Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1963, p. 3

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rblr Sumrhnd nhl hi can Vlnllnn would In cul lllndlnl nu hm mid mnrm mm at mnmonL TM mnvanlkm Call nmmn In hold an mnven Hon mm 450 mumbm udwdulld la IUIM wu nudl lhll nook In exocuuvo mol wt In Illrrk In mlklng III Announce mom Simeon Conln lecnl Alloclnllon mldonl an Huflwrlnnd not mcnUUn my Immu mm ondIdmI upm to mk lb 6mm Ccnln Ibml mmlnulan It daln um mvenllcn Juno 15 TM prokd Mn Smith uld will hkl lho dclnnlu lhmugh Eurvponn oounlrlu In In ellort Io promo mun lnumntlmfl compornllan Ind underlllndlnl Ind to wing Ilnglpnt Tho Barrio Pence Stud Group had Vatco at Wamun clam Mn Edith Smllh chburn Hulk nI guest Ipcnker ll ill meetlnz nmdny night TIII mcotlnz was hold at tho homo 01 member Mn Maramt Stownrt Collltr 5L Mn Smith dutrtbed VOW IctlvltIc and tho nImI 01 um arnnlmtlnn Mu Smith member 01 UN VOW dclountlon jxalnl avcrlcnl noon wlth thn Womenl lntcmnttonll Llnlwn Communion whlch doing an InternHaunt Coo mtlnn chr project undtr thl nlted Nnuonl nmplm Simcoo Centre Liberal Assoc Calls Convention nuvm nums 01 Helen Mklnlon Harris who nth md or mfmhmmu an MRS FRANK CARTER Barrio joins her daughter Fnya one the ublu pm VOW Delegate Talks Of Peace mm mm filmmoCcnm ll RA SALISBURY winnar prize for opm Ming room technique II pu MP char Smlth PC wnl nIlo read Io he mtmbm TM Irlm mmmcntm on an cnrflcr loner Prlmo Mlnlllnr Pennon by the Bard Pence Study Gmup mklnl clnrlflcn than on tho leoral Govnrnmcnll Intention on Imulrlnl nuclear llml Co In of Ibo Iellcr went to Dr nynurd Slmcu Em SPEC AGO DW mumme momma un grndunUun exercise Royal Vlclurln capital warn her mother Mn Dorothy whomdawufifihimm mummymum hhnhamohflddhaumy Maniammqu mlmhflnthphhmm menlwhmvwlmmm yo miniMm Scandal oqvlpmllmbdn vm Ipood mmdlflmfldlflkfln now an pom 11M mm WHWHmbow lulucod culmin NOWTESTDRIVE THE RUGGED COMPACT TRACTOR WITH THE FAMOUS NAME vided for special rueslx the graduating class of flu med wlmher Nurse Rab 1mm Book by Mn Roy Christi at um Graduation Incinlaid Winm NhHdh IlaMI ADILENE Tu Spaclll An Ahllcno Chrllflln Collol unlur mm 11min Mnry Mor ten rmlml an Bldnelar ox MP well to mber Smllh ML Smllhl reply nld the Llhcrnl Govpmmlnl It nu clear nml umcmber no far tha lecrnll hm brought lurlh no cvldnnca In Illow um web move reluch to can mllmenl mndo by lha pravloun government Receives Degree At Texas College klnson and her alder Joan Examiner Phnlu Royal Vlclnrll Hnspllkl he reception alter thl ceremony last night The books were donated to halo manual by tho Womanl Hospital Aux lllury Min Mama dullth of Mr Ind Mn Moan of 15 Egon 6L method an demo mum cum hudo In French she II ma mum of Central Conezme Am dam mmmancemem exmlm May 21 Many friend of Mr nlddal warn pmenl for I113 mcpllon Willim IL Wexlnle penplel mrden wn chllrmnn or flu brlel promm speaklnl And preunuuom Mr Illddal ms In St Clem ontl Church In anama II the lhll month at lenlar at mm to Archducan Cm lhwnit The nmlly will be re Ildlnz Brllr 111 Ave Dr Hobart Delaney nva lha menus or Ippreclnuon Io lhn Riddal thy on bah11 th It wu Mr nlddell Ina vIce at the church whlch he halped to found and bqu In yun an no ndmlnlnered communion the mambm Renaud John mddel llld Ilmlly were honored by lull con mmlon St Giles Anlllcnn Church In Infarml mepllon In the pnrhh hall on Sundny billowing tho 1m moman mu VCG Board 1mm pcted churnun or the stamina ox Helm Ha Introduced the ow Idnlx who pmented prim or hllh India In comm theory and luchnlquo Replylnz on basil of he zuduatlnz elm Valedictorian mduaunz nunu were mlycd In Ipukllnl while unl lorml and curled brllllml bou qum ol lonznlemmed mu may were Joined on the weak en plallorm by mumben ol Lhelr lmtmeflnz mu md mo he Paglia Truxteglt Imam com jmun Flubbuflu winked and young er brokhen and ulster remand ed wlm nibble 00111 and am out 850 patch rela tive Ind friends lllled the audi tagum ngth Collegiate manly young nurse lowing with beauty and pride wen honored It the xruduallon cer emunlu at flu Royal Victoria Hay 15d nuth Memhen oi the zuduellnz elm of lhe Rayll Vlmrll Emil were toldfill then hm mum In or or them Gum IpeIker Wll MIX Welllce Genenl Superlnteud efituot Toronto Walton Hem Mr WIllIce wII born in stmd Ind mended hl unhool ln Bndtonl He Jo ned the butt at the Toronlo Wellem ln 1935 Ind beeIme genml Iuper lntendenl in 1956 He II Fel low of the Amman College Hotplul AdmlnlImmI names REWARD He lald he 20 mduulu the tlzelr lnlnln wu tuk well done which would brlnx Lu own rewud my would encaunur mev eIllI upon Huh Iomel Al the me time hie ty oueml an Many Pay Tribute To Rev Riddel BVH GRADUATION Wilynm ll qhalrmnn 01m ASkSGraduatei Nurses COntinuje At Bedside Valedictorian Hopes Pride Is Justified MINESING MOTORS Minoslng Ontario Rev Ran Adam 6t Andrnwl Pmbymun Church lllo Ipde hrlllly In lributl to the work cl Mr mddel In lhu communlly Iclivltlu which cludcd Ihu flayll Vlclarla 1m pllnl Board director nun Dave ucrelary Em rlo YMYW make on bahl Ram Shlly president ol Bmlu Dlllrlcl Mlnlflulll AI locmlon whlch Mr Illddal pm pmldent Mr Skclly wu In Creemun pmcblnl Innlvar my Iorvlcel WIHI on on bthll ma Klwnnl In nunIa which Mr mddel Wll lb now building cammmeo chllh nun Plul Cadoun mnda pm enlallan la lhe Rlddd amny on behnI ho AYPA Serve Fnlher Slnnley Blackwell SI Maryl Parish min on hr hall Monsignor Clnlr who was also prucnl lion with Father John Wolllnk member of st 6112 On ho hill ha Sundny Ichool Marl lyn Jay menled mm in MM Riddel hahal ha Junlnx Chair Stephen Dalnney pmenb Id gm to Mrmd Mn Riddel Ind tn Pater And Sandrl Blddd Mn Earl um mad pmenl nuom or the Sznlor choir In law commenu especial Iy Appmlated by memban the hoslenl um 11an In thu audience the vnledldorlln no cd hat the elm 53 was 1m to wear black Ilocklnzl 015 1m to no lo thu Toronto Plycilialrlc Holpllnl and the lint Mm pm their train In at the Onluln Hospital at Pinyin mum he encouragement ucrlflce confidence and under atndlnx or our parents we wonder 11 Ml moment womd hm aver arrlved Mlu Allen osmium We hope um your pride In us will be justified Diane Allen Balsam Creek aid that ha evening marked long swelled drum coming true She expmmd the llncen thanks Iho elm to their In mum and promised that they would cry to maintain lhahlzh standards can helm He nld um the flequanlly bmdied about hudllne at His shown of auxm won nul thor ll limple or mdlly under Md some mambo 01ml ety named to think mzmuu gummy and qulmy of nuraln tenIce In Ontr10 among the flu or glx but In and the lddltlon the blue bind Mm tered num to their caps opened to hem wido horlms or or Earlunlfles or Iorvlce the spea er continued Mr WIIIIN oongntulued the Roynl Vlcwrln Hotplul and tho apla or Emu on the can completed mum expmien You ave Inn madam hospltll here he dell 01 no or nlvln ton blgmlkha MidivAllen Ielt pleas ol BIXHB City Police Comllbla McKenzie um compan employeu Gem Empkc ported Um bmkrin Ind than DA mornlnm Someone bmke Into um Clu Idl Dry building on Innmll Ilmt lomeflmq ovemlm And undo all wlm null pm money In cnh box Me larmnl portlnn the evenlnx closed on Mr Belle ln vllntlnn to the eudlence to Joln the mdunflng elm or re lreshmenu In the callezlele paleterln Each member the redu letln class had able at which lehe enlenelned nlellvel and lrlend lmhlded an speclel lines llxl Flu and mend yur nunlnl student helped Ierve end mnde sure the the mule dld not leek or come end all manner luly noodles Gwendolyn Whlle Colllna mend year eludenl helped entexleln the zueele ol llllu Allee Grevextnne lhe lpllkle In her eye ellesled In the not the the wee elnedy lookan lorwerd the role UM she would play In next yenrl ceremonlee The nectlon ol hue mem ber all the mduellng elm nunrounded by well wLmen am end the low end exclll men at the evenlnz wu unl lormly encompmed by hule nmlle end lhe one word finDI pllulll Idvice from tha clan lo upcamlnx yam Dont get discouraged WI not by me that you win or 11 just be the but at whatever you In Cash Box Is Missing mliiinl lhlt there Ihomza of nurse for bedlida em Mr WAiince ieil um then wu pmlli Inxwer to flue problem All impini which undemke pmnm ni explnlinn should he muimi to make provision or nurm training chooi hould Holplllll which wish to ex glnd mun timier their air urden nurse training he They min in on ih puehlii duty mum such dev mom would remove name huge loud at mpomlbllMex 1n produan nullified numl mm the hal mm which no new Mulder the world he declmd There Ire his or 1mm ha continued but may them In employ ed In nonnunlnz duuu Inch Arline bolteml or mem lted 11dl ludl Inmvonou aqua Hams 95 McHales fieHula Custom Ducks OR GIVE GIFT CER TIFICATE DAD JOHN CANADAS FINEST MENS SHOES HUSH PUPPIES FOR MEN 56 COLORS3 Mr mddel radar of SI mu Annllm Church 10an to Toronto II lenlor unlalanl at El Clemenll Anglican Church Mr Macklam public lchool Inipector Ior Centre Slmm moved up from the gluon am vmpmldonL armnn alt wu Inducted Al um crpmldent or the club Changes In the Hem were mldo nlm lhe migration of pruldenlmv John RIddel wn melvcd and mm with tgreL Roy Hl Mic Mldtltm was Installed pmldzn of he Klwnnl Club of Barrie for I961 by Wllll divblnnal lleu tenantxovzmar of OntarloQue beeMnrlllmo dlstrlct Klwnnll Intentional The nadundnu mums wen old lhlt Hie hld earned he prlvllen reedom chain II in In their amen were unearned Although they wm perm fun to chow to um 11 the rings nunqu John he hoped am we mlzh mum to an mlclan Ind mm vouuonll Inlflllmen um wu mm In the dude at IndIda mining There wen 630 dulhs murk ly one per bed par you the Clhllom Inr proficiency Ind hlzh standing In tha dreary and mum or nursing were pre unlcd It the annual graduation exerclmol Royal Victoria Hu pltnl at Barrie District Norlh Coflleurnu In nlihlu The presentation In And dlplomu to tho fladualng class wan mnde by Mia Helen snanahan administrator and conguhued The pulley might Ibo nerve to mm younl ladle mm the lumundlnx are mm men In nutIns Roy Macklem Is President Barrie Kiwanis Outstanding Graduates Win Prizes For Their Proficiency II MACKLEM Award winners were gold medal or the highest atandinz in iheory nresenicd on behali oi the board oi irustm by Em ut Bell Misa Patricia Kyle Erin or the highest siandinl in edaide nursing presenied on hehnt oi the Nurses Alumnae by Miss Manes Miss Me White priu inr highest stand in in obstoiricnl nurslnl nre sealed by Miss anas Mks Jun Lethbrldze rlze ior opz reraiing roam nique pre sented an hehall oi the Grad um Nursev atali by Mia PS Cole Miu Barbara Salisbury prize for medical nursinz ented on behali ni reared uales Nurm staff by Mra llnaley Misl Nancy Gain prize for auralcai nursinK pre aenied on behell oi the Graduaie Nursea ml by Miss Greta Flannery Miss Jean Armitexe general proficiency award oi n5 donated by lile medical mi and freunted by Dr Smth chiel oi stall leninr student Miss Faye Car ter intermediate student Mia Elaine withers junior student Mira Ei Tennant The nurse were cautioned by Mr willca am they 1mm IIWIyl keep in mind um melt mngm come not from their ownaklu Ind uflabllllles but from God He recommended um they mfg In mind the 12m Puhm owledge of His $1136 and mouth would heI give all hnlr eflom Im veml mining and nerve to Elva than lirenxlh when ha But men ob beclmq demludlnz Nurses rclerence book we zlven by the Womens Hnapllal Auxiliary and presented by Mimi Roy Chmlle Tomnw Wenern 113 yen the maker noted However then were 3000 birth and over 23 000 cum affected CiUTIONS GRADUATES Min Lillian McKinnnn din actor nursing education Well of lhyllcldflt Proceed for Child Wal Inn Wufl and Commun lly Proledl KIWANIS PEANUT BLITZ MONDAY JUNE 10 Em Blylleld sL TUESDAY 95 33

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