Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1963, p. 7

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NEW YORK IMJA mm nllltlul lbs Uullrd mm Amnlrul Alhlul Unlon Mum Mnnduy that II to Iqupnnmml UJI ka Fud mlkm out In wed flu Amulr Ulnl wlll In mu WI l1 nunln llnky 501m M6 ll mmv rnmmmllnl on mom Illhdrnw coll Mam 1mm lhn MU nulnnnl chum rlnnlhlpl Mid 1119 Mornflnn Lou In wmk lb Anl and rlulm own In llw MIMI dun rimm lho 118 mm mm HIHED IVINI AND wsm PORTLAND ImL All drmr Jlm McHlmlh who won Almnlt 015000 hr llnhhhr mm In lha Imllnnnpoil loomi nu Thuqu II um Ivrrm wood miles per hour lur nmlvrrd purl wlnnlnr fiundny or Invalunl Illlc mm lhnn hull lhul speed on lhl hluhwL Mclflmth XI will mm In nflrr mu hoop timed Mm II 14 null In mph mm llMllHl VIIECKINH ONE HORSE HCRMCHED NEW YORK AP Sunny Jlm Fllulmmonl Manday wllh draw one hnll MI expected cnlry Ior Snlurdlya 13000 nrlmonl snku ll Aqueduct whllc lnflnm other hom Inl bark and wallnd or lamebvdy II to make mnvo Filnlmmun HIM Monday or den Phlppl would not put up $3000 to Mill lbs 1wa lup clammury nomlnu 11 New ark ulna Aunclnllon III 111 In nnmu ID lhrmyenr old In multh Ilulm In mile clmlc hm mml lnlnm IIcIIanly pInylfll It by FROM HERE THERE it was hardly hockey talk weather last night but that was just the topic of discussion last night before and after the senior soft ball game at Queens Park had the pleasure of meet ng Harry Hank Partridge rior to the Stew artslruelove game and Harry tra ner ot Barrie Fly ere before they moved to Niagara Falls passed along some interesting information on the Flyers and fun ior hockey More on this later in the week lol ow ing the game it was great renewing acquaintance with Al Hollingsworih of Halifax new stationed at Camp Borden Al coached junior teams in Halifax for several years and theres no one would like to see junior hockey return to Barrie more than Al That was some catch Pet Wanamaker made in left field last night For llarry the Toronto Argonaut an heres brief release from the Ar os Coach Nobby Wirkowski and his assistant coach peegle cnt three months working on the new ofience and efence oi the Argos for 1003 The play book is now at the winters and will consist of some 80 pages Coach Virkewski this car puts in his own olicnce and the other teams wil have few aurgrisca awaiting them when they play the Argos in 68 So says the press release anyway Theres ossibiilty an intermediate game may follow this exh bition contest Tentative plans are to have Smiths Dairy and Consumers Gaspiay at 830 but this hasnt been confirmed as yet Frankly the fans wont be dlsagpolnted if they me support ether or both the lnte ta and senlor leagues Theyve run or some fine games the past eouple of weeks lhls the first tlme Ive been fed sue steady dlet of softball and Im certainly lm pressed wlth the play ln both leagues Im sure you will enjoy it also IN ANY SPORT the big task 15 out for the first time Theyll come bat what they see and believe aull see tendance after Saturday nig ts game Stewarts manager Lar Wood was in conversa tion with Judd couple of mes this week and la moat anxious to match the two team here THEY CLAIM over Toronto way that this guy is the best in Canada said Larry last night We have great softball fans in this area and believe Judd will be playing to huge crowd here Saturday Lan wouldnt make redlction on the game but from a1 reports its pre ty sale bet Judd will chalk up another victory Game time is set for seven oclock Larry has more than one reason or wanting Judd to perform here Naturallg the expected turnout will iatten the Stewarts clu bank account but Larry sees it helping even further Judd pitched In the world tournament tn the Uh lted States last season states Steve and he lost the title with wild pitch ln tha 15th lnnln It was the only run of the game He has pltche mostly with American teamsl Ive never had the pleasure of watching Judd In acllon but winger Steve Jonescu did and big Stave says Judd wlll really have the am buzzing once they see him In action JUDD TURNED IN fantastic performance June at Mount Albert when he pitched three games In the tournament there won them all and in one five inntng tllt he fanned 14 batters mm Hul will In II Judd ls now performing in the Intermedilie Richmond Hill ToronioiFastbaii League So for this season he has racked up three consecutive wins two of them nohiiiers Barrie softball fans have had their share of watch ingsome ilne pitchers over the ears but theyll have an opportunity Saturday even to see one of the highest rated chuckera in Oahu today when Ray Judd brings his Richmond Hill squad here for an oxhlbltlon game against Stewarts Garage my um um mum fix sponr AT GLANCE Exhibiiiofi Game On Tap Saturday $550320 SPORT By RICK FRASER consist 05de 80 flanges C0531 czu puls In his own olfenco and the have low wife awglung thgm Hm Arnn the big task 15 to get the tan llunllhl ymm Ipmmnn nrqulml rom mum Dovlnu In MI plowed hy Nu Mtll humbly In Ihtlr um um club In ll lnlomnl Aunt num Im champ nn Hadrian and udllnmlun mum um qund In uclllml Muril ul mndlllon Mendy mm llwn KM pr llnm ulmlnullunl ll lhplr mlnlnl umpl lar su unlny nlshln lllh mnlth ll Mndllm Mum 01mm SENT nlJFALD NFVY0IK Mm Theyll come b35151 they Have aull see pick In at nix ts game he 53 Paler Snell ln Friday nlml Compton Nolan nuldu world mom holder Rnqu Ind Bully funded hll MI rhlllrnnr Ihm Um Iuhhur mlnull nIn nan In umdod lo on MM MM WILL RUN L05 ANGEL AP Jim llcnlly uld Mandly he wlll mmpelo lullnu New Zullndl Euler fineJLln Friday nlml Iunclluon uld Mond hl ll thickln nporla tho uconome wupon lo hep lmm Jumplnl lo olhor pro lguuu II ponllon Inrhllun CLARK WING CAR RACE LONDON MP Smllllh armor Jim Clark lmh mm Ml Indllnnpolll Iucml In luck won ha Qyllll Palm Imphy nu Ior Ipurla Mvndny covmd lho as no mm In hll Low In nveruo and am mllu per hour Chrk llnllnnd mend In In Indllnbpolll 500 NFL NEW WEAPON PHILADELPHIA MUPm nrmu prclldrnl ol lht NI lionll Foo Lulu Illym dor hi ll Huh wl Nu Will in IMr flumln lnlumlloml 1m naulullully snub Colin llm mnhr 1mm barn with nun on dadIva lrluw ll Hnufllm an In nlu llndxcrn lhplr mm mum Nullonal lulu In mm Eddll Fllher Whllo 50 Umw lourhll Ihul out In do my om Lou An leln mull hll up mum By TIM AMOCMTED NIEM whimn 1mm tho Hnfl day How mind lhla morninl bellowed In local tum Illnd In mum than In to Ian honnn In the Inurmy Two mm mm lhu nurln mlldny Bowl will mmpele In in In an Innunl Tnumlmlnl Chlmixafll help hold Olymplmdwud Llnu In Tm rnnlo Mlnntl thu lnmmd Ill Mumcrn Dlvhlnn Ind lo allhl nmu onf umndplm Indlm IWUI Dullla Dllonl malnod lnelr lud In lhl northaru clr cull by lrlpplnu Coluli qu lL In other Icllon chkwnvllll Sum edged 6mm mm Local Bowlers In Tournament 11m Cutler won in ihcir leiil mmcculivn iwinbiii vic Iury Mondly ninhi doicnlinl iiochuier lied Winn md 03 whlio Richmond won no and Iiflighi douhiehcnder Dy whipping indlnnlpoill Indian Md Minn Crlcken Ind mm mund Vlulnlnn maklnl habit at winning doublchcnder buehAll lame In an Inleml Uonll Mum Dy TIE ASSOCIATED PRESS ll hll been pleasure unenl lnz in club in Beetle during the put three Imam end we would lake lhle opportunity to thank Ill hose who mede th pmelble In ymlculnr we would expreel our npprcclellon to all I1 am who eluck wllh uI through good And bed mu Buy my Motors ud or their smnsorxhlp Ill Ihe mirem ndverklseye lar their ndneu upport end to every mem 1h Iltunllon has been brought abqu lhruunh measure of our personal employment obllznuons and In nu mm way by the high com operatin an Inlermcdlalo club duo primarily to he very whamm dnl remunemlvn now demand ed by playzu thin league Atlanta Richmond In quylg hWins um um re ay City Falcon Hockey Club Ind It necessary to ruin our posllluns both individunlly and callecuvely mm sflfi It L1 with ref lhll we the prescrfn exefulyan flag Baa We would Ippreclm you would hlva he lollowlnl letter primed on your sport page Iddnued to ALL FANS OF THE BARRIE BAY CITY FM CONS HOCKEY CLUE To the Editor bill In bus In the Nation League We Covlnglan Philadelphia re gain the lead mm Dick am of SI Innis Cnvln onlamcd hm polnu to 851 ill IOVHI ram periormnnce whllo Grout ml wings ul with nix WIyne Canny Klaus Clty lho leader week an alumni as point to lhlrdpllca 33 had le mane In 27 II caps 511mm 05 comeback has mud Mm Into am when In the hu klnz competition In Anulu An ul Lean Wmm and Frank MI zone Boston In dud Iocked or top Wlmr moved up mm with plm wllh out lncreua whllo netting hill in 23 Illemplx Muzonal IVfllKl mined the suma 5150 had elzhmohu READERS WRITE Fox dipped under 310 the us lhm your liter hitting 30 In nanthe eu he won lhl MVP Ind the MM sax captured um Ha hu billed 50 or otterIn llx mm WI Sax mm mm mm 10 The WINE mend buo mln boosted Ml avenue to 311 In Int wukl mm by collect In 11 umlu 31 yin 381 NEW YORK AmNellie Fox Chicago White Sax abuwd hltler considered over the hlll by name baseball upem ll showln the bntunz farm that helped blm yvln ha American lanzual most valuable player I1er lgur yang an Nellis Poi Lifts Average TO 321 Jun 1985 Hard Womr nolched hla Hm victory Illor In detail Jackwnvlfll Ind BynLuu Tm Chleu had runnm on In Ind lhlrd Wllh om In 10 um mm but Ihl Bun turned hunt lulu mum lnl douhlu pm Arhnm Itored Ill mm In lho Hut lwn kmlnn upl In on mm Ilnilu And our walk all two Toronla hur lm lllchlu Allan drnn In hm hlvolm mm In UII Hm Ind mvnd lnnlnu Columbus look 50 lead over Bullnlo nfln lwo lnnlnu but the 11mm bounced hick win In ed Jdl erv Throw berryl lwodun homer in II mm Ned lhc Imru II mu ltd 71ln the nlnlh hul nlrnneblrry and lb wInnlnl run an Chm Cannlmml nul llco ny Richmond ballm chmd Indllm Herb Score 1mm ha mound In lho lhlni Innlnz Ind lha Van Inlllcd their lhm mm In tho Illlh on flu hlu Pedro Gonnlu Illppcd twu home mm or nlchmand In In nlzhh up CORPORATION DUNIKW IT Ind Arkmu Irlvuleu bent ananla Maplo Leah Dob Tellennuer cnma lo the relief Mllnll hurlerl In balh gan nnd claimed he vlclury ma um mnluL ellgal scorn Your very Lrnly BARRIE HAY CITY FALCONS uocxzv own DHI Donnell Don Caulsnn We sincerely hnpomt 1omc interested pnrly will come or wani to provide the City ol Ban rle with rnpmenlullvc hockey club be It Scnlor Junior Inter medlnle or my calegory wor lhy In allpr whlch la Ill Important requirement win he Iund muda avallabla to us lhrouzh the draw Ihnt we were able to car ry on lhmuzhtha season when our llama crowd were very poor ind that wn um enduvurlm clear ma deflclu In lensonl operations WE CERTAINLY WANT TO POINT OUT THAT THE BOOS TER CLUB DRAWS WILL CONV TINUE on the Mn week or EVERY MONTH usunl mn cludInu In October ol th1 year wIth the narmnl monthly drawn and the GRAND PRIZE DRAW FOR $1000 her of mu Eoosber Club Draw wllhuul whose Karflclpatlan the openllun of hockey club lust nelson would has been lmposalhlm macanf wllfisa The Anzals Wigner and Min nuntao Bob Allison no dead Iocked ar the American League human lend Each he 13 Wfgner head the circuit In RBI Hank mm or Milwaukee Ilammcd two home run and lined III lendinl um lo 10 Felipe Alou San Francisco tuck over Ihe mnxhatledn Ind wllh 89 He had men 831 In weak am White of St Louis inomed from ninth place lolhlrd Ho lacked 15 Donna onto hi Ivar Afia by callectlng hlll In 22 lugs 455 pace Ken Robertson NELLIE FOX LIMITID Hob erfll animal IucuI mun Ioln Illolen nunApartm Dull morn lo llkMu sloth Billlmurt Doublu Vcrnllu Mlnno Ioll 10 1mm lllnlm Wuhllll Mallona no Wagner Camoy IC Rablnwn Ch Knllm Dnl slrlhouuDryndnle Lox An Kclu 00 Homo nunsH Anra wnukec 16 stolen murRoblnso dnnnll ll PllchlnlODell Sln chm l0 Looo an IE ll 61 1M 13 47 351 IN 30 73 HI 110 3D 69 319 19135 63 325 197 21 310 RunsFlood 5L laull 47 Run lmlzd lnF Alou Sun Frnndsco IllaOmit 73 DonhluCepeda 1L NpluDrock and Wlllllml Chlcaxa Skinner Clnclnnall Ind Flood Allion By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS my KC 10 II 55 lnwll CM 1712 321 DB 17 ll 51 Jul nunIAlllm Mlnnuou mm mm bWunu M4 lIIuIunon 1m Armin Barker and Wexlbmako fellalcrad lwn Ml each for rum Crecmnro Hounhtona Ihm Mu chEd Utophl muck Dabxan and Dunn each ricked pnlr 01 the clubs nne nklu Lowden slatted on lhe mound or Ulunla but was replaced by Wardle In file flflh McMullen and Blanchard Ihared the pitch In chum or Creamore Blnn chard llklnz over In In fourth Creemoro battled back with single run In tho lam1h and two more In the lmhtolle lhomre but Utopia rallied for another pal In the mm to tuck ha vlb tary Iway Utopia scum nil ii run in lilo third and Iixih inninn insured 54 victory over Cree more In the South Simcae Hm baii League Saturdny at Cree mm Cmmoru grabbed lead in the in inning but Ulapin pulltd ahead with ihm rum in tha lhird one oi than bales empLy homer by Dunn In Iho Intermediate loam Lakavlew Dairy Ind Cllrkson Hotel me In Ichednled gums ll Shem Park BALI LEADERS The iadiu kick oi their son Queenn with double imdgr Varcou meet Juvenile in the Ira whila Newmnrke an Monarch clash in he sec on in nnior ICUDII Barrio Plaza put In undefined retard on the line when they traval to Ed gar or game than Barrie le lead the loop with 30 record Utopia Posts 53 Victory Over Creemore Theral planly northu action tonight with men on up in the Indian Hitler and Intermo dma 10mm supelb relic plechlnx by Don Dyluln Flt Wnnamnkerl twonnhnmer and bMMhhk In catch Gary nlnkl clutch hk um Ileldlnz am by Nick Owen were the mum last night Sanior 50mm lulu Ame at Queenn Pnrk True Victory over $6335 Four Softball Games On Tap For Tonight Amerlun StewartsBdw 32 To Egyglpve In Thriller nunIH Aaron Mll murRoblnson Cn Pd 47 351 Fun AM mm or now mllnl on Ihu alumna from Gen umunun wha pitched up In nhIIrAy Elmo um um buwun lhl and lbs 05 Truck and Field Fedomlon lhl hnell ECAC tammlt Iloner Ild hll mu want In Ilhlelu lo rompclo MU thumplomhipl but wo wnnl mm to do to under procedure ulnblllhed ll Rem llallom mm In lnrth wlh Gemn Hymn IM1412 VIS In Cnlllomlu Ihm wm Ind nllonl lha pawnu ml Slx Conlerenu would allow lull Ind Paylnn Jordan who will calch ha v5 um said he move mum clncel lhl lrlv Mulcaw The Limit can conlmnce in US Ihu Enalern Cone Alhlcuc Conference ruled Mon day um nlhmu Ihould no tnmpcu In the Nlllanal Amn eur Alhleflc Unlon truck cham plamhipsM St Lou June 11 22whm lhv us tum lnr Hunt fill his plckcd NEW YORK APlTho Wu or contra mark and fluid In lhu Unllod Slnlol expladrd new today with he us urn thnl wlll oppma the Ruulunl In Mnr cow In July cnuih Iqumlyln he lullout Just how lmprualva MacDon lldl lmnarormnuon it became uvlden when MI ion compared with Ilotul yrodue Hon in uven previous par lIl or lull lemns In In NHL BEAT DRILLON MARK urpnueq lulplllllfl 60226 Drfilonl lamn record on to mnko MacDonald Cu Ill huh Ml In It He referred lo cenlru Alcx Dolvccchlo and 11th winger Gardla Howe MI male on lorward Ilna that Icoer 91 min Ilmou hall the Red WI aqn totallof 3W ma pln In on Mum line and on uwer plan mred few no and at my confidence And you couldnt hm beuer leflow than Alex an Gary Track Field War In US Continues Confidence did ll laid ha I75pqund native of lhi mel roduclnz city In an Interview ulween fishing trips lhu aka up much his time In the mm With the pleas oi surgical drill gone mm houidcr and playing with hlxh mda linemales tho illyum lei winner emerged mm an up anddown cliur to are goals during lha anionni Hock Ilgaluecnsuny By IAN DDNALDSON SYDNEY NS CF wr zean remnvgd llttlo ecu steel and elrolk Wing found the rim group lhernpy Rgsult nuw Parker MacDon Ild an left It the lecond luned Inlotha air to haul In In drlva which wmfld undoubtedly havc gone for ham run Ind Med McClqu ey fed oi the £1th with mum blue to Ian light miller mgd his mun quw MI in Wlnlmlkor Ind mien raided gretu hora Dyanra time In In mum Inner Rlck Gmh In III III InnInz wIIh on out the bales landed and 24 count on George Falcnnan DthIAl flm pIIch was ball Inr mum IIlen In settled down In mm but Fllcnner Ind Pete McCloskey Io minht Ida He had no Imuble over the am Imminnlnu uho didnt allow New RedWings Star Giyes subcess Farmula The lourplaym mumbled Ill penlam with Truelova had they pmvlded turnnnl Inn with plenty of Izhfllll flglfl BPDI Game to move lnlnl He lar um pm with Idll BIHII Pla College alhlellc dircclnn In lhu am Immndlntely 1d lllcy waula camnly WIUI the ECAC nquut and pull Ihclr nthlcm oul MU mectl Includinl lhn an York Alhkllc Cluh lumen nexl sulurday Plnky Sober Illomny nr lha MU uld 1h cdcrnllon II wreck lhc MU Ind NI cluhl van to lho axlenl dcclmnllnl It UL lum ualml fluull And My hope lnr Inn to may an clnlm Um MU touhlnl flcld proper Icnm nanlnll Hunln ThéAAu conlend um dun uncllon nnd lately re uuL Tho men llmu cnmo when Ellian Coleus Alhlullc Conlcrenca ruvumd Ila Held Ind ktd Ill member Io stay an MU chumplomhlfl un lm the MU ukl Ihe adm llnn arAggncllnm group Iponwrud by lhu Nullonal Callenmc Mhlnllc Alsoclnunn ngvmm gum Dmiila km Parker any MI career hczn Ila upward turn when inch lnnl piece of Ilael Ian doctor operating am aged nhnuIdar wn removed Ileelhad chafpd lheAlhaul unm dér muscle caullng am and many qwlgwnrd or Mac the What mung Marlllmer In xlnzlu NHL mm act lhnt wu recounlud when he wu hunnnd lhla Iprinz hi mauve Nova Scolhn mnlrlbul in lmoi won on national EVE Slawml ed In lho up of the third but any Think came through with wow Ilnzlo In tho 0le hall of he Inning Ia drive In Georg Chan and lhn¢wu the end 01 the Marin lollf gvenjnz presence felt from lho mart Flm man In the Tmlove bub ung ordor he mm dw blu to let to um the bottom of the um lnnlnl He didnt um but In tho mend with one mate aboard he domed another drlva to lot Ind this limo went for 1h circuit me am Melon 24 lead IDOAR oumlo th lom was thacalch of the mam jméaln lhe nlmh Jlm Bert ram led on and lined one which looked like It would dyop In be hind own at thorium But Owen backmddled andmade beauty of well PAI STARTS FAST Pat Wanamaker made Ma finance felt from lho nan WINDQW NEEDS SIDESLIDE 293 221° ron mu mum mmovr onudmon on mm had plepty of ob PARKER MICDDNALD ercnuwna ALUMINUM SIDESLIDE DoUuLl HUNG SEALED UNIT Wooan anm PHONE US Gordie alwm 11min lhlnnl am he uyI Duplla lhu prnlu however MAcDonnXd lhe Int lo Id ml IIIt being on ha mm In awe make lremtndoul dlflerunu need relulnr Iurn on he llal zul one the but Ihou lnrlhe league Parker could alwayl min by hll by hi Danny Galllvnn nnnlher 0w Breton nallvo who bmndcuu Montreal Canadienn Iddl MI amen Nobody carries anybody In Ml leuuuc Palku ll Ihlfly II way danxcrnul He rtmlndl me of Camilla Henry ha Muh scorlnz mnxcr lorwnrd when Iround 1113 not Ha belong rlrhl when he II In nan IEMDM Howe hu ur rlcd more than one llnemm and the Inclination in to 5mm lhat this might hive been Illa case with MacDonald But no less Ill authority thin Doug mrvoy the Naw York dams man any definitely the can They hava to watch that Gardlo all ha lime and hi given ma npenlnu MacDonlld says Then when mm mrlng law they had to watch me close and Gardlo would let open and you knnw what hit means HQLDS Is OWN But wasnt until lraInInl camp has all lhnl lha break began to go his way In lht thlrd game of areseason ex Mbmon luur Coach Syd Abel put hIm on line with How and Delvzcchio Parker mmd scoring that night and lhayvu bleen together line ever nu Original the nroperty Tar onlu Mupe Lenin MneDonnid Eiayed briefly wlih New York angers beiore being picked up on waiver by Red Wings in 1960 for £20000i Lei UI algrk Your lcfvl Cumplzu hunt End llupemlon Ovulmu Ni Wheel Mlmmnl Whul ulnclnl PM Abmhu Anu Dykslra laak ovu In the mm only lwn Stewmt bulim Falconer Ind McClai key manngcd to lhn ball out ma Infield TAKEOEARE WINTER WEAR Groh nfler MIAInn Slawma In order In the am lnnInl Wu In hot water unlII Dykfln cum on In the IIIth Ila was Iorwm ate In escape with only one run alaImI hIm In the xgcond whan Stewartn pIcked up double mils and two wnlkn Stewnrll Ind Ihree mnxecuuvn xlnglu In the second but managed only and run partunluo In the Hut III 10 mm nay Ielt the hu londed twintwo on In Inoflllr mme ind Ilnzle runner strun ded In the other two tnnlnu Stewrm vltcher Butch Boyd had cantrol trouble at time but lImlted Twelova to our mu holding them to one hit over tho last Hve lnnlnzl But he walked le batten and hit two nlhm MURDOCK ronomo 31 PA 81202 FA mm HARRY

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