II THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE ma By STEWART PAGE Aurlcullural neprcscnlallv Norlh Slmcu la recon years paslum hava galncd lop place as lha mask lmparlanl crap on many or our general purpose farms in On tarla Thls was an always so as lllty years ago and more pauarc was nol generally mk oned as crop for ll grawn mm on good laudf pasture ur the most part In Hmse carllar gay wasth wondl nd slash 613 mu hay raugh Ind roadside and occaslonnlly hny llcld not can nldnrcd sand enough or My Alter harvest of course we whale farm was usually opened up for grazing Ono good lcalurc nl lhc par lure program ol lhasn bylgnne day was cleaner lcncurows and roads lhal ollon lucked ns ncal and lidy n5 one ul lho holler lawns ln lnwn common ox pcrlencc when lmvclllng lhe roads nller dark would be In came upon llnrk nl snoop lyA lng down on llre warm gravel 1n he ccnllc the road 5mm alter lhc coming ml the molar mnlnr cnr however it was no longer sale at lcgal lo pnslnre slack on llrc roadside so we lrnve llre prcscnl silunllnn nhcro wccds and brush cnmpclu willr scylhcs mnnnrs and occasion ally cllunlcnl need and brush rnys lar mastery nl lhu mad aide wilh lllc weeds Ilml brush uannlly lnkln uwr rsneclnlly on our lonnslllp roads Inn While we sllll make me will ruuululnnd armlng us have And Me mLklug mum promos 1n lmprminu such puslurcs hm nml lhcrc II In in mm luulurcs on lillnblo 111an when hm made ccllcnl Burns in In past an mun We ulhnnlc llm nur Imprnml mum nnw carry hm In llurr llme as many culllc or Hump pcr Iv Immunz Smnn in our best pmlurrs un prmhlu In nthu Hm milk per nrrc Inch yrar ml 1an 00 MIN leu wusth Hull mlr 1ch or erv du mml ll nnl hr nlln an hlr mum mm mm no the mums le mm mm Inwmruhly mm musl Mlurr mm we um mm mm pmth excvpllnn um hiuh nlue hull nml lflMrs NOT AUIIIIJNT Ume mm mm xm lum mm In mde Illmw lu nnl huxvlwn hy mrlvlrnl mun hrr II lurluu nnv inmlml Um lullwlnl mm Innlux rc quimnr Ir mm mulmr um nnrl Vruumrn NH lhp llvld Ind Um nrnl TM or Inc nrruui wlu luv 1mm m1 mm rnllo Imillfl Mmlmu nl omlnlnn Slum leilrd Mm the II nrr Hum Icwl lnr Yn Iiul Ilnm ln Ilw mlwnnnr he rlann ym mumy lnsldrn MrCummk re nrll lnr Ilw llxcnl tnr cmlrd wk 13 MN Enlu lur hr urtk year nch 710133 rumpand ulm mum In line pvtHum 51 wuk yrar rm Inmnu or IIIMLW or 46 rml Av mm wrrkly ml me up mm In Wotam ll MI ho Hm lnm HIM mrunc new lwl nchm llw Mmll Hun Imuk Mr Mdfnmmk r11 pnrlnl Edmund Muirhend 51year old Hallfnx dockymd worker whnse bobby Is hurllcullum has lurncd his greenhouse into rm velchnl allllmu hlh mam not runner1 umu Ihm umwlnl rqunl In will Mr an ym Mon er prom Seeded Pastures Improved Greatly Dominion Store Sales Profits Push Earnings Above $1 Share HOSPITAL FOR PLANTS icrcut mixturcs may be needed to supply nod pasture im at least six month Adequate fertility and lime it needed Most pastures need an nnnuai treatment mnnuro oi tertiiizcr or both Soil testing helps provide balanced soil ter tiilty and hnids the clover in the mixture Most at our soii need phosphorous and potash and our tighter suiis oitcn need nn citm uppiicutinn at pgtnsht lidorod damage and 5511 net allanal pramqm gnarl growth Pasture rotnliun The cullle do best on from pnslurc re qucnlly and lhe pasture also needs rest from time lo llmc 54 Provision 01 exer paslure In Ihn n11 lo give the lngumc chance to 11w lhrcugh which Good mnnugcmlnl all llmcs clipping hnrmwlnx weed mnlrnl In as may he needed flcsccding often as nuc cssnry lo malnlnin good bal ungn ollogumesL Atlchlion In all these luclnr mcnns lnp producllnn the law on cost Tho Inlmducllon nl nlrdslun Trctoil Io Simcnc CauMy down year ago has been mnlor Inclor In gelling boner pnsluru In rcccnl years While we do nnl depend an Tnnll as our sole suurce uf nnslurc lhls legume ls becoming Increasingly popu lar each ycnr the nomcwhnl dillicull to gel cslnhllshcd and Hula lnle lnr curly sprlnu pas lure ll docs wall on lnnd not snIud lo nlntIn prnvldns ex cullcnl summbr and all umllnu dam nnl wlnllrklll nndily nnd land In lhlckcn up each year wllh rcnsnnnhle rare Anolhcr lnrmr In It favour II lhnl lrn all has never been knuwn to so DIDIIL will MEMIHIIISIHI Vhllc speuklni Islum we nn Ind In mm mm nur Plu lurc lmpmvcmcnl Competition or Im In nlI in II Rnnd slnrt will 17 member In the Dairy Sculnn nml In In 10 um Src llon MM me mcmlml Ma Mm nmlrrlnklnn Hm Sludy nl Inxlure anuu In mm of mllk or hm produtcd pnr pullum um we hope In hum nnmu hulhrr lnlcrrxllnu Intnnnmlon lho mu vnluo pmluw lhu mud cl um nnxnn lhll All Inltmml 1n 11m me mlndul llullvrnSimwn Shoo Illccdcn llcnlc nnd Hrl Day nu Salunlny Juno nlh nl lllo Mm LII Iluy anl about No mile nnllllwdsl of imakuaun The Monk Lunch ll slum lur 1200 In 130 mu nml mm lnmrnllnl murnm hnx hrrn nmnuml Inr nllw nuon lull min nun m1 m1 mmpnml ullh LN unln Iln mulam year nml wlm an mne ul 131 mm um lnyrnu plan hospllnl The Idea wn born when friends and neigh bor began nsklng Mm what In do wllh plum lhnl werent growing properly CPPhalo Mr Muurmnlk lultl uhmr Imidcu that he nallmml luck In Nodal mu nod an Illu hurl Imen Invurly llllnl and Imal npmlnn mm hyrd In he Alan we of populnllon Ihlll Mul lncreuu Summur krlu Mn rm lnnirr cmnprllnl ulllx In nmvrnlml ml lru cl llrlml Innm ol dhlrlhullnn Iml ulhrr mmmnvhrl ln rwr IMrPnslnu numhm 11w rm plum ul rnmwlllun wllhln lluy lmlunlry evolml mm In upanulhn hi mumr ol unnulvo nmm mnue man Mr Cormack mm 1n EXAMINER WANT ADI llloNl PA MN MADISON NJ ANWhen myth411d Allison Grlme step péd Into telephone booth lo caler mother Intweek she found Item wllh nlcklus dimes and quarters all splllln aver mm pommum slot Alllson scooped up 6330 wnrlh of change dialed lhe operator and ledlt back In the phone company never though at keeping ll snld Aillson he got lunch eon and mu ha New Jer sey Bell Telephone Company exchange at Morrlstown wed nesday reward for her hnn esly SKILL ARE MYSTERY The dam ol mclmrlles ll controversial says he anlonal Geographlc Saclely but they are composed ol lrnn alloys and lanes nlllcale mnlerlul Honesty Brings Its Own Reward Each one Marconl 19 Portable Talavlslon Portable Talavlslon 20 pvlm Mary Pmctm 4slice Toasler man value $3385 ea CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS ARE SOLD BY Acmo Planing MIIII Huntsville Bertram Bros Ltd lumber and Buildqrs WalIor Duvnrell Co RR No Sobrlghl Ont Robinson limited Colllngwood Ont THE CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED EN IODAVI SEE voun CIOWN DIAMOND PAIN MAKER OR CONTESI leOlMAflON LONDON AP Gerald Ferclh joined the merchant navy tn nee the sea And what dldhem Ha saw polaloua mount sins of pnmtoel In nrdln ary seamnn he was required lnpucl has laruthe Ihlpa mes Paruh conscientious chap worked hardrnt hla than and in the counts at time became Ipud un dressur serum In none afloat PERETH FEELS POTATOES ABOARD AND ASHOBE Forumpeeled potatmhad Ihe hlcmlshvlrec smoothness newInld The quality at Perelh spud became la mous In tho shipplng lanes from Mnndalay lo Madagas car law years an Perclh dccldud he could an ashore wllh readymade prolesslnn Peeling patches 100 pvlm SiIex ToasteIBmilev relailvalue $1780 ea 429 Blake 13min om PA 60254 Perelh reasoned thug lha swanklur restaurants Would mm Illachance to aerva their customers lha perm Feth volume Ha was rIuhlknnd career was ham Early each day Pure goes In the London yountnble mar keu buys lha prettiest lalocs take them back In shop and peel them Lha Per ML way nmihe delivers the an shed product to llle hes res taurants 11 1mm Recently caught chnuflcur lng cam of potatoes whlle drunk he was Incd £15 and dlsqunlflied Irom drlvlng or ye Told by Per otha lawyer that would he dlmslroun or Farm potnwpcellnn busi ness II he were grounded or 12 month an appeal court restored his driving licence 35 prim Solavï¬ Auibrnalic Double Bed Electric Blankel retail value $2895 ea 350 prlxu lgallon Crown Diamond China While Super Pmcelain Enamel clatl value $1325 ea 15 pvlm Silex Blendelle Drink Mixev retail value 51810 cm Phona 65 lR22 UNITED NATIONS CF Prospecu Irulood hat the UN Genera Auembly will adapt resolutions to mnflnue flnnnc Ing hr world organizations peacekeeping operations But no assembly action In expemd to draw such funds mm the Sa vie bloc SecretaryGeneral Than got weekend pramass report on the nexoundnns on the ï¬nance praponls from Chic Adcho ol Mums Chanman ol the nmmblys 21nalion work ing group on Ilnunm The negotiators have drnfled our resolutionsone tn ï¬nanza The Congo operation or the and hall 1963 another to nanca the Mlddla East opera Adebo would give no details the talk But other diplomat uld 1h almauun 13 this Russia Ignored In UN Finances Electric heating EllMlNllTES THE FLAME provides new standard of safety in home heating cannot create dust soot or dirt of any kind Its revolutionizing modern living and is within every familys means For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or IJVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 15 BAYFIELD mm PA 61825 llon to the name pzrlnd lhlrd to collect assessment owed fur the two operations and fourth In lay down general principle for Ilnnnclnz lulurp pence keeping pperadona HAVE wmg gurpnm The resolutions wilh wlde sponsdrihlp mbably wlll bu aubmlttud We nesday or Thurs day and come In vote next week Some of the nclotlallng dlp 10mm believe um only the ll mausoleum MIMI Vlml THEMES IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Thnï¬mund onlydual purpose chainszwoilin thn Canadian market Doe both job In your dnlnsnw Eddrated mdnypmndbychaln saw maximum 80 oz blue poly container CHAINSAW TWHMEWE The new home heating pin that pmldn ycan round Iervlce on you Min equipment Mr Wwï¬mu 611 rimmednmcwmhcrdc numbALL FOR THE PRICE OF THE OIL HOME HEAT SERVICE 6523 McVElGH BARRIE Milan Sovlet bloc will vote again All umpysgla Thu our resa utons are the mull cumprnmlm made ln the negounllng body by veinI duatrlqlizefl nationsthe United States Brilaln Canadn The Nelherlandn and Swedenand llve underdeveln ed member Arzmma Brazl India Nlleu rla and Pakistan Therealullonx call part of Thu Comga nudMlddle Eanr costs for Ihe second haltol lhe year be raised accordlnz to the sank assessment or the reg In UN budget and part an cu ing to special scale al lardlqg reduced assessmean Id Imderdevelopcd countries The reducllon would be made up by voluntary cantrlbullom mm In dustrializal countries ii 53 fa