99th Year No l33 Illa rlnl Mr Murphy um xll WM melam lnr Imus Mr an flu 1m llr III rnnrunrql ll um dull um Ifrlnl lrlnl DIR In In by TIIII And lho mlmlnlmnllnn ol CnnmXIIn Jmllco wrrn lwn In In wlnln ulllnrd Ivy Armin men Mlurnry Jnlm Mm by In Um raw llnyd llrkrl my lolnl 11w nnl unilIy rulid Illa munly ml lelyrmlnl jam Rm um 31m cummdéd whnlrmhllnl judlo Cur ar MINA lrmwd lrylnl rue Th Ilrrnglh ha IIrmnrrI Ilc mun mum nu In Hlo lhnl ovrry man In lnnocrnl un III prnvrn nlhrrwllr will July yrslrnlny Mr Ilverinl who ml lwul hnrird Ml poumlon nl Ilnlm ll lo value lm Hun lquuinm hen Iald each day nl um leum bmll lcnn mnl hmnucnmpicd ctn Irnl Illnr few nlmvu Hm Aqurrnmnn crypt Mum lho humble pool wn rrmmld mm ha ryrn nl nn mlmlrlnu munum wpth flu Inllclpm re so may be general upswlnz In US dclcncu spendan In Canada part an underslnndln with Drumo Secretary Rnbcrl Mr Namnrn lhnl lho crossborder flow dclmre order should proceed In Muhrr levtls VATICAN CITY MP Tho Roman Catholic Church begun nlno dnyl Mllclnl moundng today or Pope John when body now llrs ml bencnlh 0911er mm Illufllcn Furan Llin And mum nn unlntrnuplcd 51mm of 7000 WASHINGTON CF Can ada Inland In step up ils de fence spendlng in Ihe Unlch Slates pm of new under nlnndlnghclwccn the we coun Mel la achicvn better bal Inc In um crossborder low of military produclimshuring con lrgcu tlcncc Production Mlnlslu mud Drury declined lo mall out Just what new 11qu mm Canada will buy but ho laId pm conferencn Thum unndlnn purchases likely in Increase LEXINGTON NC AFL Temlon gripped lhls North Car nllnn 103L110 centre today in the wake race rial that left ona whige man dead and while newspaper photographer 7°de by Eunï¬rs Oificial Mourning Period Nine Days Begins For Pope DEMOCRACY IN ACTION Defence Spending Expected To Rise Damages were estimnlcd at $1440 as car plowed over parking meter and crashed inlo building on Collier SL nbnut 11 oclock Illis morning City Police Constable George One Killed One Hurt In Lexington Fracas VAuiavaliulï¬e ofï¬cers were Cost $10000 To Free Man For Examiner wm Ma phone PA Mm telephone number lo call or thaanlneu 01 Editorial Dch in PA 66531 ourTelephohes COLLIER STREET CRASH COSTS $1440 Thu mun ha urnan jury had xlrdded Mm lulllrlml ul Im an MM Im Crnwn Io wnwm Ilm rm Mm nlve II My On lh mnnd mum Mr lldvrlngn can In mm Jury mumI Im MI on chum muulna Alnlcn Inlnn ll wu lml nl Ihn monk rllirlenl llllmllhl ul lhc ml mlnlllmllnn DI Canndlnn 1m Ike IllelmN llllJI The grand Jury munly thumd on Monday hy Jqu Cum In him HI1 nn wo cum On TunMay All all hr menl ovhlourc vmrnlnL lhe grAml Jury re lunml lylll ml Ilw in raw Aml lunml IN MI an Hm llnl ml of lhn mum rm Mr Iklmnlu Thu nlncAdny maumlnx pc rlml txlrndl hmuxh Juno I1 wllh lwn Inyl out Mr major rcllglnul can dnyl hyTnn lly sundny nul Sunday and Comm Chrlnll next Thurday Drury obscrvnd there In dc ddcd difference between nrdon placed and actual Lpendlng in any one year Orders such an the Now Itartighler pro gram an ad air Limilcd Montreal may mm number at yearn to tamplrlc nul ac lun spendan by lha US on mllllnry production Ihnrlnz In Canada was less than $200000 000 in 1062 In many ways lha volume American onlm Ins year was cxlrnardinnry mo pmpln mnved through Iho banIIcn lo look In IIIMICI upon lha Inc of Pope John 1m Iny In Alain on cnndleIrnmcd mInIanue IImrsdny nlxlul Iha Imdy wns Ilnfld In IrIpIu mflln nan Imliflm beIaw Inla II Imlllcnl imIlaq lo IJIncerncnr lhl ice Ifopq Hun XX Bu alter daylong Inncling wilh McNamara Drury aux xesled the American Haw lo Canada is not likely to he sus lnlned Ike unusunl 1062 peak In that year 05 drlcnco ordcu placed In Canndn lotnlla abnu $250000000 while Cnnndinn or ders III ha US lalnllcd about $110000000 ulled lo duly Including abuul 20 slate trooper Municipal nt llcluls Hid they will ask for ma llonnl gunrdsmun unless the sil nation use during the day Vlolmu erupted Thursday night on th heels feeble at tempts by Negrncs lo galn ser vice segregamd c3105 Mclmod said Mrs Mary Pm ck was trying Io park her vehicle when the accident on currcd Mn Pasylck Iold the ofï¬cer that her car lurched unexpectedly as she was Iry lng tn park In front 53 Cal Eh Emirï¬xamiï¬fr Mr Ilrkevinl who un plnyrd Iruri dflvvr lar MIRUIIM Tumsml Wu no In man wlm Jennml ulna ol mien lo flam Aulo lho pluu lmd INTI lnluinl niuu IMI Mphmhrr Ihtn Hur xln Auln Elrdllc of 1qu did ml mm mm put of an nnlrr from rural Mala In Oahu ll rmlrd yulcmny mm lrr um will an numbln nluh rrllcl lmm Mn lltlwlvu who In the hack MW at lhl rmuumm all In jury um ml ml unllly vrrlllrl Accnntlu In evlllmre 1ch ItMlll by Mr Muruhy In lmm at math hm ad Imn lnuml In Mr lk vrlnln Mlle on Jun by city durum luudny mnrnlnm ho lrlnl Ihlrh um mom Hum 15 Ml mum appear or In Cluwll Iml lflrn Mann mug Iouched an male lo IDSpllfll Then barlaxc shot came ram mu dlrccllon New apflrgmfllll bulldlngir Art Richard 25 pholoxru phcr or the Inn Palm Enter prlse was struck In Iho back No collapsed Into thu arms deputy sheriff In huspllal his condition was described lugclory mm shot slruck Frtd Link 24 In hn head Link dlod Police said Iho two groups lhrcw rocks bottle and slicks at our other Some of the ho tks were ï¬lled wllh gasoline FELT POLICE CARS Negro girl was slruck an ha hand by rank Pnlice cars wcro polled wilh rocks Ind bol tlu Window were broken in nearby Negro church thnalre and bowling BUEY In 1hr downtown area mob about 2000 whit men gathered on one side of street bordering the Negro sec tion About 100 Ncgmcs assem bled on tha other side of he Ilreclr NOW DEMPSEY WISHES HE HADNT HIT SO HARD NEW YORK AP Jack Dcmpscy was mo the limes lighten our to draw an glove But today II he can 68 MI incu glowl when he talk of helpinfl hll fellow man Ho ulnm nllxhdy when he recalls how hard hu hll mm of MI rlnx loos run It ha rumnrkui Mnybv could lmvl knocked name of him maLwllgwul mum to hard The hen we 51M chumplon In ungodly hund mm hll skin lunnnd nnd hls lulc hnlr glassy and iln wnilu Vllh the mu alum nnd MA 210 II 0911 21 Thu in Ind hungry look In one mm MI lace hul llHl ulcmblr lho nld Mnn um mar inlriln NI Huh dun lie Canslahla McLeod who still Investigating the accident sald he estimated lhe damage at $1000 to In car 5200 to the wall of Mark Wong Laundry and $140 to lha meter MrIIiihrlnl MM In lndy far 11 Mun mm Jan ll pm unlll lhn nut mm In mu Innhlul lnr nnlhlu In plrflrulnr Im uh Mr lldl ml holed lhn MI wu Around 11 In Mr lkhrlng WM nnl lmmn Alllho Him unrrll Drlrdlve lkknn nah Hnlml Um Mr llrimnq lam lhll nllrr mum nml lnlmmwl him ur nnl or mm In an polite mum my pullu Nullnbll llnn Ilcknnl Cmer wllnru Um on Jun Mlln on Mar mnllnu nwlvmlv ha wrnl In Mr lldlflnll hmno In lnnlglll Tuwmhlp armul with touch WINIHL um 11 mum Eleclvla comnuny In ml nn II II Hcplh ls Looking back over he yum Juno hlrlhday nrpronchu In Inld ha hm me to live over lulu ho led Ilka lo be doclorau who would help hls pallcnu bo phynlcnlly 9ndmgnlnllly The alarm struck shortly 11ch anlm sham omdnfly clnring Um pageant open told he chlldrcn and dignitaries We shnuld remember not so much thu events of 150 year ago but he Inkrvcnlnl 150 yum of peace wash out the tallend of opening ceremonies of four day pageant commemnrallnz the War balm drench Jng 3000 school dlfldrcn teach ers and parcnl as they acut Iled In caverln hlx Hmlllon dIslricchzwn ms nu red and my year ago British toms oulnumbcred seven In one delenwd and luchrBd 115 lnvaslan cm In the wax mast flrnleglcmd hlstorlc bulllc Police issued slalement nlursday urging parents to warn lhelr children to avoid alranxers However nyenmld man from PuntRouge Thursday was undergoing questionan by city detectives All our boys wen lust neen In lha Plahu of Abraham area where deviale Inva been known toggles yaulhg SIDNEY CREEK Ont CP Rnln nccnmpflshed Thursday what 000 Unllcd Slate Imps tailed to dn 150 years agotome retreat 1mm Ihe balllencld nl Signey Qrcgk QUEBEC 1C Pallce are combing ha wood nearby PontRougu as detectives ques tion man about the disappear mm or our baya One of the boy was missed April 20 two others May and the fourth May 28 mm haw been unabl Io unearth concrete cIIue despite Intense investin lon Dcmpsry now uvolu Ml Illnv lo llrundwny mlnw mm his npnrlmrnt pro my in CnIlInmllL lachn cnl Irhml In Uhlmzo and per sonal nppenmnm 1m nu nnlel don ml Ilndllllllnd me But older unllzo lhnl 11 only the good thing you da for M1 that con Dempsry mm lhe heavy wcixhl lIlll by lllcing Jm Willnrd HanI In MD Insl II when he mu oulpolnlcd mums by Grno Tunncy nun Mnulcr of the 1m urns at tho urcatIlzhlm of all lime Mr wahy then mum Retreat Forced At Stoney Creek Lost thSpyf Model iRevealngie Barflyduflflo Gindb lithium 50 nm whrn flu nhlpmrm rlvrd In Tornnlm Mr Mmphy rmlnml My hlllu and hub mun thLh Imllnlerl l1 pm cula rIl Tornnla lnr llnnle DWI min then Ilochr lnr llnvrll Avln Hume Illnld to 5151mm flirt onflmfll llama lawyer ullnl Mr IIcklrl In lb VII Mu but Ind uh hlm In ru lnla haw ho an In munlou nl Hm Mun in COURT smut Pm min of wllnmm lo ulnhlllh lhnl llw lmxu or mm In Mr Ildurlnln lmmn um mlllnnl MI In Olhnwn mm wrmm nnlrr mm min Auln manna In 11mm llu lull lhnl 51 mm um lllflvd nul nl ha Olhnwn uro hnuu or dollvgg lo nmlm Mimi MI of GM In Olhlwl vnlllul hl for Mr Munvhy Trnvrl Minllln Brynn Calh cml Inld Walnudny ho had no Imowluizc unllmnud runrll In story Imm Parry Sound Iho newspaper my Hm owner or all our de vhll lmm oIlIcInlx he Onlnrlu Ir mrnl lrnvcl ml puhlclly mg 1y lhII wcck Tho Conservn ve opposition leader madn the churns Thur day the Cammonl headed lo ward valeexpected wmo tlmo todayan Iho Llhcml gov ommcnll proposal lo up an lllpyrly ncu cummlllcc lrlmu Mnslor Pcnrmn will runly In lhe appuslllun leader today In wind up the dclcncu debm that has rcoccupkxl um mm lnr our syn Mr Pear TORONTO CWTho Globe and Mnll my Iound our lourlsl establishment npcrallnx wilhoul come In lhu French llhcr nrcn about to mllu north of Parry Sound OITAWA CPI Former prime DIeIunhakcr any Canada axsnmlnz an 31 nrmivc nllcnslvu role In the Western Alliance by equlppinz ll NATO bomber In Europa wljh nucjcar bombs Four Unliceqsed Resorts Reported In Northern Ontario whom Iimulancou attain wilh the Brillsh Secretary of Stale for War John Pmlumo and Sovlcl naval attache Iu posed murfly hzadacha In Britain shown en 0qu In Old Halley In London or Chair1565 Canada Turns Aggressive IREDIIEADFhrkllne Kgglgr cm In l1 nrgnuwlnld In Mung um Bu FEMno Lulu In Am mm nqlelthggu am hind KITCHENBII Cll ra llm nrnnlloni lmunncn uonl uld Thwndn In had been made Inc pr when In mm ulumun 10mm Rand um LIMIIM am Hnny whkh sold mart loll In mm ler four uuullm walk my on hill on chum oi mnwlrl IM and chqm vol cl thry ltbmmx Ted flmmpI nnd Gunlnv Hm wm Hm Hum nunm named by Ina ilnbo and MAI Idmlulnx they Ihnuld hnvo llrcnn 11w lmulh In N4 Chmlln dc mllwd lmgreulve Can umllw may nrannlm The 21 nwntrunuw llcenstd nlvml hp znmnmrnl Tum dny they will llnl comply wllh llccmlnx mulnllnns vtcnuw at he yrolonnd onernlhm unit ccnml mmpclllnn ongrnllnu In Northern Onlnrln Ha WM nmwcrlnu chnrun by llnlml Gila pmldcnl 01 um znnrmbcr Frwch fllvtr Hcmru Amtlnllnn who lnld mm are 1700 unlltrmcd re mm omnnnl In Northern 0n lnrln mu gal about minute or Ms reply in the record Thurmy below the Communs adjourned rglxhlz with the defence commlllca dccislon out lhe way lho House will lake up lho govern mcnll mollnn to establish an ecnnumic council ol Canada Nut wee ommons wlll urn to lwn of the most lmpml nnl linnnclal mullm ol Pnrlln mnnlluhllnu on Tuesday of llnanclal whlle pnpcr mellan out the 196 lollcll In do lulled account lolluwcd on Thursday wllh llm budch lnr ml by Finnnco Mlnlllcr Gnrdnn Resort Lots Made Sucker 0f Salesman court appearance today She Ix appearing at um ml of Wm Indian jm singer nccus ed manning her Prolumo mlgnzd xavemmenl pub inn ahnnhl Involvtmanl wILh Chrislln bccnma kann erephotn MONTREAL CII lollrl uld lndly lhm mm mm hm bun dunlund In mnmflm wllh hair salon dulxned lo hmk up mu munnun IA Paul 11 lecullnu Quemh New venomlawn Indonavwvmlnm hem Md pmdlnl nunle of All haunt Monday inlo Ibo dull at ï¬lm Vlnunl ONeill InnHM Ime mm chmn Mum nm M5 when munlac cm May hm Ila Mn mu awnMtg mm am ET gun fly Iggy mu 51 um muilonm 15 can ri £10131 nag um mow lo film at run my mg Labor Ind tlnlm lhnl though lhm In no lunuumu murlly brrIch lha mil lrr nllll ll ulrrmcly um bo ruuu lrnlumo 0n hmbaml nclmx Valrrlu Nahum mnld have been lubjcded la Savlel Mnrkmnll uumnu We hit be cmlul lhn llmn In an mu mar nlmL Chrlullm lold nu Dnl Expren HII III dld not kmlolour nlullomhlp Imlumo mlxmd lrom Mnc millnnl xovunmem and ma mm of Common Wednudny nllcr ndmllllnu lhnl he had lied In IImnmcnl when ho Inld Match lhnl lhm wnlnolh In lmpmpcl 1n Ml rcllllamhip wlm Chrlnllnc In hll mm mixmllon meumo mmlnucd tn deny hut nnr brunch ol nanny wn In vnvtd dld we Inch them on the lame day on two oc callom Mu cher uld Her roommnlo nl lhal Ilmo nld In The Dally Sketch Thursday that an mnra than one occuion Jack It Chrlsllna It the mt Eugene Ivmv KM hundwmc young Ruulln nml Illuhn mind In Thxee Explorer Rescued From Cave LONDON CF New that War Minister John Pmlunm sometimes visited mistress Christine Keeler on the same day as suspected Russian today heightened the Aecurly aspects of Britain dolca vlla scandal The nycamld model made the revelation hem In front pnge Immlew with Thu DnHy Express She uldnhe who saw Jack Prnlnmo and ex Ruulnn naval attache Capt Ye Vzeny Eugene Ivanov on tha same day IA smgpn qoas to In capyrlghled lnlcrview In The Daily Expreu Miss chlu said lhe uw Proluma once or twice week for Icvenl monlh In mlwhen lhl Win In Ind he Wu She uld lvlnnv format mum nlval attache In London was Ilsa Mend nl mlna Um Um WA going wIIJI Jack lvnnov now bollevtd la haw been In Intclllurnu PEDEUMO flESlGNH ha hnservative govern Inanla crisis over um use mounted the lezumy male loomed much larger than any considmuons sexual mogul lty or even Pmlumol Idmlx slon when he resigned Wednes day um he had fled to Parlia men about hil rdallonl with Christine And the scandal bubbled Iner rily Protumo wu excusedII his own requestfrom resln IRE nflqlgurfs Indium ludlg ence wulh lhe Queen to hand over Ill teal of ofï¬ce Pm tumo had been scheduled to the Queen mmy there had been mzry uluuLsm ol the audience Sill another aspect the we reached It dlmnx in Inndnn mutt when Jamnlcnn 1m singer Aloylhu Lucky Gar don was jailed or three year or manning Christina Gordan was mother 01 the redhnlred mgdtls quellme lwverl Them bu been my lunch Man that either Pmlumo or Chdsllne wu Involved In In bread national nannyInd Prolumo hlmsel upllcilly do nled lhll In hi resignation let lor to Prime Minlslu Macmil nn But the alertnu lha he to Mlvely compmmlacd himsel with man who may have been lralncd Russian agent L1 bound to be he spewhand Labor apposition attack when Parliament return from Ill VIA callon Jun 17 Three More Held In FLO Probe Security Anglg Looms In momma Scandal NEWS BRIEFS OHM Than 11 For copy16 Pain Paytly cloudy brldxhowm cloudy pefloda Saturday Law Lunch 55 Him tomorrow forjmmuy turn to pagetwo Local Weather 1m mum Anld lhal In lnXIu wllh ï¬nvlet Ivllllnn nflklnh In hid horn Inn Iumrlcnl drlnll mnvlnco Mm lhn nary ubqul 1le Mm Ilymhln mordlnl Ilory orhllod Ihq mlh hm llmu In and mama lul lerln Mewh mrnlnl llama MOSCOW Amnepom lllnl lul KIM Vladimlr llyuhln Ian In Sovch plnno dullner wax anund In mm mm llluhl In lrue nn Immnnnl Wulcrn Ioum nld nmndny nlgbl mother Num boy Mend lunarold John Edzccombe LI wrvinu mm ytnu lnr tryan lonmo hrr The jury found Gordon net zullly mower diam woundlnl Mlu chler wllh ln enl la mnlm dlsflaura dll nble or can hot rrlevoul bod Mlu Ruler wtadnx primrose yellow drm Ind Ihorl Jackal In he bark ol the caurlroom during todays hur nu legislators wm uklu whether he prima minlsuzr who is head at the security services was aware of what was going on SECURHY AGENTS KNEW Security agent ahadawed ivanav around the clock They knew oi th aiiair with hair ngier and presumably knew oi her relationship with Proiumo Legisiatura were anxious to haw whether their ï¬nding were reported to the prime minister and if not why not if their iindings were re ported they wanted to know why Macmillan apparently did nothing about it and thawed his coniidenea in Prniurno by alt ting alongside him when he made his March 22 statement to Parliament LONDON leen Jr malum Jazz Inger Aloylius Lucky Gordon was mm for lhm yum Iodny or annull Inx model Chrlxllna Kmler con In at unndnl lurroundlnl leaner wu mlnlnlcr John Pm Iumo Dr Stephen Ward Iodely nsleopalh Al whose apartment Christine often met the wax mlnlmr Ind the Soviet d1 lo mat all he became dis about the Meander relation ship and reported IMO tho ugly ghorules Macmlllan was repomdlo have nrdered an unminatlon ol rccurlly and pollca report on the Prolumo amir Labor Party header Harold Wilson hu been promised will bo called In far ï¬nal assessment Macmillan claim Iccurlly wu Involved In ha can Wilsonrla expected In demand In ten Lhe evidence or lhnl de clllon Eul he told reporter Thurday her Inlenllan ol punlulu meumon personal conduct Bucklnxham Palm III nounccment that tho Queen will we Pmlumo Tuesday Accept tell of ofï¬ceI nuatomlxy audience or outgoing novan menl Humbertcaused dlsmly among leverl member at quunmonl Labor MP fell the Queen had been badly Idvlscd by ha gov rnmmz lo grant Prolumo an audience Red Pilot Hurt Story Said False Iazz Singer Gets Years