Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1963, p. 2

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Chvmlul PIN um In Tlrn Alhnhl Mum Axum Alumlnlu ul MmL mu ol NI mm 71 Mm Menu mm mm mm mm In rm mm hp ran umlm ran JunI fray 11w commnnl was volunteered by ynulh wllh Inunhlnl eyu Ind In onlnmnllc Imlle nnly par Hilly obscured by largo hnl do demraltd wllh mlnr uhnma nl vlalcnl lum Mm prnmnlly dlsnnpcnnd hack Inlu lhu lineup lnr Inulhtr Dle mch Inn 101 Mr Cadcl Squndmn worn lho mm Wlna the RCA AI Anclnllnn erl hcr nwn ochm 13 Hull mmunl Hrld dny held nl Sprlnzwulrr lnrk lml nlzm he lldlll nrrlvrd In wk It 730 lurn In llmlr unlrmmn And hrnln wild nml woolly mm uoflhnfl with 20 mm lo aide Sumo cndm dlxnpprnh lulu lhn wand lo npprcclnla And wnuldnl yuu Imam ll ynu had ynur tnll leather pluck Id Th convennuon Ilopper name In rcply lo lhe Innocent common mm on of the pen cotkl Irnmrd Io bu mnklng HEM dull ol nolne Automallnn hal crcaled lime vacuum lha llvcn of you peopl Ihn must be remcdle by conslructlvu work Home Jun snld Fishun dlreclor ol the Barrio Dlslrlct Collegiate Band at the Kempenlell Kiwan 15 Club luncheon yesterday Tadaya youngslm lack the mullal mks that war Um can Ha laid Tho problems our youth lacs lodny are nothing llkalha Problems faced in the past Mr Fisher new that ynuth 01 MI def clamorcd for educa tlon wh oh the governments couldnl provide lust enouxh Today now thnk ll helm grnvlded In abundanca also lng Impaled nn Ihe youth This ll neuntlve amtude he nkL BULL CONFORMITY In our ngrams we have ex cellan nth uric development pro grams but one lhlng strike In the way we are trying to Ill up tha vacuum were scl filnx Inm dull conformity Relenan In Ihevacuum he mnsislcntly menlloned Mr Fisher spake his ynung days when III was getting into possiblk trouble my dad had waadshed wllh law or grass lo cut or dlshu to wash or driveway to shovel Hu added that the youth today can mnw the lawn but 11 does it wllh power mow on crn Im nu uu an M4 nnmok III to In mmmu Mu My Hurt II III non Mum fining mtg Ill MR CADET from am 101 Squadron enjoy hot dog durln nn oullnx at Spring wnler Park In nluhl Th9 Cldeh viewed mm ho YOungsters Needwork To Fill TimeVaéuum Cadets Can Eat With The Best nm rumpllm TODAYS STOCK PRICES IA Olly Uh ui ifi ml mm Ami cm In nu rm iii ll Dunlap IL Er fllnla NI ll 7M mm film Ilum IL mm mm Hum an lhm Mln my in In In An Irarm lnlu Nlml my mum nIum rm lmlvy cm mum Mu For My Mum nu Hymn um qu mm mm All Arm Anon um 1mm mu MumTa 11 INDUIYIIAL unmm Apart from he pcnmck And one cndul who cndcd up In lhl pool thorn wm no Iunher ualllu rcporlnd Samoan lmldlcd the p11 fills wlndqw Allmdull llndwum mmnumo lm nlghl or any thI rnarnlnl and mndopfl wllh 325 cuh rum ho Wu Plan New the wlldllre Olhm Ilood Iround lha lroul pool mulnx the rel aliva lulu 01 um And wild mm City polka Mld plan lumber wnl mm In hrenk lhn gins Condnhlo Km McKenzie Inmumlnn 0w abuxulfan to Ihu pupil when teach They are the In dlvldunls who own Though ha Iald ha wasnt knackmx ad maul he stressed we cant lose sight of the fnc Itudunts nrelndlvldualp and ma develop ludlvlduullnm we can do more good or west em cIlelaflon and It way of ille ghcn plowlnl or riches ans TRY 10 BUILD Speaking about lhc Centre Collegian Band Mr Fisher Mid Wu try to bulld music armnlzallon In the schools Thin program which qllflhfl llve and demandlng and In which many hour at constant Vth to 39 52° ML Fisher classified muslc languaue hard lo learn an Lalln or Greek am pauper in this field he said nd the more learn the mat er aspect gnn In le He urged underxlahhlna muslc and more patience In that mild be apprechled or what T60 oflen we pm buunn hear some the males malt and than we expect the name uuminll And now It youra lhlnk Ina mini youthl time use It W9 He warned that Iomqllmes ¢leanon creates somelhlnz good in one hand and destroy an the other becausa we ex MUM Takes Cash From Store hlrds and unlmah and also pnnlclpltcd In ball xnme One cadet had an impromptu nwfim In an of the fish ponds Member In It rllhl in I7 rm um um Mom Con um rm rum rm mu Mum mm rm hrvnom run 1m MI Tun mm mm wnm mw hnul Mannll IMO IM 135i Synole lhO Issaclnlcd wllh east coast dixlurhnnco mowd nonhwnrd in Lake Erin lnla Mandny bu the rnln hnl liven llllla Indlullon Ipmdlnz lnlo Ioulhem 0n larlo Sunny and tnnllnuln unrm wcnher ll uncut or Wednesday In ccnlrnl Ind IOUUI wzslcrn Onlnrlo Found Tlmprulum lvnw lanllhl hlxh Wrdnndly Wlmlmr Thom London Kllchmer an Mount Farm 55 Wlnghum II lllmmon as Kl Clllurln In Tnmnlo IL lnlubom In Trrnlnn KillInc an Munkokn North by fludhury Enrllnn no hull 510 Knpunkulnl 70 WW lllnr Human Tlmminl so Forum Inued by Top anlo wenlher nlflu Al am Windsor London mmlll Tomnlo Lake St Clnlr Ll Humn Lulu Ontario Lulu Eric Nlnum Mnlnly lunny and Winn Wednmdny wlnds Mxhl 0cculnnn light uln In mm arm Innlxhl Hullhurlnn um roulom 51qu Elm Marla Wtdnudny mnlnly lunny Ind not much chum 1n ltmprl lure wlqu Mxhl 11m Hum Genrainn my Vnnnhlo mnlnly cmlcrly wlmll lo 11 an Mgomlngflmlqu unummurly tnhiifll in Eoujonlgh Nunh II budlmry Thumb Iml Cochnnn rellonn Mnlnly sunny Ind wnrm Wtdncdly Mndl Ilzhl Tho octet consisting of Don Ramsay and Chrlsten Ember son obalsts Joan Roblnson and Heather Mchvtn French horns Brian Henry and Susan Bodlerl humans and Carolyn Plle and More Kramer clnrlnets played wo movements lrnm the Seren ade ln Flat by Mozart far youth concern ed and this particular bnnd thu Klwnnl CM Harris has prob ably don the ms or It com plamenllnl he work dune by 151 nlggnluuqns Mr Flsher nld some he arlzlnm Innrumentl in the band In these who couldnt allard them came mm Kiwanlana He said lhalthls parllculnr acumen or musical Instrucllon was but one of the way In which lhl lime vacuum mated byl push button nae cnuld be ed KIWANIS HELPS xmm uur small communiou Ha Id this just wunl done Mr Fisher presented an 0cm mm the mud membm con alsunn Vol two ubolsts Wm French horns Iwo human and two clarlnm murlcql arrangement dale back In the time Fred erick the Great 15 hard or me to gather bmdl or your inc dlvldual entertainments For such entertainment must weed out than Instrument and resort lo the more alurdy and louderones buck Pal Boissmneaull Jdn Saulnler Ind BNEE Lang muir Fran row Hen Davi son and Pnul Imam Exam iner Photo Mu uni dunm nmnlllu nut upmlnllnl lumhlwl minimum In flu Illnll Ind Orlllll um Naw mum ra dlo dhpInnhlw unblnod wllh our popullr bum load pmdum mm lumean moneymum Orou urnlnu mm lo woer mmlh lor rl mm no lnmunm mulr or now Mr es menhnndlu and won out for nwulnlrmnl phom wind Mr Jmh Caullnzn II In Barrlc lnkny Mm Tundny Wain My Ind nmrrhy Mum la AM pm member Tunum Helm umlneu mm In mm at Comnmrt Ind nmlnm IM hmum Imam nanvino WEATHER FRANCHISE rah Twenty appllcanls are sought or he 1m valuable lrnlnml program Applicants must be he lwcen the an pnd 55 asses In Hm ald atreuhcr echnlques debris lunnelllng ilre lighting use ladders construction use mime holsla Jack and oxy ncgl oqulpmenQ Applicationscm be made It EMO hmdqunrlerl In the County Bulldnx or phone PA mom STAYNER sum Town Council couldfl pasl up this chance nu he Fedenl Government It Monday nllhll mmlng Someona naked whm Imer boxu Ire lo bl put up Irwnd town SinAme Barr Emergency Measures Organization ll begin um 22week rmuo lralnlnl course Thursday Classes wll starla 730 each at the Thur dag nights Emu the elecllon our member parlllmenl nld on would go up WI xummu In ALLISTON Bptrlll Th 51mm Cnunly Fldrrlunn Aurlmllun will nwnnflnl Icmlmhlm of mo ch lo lwo lhldmll nl 61mm Counly unt ulnl lho Hm ynr In dip lho Ontario lu lue guelphm Reeve Wllllum Mora was un lmpreswd The new lenllv Allan also promlsed to end d6 llcll Hnnnclnl he countered an on government la handing record dellcll my ahgad and get he ensign layner newspaper publisher Dave Philipps long Illpporler the enslgn purchue wn asked by councll oynnpply llsflcs on quality and can to tha Slnyner Lions Club in lime or meeting Thursdly night Some possiblmy exist for par ticipaflon by the Lions Club In 15an ha Haas council was 101 Kr mm mlmllurnl pruenlllln mlnded Inluruled Iludrnll um lhm mm Ihlpl In mm In unmuruo lultml Imonl mm mm In purtlcll Irma flfi Furfihnr lutumullnn II AMI mm mm emu hm or Iwm Dwulmln cl Airl runun Hln and IM llmmo ounly FedHan ol Aultull nu amro In llmll Mr Mr llmr uhl Tho Imble Is the naw Id mlnlstratlon In 0mm hm pro mixed new Canadian 13 within three years councillor Art Pool observed Wu dont want lo be at wllh 10 at abgolete STAYNER Slam Prim Minlsm Pearsona wed to provide naw anudlln flax wltMrr mm yam lulurend Monday night wlth Town Conn 011 plan or Slnyngrl plrllcl nation In Cnnndal centennlll colabrulnns In 1967 Council we lnlkhm about let Inz In supply at red ensign In us street dccornllqm or tho ccnlennlal Missing Mailbox Mystery lTIIE BARRIE EXAhfiNEB TUESDAY JUNE 24 1083 EMO Course Opens Thurs John 8mm Inn lcctpll chtqua at ILW tom Bhehn Shrlm Cluh pmldcnl Ken McAulcy Hm Mr 5mm chnlrmln ol lhl Colllnlc wood Genlrl and erlnc on $100 Awards Go To ORG Students Which Ilag Will ItFly SHRINERS GIVE AGAIN In lhnl cast well hm to Ike the minor up with mm Snclgrovz Innlhar counclllor qulppcd to or mild on re cent Saturday 1111th ho had seen Iron set of can double park ed an In the middle of the hlgh way The occupants were young people he said who were lust lnlkm lo each other from cu In car us end Maya Elmer DorL 1fcxplnlrmd It would havola be belara the elecflon that ha uld ll an counclllor commented We havent seen lIlm Ilnte Councillor Ark Paul added was old menlly um no mallbox lanhcomlnu that we wlll havo lo mlkb do will my past olllco Hunk lwo policemen should be on duly ovary Saturday night rr Elmer Dorlly lnld Hs army the honing around Ihal goes on on tha hick sheets when lhoso dolank know that the pullcemnn on duty over on the main meet DOUBLE PARKING Iliéuld be hnrdcr or lraublh maker lo keep track the pol STAYNER 5mm Young poop living up here on Sat urdn mghls look verbal heal lrilhlrom ann Councll Monday Allnao Anlnnlnl CBS mmlnl dlrrclor wn honored by NIllonIl Allnclnllnn or Amch lun Compourl and Cnnduclarl ior hll urvlcl Amlrlun mullc cu Tho money wlll no lo mrdl Ibo lumllhlnl ol th alrlu ward ha Colllnp wood huplul PEEL SECOND POLICEMBN NEEDED plul board In In mlddln II Chrlllle chllrmln II 10111on Sheba nu Clrv Workman dant cnniemplm too much roubla In demol lahlng lhu old new find on nontnu rnonnmwr ORGANIIATION PERSONALIZED INSURANCE SERVICE lulu II llmlc Saturday Horseplay Is Stayner Problem SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY HONOR MUBICMN INIUHANCI anllll WORKMEN SET PAST PACE IN DEMOLISHING FREIGHT SHED Hmllod Inolher huxlncss cauncll ap pointed Sluyner physlclun Dr Ives mu lawnl rap resenlallve In he Colllnzwood mqu Collulala Insulin Bonn Dr Ive wlll nerve out lha rust or um term or armor board member John Anio who reqeyllylrcslgncd Commenting an this request some counclllm luxgcslcd the May Ilaure was an exceptional rm and might be much lower Inns In llme For Ihll ru rnn council asked or mlle Bile Iahla cavcrlng Ihrecmonlh period to he Iludlcd bolero IlcdsInn was made on paying addlllonal mlluze APPOINTMENT Pool announced the prcmlum payments on new Insunncn pollcy wlll mm lnwn lo per year compared lo cam nl he pruvloul pollcy 1n Inrce He said mzludc ram and cler lrul worker Ind provide morn comprehensl coveyI Flre and pallce cummlllen chalrmnn Ken Kerr relayed request lrum pollen chlel Chur mnn Illa lha chlc mlluge paymenla or lrlv la Barrle and Colllnzwund He ran up 330 mlles In May Mr Kerr nld Ice both olflcm were on duty councll alt The mutton passed called or pnllca chlel Bob Chm man and his Ixslitant be on duty Saturday nightl durtnl June July and August Slne KM wnuld hrtng the pub Ice Assistant abovo the schedule hour he now works on parttlme basis will need ex tra my for lhe extra work colunclllor Don McIntyre was to When publlc work chairman Alllcr MAcDunIId mmd talk nbaul rand work ha convent lwn drlflcd Into my 01 Min dust on unpgwcd gold Mlynr Dorlly And Mr MacDon ald llkcd lhn ldu uan wood lacquer lrenlmenl they hld exnmlnrd an Slxlh mm Null wnnxa Towmhlp Mr Dorlly Iuld ll ODIVEI ha dual problem and 00 per ml ll chelpcr than ollllgg Sirhme meet Th1 Alonl with the old CNE allllon being don Away with In pro Thny llzun nu mo per mil Savings this Week at IDA Bayer Aspirin RAID House Garden Bug Klller Bomb 139 lISTERINE Antiseptic 98c size 89c OFF Insect Repellent 5oz bomb 139 123 Bond Ald 49c 51 lo 44c TAMIAXSICSlzo 47c DElSEY Bathroom Tissue twinpuokl 310r93c MISS ClAlROl ream Formula 185 size 169 SYlVANlA Floshbulbs M2 or AG 12 119 DODDSKldnoyPtlls 77c DOVE FIushubyos 109 slzo 99c TAT ANTTRAPS 25125118 31or66c Thu SPECIAL PRICES End Juno Council ulna passed mollou requiring new brand Inlcsman he messed licence on £100 per yznr unlll he mom within lhe uwn llmlu lie now liv lnu out at lawn council Wu 0ch mm um um anulll wllhduulp at my nu CANADA TRUST 4Nunuu IIII mm mm anulll ullhduulp CANADA NTRUST Uncut Flra chlol EL Culham was granted 50 by councll or en Isrtnlnmenl expense when Stuy ner play hnsl Jun 19 lo ISimeon County Mutual Aid mcclv nK 41 04 450N DEPOSITS Cnlmlmd mum ROAD REPORT men may road Ind meet by Mr MacDonald and ensklcel William Ainlie Coiling wnnd now blinl tinned into report iorm Ihe public works chairman said Ware wailing ur recommendations an the Ill vi culvert or John sircei ha mid So In over 400 yard of xrlv have been put out most cl It xolnx on Um Ire dual to be paved Mr MacDonald con llnued CnuncII was Ilsa told that haut 500 zlllons of oil have no lar hem applied the towns lruts for prime coal or all on street being preTmed or paving Mr Dorlly II vlda Bmle ruldmls with he completed wlthln month more park And parking 1pm Exlmlner Pholo Work on tha demolition II to lm Road 66 Dunlop llrnl HI Fonclang hm CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED ALLANDALE DRUGS LIMITED HARPERS PHARMACY Steele Street Public Schonl Ham and School AssadHun ll holding It annual barbecue ugly from 5I pzm Maryann ix wliébma to Join he tun Ind tut the cheh cook n2 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PKONEJA mu School Group Holds Baxbecue IOOI The Barrie Barbers Assoélatlon announc es that inurder for uniform prices to pre vail throughout the city the new $125 haircut which came In effect on May will revert to $100 com mcncing Immediately until further notice The Barrie Barbm Association announces the ngonlzlng delth of the 3125 haircut due to chronic disor der which In on the main meet About my Thu deceased croakcd June 1063 untll further nolIco EPITAPH NOTICE PA lIMJ PA M903 PA 407

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