Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1963, p. 4

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any mu in mm In II In nuIm um an rm IIWNWH ll llmL Over 15 billion the world over more than half the earths population are malnourished according to Dr Candau of Brazil DirectorGuncral lie World Health Organization Harrie Examiner June Hull OIL Ernest Drury Premier of Onlurio challenged linanclal urllies of hls govern ment In show where they would have reduced pruvlnelal expemlllures lrem ler Drury at 1115 Crown lllll home for the weekend spoke at meellng In llnrrlu for lL lllunlueh Unlled Farmers cam IIdnle owosing Dr Shnpson IAIr crnl amfi Charles WrIghI Conserva lIve Inc Ircsl Imsclmll gnmcx In long line at IInrrIc Inlr grounds le Wes IIIanIns Ivy nInn heal Ine IIIIInos Imnl loam In 10 Innlnys luluhtun Emma lluhcd Ior IIurrIn IcIIy IIunnnn lonnle or Ivy Frank Lunon Imtlml In IIIrI Icn ncll and Elwood Irnnoll leII In nlng run Huyd Icnrgu Inrk oIIIcInIIy npcnml LeImy by Iix Warden IIunIInu luIvmnn purl nI Shncoc Farmers In Imruv nI ILIn Alex Cmvnn or mnp NInuann Arthur Ardnuh land wrvuynr In Inn leal wIlII bmkrn In snsInInmI In nnln MCIIIOIII New Irmnnlnml Ihrnlm ulnrrcd IIInry MIIIM IIIInlnr In lrull nI Ihu Lonesome IIne nuyd Sylvmlur conduclcd IInrrIe lIIvm Hand In IInlmlny nluhl mumII Qmxnn Imk Joe Clark Iralnrnl In rupInmIInn ml in statemeni on his organizations 15m anniversary that poinls up the globA al problem ofvmnlnulrillun Dr Cnndau said When pco 19 were facing death by amino they new only too well what was happcnlng to them but today mil lions are Ill wilhout understanding thnt the cause is lotal or partial lack of necessary food elements Lacking mainly in the diets of lhe malnourished are the prolclns and vita mlgs lhnt aro 191 to lhciy goudhenlllg Preschool children aged one 1hr gh four are most vulnerable to mnlnulrlt loll Dr Candau snld He put at 100 mil llon chlldrcn the world ovor sufferin lirom kwashlorkor protein malnutri ton 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN 4le an IM cumum mu mum rm MIMIHM Pu and luau mu mm TM Candun rum mm mluunn um In mc up II IMLAM Ill n1 lmlm at mo lIl um um Dunn Annmu mm elm mu raI omr Imm IM anynun InI mun Inna no Imulm nun INM xnmnn mun rumm uun lulmn Hm Inrulwm umqu mm mum but mm In All mum Munlnu mum mun lunnrun Inum Iumnplvl unny mm um MIN 10 II In Uulmn Malnourishment Lot Of 15 ChevrierNow Ranks Billion People Tod ays World Next To Pearson Walls Publlsher The Barrie Examiner Harrell laxlrldnegrmlunlcd lli mm Emmi HEY MA GUESS WHAT PASSED Publishedlby anndiari Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontarld DOWN MEMORY LANE sher Brian Slalght General Manager WEDNESDAY JUNE 1m 4m Spam ax lormon auan Inlo pop ular logum an au omnllcnllfi nod Illlng mnwwhnl on Mr with or man nn um and lhu lnvcnllon In IMO plunfiflng Remedies are largclr knownthe call for simultaneous act on on the agr Lullural medical and educational front Amt this action to be successlul must have the participation of governments and of peoples in all countries Dr Can lnu concluded Nearly 200 million around the world suffer mm goiter disease caused by lack of iodine in the diet Yet goiter can be prevented by adding small am ount of iodine lo labia sell Arts at Unlvuslly of Toronto and joined etlllorlal stall of the Daily Star Be sure to hear the latest song hit Barney Google at Keenans music store Principal Turner ol Barrie Ilusl ncss College gave demonstration of short cuts in arlllunetle at Kiwanis Club lunch eon CNll athletic assoclallon rceeiv crl delivery of lsazpaeily war canon from Grnvenhurst by rail and launched in lin by Allmulale whnrt Beacon Tim and llubber Company proposed new liar riu industry altered to local cltllens $50000 ot ilTa preferred stock nor rlo Women Conservatives organized with lil it Vr lnyne as president The main kor Mln Cresuwlek tommenteti lhe nnservullves gave us rohlblllon The UFO have given us hoot eggcrs Mrs Stewart of llnrrle elected pre rhlent Slmcoo County Lndles Golt As ooclflllou Premier Drury Is putting up vigoro campaign Ha ha been ct ttuu good henrtngs llllll presents his lo of the ease very eitectlvety he should emerge irom lm conillct with strong tollowtng in the Legislature it will be due in no amnil nmnxuro to tho toree ol hlx own personnllty llul iilllo actual inhnnnllhn on lln pmcllcal unlulnm 1pm vcnlurcn Wallabll lo the pnbllc The only lasting remedy for this widespread malnutrition is to produce in expensive foods containing sufficient protein and vitamin and to persuade euple to make them part of their regu ar diets he said But the task would not be easy as food habits are of peoples fabric life and thus Hicult to change Rickcls anemln and 1y of blind ncss are some of the other senses cited by Dr Candau that would disappear also if diets were Improyed THE WORTH 0F SPACE Vancouver Sun mm vinllnr In Vancouver mm In US anlbnal Arronnullrn and 51mm Admlnlstrnllun made he ntnrllln nlnlu nmnl Ilm mm mm hall the culldrrn rlrmcnlnry ntlmnln luday wlll he dz lug work connected In mm way whh ap Irclmnlogy when lhoy grow up Thln In with of lot 11th llelo and lmmlnnmu Ilnmnmll bclnu mad nlmul Ipnge lhun tlnyl OTHER EDITORS VIEWS frogYOUR goon mm Mqthe IgWdrried 1SniallSOnSquints Dur Dr Molnar My ihrea yearnid Ion new be cock eyed They arent crossed but certain times he lacks It with one an while ihu ather lp pen to be mm put my land over his eyes or second cveryihinu uturm In normal JOSEPH women About llx months no had him to our doctor or cold And asked hlm lo check on MS hug he caulgl Ing pathlpz wrong Are we Imnzlnlnr his In it posslhm an there any thing we Inn 519 algoul It doubt you are Englnlng 1111s condition in known at lkfghlamm or arm or Iquin havénéllced oil In very young Infant but they quickly You Alsu havu bun an acute observer 01 babies The bus lo Inn to focus by Ir I1 and error untll they an the right wqy to make lhelr eyes lrack hood child has difficulty It usually most nollccahle when he Mn Io focus close rungs an toy ar plclurc per haps Th Ippcnr pe riodically which make 11 quila undersmndablc lhnl your declar couldnt see anything out the ordinary Huwnver you are with your um All ha lime and can note the trouble when It My my all mmnl varlanl are possjble may stem la affect only one eye or bulh or may mm mm on eyu lo the other The eya may turn Inward nub ward up or down OTTAWA The mate the beam and Qurbcc might be ha ll In overlooked but droply slznlficanl nplmdn II he open In of in new Pnrllnmenl Thu English speaking Clnadlans overlooked II perhaps nerves In explaln lhe unawnrcncs about Quebec which hnilud thtx plnslan pl bombs by Scparnlllls have been Iomcwhnl nur prlscdl nppmillnn leader Dlrl nbaker old the Home by some nl the recent events that bmulhl Iboul unlnrily wllhln lhe government nl Canada All ul us who have known me noc mry nl slate lnr uxlemnl al lnln Ilon Paul Marlin Inr long hoped he nnuld huva bccn In pasillon second only to Ihe prlme mlnlsler ll he hid only followed thn coum lakcn by the mlnlslcr ol Junllcc tllon Lloncl Chevricr In lcuvlnz MI pmv Inca nl Onlnrln Ind dcparllnl lar Qucbnc hlx Icnlarily mlam lhcrcby huv been muted Early lrealmcnt such condilian ls lmparlanl and re qulm analyxls by an OThmal mnloxln or ey apeclahL Mr chlenlmkcr Memd lo the Incl lhnl Mr Chevrler ranked an lho ncxl Ionior mem ber or lha tnblncl met Mr Furon um ntcnrdlngly hunmd lo be In acnbmuln In mm The Insmunuan wnl thul Mr Marlle had been dawn urndcd but Mr Cbcvrlrr and Mr erlin ham Funch blood and Ith represcnllng 0n lnrlv rldlnu we mum In rubinel mlnlnlera lnlllnlly on live nun dale hut In llul order on ms Vhilu In Irlln hnl mud runlinnouly In Parliament lince lhtn and In he ublnd durlnn ycnrl leml rule Mr Chmlcr wnl Ihmxt or mm lwn yr when hl will nppoinlrd dtnl nl Hm El Luwrtnco Iy Authority MQTE AM THE BEAM THUR FM SAT Inl whrn Mr hcvrlrr Iulncd In Pmllnnunl In IN lhm rrprelcnllu cum IM Inn and QMth luaudull male hlu armor unlnylly mluml hlm Thu Iu £20 oc nznilnonn mu nope Ex OTTAWA REPORT Flvll Mn Null ny PATRICK NICHOLSON TONIGHT ONLY MIRACLE WORKER mun MAN 0F ALCATIMZ aye amines nursery to cor rfc mm mm In the an mur ea Various meninruhny ha akin11m cumin 10mm of Deli Dr Molmn What meet on health 15 here 1mm Wuh 1n¢ flight In the kitchen nlnkf Inst Parllnmcm II was 1m and no Paul Martin who 11 the Acutmnle of the puny lunch II Iradlllan In In Lllwrnl rnny Ihal an Englishapcnklnn cadet Ihnll always have chm lIcuIenanI Frenchspeak Inu dcpuly and vlce vcrxn In LanIrnsL the ConsyrvnIIvc paxly th Ionde In nbandun his ex cnllznr meICe fllhnugh Ihe LIhuaandoylcd mm the Cnnservnllva txnmple Sir Jahn Mucdonnld and Georges Ellennc Cnrllcr TIMI hlslurlc Tory Inndem mu revered In Carucr clubs II honored In In name the Important new brldge nuw bcInu ImIII In III tapIInI lo IInk Onlnrla wIIh Que bcc all nzmpmvlded you then put Illa dllhu In rack or dnlner on top 01 lbs Ilnk Ind pour IcnldInK wnler over them to klll rcqminlnnugerms Der Dr Molnar You re cenlly mentioned mail needle1m hand Injector that being developed for Ihals aqdlhul my be gxallnple noun hm been wnlllnl or name method to ease lhehurden Ilvlnl Insulin wllh needle would up reclale any news Would it Iultahln or vlndl 11nd omen thlnk new gun will bu ideal for lnsnlln In well or alher Injection The man are vlrtually prun len Studies the Instrument Ire belnl mnde Im lnmillnr wllh name at them and may lack vzry sallsfuclmy so in They Ira um 11 pragrcss vidiil my The next step lherelnre is physical examination ii ihis cunlirma Ihat the enlargement in real then other tests ehieliy at chemical nature would he neceamry to deiermlna whether liver disease is present Gaun lnz lira seriousness depunda en llreiy on finding out wnelirer we liver in diaeascd And ll the nalure nl lira disease mm mvimnm but Dr Molnerx Xrnyl xhuw lhnl have an enlarged llvzr II thll mlouflMRS With some pgoplu dependluu on build Xrayb can show what logy lo pean Enlarged Myer So while Mr Diurnbakcr lnunllng Paul Murlin ml cry questinnnblu nrounds wow dcred when Mr chtmhnkrra own Frenchspank liculcnnnt wu He had crlllclud lhn Llh arm at nnctrd mnln lmt nverloukcd he obvious hanm In hls own Icuom thn Jul Dicltnhnhr mlnhlry way sworn In lho Acn Ior rcprmnmivc 1mm Quwcr Leon Bnlccr wn rnnkcd lelh llc wu humhlcd by appolnl mcnl In lhc nothlnz role Iollcllor amend HImunh llm ycnrl llcnrl Courlemnncm mu promolcd ovnr lull head In lhn pmllu rule In Irmlnry or Hate Noll Duriun Mu llkewlm ulvcn nmcdonu Inslch he council JUDYGARLAND DIRK BOGARDE mum whatlulu Our um NM Jun llnt BAYtITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK nuuum1 Enmplu Fm Elllmnlu lhEF PICKUP AND DELIVICIIV Fhona Mm lMflIlllI BRADFORD RT nun HMO YELLOWKNIFE CP xperlcncel Inc best teacher In the old adan lhltl put Io prmlcal use ll lha Slr John Franklln Ichool In lhll cammunlly an the north man of Great Slave lea Indlfln and Eskimo boy lak Inn vocational Irllnlnl comlruct bulldlnu repair can operate bulldozerl Ind drive trucks Thats during the Achnol year but th training during he Ingmar manlhs no nudenll laklng vocalinnal lrllnlnu Ara Euklnm or Indian there Ira also law vhlto boyl Th Itudlnll came mm all pan the Northwm Tcrrllorlo Io lurn xh 111m Es and more re ccnuy la learn how lo mike llvlng musty Miller Ihop co nrdlnamr at the Ichool decldtd 1m lummcr to flu llvlnl prncllcn experlem In the boy who wished Io lluy In Yellow knfle Through coapenllon ol Incnl businessman and govern ment denrlmcnll lhI boy oh hllncd summcr lab uslnl lklllll Mquhctj In Ichoal About 60 buy all who wanted to my and workwen llvcn Jobs and Ilmlar num her win be worklnz In tho lawn lhl summery Wt glva Ihcm Job lrnlnlnl theyll require In his Wall ucunomy of today laid Mr Miller The ulra lummcr pmirnm mcnns cxkra Marl or Ibo mu lhty pravlda luldlnce Ind act an bullet between um um plgym andlthp Itudanll Pu pm am to prepan lhe boy or mumln rcépdnnblllly Aflcr lthflnllh Irhool They can no loner rely on the land for livelihood Ind mutt be taught the Iundlmm lull lo bvldml 10b Theyre not wed to belnl re ponsible ar punctual and they have lo learn to uh lhzlr Jobl urlously Mr Mlller philncd 11 all part at Integration Into the wan aconamy he laid hlle mlnl lmwrnllon in II impnrlnnh thnl wlll lolluw luraHy whorl lha buy hlvn Iumcd thcir poslllnn ln lhn com mpplly North School Has Summer Training Thc bay usually melvn ha nnrmul wage or III Jobs My do bul Mr Miller nld lha muln reward ll ex Hence no monuy 0n he er hind employer are looklnz lvr chnp lnbur Lays ML Mlllzr lml Innmud In Iuprlylnl IL HI all Mr nlurnflnn luln ll dHllculllu urn floured Oeurhcr lallu wllh the horn Ind lhu employ IrpmlclyLo Iron oul lhl problrml iom oi About 1000 American troop Wll Man by lumrile in In muck by lame 700 Briiilh midierl Ii the Entire sioney Crank 150 mu ioduyin 1m and rauiedin coniulion The invnderl were amped near Burlington Bay vn iho Canldian Ildfl oi him On iario when lhl Redcolu Ila lacked in the uriy morning The American communion Gen John Chandler and Gen Willim Winder wen captured in the cnmemeni mp A5 ma IN DOOHOUSE mmx 10 run Immlu nl II nu mm at 1m Slxlcen unlul llonslncludlni Nu FI Iclal and Communlal wen declared llleul undar Da lencu Canada relullllonl lN1US Slate Secraury Georg Mmhnll announced hll Mmhnll Plan or Eurm pun rtpannrucllon SHHNTY BAY By 115 Quadunlnu THURS FRI SAT th HIENCER TIMCV JUDY GARLAND JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG TODAY IN DRIVlIH llwy II II Gulhrln TONIGHT ONLY HISTORY llrlulnr Ill vuuui EDINBURGH Scnlllnd report on lurch curried on by the mum Council devalap mm and Industry am the all two yam them that Scoll nd 40th to In population and Ill manunclurlnl Indun rlu cmlrlbutlnl Mr Ihara the union cxporl Thu Iurvey shown lhal over um perlod Scotland ha been selling between mm mllllon and tlmmllllon mod abrond Thll amoumed my Slr Robert Mlclean chainmm thus mncfll export cammmce gin between alum and nlnz per ml flu Brilllh total exports smlandl proporliun man ulmurlnx Indunr ol conte belwun am In nlno per can lb United Klnldom toul Iddcu Slr RubenL lhlnk hi prnvu conclullvely lhnt encour Ill lnduatrlll davelapment In Soot Ind will hrlng raward 1n term lncnmd exparu WHIBKY LEADS THE WAY The survey bring out liznii can dliierencca between Scol lixh export and lime oi the United Kingdom whole Fortylle per can Scotlandl upon wm Iceounied or by whilky Ind other beverages Inuelhel with machinery in liw Unlied Kinzdum whole the blunt conirlhutarx to ex pvm In machinery and molar vehicloz Ilulemcnl from Ike Sculllsh Council however Annealed thnl couk he confidently clllmntod LI the pman growth at the motor vehlclc lndullry 1n Scol Iand wllh lu plan or large ml expori trade should lo icon way toward lllllng Ihll up In Scomxh export vul lern could well produce an export parlormancn considerab ly bellu chm mm or the coun try II whale mp nurvey ha been must worthwhile amine Inld Sir Ilobm Nathan II shawl ulle marl lhul firm In Scoland arr ylaylnn key role In the drive lmpruvo our nnllonal export ponillan The wrvey aha mcalcd hon clan of lndmlry lhll would henelll elpeclally ram export encounnment II polnll out lhll thl clothlnl lndullry mm larl or food manufacture and hldivlduul IIImu In the cnzlncw In lndullry could pomny be he god to export more Th lolnl ulna exnaruv lhroulh hm mnln Scouhh porn Glalxaw Lelth Indl Whisky Principal Export OiScotland Vubéfinuighmfl FEATURE SHOWN ll And pm NEW JOV NAB COME TO flCNlNAND THI WORLD II HAPFIII PLACE TO LIVE INI AMO IIIOWINU TODAY WED THURS FRI HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE DONI MISS WIS SHOW Mum AEIWISFHDBUEIIUI Llllll Con Maw Flu Tom Ind Jerry Curlan Gnnuemnulh wyu analysed hy their dclllnnllanl This brought out 1hr ollowlnl comparisons Sterling area $1715 million or 29 per cenl Norm America ms mllllon ar 23 per cent EEC Counlriu $1 or 13 per cent BETA Counujlcs Ml million or 14 per cent next of lhe world WM mlll Inn nr 13 per conL II lixhlllcnnl In at that th brwkdnwn fur lha whole bl Byllqlv Ihawg lhal q7per up of the countrys total expom went to the Sicrllni Area mar kcl and nnly 14 per cent wen In Noth Amerlcn Let he worn at my moulh and the mcdllullnn al my hurl be ncccpllblu in lhy nllhl Lord my Ilrenllh um my decmcr lnlm mu lrnly Invcd mnn dcnlm every lhouzhl and ward to be In gcfiordance wllh lhn dcxlm BIBLE THOUGHT KNIGHTS DRUG STORE 74 DUNLOP WEST PHONE PA 35533 Now Facollo Avallnbln SHOW SIARIS AT Avnllablu HARPERS PHARMACY lhmnuhl PENEMNG AT 81 VINCENT PA 55401 Naw Fuollo Your Friendly Nellhbarhoud DUSK mllllnn

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