Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1963, p. 11

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mfmfiar ullml mum no llvlalu IMma Ml our New York Chlulo Whlll Imvldlnl llllllmnrr Mlh muhlrnl Mme run Ihml 1hr ulrlnm Humhuh zlumuml lellvlllrr nlnnmml drclnho Innrun Iwmr II Orlnlu ml nawn an York Ynnhm Tueday nlghl Ind rrulmd Irl nun lmull nyumm lrll mam imm 1mm lumen MI lluuyammuo Ilmlln drau hlI wnlrun Ilml 1le AIM Tut In llllll In nlnl ll wn NI mu hnnwr Ira4m 14 21H hullnl In In In wllh rupmntvla lulllnu mum Hunt Ime Ilrp thud nr Paul Ibo hll only 241 uh 011011le II hnmm and Hmnllmy Mm lflmul raw ell Paul Minn wllh mu km hunt chopprd han my lrm hul hnl rllnpplu up many pllchrr whllr kreplnl llulllmnu nrlnlu HIM In My Ihlck nl Hu Amrvlcnn Lulu mun Irrnmhlh lly MIKI HAHIHT Amcl rd Im lym erln non coached lXuMnln nlmn flu Cfiltuo llrm mm In Amerlun Lrlm chumplouxhlp lhh yrnr Ill pInYlnIdflyl Iln lhg NIIL wm uxo announced lhu Icqul Illlan Hllly new web replnrr llrcrl Rudy Pllnul nuy had he Frnmlnrnlly menlloncd 11an mccmor Im pluud Mlh mu charm Ruy Illd lnnl II Amy mchn Amhlllon couch In the bell luxuu WAR THROW V0Mll with StanxmL and he hm brlel all In much lh Ton ynlo anII Lulu Cnnudlenl kn film about the dull Much undoubkdly will pmlnflnla more lrndlnz Iaduy when Ihu NHIII Inm leuue drnn ll held to um um cogkrcnce Canndlum hnd lricd In not null Glen Hull Cblcnxn Bllck lulu bu Iha dell ell lhmuxh The nannm helpzd lhem ulvn ll mm dmmnl poll tlom In lhll deal uId veteran dalcnceman Dnu Hurvzy langlima ltammnu Plnnlel belorzJolnlnz lhe llnnzerl two Im chin flu but xaIl lender In lhu hullnul said benmlnl George Md Sulllvan Rookie Ncw York coach Why lh gland do my 10 It wont be my dimrent wn War alryl rencllan lo the trade will Plaqle alndlVgrxley are In return they an only one vtlernn Ranger gonlla Lorna Gumpl Worlley and three un praven nun Her win Dave Halon Leon Rocha lorl and Len Human The Canldlem Ire rebuild ln said Plants ahvluuuly pa nad bclng traded hul nndlud that hell find new cu leer In New York RANGERS HELPED Powells Homer Gives Baltimore Lead In AL In an uncxp anvemplnycr IWIP wllh New York nanzm llw Canudlem gave up colorlul Jacques Planle nixlime wlII ncr lbs Vezlna Trophy the Ieazuex lop walla wlnzcr DJn Marshall and cum Phll Goytlleall ellahllshud NHL nan Whatever the oncepnwtrlul Canadians have In mind they dropped bumbahtll Nudny at he NIHDnIl Hockey League annual meeting by un logdlng some rlchlnlenl MONTREAL CPI Are the nun Montreal Cnnadlem ra bufldlnz nr lonklni lranlictlly lar mlracle THESE ARE our lb men playcrl Involved In anor trad belwun Mnnlrul Three Top Hub Stars Traded To New York Olinkl hrmuhl hll mm In and lanmd lull mned nm mu lo 141 by pllrhlul MI nul nhulrml In In mum Arml lnurlh lllunuvh In Iflll flu um The mall lull Wm MI mum Um lF up In lha mmud lnr rlna whrn roll 1mm alnllnl Ind muml Irnuml an hlt luh New Huber Allth tar 01 MI ml lulnl unlll lh nlnlh lmvlnl Ihrn nmlrd ler mum vrlltl llelv lwmml II whinlnlrll ulldur In Ilur Iruun mm In 01 maul Mkkry Mm II nrcnunlml lnr YnnlmI nm hlllq III llllI hnmrr Tmy Xnl M1 hllh unlml Ill Iclnr In Huwlnn ham runl by Hall Illllry Am nnh Mllwn mwrml Mlnnual Twin In Irclllun nrrr Kanu Ily Alhlrllu Mxlmi Jlm lruy hmhlllrr Vuhlnllun Hm lnn Tnm Tlumly llml nul Iun NM Rex an In mu lmland Indlnnl Illlpprd nu Tum Enx dropped Mo thlrd vlm llnl mu hlrk Amman hy lMInl In on Anulu An ul lo nun Ollmll pllrhrd lhmhlllrr WIN 1qu payer drnflrd by Detrnit were Inward Norm Hcfludin HuIIOltnwa EFIIL delencrmun Inn Cushrnan Bul nlu AHL ccnlra Hank Cluln xplclcd move it was learned rcllably that he Clnadlcm had put lclbwinxer chkle Moore on the protected lhl Although Monro Already has nnnaunccd hll lnlenllon In reyre rom lockup Canadian Alan surrendered veteran dalenceman Tam John Ion active or ran In season with In our 2y In jury Johnwn wu claimed by 30mm Brulns or flu wahcr price 020000 Later Bruins ware In much wllh Johnson who laid them he was cnnfldcm hll aye had healed Iufllclunlly to nllnw hlm lo Joln llle team his mum PEOTECT MOORE Ilny In Man My younr um only French and lheyll In In lo Ichonl hm Ill an1 In In Nu rmmh Ill hll lo no how lhlnn work out In In heard Iboul thn trade from reparlrr who phontd hlm In HY Youu loin Naw Yoxk mini ipmidy hl mm Juu like Ihll He ml ma Im untied to New Yuk It Talklng mflly In In Inter view 11mm hrcnk In th Hocksx Leuua metHm hm Flam wu oh vinmly concerned nhqul MI ahrupl cluan In In another lnde Chicago deal delencemnn Ron Ingram Ind goalie Rum szler of Loull in th Emmi 1mm alnnal League to Dclron ncd W91 uqnagnegl playgr In the NHL ran from the minor pron Delroll picked up our playm Canadian Mo and Basin Bmlns New York nnd Chlclgu me each Most will be leg to NHL Iarrn lenml MONTREAL CmGoalie lcquu Plume uld Tundny Wu nuwrlud but not dlh uppalntcd hrlnx traded lo New York flange 111 mu be playing th NHL he mid mar lhe lmpnmml lhlnz IACQUES SURPRISED NOT DISAPPOINTED AT TRADE Clnldlem And thc le York Rmm flu Nullml 1mm Lune qulrul lmllm cm um dnnn nuulnn Tllm ullh flunm rulhunl In In mm mm by hlll um mum mm ml hmmr Ivy Mlle III In In and Al lluplawa lmnun Ilnglo 1m vlrlovy unt In tr mry Wall Ihlll Mull hnl MI Illlh In nlno do chum ll nu MI nlnlln hmmr ml 2011 kl In flu III to alImu lhmvy who Inn hll llul our mm mm Imt Ill In luv palm Illl lhlnl hlllnul lllh MI Ilulvrlnry May Thai wn mm Hum vmmlh or lrrry mum bl Hm Ihul nul In mum and hrlnllnl mum lo ML nu lrlumph nu nnly llm or Twin In um um WIlhr In KinMm ninw mu lrd flux Ilnler Wlllflrl uhrn Hun Lock letdfli lnr hll lnurlh lummr In lnl gut gap In III Iluh InnlM nullry Ml MI th homtr um Ihu hum rmMy all low Ed naknw In II mom nnlnl And lullrm rnnnrded lnr man wllb lwa mm an In lhl 0E Fllllll IIIUTHUT ltr LfgTan nxlo Marshall pennykilling Ipeclllhl whn hu been wilh Cl nadlcns or nlna aeusons Bay one who missed man than half last muon with bro ken ankle xevenycar vet eran with Canndlenl Gayetle In lhé league nr meim two yealrl Both are native of Man rcn yup on the Vezinl Tro by lbs now but on etper llx llmu cqunllea only by 1111 Durnn Mnnlrml lfnnndlenl xrul In tho mos Plnnla wan lha Ilm afllela £5199 ht taco muk IT Ilmll been ruullr nnllu wllh Clnldlllll Ilnu mu um um hrllllm um In mm hld In Injury pluurd anc Imon 1m wlnler Wnrilcirhas played with Run Am 101 nlnc 393mm and ha 197th jlrequpqn gulls colorful um 01 player Pllnle who lnlraduced the Inca mask lo hockey hu been wllh Canadlens Ilnco 1951 Lu lemon hll personal goal azalnxt avenge nl name wan lhe heal any relulnr Nlll 191 adlem In bulld nz In knew In whnl wu lurnlnu Around gum Ihg you ylpyen New York acqulred inward Gard Labaulere lrom Sudbury he EPHL and Chluzn plucked 1051 Jack Mchrlnn former US Olymplc nllmlndcr rely Log Angqlu thu WHL Aka he would neck nine Mm lh Runzen Plant mapped quickly had good yur Im yur didnt Hé ad he uunl lndcd hccuu the Canadlenl mlm It he hld poor ul Ion PIBIIIEI lrada wu CWT plm urprlu COLORFUL PLAYER mu like alllnl me rlznd hld dled CIévellnd AHL Imd nrwnrd Adjm Keller Dalllmore MIL Montreal Innk oxward Rllph Keller hraher Adam Kel ler from Baltimore and for ward Don Blackburn mm KIM IIQII he EPHL plaien goalie Jcquu Pllnle urward Dan Mmhall and centre Phil Goyelle lull to rlahl wm Acquired by ha DUNLOP ST 1h Mlnflobl lllhcrlu hunch nld Tuemny lhn cllch II nrd Var Mnnllobl nnlld or III nonhcm villa Tho Mum pro vloun plkfl wan an pnlmdl CIUIM In Lulu Wlnnipqmll In 57 Thu Nnrlh Amerlrnn rrrnrd II mum lwo ounm mum In flaundn nmrvolr In bylelor Duljuc lo hnw km hll pm nixpound Iul Im ublnl mlnnuwn lnr hfl VINNIPBG ICP Elmul Kluu Winning uuxhl northern pike wI Mill pound 11 ounce dur Mek end filing trlp lo Slnu Fall on ma Vlnnlpez ler In club erg Mmllohu Prlmcnu native of leLnny ll ha only man in Canadian hockey la hlva coached cham plunlhlp mm Mrmnrial Allan and Slnnlry Cup compen llnnL He played Ind coached ll Tomnln Seiberl who player with New York Chlcaga and Delmn as crashing defencemm lha only pmon to be named Whale lalhcr In member Ihe all of Fame HI lather was he lulu Oliver Selberl Suherl wns and In NHL alllar team 10 tlmu Hewilsun Toronto Iporls writer who refuted 1n Ihe NHL In the 1910 wu nlm one member at Canndal Olympic lnrmm lenm Tha lelecllunl were nu nnunced by Frank Scum mannglnu dlretlor Monlraal Canadian Ihn anlonl Hockey Leannel annual meal inz here They are releree Bobby Haw luan of Toronto and player Ebhle Guadlellaw Ollawn Joe Prlmean Toronto and Earl Sclbqu Kllchener MONTREAL CP Three player and raffle were named In the hockey Hall of Fan mcsdax Record Catch For Manitoba AWNBOY Rochelon Z4 alternated he ween New York and Enlllmore icorlng nlne palm in 21 NHL gamex Hanson 25 played wkh Bulllmqreql the Am and Sud bury of hiVEPHL In 1933 Ind Marshlll Ira joint owner at howlinl alley in suburban Lachlne Balmi 25 scared lualn Ind ml In 70 gamef as ran Ids eviYagk In yegr Players Ref Named To Hall Runw In exchnm 01 mm Lama Gump Warden mm and three other playerl AP erephalo HARDWARE MIMI flullnn lwa llmu Olympic champlon Ind In time world llllc holder ducrlhed McPher wn the moat cxclllnz Iknler la fiomn Ila In 10 yam Ind McPhenan Ilnrted Iknlln he In or four but dldnl com pele null in WI clam He un mnlu ll call him mm lhm rctelved many 01ch In relinqullh ImMenr Ilalun Iince wlnnlnu Iha world He He nmplzd Iha New York nltcr because ll munl Ill trend 1m ynr In one pucedurln Una warldl Illr 17 just cauldnl lurfiflriéwn Inch aplendld oiler Mtlher Ion nld Tuudny nlxhl TO STAY YEA McPherIon follow mother Canadian world Ikallnx mun lion Jackgonol Ophqwn lnlo to rank Jackson lurned pro culonl after winning lhl chymqlomhlq IQ 196A Mu elinek Hrnnle on also Iumed pm only nflbr wlnnlnz lha world pnln nkallnx Ill yup Signing wan annnunced in New York Tuesday by Dick Button in has Mtherwn Ip pcarlng in In ice Ahow ll muss New York worldu inir and inr 11 month wiih Maurice ChaiiensHniiday on ice nimw wiuirh piayl most European wunlriu and tho wuihern Uniizd Sinlel Thar lha price on two year proleulonnl contract the myenmld Slrsllord Ikllu hu algncd STRATFORD CPD1300 Mc Pherson my spent 320000 In yurl preplrlnl or the day In Conlna Italy In Much when he won the world llzure lkullng champlomhip has paid oflto lhl tune $150000 Covlnztnn PM mu H351 Grant St 21430 341 While 21039 529 Cepedl as 68 315 Bayer St 21 63 320 HunkFlood Submit lum mud lnF Alon San Franchw illGrail 7L DoubluCepadl 19 mumBrock Ind Williams Chlcuo Skinnlr Clue1w nail andFIood15 Slflkoouu Bnrber more waukec Shale chyInlI Pnéiméoneu su an clxco 839 ATrIplu Hinton Wishing on llama RumAllison ll smlen BnmAparlclo Bullf more Is Slock Baltimore Mllzune 30 I70 11 Walner LA III as £37 ey KC 15w gas 321 Klllnl Del Ill 326 Robinson Chl 17 so 31 RnntAlllmn Mlnnmtn 38 Rum nIM Inlener Ind Alllmn SB HIuPemon Lo Annlel ulluf Minno BY THE ASSOCIATED PM Amerch 5an mm mm xmmznu wsnnzsnn JUNE mi McPherson Turns Pro For $150000 PA IIm HAVHEM BALL LEADERS mm chup Ind Dtllmy 0M NAL srznvxcz TUNE UPS WASHING LUBRICATION JHIOUR TOWING Rrpllu in ill in 7cm flunlH VAIIDII Mll 8950 VliuuIfloblnlon Clu STEWARTS GARAGE nlul from PA NHL 13 851 214 30 341 210 39 ED 529 IN 85 68 315 21 63 320 Pd £37 55 321 Blnlm He lulled Wu Germanyl Manfred Schnelldoder by 33 palm at the 2nd compulsory gum Early In the ramm lnn performance he tell win In llndlnz lmrrl 5511mm But by he llme McPhannn had Hnlshed his peflormunce eight of nlnc Judge Iwurded hlm Hm place lh time he xald hls nmhl Ion wu Io wln gold medal for Cnnadl It next yearn Olym pics but he Ms Islda that Im nlllon lo Imp the splendid ofler 000 year line 1957 for canch In 1m Ice Ilme Ind the like on MI way to the world cham plgmhlplv ll wu drnmAUc camehnck In Much that wan McPhemn the world litla RECOVER FROM FALL in lhu only olhar league ulna pIAyzd Mllwnukeo lulled thm run In tho ninth Duran hhuryl mun recent lbmlce DodKen had MIHIKEd only mm victorlel Ind had Humbled to seven lanesIn cludinl live In mw hefon ha In th Ilpeup By winning Dodger mlin lained their thircwlltc tie wlih Chicm darling 01b1 who knocked ot Lhc rantrunning Sm Frnnciacq emu Bob Buhl pitched Cub to their elzhih victory in the in 10 game with livehitler while eightgame winner Billy ODeil took hi Hm ion induct and Cuba now Ire thmnmu bchlnd Gllnll Ind 1V5 him at SLIM Clrdlnall Wllll the Nallonal Leaiucl mm valuable pllyer lust Iun with ma recnrd 104 stolen bum rejoined Dodgers hlu dny nmm alter hll Ines bout with had loot Ind promplly irked them out of lmlng Ha neared both Du Angela runs the decldlna onnafler lWlPlflI Ml nth lme of the Jar Iquukernver Houlm Com mun GAME ancx By JIM HACKLEMAN Anulued Pun Spam Writer ll wm Druvilla In Dodger wllhaut Maury Willa Bu 1h 1m out has mada lha lune and thlnu are humming Back Sparks T° Win Over Hausmn Mann fJWHIszKY EKEEPS Even ximhhyu loo ajubm annz dilute the mm tnqtoo Adhml Gold Stripe will kanp 1m fluvch ta ma very bStgnm mo gluttho mark grant wh ky an nontlgné yoéx buy uy gngxlow cu Iglndgd com birth yauu vi13 mun llnéour if year no the Cub nestled In ninth place with record of 15 victories Ind 34 deleals They won only two xlmu out ol Ihe National League cellnr occupled by New York Men nine lrlorn ha top Through Ame ol Mondly he 1963 Nb Ira Iled for lhlrd place with 10 Anulu Dad erl Just our game bchlnd ha pact mum San Fundlco Glanlx Now nearly one third ol the season later the Cub boa thc mum improvement any club In ha majar luzuea our limqnlh Igap No olhu club even close Not aven Balllmm Orlolu In elghthplace club thl time year 110 now bamlng New York Yankuu Ind Chicago Whlu Sox at thu Amerlun Lulu lead NEW YORK AP mey Inickeml when Chlcno Cub took Iha lield 1m April with In Athletic director insiud oi ennui mnnaxer held couch in lieu of laid munw Ind backzround oi waddivision iinishu in uth of in int 11 yearn WM 11 been plagued lhlx maon by Inlury 0n openlnz day hi jammed hl len ankle llidlnl home and Wu IdIed week Ihan cllclum dcposiu on toe of hls It not lent him In the nldelinu May and he out unlll Nudny night iiigury the Mercurial got Dodger on the mrehnard eariy when he led all mlnsl Hauuwnl Dick Drait with wniir raced to third on Jim Gilliaml duuble Ind Iump and home on wild pitch Then in the third Wiiil singled with one out iioie mond Ind cam 11 on Ron Fairlyn linxiei Hob Mlller blanked Colt on four hm through elglll lnnlnu but couldnt get through Ihe nlnth Carl erwlck mused Mlller with lrlple Ind Icored on onwul single by Howls Gnu all Ron Peruan before the rellel Ica nailed down Miller +2 Dmn Inning with the help at rellerar Gplan Clacol wildnzu and heal New Yurk Men Clnclnluu II Pittaburlh wu rained out SI Lawn and Phlladelphla wen not lthldulfd wm CoL Bob mxaw run Big Improvement In Chicago Club lha Mans 10 has been lul Irred by I9 Dodzers who lime of the 1962 mi The Giants nu with 31mg deficit St null Cardinlls with ourlama 1mm and Philldhl phi PhlIllel with games In lhgpnly opiugaiqerl Although um In 1an plan the Met show the biggest Na Umnl League gain lsldl mm the Cut Casey Stenull dread ful darllngs Ira Hvo name ahead ol Ihelr 1962 picawhen lhey won anly their in me campand In 0121 SF Ms min the run mica Ind Bob Kennedy dirlclinl the team an the field Ihe 01b have won 27 of he Jim wzames Thnll ll lame ahead 1m yelfl pace The Orioles have the best rac nrd In the American League with lulu 6V lame our last years pace The While Sax who climbed from man secondplace lit Ind Boston Red Sox who jumped our berths from ninth to fifth qr mproved by um Klnm €in our games Iheid ll 1962 Ernie Banks um Run Sgnlo each had three hlls and two runs ballad in or Cubsvhn were aldgd by Orlando Ccpedas lwa emu Buhl wha advanced day In the pitching romuun when Llrry Jackson was forced rim with linger blilen was an Im pressive sub In winning hls lflh anlnil our losses Clm wnlked across Milwau keel tying run the ninth In Mn and then forced In lhe wip yer by hllllng plnch batter Mack one with pllch Prior to Ihelr last lnnlng scramble Brave had been mum on two miles by exleammm Cbrl WIHey me were lrlllinz MN Hunk Amn at snarled with oneout single than no second and scored on Don Dll llrdl llnlle Another single by Tommla Aaron and walkfjo 109 Tom filled the hamlet inv the flag or Willeyn partura Ind Clsco entrance Culu hilch he pmlnusly unbeaten ODcll or nine Oheir lfl hlu nnd chased the loulhpnw In ghn slxlh Innlug

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