Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1963, p. 1

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Wm lmrl 1mm hunk In lhvhlcndum mm AM rm to mun Mun mm In Imm huh um lhruvlln mml hr um lunlm lml ruln Id rml deter lhl mnumm nonllll nlll Ilc undu Iha In Icmlnnulu dome ol 5L unlll In hwr Inlan In In mygdnyfilfil ul ulumr In me Iquln Mllnldo And umrr an ol um hullI liel myde Inllnng um Illnrl mm many coun Ivlu nlnod wily In 1M dawn Mm lllIlnl H10 mt mlnlmndrd plan VATllAN CITY IHKHIIII MUUHIHI In lhq nu nl qu und med Illrnlly pull Nu may or John XXIII Mn In In El lmrl nullch In Md hnrlu Wllnon chnlxmnn flu Hm and Tmmn Comm lllu mid lhnl Hus dinllnmun nlleclm um den or cram on lhI Tull Drparlmenl Mr Low ha mm mm mull flv Intled ln lhe wk nl lrnlllc ulclyfl ha nolrd mgrrumor Thu mmldnrule and tanllruc llvs My In which lhe pollcv II hnndltd lhn problem Inforcnmml and 1016 flu yra lun drhtr mm our prldl Ill nur rupecl ulld Loporullun hewren nXI mum Irlpll nmnlullanu mu hem ne mldu ruralurcn In dlmncllv nnd chullcnxlnl Qullc bllcn molnrhl II In lhn mldll cl he downtown nrtn be lara ho Incognim pcdcllrinn crouwnlkm nld lhc mlyor The lluhovnllnnl In trnfllc eonlrnl up In lhe Ins cw yurl hlva bccu Iuccuulul ha went on Thu problzm that pmelnl hqmulm to ml The pzbllc has Ihown mm In lwnrenm 01 ha nee lur tnfllc nlely ha mnllnncd WI Ira Erlldnl In all pcdu lrllm Ind mnlorhll who have ad lomaka lhll award put mu den credit In due la lhl mum of ha Trilllc De Arlmenl ILI luperlenr Jamel wt Ind lhe do rnopcrn Ilnn amonl lhe ncpnrlmunl lhu Flro mg Trnlflc Cammluce cl CI Ca cl mm the Blrrla City Polcl $parlment aid the mayor Being lelcclrd lhz mun lryl lap city In pedcxlrlnn saf ely II lnhnard thal we Ira panlcularh plcmd wllh May nr Lu Cooke add this mornhu Hum Mum In luvevlur annnldw iruhe would accept me llHan 11 In special dinner OntHa Suleky Luxue ll Ibe Ray1 Yank Hotel today oqgwxflq AWARENESS PopeLies In State MOurners File Past Mrs NchUae Bummen centre has no doubt whalsw Iver about flu ullccllon htr nlltlve or her Mrs Boornrzvu Arrived In Barrie Eléfitrocuted Traffic Dept WW Dies CLEVELAND up 11 cldcnlal cleclracuuon Don Flcmlnl defenslve Fcbr Barrie Win 34 iii awn Clevnland 1m 99th You No 131 VISITOR FROM HOLLAND HAS BARBIE RELATIVES For Exlmhm Wnnl Ada T919 phom PA mm tolwhonl number to all or 1h auunau or Edllorlll Dept PA 5537 Our Telephones llll mark Ihowlnl Im mm lhe unn Ihl ms rd ullh MI dun Mflfldl mull 1hu my lummlul ltd mlm um um ulrfnul hluh him live hand In inlvroerPd m1 11am null rluuhlna Ihl crud In which lhu Olqnr old lop clunl dulln MI mm nlh nlmulo It mu lwllaml Ia Iva lhl llul nln the down El Pelerl hld am been hp npfll um Imml ar dnd 99 D0 IAIIMH nml mm ma mmmnnd ny up 1qu mm In Hu llluul ll lmn uhu In nlmll lmlh nr mm munlh mm envlrr lh llnmlm Ilhullc Inlth hmme on II hul nmuln lvpfll lhvmllluvul Hm day my nlnhl Thll wu made clur Tuudny nlzhlun cxpccltdnl the mud or lwodny dllcuuiom hunt Inn nuem In bruk lha lulu mnlu In bl Columhll lllwr hydra Ind lloodmnlml llmjccl Informnnln Mid Hm Canada US lruly Involer mlnhl be mllIId mtunm Allhuugh mmthfrxlil OTTAWA CPtUnlltd cflortl by he tdml nnd mlh Cur Iumbln zavrmmcnll will he made in cell huge black or hydro power In lha Unllcd sum lh but punima price The Iomlghl he Ichlmll In permmlni Cpl Lucy In to me Ike Iludcms Ind lha lchoola help In cmphulzinzlhc rulu ol good conduct on lho roads cumrlbulu la the Mall heallh Ind well bclnl lhn cammunlly ha uld The roundwnrk nr rode wall ml and lnIormcd pc ulrlans xklllcdydrlvm and name salelr conclan nubllc It being laid our Ichoull the chic contlnued cemry In wlnnlng um Iwurd he uld cclnl note Ihnuld be made ul help lhnl school prlnclpals Ind luchcn hm llvenln Carpnrul Ray Lice program school safely Irola ll ls mnsl lmporllnl that persnns develop llle hnblll lulllc solely whllc hey are young Barrie Police Chlel Ed Tlchlr hull uld lhll he wu zrllclul or III morcrallon all mun tlrnl Ilenc who In churned lh lrnch nupcwluinn We urn espcclnlly planned with the pollle Idvlca Ind wnparnllon lhat we hav rtcclvcd from lhn cdumllnnnl Authorities he laid Two Govts Unite To Sell Power In mil with her daughter Mn Vlnk right and fam ily Oakley Park Square At right II Mrs Boornrevcl hroxher Vllllam Du Grool Bullala NY Mrs Bourn Eh flatrip Yn Ilimlrldu humml lha In Ilmmv lwnlfln mm In ml mlommded plum Into lnpo Jnlm In lunlul In In am at he hull at Linn Thursday wu no 7e Inl ally known whuhu IM mm vould bu lhc lml Ml ml Ing plln Mk lumlrldu hlnnrnml annulus nrlm wllh kl Irlni and hvnughl Hm lmdy Iumlny nlnlll llnm Hm wnnl apmlmrnl In lhu IIUUIMHI Il lun him In llw lmlllcn whru he lnpu llut nmluml lwlmr Humqu mullquch ullrr hln rlullnn In luau Un IIII lursul mm him hllhrml mm lnr lhu lupa ll hull lunar llnnm and mu rmm pan mun Calho ch 11w mllrv minded lla mnnl lhll my In loll Illelr Mnlu lull lllrlr rape Pruxnicr flnlmlll HIM Tutu tluy hr lmd known of Mn aroumnnl hnldinul when Im up Inlcd Mr Graumnn ny cm Inllnllry Imlll uhan hnhllnn Ill MI wllo unlan In ptr cm 1m The conflict n1 lnlcml in run and up Friday um lhn dlnclosuru Hm Mr lmnmnnn wllull nmklcnl ol tummlny nwun 47M Almm nl llrm nu lhrco llqnonuullcl hm 612 TORONTO CW Llhcrnl Lend Jnhn Wlnltrnnycr Turn any ducrlbcd unorly Inc crrdlhlc linlmwnl Pm mler John Rnhurlx clear ml Al lnn Gruumnn my runnlrl nl lnleml charm In his ml lInn ll chlcl provincial llquar commmloncr When lhclr duughler out wut hnd hnr th huby the xrand pnrcnu dnwn ml ml Mr chlldn play pen lllllo whlla lalcr nlu wmlv lhunkyuu note am so grnlclul lar Iho pluy pen livery day when ha weather nlm put ll am In Ihn run III It and mud The chlldrm mom lillla but hey mm nur Ylemlnn and Waller Smllh nl Snnlard Flt wen killed In Orlanda Fln whcn drug line lhey were opcrnlinx brushed Against an elzclrlc wlru The other we In die ware hallhnch Ernla Dam and Tom qunm Robarts Clears Grossman Issue Wintermeyer Says Incredible CLEVELAND AP Th cldcnlal cleclracullon Wusdny Don Flcmlnl defenslve ha back ma NFL Cleveland Browns made Mm ha third Clevnland football plnycr lo dlo Ihh year Sports experu could not remember when prom llunul loam war so hard hll by lrnlcdy EH mm Velp Hullnnd udn seen her hmlhcr In zl yours Also In lhe plclurc Mm Baoragrevcs ndmlrlnx grandson lhrceymrnld Ron nlc Vlnk 1Exnmlncr Iholn HERES ONE MunwIlll Ibo Cullen Cnrn dlnm chimd um woo lblllly ulecllnl RM ml in mun In am mm wrlnnl mlnllmu nNrclInl vi rhunh unlll II now you ll Ynflun wuru In men In mm ha Irlllled In luller nl Kl Ynhn Lnlvnn lull rulhnlul IIIIn ol nmm Ind In mnlhrr hm ma lamn among wand 11mmqu mum Mr Minn ll lid ha lam Mm the dva olwm 1M marnlnl Ind when mm um nlluwrd lurwnm MIN of mu haul um In In llnl Mldv lh 9mm hAIIlIlm lhuldrrd nl mlln ulmd Ivy hup mder ML In nol up to nmwu In mumc or no mlnrru ha he plm ht HIM Inn mnn hm luld hlm long um um Mu Groumnn wnl Irym In no Ihe mam qultkly usihlu but could Um no uytr Seaway Mulch leflcd II In lhn prmu hccomlnl publlc compnny and Mr flnh uln Inlll Mn irnunun nnw wl Icllnlho mum Mr anunlcycr luld Mr Gmumm bu nl lml nn In rltml Inlcml In lhu cumnuny nlrury la Iha quunr Contra lnucd Ihum whlrh nho has hill or lunl pcrlud ycnrl and Indml nrlor hl unu In lhc cublncL cansllluln chIA 01 Imogen hu nnld lullon Lan Cawlchun Knoll nuw wurklnl with lnlhcr longer nhl he dncml know her hell accept the INI The navy unnouncnd Tuesday Hm has mulled mm In tho lIymrold cxordlnnry mama altering lo Ink Mm back Mr led to runllne medlcul ex4 nmlunllon CBC Chairman Ousted Ouimet Resumes Role omwA CPIGordon Knot Lake Cuwlchan BC ha been lnvlled lo rEJaln lh navy whlchdluhnrlod him 11 mnnlhs ago on the RCMP Inlsu nsscrllon lhnl ho win IlCllllly rhk The oplnlon rcqucstcd In 1959 finally cnma 1n loner from tho luulca department this year dnlod my 16 nyan lhe byan was lnvalld Thu oplnlon In ms with thu slmnK arguments put lorwanl In 1039 by Plekeragill lhcn an oppoxlflm MP Mr Pckcrauill now mercury The witch was announced Tuesday by me CDC In Atala menl whlch said that the puh lich owned corporattnn hnd been concerned about thu vnld ly bylaw by the CnCboard naming Mr Dunsmoro as hnard chairman and that It had swim legal oplnlon rum lho unvernmmt on the palm The 69yearold Montreal nil expert remalns an the men her board chairman ll finance commlllcc CBC Presl denl Alphonse Oulmct hu rz turned hls farmer rule as pre Islrlhu ofllccr It directorl meet ngs OTTAWA CPLA legal ohln Inn provided under lhorleerul government our years after II was uaughldrom lhu Conserva llvo Hovernmcnt has removed Robert Dunsmmtl chnlr man of lhe CBCa board of dl rcclora Invite ExSegman To RejQin quy 1000 Arie791mm In Burrlu Ontnrlo Clnadl Wldnoidny Juno 1963 Wilson Plans Talk Ila md Jan 20 10M Ulltl wcth balm rmnplcllun ol hll 13wch Imslc lrnlnlni ruumx Ho wu alwn In honor Ihle IIdun In lhu Common Wrsdny Mr Cnmcmn naked hut Hm Knoll Illa bu removed mm Hm culv Indy ho HCMI and do Ilroytd Mr Lhevnnr lflld M1 would tumult llLMl Cummlr Iloncr lnxvlmn on tho mull min dhmlunl wnx bnscd on In IICMI rcpnrl Ml lwn rcpulnblu murcu had mm lhu young mun Will nephew or Emu Knoll Cummunhl cxlndidnlo In Um 1M Iedou rlccuum Mr Wllum II In land In Label wily flelrlnHmI In Mmuvw Elli urrlny and Mn Mn Invllad lulu31m uumler Khvuphrlm In finialn la Im on CBC lelevhlun mum to pm cmltrmn van mm mm Unity In Scum lo IIMIIIW lullnl mm mu Imly Maul In um 10118 AM mum Justlco Mlnislcr Chevrler Inld lhu Common Maudy that the IRCMP mu mmmlllcd In very Icrinus error In branding Knot Incurily rlsk ll dld so on lhn errammu round that he Wu nuphuw Communlxl In um Ihq pnuml Ir pa IIny rm lhu nlnhml um Ouuvn nunllnllam or lmly bound lulu uwr rm ummrnl luIwun liul and mu In Ihw Immlnl and Hm mm mpflllnn man In rllly nndtmnum urlo IIMII TORONTO ClV lllmld Vllmn llrllllh Labor umy lender Inhl Tuudny In wll lII nun wlih finvlul lmultr Khrmhrhev propaul to mm Inn mlclur ell hm lmly In ulmowhrrln and nndnwnler Ixrlullmu um Ihq Invqu mny mm Knull rnllnlcd In lhu navy nl Vlclnrln 0d 21 lwl ml wm um lo IIMCS Cornwnllll lhu luuh lrnlnlnl ulnhlhhmcm lnpluhy Ns The Knoll incd In lho Colnmmu 1m Friday by Culln Clmornn 1NDNn nnlmaACawlchnn The kinds weekend check by lha RCMP cleared hlm flu bud rlxk chum mid Mr Chovrler nd mlllcd Hm orccl ermr Mun duy Wilh Khrushchev Ilul ll quflo bin dccislnn and Id llkc lo give mu deal of lhought You Ice lva Idluslcd ln anolhar Illa hm RAISES IN COMMONS donl know havn mixéd mums he said lsnl mUch cl lulure want somclhlnz balm by he CBC hr legal oplnlan wu made through lhu Conservative reve nuo mmlflor Gcom Nowlnn whn reported in Plrllamcnl an tmndcnsllnz It was mad lhorlly alter Mr Dunsmore or mer pmidml Clumplnln 0H slatewith the Iresponsibllily or an In Plrllunmnl an hrggdcqfilpl allalry WYFMGK Prevlnusly Mr Oulmnl had mad chairman of CBC hoard meellngs usually held abpul glx umc Emir Al the lime Mr Plckmglll nronxly objecch Mr Duns moral appointment board chllrmln He uld lhe 195 Broadcnslln Act provided my 01 preidcm vicepresident and nlna alhcr dlmclnrl and that the elecllnn board chulrmnn was oulslde lhe law Mr Nuwlan Inflated that ll was lenalvllep He win named board chair man In 1959 llme when CBC President Oulmel was Icrlously Ill The hen vice presldent Bushnell was burdened with CEC mannxcmcnt and In ucn uppurnncc baton par Alncnganf cammllluc One opcnlnr mid no In rcKulnr mllk with powdered Iklm mllk And kll Ihtm drink lhcy ant Olhm rallon lhclr to one ulau maul Ind only younulcr hn qlhcr hcyprnxe Sllll olhch In My mum lhrlr ynunx cmploym lar nny mllk am lhrtu Klnuc day Product lellcd was cloclud chairman of Ule CBC board Tnfolllo mpcllnx In June 1959 Appaxcnlly no action was Inkenon the reuugst and ma ucstlnn lay dormant unlll after Liberal government look or flce 1113 year Mr Dunsmnro war Conserv atlvu anemmcnt appolntce to the CBC board In 1955 alter lhe CBC management structure was revised by Parliament and beema drllrman DI the honrdr llnance mmmltlce the same yan Delmm lo lhc BPllflK conlmnre he Assuclullon nl Tourlfl new Onlnrlo complained hmdny lhalr nuns wnltrcsm ban boys ellhnp and houscmnld are ab down quart of rnllk at tingle menl wllhaul bal lan an eye requm for qucsllnnl brgnnhl varlctyqlAnnswrrL ORILLM CF OnlarIo lamkl rum operators are enuued In balllo lo control lhe milk Inllke lhelr lun Ize summer help In nvold be lnz drunk right out MIL nm In wma cam RESORTS SOLVE MILK BATTLE hum nmmmt hm hm My tam Mu mmy mum9 Mom with he Imlle lshlnz mm the navcrnmrnl also wlll revise Ihn bull or drnwlnx Cunadnn lhrcemnc lcrrilnrlnl walm llmll Thl an nuw Inl low curving masts pulllnfl lho Ilmll hm mllu mm that In all mm nslllun parlcs The amp unuld lllone of he chlcl plums he Liberal mudn during lhu April elation ngpnlun Irlme Mlnlsm Pearson nn nounccd the plan In the Com mun Tuesday drawan quali in pporlulmrrLlhc lhrcc 01 OTTAWA CPI Ivalla llshlnx zone which would hnr larclgn ecu 1mm Cnnadnl Ilch Inshore shin zmunds wll he dcclnrcd by the federal nov trnmznl next May Farclzn fishermen now may operate In wllhln hm mllcs Canadian Ahnm Todhy man when wv cm thousand milltan Moslch marched lnlo lhc tapilal shoul lnz or the overthrow lho shah And government BAZAAR SET AFfllE Largevmlmn the cllyn downtown banr wen wt aHro Damage was unmalud It mic crnl mflllon dollm Thu gluing died down It MIL hen flared up again ml Inz lhe passlbflfly mlflLll law would bu Imposed Ila charged lha lonary hm hm provoked llloslcm rc llglnus lender to challenge lhc sllnhl landralorm and wumcnu rlghl pmpnsalal Under them even land hclanging la the dam lnnnl Moslem Church would be dlslrlhulcd Ito landless peusnnls TEERAN Iran ANPalm and maps hauled Moslcm mnbs demandlng lho ovorlhraw of her shah lodny less l000 wuru injured and several were killed Molar nvcrtumcd aulosénd set them sure Soldlefl armed with machineguns car gas und hayoncu blocked all routes to lhe royal palace and olhnr lav emmenl buildinls Conlinunus Hrlng was heard only two blocks 1mm he pnlace The shuhs whereubmfls were no Immediately knnwn Security Chic Gen Hussan Pakrevnn old reporters he made mlslnke In not being laugh enough when reunion rlqtjnz hrnke op Tuesday Canddidfi Fishing Gets 12Mile Zone Moslem Réligiéusi Lgadz Challenge GoviT Reformé PlblMori Tlim 7c PorCopfifl Page Sunny and very warm Ind and Thursday Low lnnlxht57 High lomorrnw 35 Faxp full vlummnry lunh lo pastma Local Wéafhér Mr Pcnrmn wvirwcd lho unsuccessful Hum In men yuan nhlnln bukrnnlionll Mrumcn un nxundcd lcrrllo ml and llshlnu mfll In me lhlx me me has com lukc Inn cllun ln pmltcl Cun dll luhlng Industry The new hendlnndtnhudlnnd line linking lhc main Inward prajccuum Cnnndna proMI lhrco mlln lune also would lnrm lh ham lino lnr drnwlnl lhv shin zone Thu mno IInI muld he nslnbllshcd un oxlrn inns mllu out 1mm his bnu Int The new plan will lay down IMAM lcrrnnnal llne mm hcndlnnd lo hudland HIV hrlnulnz lhuusnnd nl hays In Icl and channels wmplclely wilhln Cnnndlan Jurisdlcllon or ho llru llme Vininncu erupted today when several hundmd barefoot men mos ni lilem wnarlnl bilck shim and carrying club and slants marched on iho Kavem ment radio buliding They smashed display winde 1114 damaged cars parked ouiaidI the building Pursucd by police the null ur rushed lnwurd Hm downlawn bazaar lmashlnx car andwlhop wlndow on the way Palm Igul liviernl demanmalon with It was the second day ol anll govcrnment dcmnnslrallon sulllng lmm lhrmday mourn lng parlod lnr the launder ol he Shllle Moslcm sect When lhe rtllglaus observance turned Into an anllgnvrrnmcnl 1131 Tuesday lhu unvernmcnl Ir rusted thy louder ol lheml Aynlulluh Khumalnl and banned all unaulhorlxcd demanxlratlanx Some 700 demonstralm win arrested Tucsdny least we more were plckcd up lodny clfibs All shnps andofllcalhglldlnu closed as precaution against onllnzu Several sllll ere burn The lighting spread innll di mcllans as mops poured lnlo the city Police irrdviniu iho air for mr nounlheui Mm shooting inln lhc crowd rylnl io attack gnvcrnmenlhulidlngs The rialcrs mashed shnp wln flows and hurled rock Lhc mile and pnxslnl cm

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