Bunla City Council wm ba asked to no on ucord nnlnn he vmpasad lock on the 5mm River the Big Chm The requm will be made In the arm at emlnn that will he presented men Fm Iherl Mondayl uouncl lu slon James Harris tarmac member Bmll DIIlrM Hunts era and Anllen Conlervallan ï¬nk Apurheagilnz the pet om The petition which already MI Ilanaturel will nllo uh mun cll to rum that the Federal Govmment build modem ma rlna railway It Ell Chute in order to mp theponlble entry or lamprey Ind melt into Lake 81mm and Adjoining mtm It In urlhur noted In the pe tition um II bnlcnlly Impou nlble or lmI or lnmpuy to enter Like Slmcoa mm hl bot tom end the Trent Syagem The petition cumin We ask you to milder 11 number Urges council Oppose Lock On Sévern RiVer Tho Innlvemry of he Banla Salvation Army Cllldzl wlll bq pelebrglod Sunday lpchl urvlm 11 mm and pm will be conductod by nrllndlnr Ind Mn Sharp Northern 0mm dlvh Iona mumden They wlll he Ircomplnlcd hy lhu Mount 11mm Bind Ind MIX Volco Plrty Salvation Anny To Celebrate 80th Birthday wk Froirlm ll Icheduled or us Innlnlll Pnrkur Bmil lhu ninth inm llon Army Cam to be opened in Canada It wu mad with Album Ahlllbl Allnml ll Mumlnhlm Amn uu All Arr l1an um lumuu on In mm lg In con cum rm on Am Rulhmarlu Green pmldml clue of tha Venture Club al Bum pruenu toque or 3m to he dam the cam gl muted Ayn3m VI 10 INCH Cm All LI numn TM IL NMMIL lulflflln I100 mwm 1m Amn II comma TODAYS STOCK PRICES Oil Mill m°1 4153 GETS ANOTHER $100 10 MCI In on II Wmutmhw m1 BAH PLANING Mlll IN nu an 1m nun roumfl Dom llom ham UL LII rm ml um mum Ilnml Dll Illlfl II III 990 hp mama In than Ill Km mum plyA Dunn OHM Linn mm N767 lulu NIKIII arr uuuvu on Club Abll alum up IIIml mu Aynu munmu Immm of tourhtl which rcquent our nu now be Mm 01 Lake Slmcoa flrhlul We alto elk you to con llder flu llct thlt len Elmo hutha lecan largest growth mo at Lake Trout my lake ln Canaan and II the molt hemly In ad lake In Ill 01 our in In edition of The Examiner 1m week Bill Stewart pruiden oi the comrvnuoni cinb went on rmrd being aninu 1h mowed lock Mr Bllwari liked that dudt operator In the Guarxlnn Buy my olngdw Tho Onlmo Federation of Rum an Ind Anzlm in on record an Ilalnn the prepaid lock In In favor mixint raflwny mm on willud LKlnzla Bum chalmnn at Zone ol the Gear gm Bay Davelopmnnc Alloclr flan nld amvery much op pqagd Ule Iocy mun Newth Mach de4 who later became calanol mmlmnl ofllcar In the Hull mm om ho planur vdw lchhed mth gt lpndon JohnAd Burl ml the Irena nlln mm rovlvnl In In early dayl wl 1000 llndlnn Chm In In low months uld Major Olllupie Tho norm wu owned June 14 nu In me Command Ev Booth llld lhl earner at my bulldinl which mm the Barrio coxpl unlll ml The not cludol which wu opened Jun 19 Ml wu mclgd on lhl mm mm ADDICTED 10 DRUG Thm mm 3500 drul Iddlcll In Cnnndl lame 3000 whom no judnd to be fllmlnlll qu Execdllva ummy ol tho money was my Id by mu to number of Mao club mm In promdl nl lwo mmrnm In Examina Photo Mr Ringla laid he objected mam avg 2mm an nus Tu Him 1w Iuflll on AI lee 31mm one hadMeg 15 luv country doemt dimm hh In thI hku mm boa M11111 he aid In told will dimlnllhhowaver ll 010 me ll Illawed ln 8mm Foam humqu Lb mum on mmllla mde rand on or contra in tho Lam viBIIt chm diflmm bemm control Ind am 11 In Not only can the mulnl rally my hundla Any 1119 bolt eulo mug uld Mr lflnzle but It can hmm mu mum at mcuon nm In nld to In only three or Jam mulnl nllwlyl In the world Thll make on In our ml Ill Ivcn mm Four hundred pmnln Ind lrlandl ol undenll In mdu six to mm at mum Public School vhlted the display vacation nhlbm on View at lhg uh luudby evannm uld In In apposed Iowslakle chnncnuwihh lilo lock pm gel 1M concluded er om mm Inl mum llocklnll handl mm 6mm mIncIII now an okclmlfl cqqumem Ind Ind In plum oI pull wan It prodqu alum In InduvIrIIl Am and mm And Ham Monaqu My Ind bun Inhlanod In It In cm In 11m In er pAHImInry enuncth Ono pmlmiany qrcnlchinl dinflu vm mm up of waodln lug mun mhlonod from pnrtmen In umlll Am Ind Cram uld llul ï¬n mm pupil In rtunlty to expml themulvu unlnz thalr hundl mm mm nqumd um IMy try put themelm In the nhou of Wu Cam lndluu Ind mu they In tho mm amnion com Ind Inllh chit ha lndlam Would mly to their mulonl School Children Qisply Crafts RFï¬illcrééi mun Cool nlr tht III ed down 1mm lhl Hadon ay raglan In Nnnhem am no II upeclod to mm mm mlom Mo mvlnu M11 Bantam 0mm will hamvar rumIn In th zono of mm weehar may Mu blkl It Clllr LI Erh uh Huron mum Lulu 0n larlo mlhem am In Ely flllwl windm Ian on mm mm forum sunny with cloudy wflod Ind canunulu mm mm nnd Friday lam mly momlnl And chum lhundmhown In In In tmoan or evening today And nlnlnfrldL qu light cm ralnn Hull bumm re lam Pmly cloudy And mu coolor lonl m4 Ndny Chance lundlr Rim lulu 1m Frldly wind Alnml flmnuml rellqnl Alnml mumd reliant Earth gamma gum Bl erhx Vnhblc cloudlnm And mun moir today Ind by hw wldtl mllmd bower or lhundm on both lndllllht non Cloudy Ind coo with man or lhundmhowm In any Wind mmqu 15 Mnrlnn Tumu 020mm Bu nonhom Llh Innom Vlrlah wlndu 10 lo 15 mu becomlnl ml to lanth ml II to 30 lulu odny Ind lo nllhl Conlldenbln clnudlnm wllh cw mllmd lhumiuh about hnem Tampertum JamI Inn mg mam nizï¬nwn wlndl lht hit Rlvnr Cgchnqc FLleï¬fiï¬al elf diliiCIWILL oriN ngm Am$mONAL nouns NDAY JUNE PM to NO PM SAMBA JUNE AM to 12 NOON man Irm or cm frayllllr my wm MJIARLV AVOID num MT INITALMINTOF 1961 TAX II DUI IV MONDAY JUNI l0 WEATHER SSEEIESSSEZSSSS cm TAXES NOTICE Thu elm wu lpomnd lo ally by an sum 5hran club or Ban1m Procoedn will My umlnh mum wud In About 4500 chlldun ol ml Hooked to ma nunlo Arm yummy or two por lommm cm Bron mm elmI ma DEMAND or bllloolll wu man mo peoplo mall mm children whoop MANY Mon CLIMI Wllh maunlnnmln In 50ml I000 mm um mr lho Unmd flulu now lama 100000 cllmbm Lancew Menard mond Dcmllle coal at noynl Cnnadinn Army Survch Carp mm It Clmp norm wu nmnndad la June In llu court hm lodly whm up and on chm cl murder Demllle ll chnr ad wllh nu Mn noun mm when so flu uunl Own mm The Inc IM II Illmd lo hm llhn vim 1n lb 0an Canadian Schna ol Inllnlry mm TodVs Id Jaummun wn tho and llncl Demlllo wu mused Sheba Shrine Circus Draws Over4000 Hour un uni iA um lmltl All wm annnhd by You REMANDED WATCH REPrAI BILL lEBOEUF Bllon IM uhaw Prim bar nld cenlrnl conuol point In workln with can II to hug lhtm mud Us Work ll mu wllh Ciyde mom who mm III know about cm hn bun with this clrcua ulnu Mqrqh MRI pmonnlnlu lho emu canmlad lullum munm Colombllnl Amor lcmu And cmdinm Puqualo mm 25 tried mm lht clruu lecv but end time cm buck Puqule welsh belwecn and poundl dopondlnx on my mood and ude ml Inch hlh Thll ll third mr th hu ï¬lm In Barrie Funk Taylor Ipokumnn lot lhn Shrlnm uld May mt chm Ind wcn Ill quite my mm It An MumHana mu Hormm tauntd ful two our1um hglanclnl And Iltï¬llck comndyiihnw Ono Yo oulnllndlnz 1m um clmn um tho cat lde Ind Prlqca anoxj up the mum lormum of the sum Ehrln 01mm 11 th Bmh Aren CAT IIIOW Prim anor and hII two llonmu Innln and 3mm lnd Ihe llon Toby yresanled 10 minute Id whlch lqclyded rmplnufï¬odl cl unidirhmi umplnx or he anlmnll PA It II bollr known In lha crux wurld Cucclalo the Clown II Irl yur clam In vrovioul mu ho VII pm In ham Icl and whm ho broh Ml bull in all 1mm ham In year no TINI Ilgront on tho rank or with my mlxor TIMI II dlmnnt from any other wIIu Try TINI ITS TERRIFIG Try WI MIKDAII WIN TIN or Iv1 med but end anulle and ha mrlormld In cm or llx to eight months really love it he nld And so due Ed Aklm Iavl chm work HII whit mm clrcul mrlnmm cnll In oi hand Ed hu whll lromld ered to be Che mond mos dlrr mus Job In the draw HI llllM elephanu Mlh one hill lam Sue thm lam nd Mary two and hall tom Ill 12 yam old wm tho hm mphnu In yullMlyl Ihown NOI TAMI vaer Inym loll ml mill um In ll Arum1 wlld and you ha to connunlly hi on your zunrdfl He verllled Whll Prince albor uld lbw comm nwmnm that In Inlnuln could lurn on mn lnlnu In WEU yulerdny mornoon iExunlw Photo And lhlt Helm in mm perlormm beam mph zrllelu black bur and COMPLITILY KIRVICHD LOTS All Lml Improvomann Plld BEDROOMS DOUBLE GARAGE EXTRA WMHROOM FRONT SODDID COMPLITILY DECORATED FULL FRICI 45A DUNlOP It WEST 14995°° Balum To Ono NJLA Wflim uvn MODIRN AND COMFORTABLI wum EXAMINER HOME OF THE WEEK 1soooo MORRIS CAIT CONSTRUCTION CO lTD ON OTTAWAY AVE DOWN PAYMINY A8 PUBLISHED ON FRIDAY APRIL 1am IS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION IV CARSON BARBIE EXAMINER THUMB JUN nu ELMVALE Skill Reeve Alex McAuleyl mutation that ha vmm consider ohtllnlnl Jam on lo ofler induy trill ll wood unmimom up my 99 council hen Wed 3m Er 3111 11 welh mr my mm Gum era 11mm chllrmln Dr Pal we Clerk Hmld Nu pointed out um um plannlnl band would 11m hm to dulum Indulmu mu helm lpldl work wu dm on uptlou Mr MuAIIlI told Mind um tho option hid nanny bun luuuud in him by Guar alm Buy Dwdopmcnl lunch an nunm Anm Mexy Mr Mcxly when work In volvu mun nuw Mu lot OBDA mamm mulling km oflmd to mud In council manual Juno plain what in fuvoIvt grommth McAuIny mama mum 16 Obtain Land To Get Industry Council Imam Int In In Elmvnlu Band at Add lawnrdn tho can at mean lam bulbolrd 1pr um an our Imme In un vmm Enumqu latl can or flu lam gfll on councll wu ML baud canducllnl fund am um ï¬ll bunny nu bond counall hi non mm thull Siberian be wen um nib1mm Billed the lop act 01 Ihow an Gm DuvHn Troupe 1mm Bum calnmhln ym ented 1mm dhplry tï¬hmpc mlkmu In the mm munum Bub Mlkhell uh 0d complm alum mm the audience two flu lroupu wlIlkod out 311 01¢ng un IN NWO nl mom bu mun In chm blllncod on mudr pol dun 5cm egtwq performum mun wm 7117mm ml two uoupo mom bm banned on In WIN their pixtun lo cal mm mm wlarmod mm hllmunl Immle lhI chllr Counmu upuunlcd It lhl clmu Included om Mun Beollmd Fun Emil Bind lMlbll Ewllzemnd Ind Mu ind tho clrcul ll lane REAL ESTATE Exclullvu Anon CLIAN DIPINOABLI ECONOMICAL IILINT Call Any llmm DLSIGNOM Meow plalned um wu too much to ply Quaint rlrom my or 11 bu Imemem he received W2 udny Dr Pat choll uld only cm wu tn this mm or 1063 mu Ilan wlll promo lhl lamm lnduxuy And My Elm vnlon bunlnusmzn Rem Mol mm In mldenl Blmlty ml min Awered balm council wlth ï¬wuon hm hunk mm extended up mm sum not Pm Strut In this way ml line cmnd um houm on both mull Ilm thu othlr €th Peter sum 93 mm Mr Ritchk wu told Lha pau Uon comma mush name to ml or commIon wa win km to Ihrmh tho prom ch Cguncfllgr Munlcl Bond and 9th 0mm WI Ruouml Commhlhn mull llw lhtlr pumlulon bum tho vmm cln procud with chlnn In plum An man on Chi gamed plpaflm chum wll mm balm 19 llutlon mud Ia LM own council mama mum mullan hman Mn Null lo llnom rector Ind to chum pnn tor mm 10 um Ihc north PM mm to um nah my mm commud on acornuwoulgorésthkulum awn mrirmrt In Mrth to Council wlll Illo petition ht ownc to up roam nnlmy mm unrlcc cu be Installed on sums Gem and Kerr um Thll mom lhlt conlullan aniline Proo and Rodlern warn ven the hurl mun mew my plan And nppllullm lo the owgc prlor Ieeklng 0MB Couldmnl Itcme lion Qnun sum wm 1n complhnee with the nonnath link unemual Mr Nnh wn Iulhurked lo let ha In mltlon Ivnlhblm will uglnm ind repmenu of he Depnrlmull mum war In be Ilkld In pm on council It ur pullblc to dim It xnmn Unplug Commenllnl on mm which Wudnudny wu Him In men In tho Imam Coun clllor Normn Mum out Um mm In only mponllbh lo repairing the umuud pm otlhc hllhwm within thc vu mgij lh hengn Public worn cnnlrmnn Km Knox wn auxMud by lhllï¬ may used an lb lndlnl larul ha 1mm mnmu nutmm ur DINII iHIAID LlMlllD IAINIWICK PA bMII VIII