Inan trv mu mm um um nun Iman um mummy SUN man nomlnu Numlnl Nu humor Our Iluu Namy unwa Klddn gum Au on dry Ilu UmIInl AI uu mum Mn Huh mun hr um m4 Th mm Wunm you ll mm mm IIIB 11 muumv mun 1100 Tm hum 1m Good annlnl mam rmy rumu Noon mm mm mam Trlm Cum loumlr ll null 3858335 2335 lllnIy Pflml mu mu lpem Wlnnlln all ï¬lth1 Im Club KIM Pvnhnml Hid TM Armin lwru In Utnnll In And wnm lllln Hahn mum 333888 =g WInnm wcra JuniorlDeb urnh Schnndicn inlermedinies Susan Napkins and Senion Cam Srhandien special prim was given in iDcinmh Schandicn lar helnl lhI Iliovcr winner in painll The Expiorcr Group of Trlnlty Unlled Church Thornton went on nature hike rcccnd Tth studied Trees and held an open llr expmlillhnv allowed by pltnic lunch Their ï¬nal gel lngelhcr was held in church when prim were nwnrd ad or palm given during the ynnr lnr Mlcndance ll mchnn Sunday School and Church hznnumv Hm 00 Scllkll II repay1 mm on Dlxxln Mn and Mrs Belt Evans and thexr our chlldren lrom Foremost Alta were taken from an Island near Pem broke Ont Sunday by police and llremen and given shelter until Mr Evans can collect his ï¬rst plycheck thll week cnd The destitute lamin hitchhiked east from Alberta last September and Mr Evans worked at odd 10m but tailed to ï¬nd permanent employ mmt HI said he was hlrcd by Pembroke contractor last week but cannot collect his pay untll the weekend Chll dren are Robert lore By MR5 GEORGE HOLT AM an mu mumea nun THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS IIRVICI wunm Emu rumma nl story at lonl My 1m Km cmy Nuumllmnu nmmmm cm Nun wumu lvnru NI Mm t1hI held lho lhfl Room Hummm Hanna flown mun THORNTON TELEVISION PROGRAMS your nvrlrr In ul mind I1 Mn luu phou WIYOURS CAR AND TIUCKI FAMILY IS GIVEN SHELTER CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 la on In In am an in um um nulflm Nun hum 1m Im MM mo Mu lloo mm In II 1m CTV mm run run our FRIDAY IUNI IN runmu Our Ilmm Normay mm Klddn Inn me All mm In mum CM Ln Dawn nnnl uln mam llvll Vuu mmuu no mo 00 IL ll Derellct alcoholics represent only nhnut 10 per can of the Ilcoluolic populnlino rcpqu the Alcoholism and Drug Addlcllun Foundation Onlorlo OTTAWA CF Police are cuntlnulnz lhelr search today for two masked thugs who en tered Nepun Township home shot lbycarold glrl In he lea led her lamlly In chain Ind lhm escaped In lhs family car with $13 and ï¬ve landed guns Ollicen have bun warned lo use Extreme caulian when an proaching suspects The men bulb believed in their early 20s burst Inin the ham or Ken Mayhew Monday night armed with handguns knives and bus knuckles and dcmandcd money and guns They bncame cxcicd when the family dog began barking One ham ï¬red shot It the do but It lodged Into the right leg Brenda Mnyhew she In and condition In an 01 tawa hospllal groundï¬ Annie rlght ore nroundb ery and Ruth six months CP erephula Masked Thugs Shoot Rob FEW 0N SKID ROAD llllum nuuunu MCI le IM rmuura um numnu munn 1th no Iuntn um TORONTO BARRIE Shine icéple need lhnl pride of race to keep lhem going ld 3mg lake mm In dnlnl my HII rezulnr post Ls behind tldlo mimphoua at CHE Wind Iorï¬ om HI tlm crack at one man Innounclnz came from the CBCI policy bringing an nouncer mm Around lhe coun try to Toronto summer plggmgnll PE if Rm 0v Oncninl lcndklnn npndu Darla Schnplm llrilhh slur lclls lhll ml llary He wnl pinging In loam luur event In palqlmASaulh hang my lcll or Mm he my He was limnx hen mlndlnx hll own hullnm Ind qullc unexpectedly lound hlnuell dcclarcr at 11 hum Well lad me klnl Ipfldcl Schlplm ruflcd It In dummy and cmhed lho AK of beam cvtryonu fullnwlnz null len he played Ihu ace club and ha Mi diamond and ruflcd dlamond When he nnw ltd the chk tlulu lnnnlnx In llnrm Wm payed law Wm named with lhu quecn So he wun wllh TORONTO CPJ Bob Bowen II Canndll 11m New telsvlnlnn announcer the dil uncflon doesnt axena hlm laugh Ive naver though much about says Iha lanky most bald an year nld un nounccr Ha Admits huwavcr hes never heard of annlhcr Ne am doing the job an regular hay in this running Bob II on le outomnwn en doing Iveweek sllnt hm hi lummer appearing unlm ell Ind network sham HI color as as he knows Ila nuver beentan obstacle III hl work although he say he has met prejudice all the job In Windsor and eld goes Across the river to DelmlL You Iimuid understand that WI not encin an exemplary citizen prevlousiy he said can didly ind done my share of drinking and running around MONTREAL CPIA place of paper left In his cab by pas senger mlda Ivstarlllnu change In the Illa ol laxl driver Albert Jones The paper was cnpy he Goupel According to Saint John ham to read while hanglnl around Itnnds waiung mr flare Jnnu rccnllcd In an Interview became Interested not hold at Bible and spent the ngxl IIx manlhl readan It That wu our war ago and II II the 45yearold bachelor an new career lpflldlnl Illa word God lo lumen mm 11 miles at Mon rull walerlronh Anyway loll lha hackln Oclaber MI and want lo work DAILY CROSSWOHD Post DOesnt Excite Announber Cabbie Reads St Johns Gospel Turns Into Lay Missionary 4mm QJD um 21 Bum OH mull Illmn mm Knothml nmm lluullln hlnl ch with Film muy aubduu nmk mm Gun II Hymn II wk 11 Alldl mm an frinn 141 cmIlko hlrd Null uunmu 111n rum In lunl West dealer EnslWcsl ACROSS 0d Loaddeuu mum at hum Down 41 LAeunHly nuhy Amamo HIVUNI glnln clam Th mam Vest Norm Eut to CONTRACT BRIDGE 10¢ 10 102 mu OAK 91m mum vuncrablc Now III ilJIï¬a Illl Incalar mm mu runme MuL ITlk In mh Cal 10 Boy nlfknlml EAST Qlllï¬l 105 Vanbio VERicn nkknlml By JAY BECKER Th 11 out In ha loo hullhy comma hccnun lhc dclenw unclloned perfectly and look We dlnmand lrlclu and well In hum and two clubs and thul de mm lhe comm our Inch 90 polnul Ii juxi not lo Ihnw lhlt In Ium play ynu cnn count your chlcktm hclarl thtyro lmlchcdl He was 11 when he entailed In radio and televlukm mm at Torontos Hyman Innllute Technolnzy and for most or threeyear course he kept the WWW Job as preuman In commercial prlnllnx hop or which he had Inlned echnl cal uhool However turned out lhnl MI tum last 120 palnls on tha hind Al the ulher table th hl mmmam now holdlnl the EulWcsl curds NorthScum nlappcd at our heart on mncwhal diflercnl mquenca lnd Sclmplml lummlflel elected lo cl lha mallcr ml lhcrc lhuy would huva lhown not pro on lhe deal of 500 ualnu but unlmlunnlcly Em dccldcd lo bld our Inadu whlcp doubled the people lvc worked wlth Smlllng broadly from behind horn rimmed glasses and bushy mouxtache heard that come and goes Ls currently xoneBawera talked about tough limeyear gdnd that not hinder In nnnounclnlhll mand CBIECI He didnt even take Illme all work when writing his axlmin atlnnsl didnt get hunon link wasnt Interested In mnrks learned what wanted to learn ax Cry nrmln IL wunn mm nIurn 35 MN nlnklul lent mm So In In hu never been turned dawn lornn Innounclng job and he Ilnda he II accepted onuhll merly thy bun g5 He am that perhupl ha pushed harder to get ahead ha mlxhtvrun Into prejudice but he dnubu ll You get pretty ncnslllva about me thlnz gmd Ive never felt anythan among the people lvc worked wllh Smlllng hmnglylmm behind on be opening navigation this year Thu Shantymen In Inter denumlnnllnmi macmlnn dad mud to reaching the my reached ha mlnlonaflel throughout Nurth Amerlu and opera mlulon bolt on Cln Idpl wall c9531 Jane bought 75 mod cu to make hls munch Ind on or ï¬rst lhlp In German Iralxhter Wallzang Ry very helium Ink he uld Thin wu all naw In me landlub her and oh boy Ihosa Gumn sailor let me know where flood In their eyu They worn pretty scornlul la fly the lam Al mull llo Icorcd 980 point or blddlnl and maklnl Ill Ilam count Schuplro was phenomenally lucky la get 32 rump break well diamond dllelon and nlsn lo llnd Wm wllh he queen nl cluhsl Qulle naturally he thought lll learn would make nlmble gulp an lhurdell at Welcome Hall Mllslun be came member the board director or lhrShlntymens christian Assoclallon of North Amerlcn decided to enter Ihe ï¬eld lay mmlonlry And was assignedla the wilerlrpnt ha an Eu allowing lull Ind um claimed he conlncl explnlnlnl he would canllnpc lo lud good dllmumb and club unlll lhe defema look tho quecn or humthrow trick they coglld It Tomomw hula yrlntlpl ï¬vbun gun at Inld hazar Ann comc104 mm Du ur Juana IMP mottl Inll cmmrrn Flml MomIn mm IIM VOW mm THAT 9mm ran Hcvnsfwuo ARE You TALKING In so LONG If 50min MIGHTY 5000 SIV DOWN ONE yawgoms Gum mummy OF ELDNDIIS GEGD NONE wwczv PHDNANG PHDM TH omcz mE DAM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE WW MIFIMWF KURT Id WWINLVHIIIH WWIHIMWI AMI WAN £31sz