure human leek Jng supposedly Mdden pirm Wealth The resolutions also were to be sent In the Bond of Broad cast Govcmorl in rcsoiuiion aimed Pre micr Robinlo and the Ontario Liquor Control Board ihe con icrcnce called im quick and in misleading dishonest and insidious bear commercials now being shown on Ontario TV chnnnels The rcsoluï¬un mud lpo clal concern about and quor advertisements appealing youlh report said Canadhm brew erles nre conccnlrmlng almost wholly In their commerclak an yaulMuI lclevlslun viewers ndd Inn that 90 per cent juvenlla dellnquency In Canada In con nected wlih the consumption of alcoholic beverages ble gulde lo the sulullu problem Christian unlly In Canada The meeting ended wilhu message grading and wall wlll lent mm the synod loe Algomn dluccse currcnux hclnl held In Saul Sle Mnrle gellam and wclnl acrvicewnl urged Io keep watchful eye on lelchslnn beer commercial with vlcw to their ultimate The conlcrcncc called for bun an rndlohnd telnvlalon beer commercials with broadens because wcathcr broadcasts are public serv NJLA AND CUSTOM BUILT HOME AND REMODELLING LOTS AVAILABLE No Amwu Call Gon Candler PA H745 GORDON SPRING ENTERPRISES PA 85097 Codrlnllon Commtrtlnl erldrnflll Induurlnl