ET YOURSEIF 60 UENEHAL MOTORS VALUE urmnuvfl Que CPI Folks in nu re Inn have long become accus tnmed to seelng young men laden wllh Instrumenu trudging over hIIIs through guIIuys and over rIver and stream to drive stakes In the oddest Incas The men are McG UnIver ally sludenII gelling some ruugh but valuable nraclIcaI exper Ience In surveying Over Hill Stream 9n Survey Sludv 1119 Incl that hes Canadian champion St Bernard doesnt mp Bozo from pulling his ST gipnmgga amunou 145 BRADFORD STREET um lo ulm GIDDYUP THERE BOZO ï¬NbWéIVE us mm The central purpose ol the school ls to allow students to apply classroom theory to lleld practice says Pml Ar candl We also try slmulale field condlllnn as closely as posslble That includes much hard work but the students dont mind After the mental skrnln The sludenlx have been cam Ing to Gabriel de Brandon 70 miles noth at Montreal In evcrdncrenslnx number since 1950101 their tour weeks ï¬eld wark or the mam spring survey school weigh whlle entertaining youngsters Ihe SL Bemnrd Club Onlario at Oshawa Tommy Aminn Mm ml WW See and Drive it at you AGADIANPONTIACBUIGK DEALERS NOW family marta Iom GENERAL MOTORS great deal organization precede he trip and great deal of cooperauon neces sary All our need are me upon rcquc ï¬grprdcssor says there has always been cordiumy between the school and the tawn re was Ume when slll ens llved ln lean Now they have hotel accommadallons bus transpamllun and they still mmplaln Bu thats healllw 51pm of ï¬nal exnmlnallans physical mpg becomes aArclIcl The phnre was cinch far the ab year uld mine weigh thlnlel Some day we ham to have electronic equipment as well although would cost an addi uunal $20000 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mm unuwu They tote araund $150000 worth of equipment mostly lrgflsm leycls and chains This years school has 200 sec ondyear and so Ihlrdyear slud ems accompanied by 30 Instruc tors 1n prevlou year Ihe town has had to absorb as many as 652151uderllls and lnslgucturs Inn 200 poundsnnd standing 80 Inches high CF Wirephulo lho luxury and comfort one would expect hom larger and morn cxpnnslvo can purlovmanco ls highly satisfactory Nlnl Pvlddll Cnlum Mu Thu Dltl lnnll 11mm crlum wuw Fnlher Slmun Lourdel nl While Fathers The loading mlsslunurlc the respective with were Alex ander Mackny or the Protestant Church MI mm The central nndvmnsthower lul native ï¬gure at the time was lhc kahan nr klng of Ru gnndn the main province Ugnda um The youngsters were slaln shortly after the while mnn llrsl came to Uganda and Ccnlrul Alrlca Erillsh explorers were followed by missionnrlc both lnlths the Protestants nrrlvlng In Uganda Ir 1871 nnd the Rnmrn Cnlhnllc mlsdonnrics Ihe erlle Falhnrs in ms The story of the Uganda mar tyr Is one or the most stirring episodes In tho annals Chris lanlly In Africa It Is also one In which both Roman Catholics aniPm Nu exact dnke has been set or he canonization of the Calh 0113 maAflyrs They are the Uganda martyr 22 Roman Catholic boy who with 413 Protestant youngslers dird tor the Christian inilh he twecn 1885 and 1837 In this mid dlgAirica cnuniry FORT Uunndn AP Africas first 1an be low the Sahara are expected to ho canonlzcd later this year In me African Boys Had StrOnngaifh Died Rather Than Give It Up PA 61885 the mm men cuunlry DEVELOP FROM oil income 31250000 day are hnshelk 01 Kuwait Visitors to Uganda shrine and churches erected near N3 mugnngo and other area in memory the bays Most of Iho boy were burned lhe stake on June was other me death by such menus as clubbing and behead lng belween 1885 and 1887 One day he ordered the page in his court to commit acts which hey iei wen agnim lilo tenets oi their newiaund iailhi The page refused ia reins the knbnkni nn absoiuia ruler anything moan death Christianity ha small growth in the heginninz Be cause the kobaim wanted the missionaries near him how ever many or the page in the abnims court became Christ innsi it was these boys who were to inter die for their tnith Then there come In time when the Christian missionaries inst tnvor with the kebakn and there were persecutions against both tniths new iro hakn Mwongei more cruel than his predecessor ascended the throne This knbaka was known for his vines and for his oppo lsition to Chrisiionliy WEDNESDAY Irma7 bur duh Arm lfll flh mu mm Ill um 11w unmn em analM ol chlnm and Nuna Inn Mlkcilmm can mm mm qgmyngh uwul mm It IM an Imktd mum lhnt dawn Induw nvm junk Ippmchlng 1mm dlfloronl dl realm null 101 would my mum ma been lald win In lhl Elulll II III gldlnl lpgllcvu ll hid 1mm la Ihmuxh Hm llrllll lhc purlvloul any link lud welhtr delayed In WI um lullvuy llxmugh when dark In decided lo Inthor Ind wnll llll daybmlh No In mmmnndlu 2000 lan lrnmv bound from nunllnl In on Kong Thll my flu lrlp lhroulh lho Slrnlll ol lilinan hr recHod It nu my mo lnolhrr Nurwr Inn Tho In ugly wllm 11w rurrrnt II mmallmu lo knoll Ml nndbnnh Iml not luhlho In IIM CapL Null Groundmrl wu born In 010 66 run Na Agent 10 mm belorc In Second Wfllld War Inlllnl ho II 51L Thll wu Just cm of ynrm Ipun when no NorwulnMw mom cnplllmznlherm mulchla lhelr nullonul day 94 VANCOUVER CW Gold hm Ind dynnmlle In In hold 1nd Chlnm plnlu flu com lnl out 0w dawn mm Ha was curryan nmnxm quickly he began Ihlnlnz It round lhn mm The alrll hud lnlklpnltd lhll He had return ed lo try and Ind the up paper lhll he had dropprd Inv ernl dnyl helm but hm ullltd or In paper In lhe deal What Um map wan nowherl lo bo mu In her wlll power In Iupprm the duke She we had lho hnd For that minute thu door It Um open ho lunnel crank rd open Ind man moped auL Thu lwn chum nmem Gold Bars And Dynamite Sticks Sea Captains Spin Their Yams rlh 311nm wetII Ilawa by Brand all her MI numb and had When all qulcl the Ir crept lrnm Illclr roam down In lhu lround lloor when lhcy had been Ible to lake the am luned mun lrom ans ol he guest bedroom when ll we used to conceal wnxh hnsln They carrled carelully lo the celllr plnclng ll out lha wny Ind knell brhlnd IL Throulh several hole In may could Lllmly the ml And lurnncel Earlier in the evening they had Arrived It Mn Talball 0an on to bed at ten Mr lnlbat 0019th tired and mm Hg to her room lhnrlly If Ihrm CHAPTER ELEVEN THE OTHER SCRAP was eleven oclock Ind all was dark Brenda and Gall were hidden behind lime card board screen down In the ban mem nwnltln Anythan that mghtflnccur Darling mm but coIaur 39 And French 11 mm woman 13 Opposlle of 1mm 11 Helen poetical 16 Black Illcky null 17 Hlxhwlm equlpment 1a Ta wnlk too aluwly ID On 20 Talking ham Frozen water 23 Right short term 24 grqular 2a ma In bundle THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE THE CHILDRENS CORNER ACROSS jpy cm lellm lu Id In method cl Ihnmnl hundm Ila Mundv IJIlnI tho Idea ul beau Iho Ioller mu mm mun do mu 16M Manon bum uumum wrllrmll of lhe flayll Blnk Clllldl In lnlmlu HIM lmlll vï¬oytg In mm In um The fluid lured lhnl he muhlnl II uul hu man tlllnhlnl In mm under Ilood hhl uld We wen dulng Ill mu by Hula llma and um mm nlvnr mu lwo 1mm They llnnlly In Please Dont Cage Little Old Ladies RI ll gun ll lhu ca the um vlnlc only Inc mu Um ha dldnl II all Vtfll ulna la blul MI Ind nIL mm ol the Chlnm Illawnrd and tank Mm with mo loll Um mull la hall Author In we Ilnrlcd In men mmebody rum lhu lul Junk mm on band And lulled rllmhlnï¬ COOKflVlHE Onl CI mm Lflnxhlln pining Whtn in back an deck law mend Junk hnd coma alongIda and old Mm la cl up sum damn rulhcd to my cabin and picked up ho only weapon on board will no cur lrldm mln Mm They flashlight ham heir jacket pockcll letd un ll yln mnku lure In than wtnl down to ha banana and Ilnrled lolly nIon1lho paxlnge Nu Whm docs ll mourn GIlI um Irawnlnz Why lhls 15 lb my open lnu he were door In the collar ho old muck exclaimed Drondn Wnll have to no And open Mm he had one Brenda Ind Gall merxzd hrcaUIlm and lxcllcd Cum an upstairs Drtndu Id and they Upload up to lhe anl robm when Gull switched on the desk lump Th1 II what he wax uylnz Brenda whh pend Len buunn block Iho lap She look lhu um mm of pnpqr mm her pockel Now wu have the complm mmue 0n the 1m aide press button hm bolcks uuLn Round and round he man went looking for the has paprr HI Inn was In the shadows and they wm nu able to no who he was Suddenly he flopped Ind examined lecnnd place mper 1n hln hand He mumbled lha words over uveral mu la hInueII as Ihough were mule chant Than ha Innrled In anger multmd 11m zlrls have It and Ian throulh he Innncl um mum on the paper but was an Incrlm ruling piece nvldenu and hewnnled back mn He would try once mm Ha 1365 Ihe wqrdsAon West Germany short term Plural ls Thlrd book al Old Testament Shallered Ilde Opposlle of all Bun Woods 11 Muxlcal chord 01 three nntu Oldlashluned candle 15 Object lnuud ln nut 19 Playthan owe you 21 llan measurzment 14 Ellallfgad 513m lam 25 otlmnch DOWN