Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1963, p. 3

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A11 Signs or Barrielf job you Itarted wlllibe carried Barrie wlll get new YM YWCA buildin even though the $475000 bu ldtng tund cam pédgn has not yet been reach At last nights victory din ner it don Greer cam palgn chairman announced that 01091050 had been pledged through the eiiorts oi 50 teams and ssmemberspeolal names committee TOP OBJECTIVE Eugene Milne teams chair man said that the teams ovar Ihot their ective oi 390000 by thrown citizens at Bar rie hav responded tremendous 1y he said Bob Harris chairmanoi the special names committee an nounced that he had received total at $221406 in pledges and added that an extralioo000 could be counted to come irom Industry Barrie Mayor Les Cooke said the city sends congratulations to all campaign workers Im Nntldcnt that the remainder oi the money will come soon no Is True Victory Dinner out by Russ Davey Ursula Hoehner and other olilcisis and you undotibtcdly gain sense at satistaction or havin accomplished truly wonderi thing beginning his statements in tow voice Mayor Cooke rose to an almost ecstatic pitch as he said You will get the new building ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE Alterth dinner the Mayor told the pressi have absolute caniidonca that those who have not rendered their pledges will do so very soon cant speak too highly of the worthiness at tho eampalgners eitorts Their results will have long lasting citec on Barrie Ha said the work done by the campaigners gives us sense of pride to live In community so public spirited as to recog hire the need and to act so wlllInglyI lie sold the citizens oi Barrie responded marvelously in this the largest major building iund undertaken In Barries history All otiIcIIIs who were asked to speak lauded the public res ponsI to thaappeal Russ Davey executive tor the warned that this cam lgn would be tor nothing ll the tortheondag United Appeal cam paign Is not success We must not target the importance oi the United Appeal lt inst Isnt the or any other grouptts the community Mr Davey urged that those who will be asked to work ior use United Appeal do so willing ly and with spirit He added that what the de clsion wasmads to hold the building tund campaign Wa requested you to go out and get us better tools to work with and you have done just that pledge that Ursula lloehner our leaders and myan will take the result oi your work and usa It to your satisiactlon in Barrie Bob Babblngton campaign di rector sald The goal was large tor the citizens and irom the response indicated see that usrrteites went the and they are behind it For Campaigners ieeling oi tenseness excite ment and happiness permeated the atmosphere at the Contin ental lnnlast night as over 100 campaign workers In the YM YWCA building iund gathered for their last report meeting and victory dinner The campaign which began May its got all to slow start but as each report meeting went by generally optimistic viewpoint grew among the work ers FAITII IN PURLIC litany workers said they per haps knew the total wouldnt be reached by last night but they wero all llrm In their belici that the citizens oi Harrie would Lar ry through successfully in the public appeal lor $00000 And the public did respond generously and warmheartedly said Eugene Mllne teams chrir man to the tone at tel W10 The lions ailllra at the ms 000 goal which was 3385000 was to be raised by special names clammittee hcnvdcu by Bob liar lie reported an amount at BROWN CIIATTING with EC ii West trctJ who enrolled him Into the CAR Is FL it Cutting oi IICAE $227400 pledged and expressed strong letling thatanotner 00000 can soon be expected irom business and industry litr littlno expressed his grst ltude to all Earrieitea Ior their wholchoarted participation and to the over X00 workers who donated thru time to canvass Our teams dissolve tonight but this isnt the end OPTIMISTIC Although the total amount had not been reached only optimis tic views were shared by every one at the meetlng Russ Davey executive dreetr at the said it Is going to be very close race to boat the trust At the start thc campaign on eratcd under special names committee and the teams organ Ization each with goal The tennis organtsatlon coh aistcd at two sections under John Winchester and Mac Fendlcy iriendly competition soon emerged from their rela tionship as each sought to prod uce more than the other thn hlr Winchesters sec tion Ilnally came In ilrst with total at trauma compared ststlon Edgar right The oc casion was mess dinner In honor at Cuttlngs retire mrnt RCIIF Edgar PRO Retires litter 21 Years Fliflst Lieutenant it tilotsi Culling retired irom the CAP Iiler It years at service IL Cutting lnllsitd In the RC AF In September mo lie re rclvcd pilot training and sorted ntrrsoas with Number it Fight rr undron lie was awnrdrd the llslingulshcd Flying Cross ior gallantry In action In it Discharged In IN FI Cutting revcnilstrd In tho lICAF in April mt as Fighter Controller and has served on several Alrcratt Dualoo It East Of Service Control and Warning Units since that time Its came to Station Edgar In April tool and was assigned to the 3rd Ottawa NORAD Rector lloadqunrtcrs there As part oi his duties at Edgar he was rmployrd as unit Public licla tions Olilrcr il Cutting was horn and ed ncntcd In Windsor III II marv rlrd to tho lorrner Ollvo May htono oi Windsor and they have thrra rIitldrrn Fl and Mrs Cutt Ins wlll matte their home In Hamilton to Mr Fendloys can mark litr Fendley said Well some one had to push the leader to get there and we did it Each section consisted at live divleons oi Ive slxmnn teams Each team member had $300 goal to reacts and man work ers obtained twice on three times that amount The teams had goal at suit each while the divisions set their mark on the $9000 itsure Man ol them reached their respec Ive objectives One at the workers was over heard as saying Tins compelli tions are ovor among ourselves but it looks pretty good as Ile yrxbbed another worker in tha And that concluded to days at hectic public compatgnsng Missionary To Speak Tomorrow Rev John McBride mission ary to Kenya East Airica with the Pentecostal Assemblies at Canada will be guest speaker Wednesday evening at eight clock in the Betth Pentecostal Church Muteester street Mr McBride with his wile and tour children remained to Kenya during the entire iiiau Mau uprising oi terrorism and massacre Their miraculous del Iversncrs irom the iansilcsl Man liiau who again and again made attempts upon their lives reads like page irom modern book at Acts Mr McBride will be relating some oi these experiences Wed nesdsy night as well as giving survey oi ths country at Km yI both irom the political and spiritual points oi view its will also give his exper Ienced opinion at the recent pol Itical up eaval when Jomo Kea yatta organizer and leader oi the liiau Mau cult became Prime Minister oi Kenya The mum is open to the public Rev tilnlts la Pastor oi Bethel Pentecostal Church Perfect iIt Is the most important element Incrcattn manno matter WY clorI nnso that you more caution use and good Iiow much you or what style you choose your tee fnust be made to suit Mr Greer then iurncd the gavel over to Gordon Patten son YMYWCA Board president Mr Patterson said real pleIsuro to say thank you assure you new bu lag will be erected But when The number oi things to do belore turning the sod he said Enumeratlng lterns prelim ary to construction he said the remainder oi the money would haveto comevln be reviewed by the board to determine ex actly how much it has and then the boetd would review lI to determine the building ts architect or architects will be hired and plans put out to tendch START IN FALL when will the sod turning be We ho that by the IIll oi as well that and occupy the building in 1001 Mr Patterson added thattha campaign workers and the pub llc will be iniormcd by press radio and television as to the remainder ot the load and when It arrives Motorcycle HIISVSIINI Two Scraped two Barrie youths esca ed serious injury last night ea Iho motorcycle they were rid lng skidde out at control on Dunlop street east near Barony Drlan lncson 23 129 Sunnt auiicred scrapes on his leit arm and both knees and his paseen ger JohnPatrick Murdock It oi 50 Mary street also received scrapes to his left arm and lsnees The vehicle owned by Larry Leonor 15s Owen St received about $200 damage No charges were laid DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Vatican City Pope John XXIII It spiritual leader at 500000000 Roman catholics ol stomach tumor complicated by peritonitis Part Coihorne Oat Capt Robert Scott Misener as presi dent and general manager oi Colonial Steamship Lines QuebekMrs Lucien Cliche It wlie oi Quebecs lands and ioresta minister iirld 80 iormer president oi the Maritime Telegraph Ind Tele phone Company Fredericton Fraser Windslow as dean oi the legal proicssion In New Brunswick Oskvulc OntFrederick Farrow 50 who supervised the carving oi the stone work at the Parliament Buildings and the Peace Tower to Otto Port ol Ila trln dCecli Mellon et deputy altar tor the Trinidad and obago Iiauso oi Representatives Ottawa Melville Seabmoke Ritchie 0h secretary treasurer oi the Ottawa Valley Milk Pro duccrs Association holsltlvlerrs Que Albert Quinty 61 lather at JeanPaul Quinty night news editor tor the Quebec City newsg era LEv encmcnt and Lo all and at Lucian Oulnty reporter with La Solei In an automobile Ic eident hndsaNssim Ilikmet 0t regardcd Is one ot the greatest contemporary TurkLIh poets For you alone wetlsircned vlil Ito sure of areas lialltax lamcs llanry Win dele Rd driver at the cycle Once that to done then an Fans sr DAVEY prest dent ot the Ys lilenottes Club oi Barrie and Dr Bill noes navav executive at reetor oi the YMYWCA thanked the public ior its Shrine Circus Has Periormcrs Evans president the Ben YWCA $475000 building enter on pledge card designed it rte Ys Mens Club presented $0000 cheque to the YM rcsponso to the 3475000 building iund campaign at last nights victory dinner From From till KraundTheGlobe Periormera irom almost every country in North and South Am crlca and many irom Europe are stars tn the 17 product on numbers In the twohous show The Clyde Brothers Circus largest at Its kind in the world will be here tomorrow at MO and 015 pm at Barrie Arms First pcriormcrs lending the circus Its international ilair are the Carlos Twins Acrobatic litar vets The Kolossy irou Ilun garlul Iceterboard Artsts are bringing their not to America or the iirst time From go Colombia coms perhaps the top act and certainly tho most dangerous oi the entire show All six members oi the Great Davltsn Troupe are Colombians They are not mem bers oi one iamlly but studied together in their native country and then pleased lItbusands In Sculls America bcioro iolnlng Clyde Brothers The Domah irlo wire walk ers supreme come irom Ger many Gill and Urssda phon appearance We pride ourselves on our ability to help you chemo from our wide selection at styles and fabrics suit coat Iaiinmi by that will always be just right tor you alone achct or outer tamn Cook For MIN and BOYS PA 01500 omenaliugglers are irom Eng land ion anueda and Roe Ro mas are irom Panama and the third member In their Cloud Swing Act Luis Murrllto Is irom Chile Other countries re resented in the international rol cell are Cube Alaska Scotland Francefi Brasll Saudi Arabia Switscr land italy Mexico and the United States Together thoy combine their talents In presenting the most exciting two hours at circus pert iormanccs Early this year In Shrine Circus highwire periormcr was killed when he tell Irom the high wire to the ground he neath him palgn and last night They are holding the giant canvass utilised the on are Eidod Greer campaign chairman iiir Da vey Ilsrry Armstrong co chairman oi the campaign This hasnt been deterrent though to the six members oi the Great Davllan Troupe star periormera in the Clyde Brothers Circus the occasion Eugene Milne teams chain man and Rev Skai CDIIEI Street United Church Examiner Photos ARE MIGHTY FALLS Airlcal wiootjhigh VIClbrIa Falls are twice as high and nearly double the width at NI sgara Falls FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE ON YOUR DDCIORS Rx FOR GLASSES FILLED CONSULT NOEL STEPHENSON RO OPTOMETRIST AT Stephansons Jewellers and Optometrists FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE PA Hm Heres how three more BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS Wish you routine some business eves the phone Swimming to answer rs evstonms mm to PUSIIEUTTOII PHONES Asla tun my Mom noes mag who can use or your WNNKIIINMIuiiI an two three at my to In mm mm when you In has me all an at lniasraatlen soot rs MIMI It Is hug IMi III IM Ion lime Ind IM CM as sasstsa Ina teamIra Innate customs sattstsetten Iilttluhbtfllltml mamaMmmtammwmm WMIMuwMeMkaMpmHWWMMrslvlldgl Lost the plantain1W Nest 1M Instantanean InsI Csnlflmlthobanvsl moneys IIEllIIOV the cum mtua that stem gm Its mm My New on the mrrqmlsmwttlw evict thi team turn aura sons Irma some mated torMuttmmum nosaims snowing mm um ram Mom at sotts me will mutat taa smartest tlttte menu It now plants or Iaitltmlm DUNLOP EAST BARBIE ONT tealno sotsummon Nude LIth olikh MAM lint overhead mu Its IIIIANCII OFFICE SERVICE glm you total tslsnhons one directory sum in Motton locationsahmam omnivorousmoms In as Inough la IMIIIII ems not my an It you Mt call MM tor mm mm IM but INN MI billion third Drench Once We to set Me on Mottn lair not Itaiiaiu Mn Mums ballot arm iestlr wider service Bang CWM our births

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