Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 7

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M3121 ME Mun when In plied an mm ll ll IllI7 In lho Inlmllul vnllrm Ml dnnl Iurn any Ilmmund nnly uwl ml II llmrvl Val nu mombu lm Hui all Ihu lulu ehmtlulollu The II no mm Hm furl MI II Inhml lho luulmcy to thch or III lu nnd Ulllhl mum on Um Ihnlu flu am In Whrn IIIch Inllu uuud by hwy nnklo bow bony otrurlun mum In hnnud In II Mu altplum lu lwuuxo at how Im And Ihuhl and lhlck unhln nu Inylhlnl bu Ilmm ulmul Mu problem Wlll rum hivle Mmmtr lhc Iomn lnr mom Ind mm luluv mqu nMI III In rcynmum Iren Inr KEEP IN THE TRIM 11 Illnuom Tu Ind nm We mentord by tho Calho lJc Woman Lam llnnc hutch wu held harm Mn Jflf Cou lln FAIKEHII 51 mm 1y Illlrnnon mm lo Mark Our braln and nervous nyl lem operate on Ilmllnr prin ciple In term goall The thinking brain menu nu loll Ind mum lho nullnn Thu Inner mind tho mulled Iubconlclnm canlea puk lhn The nuance of the technique in to proiecl lhe desired piciuw ox uoai The hulc princlplu can be likened din npcrnlion at an electronic brain In cum putina mlchine specific inloiu mluon in rd in and the an Iwm are developed Irom lho mludal The doctor had advst MIL Shly that to slay in good voice Iha must pr smoklnzqulua dullenia or laur uckaday Shun Fascinated by science of psychacybemcucfl de lcrlhed In book by that title Aha declded to use lhe menla plflurlng plan to break the Imoklnz habit by DA JEAN KAN Wlnl II the Actor In your Ibundnnl naked Ilnzer Dorolhy Shay This we my lhlrd lnlervlew wllh the cur vuceous mr and each time Im Intrigued will mma unex pected facet of her personality She Ilwnyx advenlurlng Into something new and challenging lnlurexl ll lhs caLnlyat that re charge her cncrzyl Revealing Swim Shits Shorts Point Up Need For Exercise New And Interesting Challenge Recharges Energy 0f Singer Golnx lnla be final day Wuday cmvenllon al lha Provinclnl Loyal True Blue lodge the above quurlc dls cm went ol the aesslnns From the rlshl Mrs Wilbur Dolmen Bnrrle Right War By JEAN KA DIGNITARIES ATTEND LODGE CONVENTION CWL MEMBERS HOST ANNUAL TEA Ixm 111mm Hold and lulu mm In moat MI lrz lluld Ill million or xlnw rounl of Ah Imam Hw mull Mr hnlrl lunlmhl rln 10 MIN Inilu lulu um HM hlxh oi mii hlnhll nu lollawlnl uurtln uulu mu loulunn In on Illhl Ilde lm Ilnllhl dawn Imm IIMIIM llmu palm cl handml 15m lnr hnlnncl hull Itllh nnd Iha In lhlnn lhll um Cennlnly uoxrlu cnn Mp You my nevrr ha nllmllmhrd bul yaur In mm lur your mum Imf your mum1r wulllully MINI you will lxtm lnlly Llepuulll l0 mnr 1m rnnlnuu tend In wk In Hwy Im dlulmhrd mm mm the In Clhl plu cooklll bmd nd rolh lrlclnx lhm Ilcml an be probhm ncwrdinl lrlo Ibo who try lo urn an Qnalol the mam aurnllom Thll lmaglnx process contin ued or we weeks Whlle drlv In one day Iho III clumlle ddcnlydeclded to put out Emphasizing that this is not luxofwiii she explained that then was no conscious effort on her part not smoke it sho wanted cigarette aha had one But she mnilnneu lo prnc tico min hcmli in her mindl eya without Amakinu whiin Iniking aver the telephoneY Enli ing driving car llnlshlng thaw Each morning and night she practiced this new pcrlor mnnco mentally or ilitcan minulel The new goal Dorothy Shay sci or herseti was in be iree oi iha smoking habit She applied lhe technique of visualiling hor net going ihrough hu routine strcniy without cigarette Each morning she practiced this muntni movie rmd stop by rlcp saw herreli In her anind eyn going through tho ay Whether you urn trying to slap smoking or slay on dlet you have lhls built1n mechnn 5m lo new you So lhe lech nlquo Is to pradlcc dry rum 1113 In your lrpnglnallon orders Bui this serving art the mind clnnoi dialing Ill be tween an actual experience And onemiiita in vividly imagined shlpml Provincial Grand De pmy Mn Elsie Pnlhrlck Toronto Right Worshlplul Grand mums Mrs Kay Balcam Angus pus mlmess of he Allandale Lodga and Alulln Barrie Wor qurlll um um Illmmlnl mulcpmlrlu rm dml um nL linl uul lM Junk uL mm nu In hxlnl wellhl In In on Irulul nun rmm um pod Hun In nlrm lhllhllne roll hack mun mr Mm and on aver Io lha oUur lhlmlm null MUM and huvlly la lluuI moon nlm null am am Ihu um Inr your nun Irul In Ihc lem Ewlmmlnl unord lmuulnl umlm To Him In all ankle In your ad Ihyflunlwlly back and 0th unlml In IMAM ho In polnl dawn hm um hull Mulch nap MI umln Hum llmu Jun Ildu md Npeal alwan hol In Ihc mul cle mnlrnclon or holdlnl II lonlnx Fran II ponlltan ly lnf on ll to In Ind ll llmo wl clrcln lrum lhc hlp olnL KN hum mum Mala Ilow xylhmlc lrrlu Ill1n polnl dawn him with ham Chan Ildu and clrtlfilor 11 lg rounll flaw mum quuy Add mill Icuon but mnlu lth Iluw roll fill nn floor bonq Imm and Inn huh Above who try to um an Htle laokinl Ianr uh lmm lb Ml Mu Lloyd Mechahy convnncr MrL buflvlln hollm Mu Mm bak lah mnwnu Bummer lhoml Nor dld she lain unwanted poundl Dorothy Ifllcovered that the Ideal way Io control her welxh and ruchnrga her In rzy In lo cal lan meals at morn lrcquum Intervnll She never nvmnll at any on meal llllu 5th LI dellxhllully re laxed happy pmon thunk to her excellent load hlbltl healthful rclu Ind her nnlhlnz noan xnlncd phllosophy and that was ll Th was year ago and she ha no desire to resume unoklng This exciting way to during habit work like mazch She proposes to draw upl list of other placea of Interest film could be used In travel ronaml Mu Stephen and er mm 21 1th ln lha aller noons great mnny people mm the UK 11 to North Amule nn thclr hn am but they rarer see anything but tho bl cltlu xhe said Many ol hem dont see nnylhlnx but New York or Enigma when the plane TORONTO YCF Walling North Amcrlca In the march for likely place to film or British viewer ll Doreen Stephens ed nor wamunl programs or BBC elavlalan Interesting Places Missed By Visitors lhlpkll Master of flu United Allie Lodu Nu 357 Barrie The convanflon being held the Trinity Parish Hall Comer $1 and It In the Ira Mme ha been held in IN city ibxnmlner Photo Axaialani Brown Cnunul Donald Morriaan laid hair dremrl are hrcaklng liquor regulation Ihoy Icil been Due lilo Liquor Control Board chairman Col Donnid McGu Inn laid nu action ll contam Eiaied alllnat beaui Iaian eer unleu campalnt ll mada WINNIPEG CF Alla more nun 10mm whim other peoplol problem Mar in Moore now hum Im Iogygd gynblem ql lug own lha manner or chain Ion nld hll premise all huva reirlgmlan In which they let beer nr cullomerl me other said they brlnz begr In an requut We hive been using beer or am because the mall In It halr body and make Id last Ionic Id one lalon operator Mast our cullomm hrlng their own but if necunry we dth out In buy haul SHOP Ruth ery Wood led in medllnllun and prayer on the white Tho Pence that God 61m An murullu fllm wu Ahown combining documentary on the City London and detail ed Item of Billy Gnhaml mat qudo undeo nil The Golden Clrcla Couplzl Club Flu Eapfllt Church met in Iha Sundny School Hall SIIurdIy evening or film night Afiervifie singing or hymn Gordon Wood rend scripture paisngo rpm ngllppxans Rev Mr Walker closed with prayer My Hats possible Inlwer may no In her plan to undertake volun teer work In the lame Held in Toronto whore the Intends to uvgm refinement Mlu Moor who watched the mm of Ike Family Bureau raw Avconmt on th books of the Bib wag cunducled nonalcoholic nondrinka ble away mukeled by an eulern manulaclurcr he met mishnca here lrom hur dreueu and woman who on sold on the manual eightper cent beer Jul Inlvrd 1M3 mm unue mluumy wilh the Inn at bllmy Iummtr bmm Ind ay plum whil untllu Iml lmu Ind mnu nwnll you In wr Ilmnrmll uclllnl Amy hat or lummrr ll nlllvv IL IA I47 Min Moore rriIred execullvu director the Family Bureau Greater Winnipeg In organ xnlion Iha herded ior nenrly 15 year in wondering how rho is loin to at nionz without prob 1ch in naive VANCOUVER CF Women dunl wan non31m hullc beereven or their hair My VIncouVer hairdressers who have Imn min the meal thing or yem BEER 0N ICE IN BEAUTY SHOP lrlrvd mu lull Club Holds Film Night Family Couhsellor Retires To Continue As Volunteer and for summer 00 Min Mom In strong bo lluver In promIlla counu and would like to to mom luch counts to meet the m1qu needs mulling from undo cncy for sun 10 In marry manner and mm llmr 1th lot med to In the wine In the WA yearn ud counselling of couple cam mplncu now Family connulllnl provldu hm nunce ol prevention with reduce ha work the cam uyl Mlu Moore addlnl am In mm one of helplnl prolesslonx alonnjdo medicine educallon Ind theol ngy has been haunted by An creased knowledza and me 01 psycholozy and pay nry One HI ma than Inc found In her work over the year wu ho wfllimeu men tn are Imumeillnz done or wflh her wlvu lles rum III to 20 waivinch um Inmlly cnunulllnz II Iman lhl most important neck lo clnx work The bureau which chum Illulna male or he band an In mm and also mpporlnd by the Community Chen coun uled 2300lnynlflel In year SleepWear Spectacular Youll find dream world of adorable sleepwear baby dolls gowns and regulars for mothers and daughters In ViaRefs Sleepwear Spectacuan ll II cotton bn Inbuloul vlco 01 to JrchJmnl comn uner cup wpngrt Wh to SlzuAJMLaZIOW Inhm In In Erich In Pan llEa giggqu anyon VIII I15 Vogue Bra 06 Well mud flumy cotton bn labuloul price lqn clrplg 3g 1th comm undor nun gunman Spoclnl Purchml AA 30 DUNLOP 31 IT know13111 chi$133 c3 pled with psychology Ind sociol lgld lye bulg or her car She VII the Jim social worker appointed to lnmlly court In Toronw uth II III um officer between In court and mill Imam helm Join In the Winnlpez bureau have nnly had hm jobs In my Illa and my last has been my lavarlte she nyx Moved very minute of it Mm Mam graduated In art at McMnuer University Ham man and wu working toward degree In social work when the was nked to lie rich tnelxhlwrhood work In Tar an Some Wynn01d Inl and boy are very mature and ready to lcccpt ula reganflbllmu marriage but older or ynun er hive na Idea whit mnrr entails Ill radar difficult la mm tummy home when you dont know lnngedlenlaand mar rlnu couml And counxemnl both help never did complete the mum although have taken many lectureP She MOM In acouomSu It LMCGIU Unlyeglgy Illnd her eer In new work 88f nourhmrw mu uimju WOIIQIHIIQNQW Nuq Inga birthday you are now Justified In mak lng plans you wauld not even have considered year ago pnrtlcularly where creullva wnrk In concerned Your horo Icope augun well or the tub can of unusual ventures In the realm ol the Imngumlva and in dramatic will Excellent vl Go ahead with puipnned pru iecis nowwhether oi buai nus or perlonai natureespe cially yaur plans invalvu nlher penum Pinnelnry influences am extremely propitious or making headway along the paiil tnwardworiiwhlia goals are also extremely benign when travel is concerned nnn rm numan nylon mm in nthu an HAIRCUTS $100 ny Awammm 011 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY By EmELLflA Phulu PA Mm WHAT THE STARS SAY 5911 wmm 550 238 134 each Speclally priced drip drl cotton prlnt sleepwear In your cholca of pat terns Pink or blue Sizes Choose Waltz Gowns or Baby Dolls Uggém each Cloth 14 Wllllll Domullrl Hind Town WHO 54 Swisslypo Ichmll cm broklery burden Bllh Iln 12xl2 LADY GALT TOWElS Immu 310 14 130 Pratt temlnlne baby dolls In flora prlnt cotton with lace trlm on neck and bodice front Glrla Baby Doll Pyjamal 8513 198 Will 84° Yau who are engaged In bus neu may find theyur my roullne one but end result should be highly ullmclary even 11 no meclneuln for those manned In creative punlulu Far all best flodl or llnance and job the current month September No vember Ind January or mance Aunn September and Dccemben child burn on this day will be imaginative orizinai Ind highly idenilslic hraunns ulna or mlllell relat lng to romnnce and travel KAY Dunlap SI PA Hm PERMANENTS 499 to 1250 499 to 1250 nun mam When hill drama dam It in but lull rftfi

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