ff Council Discusses Midnight Dancing By 165 George Parsons agreed with the innisiil police ohiei to pay the overtime salaries oi two constables lo be outside hll dnnce hoil no that he could on orato it from midnight to 230 nlm on Monday morning nil inn on holiday it looked thounh the old bylaw onocied over 15 year ago which re quired all dancing to cease at midnight and no dancing on Sundays would on broken Mr Parson also agreed that ha would keep order inside hll dance hall Councillor Torrens suggestedthat tho starting tlmo or the dance should be delayed hoii hour so thoro would be no need for pnlmns to lenv omo during the Sunday hours When lha manor am up or resolution from council Deputy Reeve Campbell lec onded by Councillor Todd mav ed that no change be allowed in tha presant regulations on Sunday night dances This was asked to he recorded vote tho result being that Councillors Torrens and Sawyer voted agnlnsl it When Reevo CnchA rune was required lo break the tie he did In providing another mollnn waa draiied which De puty Reeve Campbell clnlmed would not be legal ii won dir eclly opposed to tho motion passed Counclllor Torrqu next motion war that the by law be revised allowlng our holiday night dances annually providing the operators covered the costs of providlnz policing Reeve Codlrone asked that his INNISPIL NOTES eel lhesu operator need ha business he added Mr PalInns agreed that he would close In later than 230 or mm me later starllni hnnr was adopted was he way mailers stood alter Chlei Brown had told council that so or In his department was concerned his men would be on hand and the costs would not be debt to the township Ha intimated that perhaps when in the dance hall business might can to adopt the holiday opening which besi ha claimed would will up he crowds CHICAGO AP gmln loaders unlan was found Eullly clvll tonlempt nnd llncd $1000 In Us mum Court Monday or tallan la camply wllh he courts nnuboycan 1n jugcllop Local 413 of lhe Gmln Eleva Ior Flour nnd Feed Mill Work Union had been ordered Ins week In loud tho Cnnndlnn min Ihlp Howard Shaw The shnw owned nnd upended by Upper Laku Shlprng Umllcd Toronlo ha been Illllng ldIa or II wncka Chlcngn dock begamgol lubnr dispute Thu dllpule Involved in union llflllnllon Uupnr Lake crew The grnln unlnn local whlle no rnny l0 lha dvaulE reï¬ned In and um Ihl In show mlidnrlly wlth Son Inrm Inlornullonnl Unlon whlch had been Iup lnnlcd by In Cnnndlnn Mnrilma Unlon 1f aboard Upper Lakcl Judu John wl llallnml nlled rUrr lha Illa grnln lnndm Let your fingers do the walking Shop the town the easy Yellow Pages wayright at home Read the ads for facts on brand names and features range of services and store locations Shop the Yellow Pages way Union Boycotts Is Fined $1000 be let over unlll Ihe nexbmeek In of council ENDORSES 10 BIDEROAD F010Wlflll request made on motlon by Deputy Reeve Campbell ukan that the Bar rle and Dlrtrlot High School Board endorse the township in their effort to net Department of lehwoye mmlderetlon ot mnklnl 10 nlderond the next de velopment road in lnnlrlll motion won agreed on that the clerk should forward the copy of the letter In Much the board had expressed their approval ol the nuflutlon to the de partment wlth another request that lurther consideration be zlven to the request The town shlp had been odvlsed vemlly that the alderood would be more epproprlete In the hlgh weya plane as routhwordr through two townshlp this road was port of the better rand plane Ten Slderood mm the 8th llne to the townllne would open part at the townehlp without rand south of the 3rd not About names were on petition presented to council at their regular meeting on Mon day These ratepayers most 1y businessmen on the west aide oi the township asked that no nges in reduction ot lice irols in their part the township be made had been suggested by some members oi council in order to reduce the police budget The matter Iol levy which was the reason tor special meet ing between the council and the miles mmmisslwl stands as was No moiion to adopt the police budget was passed and it was stated that it allowed to stand the diiiorenue at about 52600 would appear as de iiclt in the end oi the year audits to police commission will be holding regular meet ing in lew deys and their an swer may be forthcoming then During the dllcusslon men tion Wu mado oi comparable costl oi other municipalities ior policinz and that ol lnnia Provlda duly refusal lo work was caudaly boycott and Issued an lnjuncllon prohibllinx tho uninn mm In lszirterlng wllh tha landing ho DW Thu Krnln loadm however mnllnncd ln rclusu to loud the Canadian mu and olllcm 01 he unlnn were ordered to np pour bcfnro us Dlslrlct Judas Jamel PalIan Monday an cvH contempt chum CALLED INDIVIDUAL MT Lawym or Jack Cannot presldcnl ol the local nrzued Ihnt member 01 015 local acted lndlvlduall ln relullnl to loud Ihe Shaw and that lho un lon had Irlcd to comply wllh lho tour nrder Judge Imnon rejected Iha unlon pl and nmmd lhn llnn The judge howcvcr re kcltd ho rcquul lawyer or ha Nnuonnl Labor Rtln tlonl Board III no he Il mncd for each day lhc Iondm canllnuo lo reluu la comply wllh the mun order olhér pollclnz and 011 Brown rollclnl and um lnnla Chit Brown wu asked to da suitable man In ha wnrn In constable or We lawns put to work whgn ilrï¬aa lei rieceiavaxymiy if park auperlntendml 11ml can would bej park expanse The Ire mcellnu retcpey er and council to plan or the Townle Field Day which elated or Saturday July 20 wlll take place on Wednesday June 11 pm ll hoped um everyone who he uny thlng to after for maklnz ml bluer and better Fleld Day wlll he on hand at tha meellnx Clerk Richard GM will lend ThursJune WATCH FOR THE VALUE PACKED EightPogo Summer 5qu Circular dellvu ed to your door featuring Icons of lowpvlcud llomx ior comma Iummor living SAVINGS In furniture pawar mowers upplluncu hardware and Ipoang goods PHONE PA 85983 EATONS ADVERTISEMENT WATCH TOMORROWS BARRIE EXAMINER Begins for Idlers to Anyone who my be lelnl to help In my mytulk In um may come Ind ouer qrgesthqa nnmn onal Brick and Rolllnz Pln Cnmmlllee has at the Internallonnl mmpemlonu to be held on same day and would provide pm the program providing thll some players comalorward won startpracllslnz DUMP SHELTER inwu decidécl that small bulldinu should ho bulk or pur dissed suitable llze In house the bulldozer acme dump wand mvlde place where the 0P crater may luv shelter Coun cillor Sawyer was named to lookuler I111 with the dump 11 Gun 51 PA um VIAU MOTORS llMlTED Whydontthey make Ears that fight yugt Ioglonger make brakes that wont fall avan with broken hydrauliclinammmastmumsm brake hava Iron and mr systems PM openh Independanuy one Is damaged the othemm flnueslo operate Selfadjusllnatoo make nLufflers that wont corrode or rust out lupervar who wlll undarlako the urecllan nmeslm are to be placod the Lelmy dump advlslna that it in now closed and lrespaninl lorbxdden Councillor Tumnn was author make the Iowas pï¬cpd Canadianbuilt car make duoISghat closasgid stralght and true make seats as comfortable as reclining lounge chair Wchnlnhelght mu 1me collsprungudlustlndlvldualbThayoonvonlnsunw Into napcouchHoudtosmrealsonvnllablo makeé car that gives top performance and economy WMmonoohhn em welahltehorsepowor miles In the Industry you at the best performance In either six or V8 engine whh excepuonnl economy Anylhlng also youva over wanted Ina can Look ovorthoboau tltul new Ramblers Have talk with your Rambler Dealer ho happy to answor any other questions you hovo about cars make It realjyggsy ta get and out lll Brndlord 51 PA 711 lha excluslva DaepDlp INCOS with llmes more galvanized steal on crlflcnlam make Rambler thaworlds moslcomplelelyrunvpmofadcar HAWKS kho axcluslvo cwmkAimduï¬d mufllorand ullyhuraguannmdlolastulonxal thaodginnlhuyarownahls Rambler WM he Rambler Amellcan and It not only ls me lowest prlced but also iha most economical to operate and malnhln The American wmeswflhahkh performance Shayllmaronglnmoo RAW Unlslda 1m newest dmlopmenl at SingleUnit conshuntlon replaces scores of small parli wflh single place stamped out £11601 at steemivasynugmtevstrongmmoraperlectdoarflt mwnlslda mï¬trucflon maku possible he mm and highestdooropanlnnsrryguulnzln andoutotl Rambler won alyour unrest Dealers PM Anowmumuw Hemmummumun Anowmummm Hemmummumun THE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE 1W Ized hm he properly nur rounding the dump elemed flash was left there TRY EXAMINER WANT ADl PHONE PA mu STAYNER HOLLAND GARAGE Mumnail Yum nu mm or